meets on irl Programs gram with race up eicetionotniiieerthe rov anal inr eve copmunlly at month rev announced toned uieoiorlayaneetinu aLthe be glnningot gt ALAllisto where the brane May ilal28t iil the theme thismonihfwiil Cam In industry with Mr Gm in eha oi the in oclock aniL all by rdcn ndth mnuniitee In plane ronaista ot mun lion man Mrs Evans Jim Coutukltrs ALaBiane Mrs Home and Mabel oir common it Aetivitieranti Pub Relation will be the theme of theitownrhaii oolnmenenirg t8 The iiidise brunch month at the home Ply Breedon Breedau ulstinlthe hostess wt retreahm nu Roliu urve to un Current events be reviewed Mrs it La Iey svn isewo manria lilied pi her head keeps heniryomrloln too for Lunch hostesses Ire thin Arthur and Mn Dailoy Mn Bailey wili give the acripiitfljeldliu urn Hughes Ia hostess at Giiiord this month Thehranch meeting oomieedt Mly that rim wiu huveas itstheme nab stomp on El 17 runs reiationsnlid coutnmunity aetiv ities Th in tto no waste lia ii therington will institute on Thursday at pm The branch Mrs Smell ti Mrs it Block are in clnrse oi the romm which includes music lsession motto will Weau neare Gods heart gerden place else on earth Roli Will be bring plants ahruhs anything suitable for ihebiind Lunch host Mrs Campbell llunter Mrs BerLSmithvnoers Campbell Mrs Heads Thornton WI ExecUityé The annual moetlngloi rnom ton Womens institute was held at are home oillirs snackL ith Mrsiennox presiding commlitce forthe fledCross collection was appointed and the date or lite tree Taxray in July was verllied Thebnneh voted $10 to iamin that had recently suiiered heavy losstfiiospital had and cover is being purchased for community uset The institute has nocepteii an invitation from LDL No iii to join wllh the lodge atythe hall for oeini evenlng Ills for flowers and the millin course were presented and euchre or the cancer iund sid Mrs llicQuoy convener for blind eollectioh reported thnt nierlsi had been distributed to coliectors Proceeds from $43 ere sent to the Barrie branch of Canadian Cancer Society Mrs pit read an interestingietter rolm the lnstitutes Scottish pen Mrs Black msdos plelell tlon on behalf of the members in Mrs Wilson of ainvely nose or her work withdflclub Mrs Me Quhy read suitable card Mrs Wilson thanked the memhe say ing she had enjoyed the Workjnd ie in aid at LNEWil stunttun 00 Guide sprawlth he ion RobinaonTBrownies Comntmf aloncr Webbgand 13 la es omits group committee morningy April 24 tofenloy pinnne bus tour to ronto Thrillat stop alter35 miles of sinkinlandjattlhifl tile Canada Breadliaclory rte the able assistupon three hoit essea the group was vescorted fliroueh the Juniory Ali mar veiled at the cieanliness the maze oi machinery the quantities otingredients the the scrumptious adorn peeiaiiy thefdeilcioul lit Wllf at the completion oithetour To top it alloif large chocolate layereake with he words New Inn nootnson Guld back ihefblls ye iheuvdrovelh skih oLthe Ci tti hére laid to emisge Sha 08 We am erylnueh Ire les enjoyed the stones Vaï¬dcaves had learned good denltrnm the courses Reports from eonveners showed busy and sueeessfuiyenr in the institute Vl Mrs Lennon thanked all tor their help an coope tion dur ingtheye Mrs Spencer district on eelor conducte the election or otiieers rheago Ination committee ws Mrs Carr dent The ioilowlng ofï¬cers were elected Honorary president Mrs Spencer president Lennox ist vicepresident Mrs George Holt 2nd vice resi Mrs Reed secretary MED Brown stunt more low Mrs Bloc treasurer Mrs Jenneit rent mullahs She swe hirsmwiisongw dl triei tor Mrs Spence Mrs Greenaere Mrs Mrs Cunningham Convener of standing Mrs Beatty tees are Home Mrs Wilson ei historical set is and current events him Cunning Ethan and well The nextme Li by mutt Newton noomvgn corn pony and leaderï¬Captain stew artand lieutenant Statiord at apeciaiineetlng ol the 11k Bohd tiead xCompany at quldes Thursday ll 26 lieu Shifï¬dwaf nro elbenrnnilsA sinner Webb presented with her via Burrows cmmom gt fihursdaywugn busy night for Guides and Brownies ail1rnund in Eon Headatseven oeioeietin the eveninememhersoLt mention at which so Webb is presiden theorize time Bond Read and ewton nnhimon Guides met en pr oa hue tint nsh Glihoolw 01 Bond end Lieutem trSiaiforti oi Newton Robinson and awny Owlwluinszoiinond new Th latterftw were prey ented vwlth heir Vumeahe had wulingiy spent Coin missioner Wehh was presented 431 pm In with smaii aiitby thetwo Guide companipi ml the Brownie park The evening ended with camp fire and many irlends Mrs Little of Toronto on nest on Sunday at Mr and gt JohnArnoid Lloyd Fleming ot Toront apeni the weekend with his parents hir and William Fieming Mn Russeii Lyons at Toronto pent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs IMrs Wes Manning is weird In the weeit Ir Toronto with her husvbang nd titer reistivies Toronto rm nan Indy attachment Irina Inna no ran around Iaeea frnaisog rates MmPsglWQ on no aiidea andteii nu lllens missionaries tin ind wonderful renewable 11mm all who attend tins in Mr and Mrs Cher ingtoGiiiord lily opportunity to obtain tree ray for you and your family Gvombiy hnv undergone sun sery iu Toronto spjulx an vhtm oaplul Frank Fieldsil Penelang Generaiiiospitni Mrs William Archer Sr demotionht lorries AlbertSmlth belove husband AnnMartin died ud Iieniyy at hi othejon Monday April Jose Funeraliderviee war on Wedhesday taintpan eeial too Day rdsjusttfor bored with Cnutts