many oompllinenflw remor my been asked Jay nlon mrniers ln thls lrnnleï¬lnte men to lnlllxdouhllul MWFMI Hula tlon yquafldyour gen loponlogy 12llos with um mmnm mm cllydotM000Eushels mum inurepartmen mu Thelenldobeolles$ Forty ml ghl 15inuredlenl MWWNNMWEWNM hlnl 11x Vlnderhlm tus the gm encloslnz oopy otwnA 3le address over CJOY Wholunmllutleluku three year um give the pm our Quelph by Albert Commck lirealdent on which pomts or lo completelslmuxclcomd most 1mm pl mm mm twhy thls notion is llnprnctlcol unlalr and would be de wuoyomu htr by the Mag 15 ang ls donut by lmento to the economy and morul well helng at our coun do twotun lnvelllnx sum nutk dellv lesoluralnnndlngmdlcnts gt go the ll15 fetal handle yupneuv cun on or oered when word gt M0 ml Ind norl rn 01 um mm on nuno on minimum not 33 prlcu melon lo my tern pm 9mm Harry producetoo In Eli belug gnpollcd by out 3193 ennui fps mhmd theamnexoï¬t 000 diaperlllve teéa plinth It inf chmï¬o éudp that Is lclL mu ronowxug broadcnst 9vrCJoY on March LIVCorynackpresldcnt iln dlscusslng the inblectol low income armors leaving the Inns take renllstlcloqk mnclulpoantlon ol nadlan form today To comp mner vil fannthcr elthuvthc lowest or Ill hlnhes Income urinaryls not pm vlncinl nrnntlunnl pl urewsoonu mus considerlhn ngr cultural ln duslry or prqlesslon as nvwlmle Indvuse as ynrdsllck llte lnnnv chl sltlon of all armors corn pgre to the linnnclol nosltlon ol gt outer groups Back In Thlrlles ll hnglbccnsald lhnt ln this comparlstm Canadian formats are llght buck ln the 30s and at course It Is hard or lnrmer who has rcosonablc slock good lm laments Ind sllll on to relllze that position The former lElllllldl hlm self lhnl he now hosn better car hlsl lrnctor with powerfllnlple menlsllas hydro and some even have bathrooms all of1whlch they may not have had lnthe 30s Vlt lxlnhJo minithat former Ihnt those articles were moslly ought and mm for from ey re celvnd in the late 40 early 50 Ind not from todays prlcea or luls products Actually farm en rwhlch trenresentcd closeto per cent 01 thrpopulallon ol 198 whlcnwnsflJ our cent lU But yéorwl even worse we te vcd only 56 no cent bolustho Our share 01 the consumers dollar wnlchwas palo over the counter or on pmduqls wns equal ll wuyhctw¢bn1935 so we are rpeelvlng the some or lower share of the nntlons mqney tnnt wo rccnlvcd in the Iced the populntlo lo years ut 111 lb llalemcll from econoqu tllntï¬lzow In should be encounu Lhe Iomu To me utement 30s lu lndllicr relotibnshlp farmers are oven worse all lhnn moons Thosedlys our lnvost mom was buggy for $150 To dly it amouan to $2560 earl Those days we hltclted up In three or fournurse team which was raked and led onlh duy we need $2509 tracto wllll correspondlng lmplcments which now ukucogtly Emllne nore pnlm Yousce no are re celvlnz 19305 share at lncome but havelssï¬ share elemental Former Ill over Cand are nlm llnrlytlutlected Thelr net income tween 105 IhdlJQM three yours dropped49 per cent ornl mostmu ls slgnlllénnt thnl only lam en oreln thls pp only to olck upnuynowspnper to 3th eonslslently havlnghourly DAY in bers duslrial um oanklews and over Onepnnur tells us tho 115 Industrles and 43 rubsldlnrlcsmnd tlndustrlal workers arp who lslhc low Income turner Prof Campbell of our DAG nyi lllat ln 1950 62 pay armors ln Count gross or total lncome $260l1 Our lntenpoovlnml unlon counclls brlel the puolnnt says that no pen 0Q Conadlnn lnrme more thaustzoo Wednesdny the pln luce thét elledgpyrlln llnls whlth 1h Ontarl tlves ol Ontnrlo hour uplclty ed Ctmpurn anflmn 1y own lnGue ph voflWmCWP 10 lodemn organlutlon on eniployeegyond guest at the llrgest red onehl thernost tens modern teed glint ln Canada the operntlnn wlll supply 12 locnted Alwyn wuroh wll reg Mnln unltéol the new threostorey warehouse tilth 50000 mdln talk was nl tot share larmorsrccelv 31u °° PFSWEWBEN punt luluha Alfred wukuerg mannger at the United Cooperr ntlves ol On rlos lend Deput mflnl mu for Sun County rm or has heenarrnnged or May 31 ramcutun nnd llglmls may be ha trunrany ol the cooperatlves Canada in 1954 onlymelyed hlghést proï¬tsln hlstory Firm per can at the money transedln érs aloneue on he bottom Canada that lookout ConfusedBe uddled Mod Formerg areconlusndh hglud tiled Indinn henthey read tlelprhysmn 133w on gel Thoold Coop locallon atnu eu Georgestreeta ln Torontowinoxsappoanhis summer when nnn land helug sold or lnduslrlol and resi 1100 moves lnlo this line nonvenient locatl nenrthe junctionol hlghways 490 and 401 ound bucking mm 100 Debentures boutnn lnveslmentln UC0 or our own Coop Debentures Yo at Freene11very£n mixed lee nun Inc blow nrl reeds Sponlals on all lertll maul maxum munmoan now