Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1956, p. 8

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Church or the camen underlainmy Allh Ind Connch iamily visited with the Iir and hire Eeicbheld oi St umbcrt Quebecwere recent vie tiarawith their daughters sole invlaw Mr and Mrs Brown bmtharratEulenia on Winterin Toronto mandala 91tu and int have returne 1o their home spending winter in T01 melon acemtyrahd integrity and who inalatedjhat its iildi have Christ relevaacy to our IgeTbe greatest earn went into the re search ccripuag productlon oiWiriatthefl so that it vymupeasu The show inc outwit the and schoulsln the to ruin version ayjhe produced with the genuine hope that they may aehievevtheir goal ot sharing this motion picturewlihIhe largest ponthe church and uhooljudh enoes quite apart train the pub lic market place oi the hammer uel church where new Ernest Nullmeyeria thépastor The general public is cordially invited with the Iuitlestion that they come early as capacity audi ence is anticipated To accommo date the crowd that inexpetted there will be two showing at the would havebrtiture both is Cooksvtile visited historicaldoeuinent Ihdll re with their motherililwsdi ItViilpfimue climaxml mdmlifll hire Nelson world iamoua motion pi ante Dunlap Street East at Ben say 3811190 will be the scene old wotl miasioaary convention fleeting will be heldon Mondny Tuesdayand ednecdny nights April30 it and Zcommene log at elth eloeli Lendlnanterest to the meeting will he display curioefnatiite costumeawdlcp oi flags and slides Speakers wi be Rev Pullman and illn lrcne Hearn Tohave whole tribe iorones own llllllv is rare privilege But French Equatorial Alrl Rev Pullman touad Itin volveii living two weeksuln na tlve village while the cite or his atatlon was being cleared and then ior to months In native stylebark house while the cheat and rmanent residence were lag ullt Mr Pariiman lu rin tended the construction nun medearth walls chimneys oi brick made and kllndried en lo cation and lumber iroin Jungle trees iclled sawed on the rite Going to Don in 1945 Mr Parlinian had iiist to learn the unwrltien Mattogo language and reduce it to writing Alter eon verta were won and he came on his iiret iurlough in 1949 the work was canted on it two Alrlcan brethren During second term on the iicidiive others have been called oi God to labor or their iellow tribcsmen Miss Heams main work in Thailand has been directing and teaching Short Term Bible Schools adultl These schools ilst two monthsrand tour are conducted each year two ior lepers and win or nualcpera The work Is In conjunction with the Mannathn tilble School tor Lepcrs and the clflcium film The ihst will begin tt 115 hire Pantlune and Jayne oi ireewili oiiering will be tun in Codrihgion School audi taken during the showing at the iorluin and the second at pin iilni to auiat in payment oi the In Emmanuel Chortle W1 Sponsor Euchre Littles Hill coronation Womens institute will cponaor euchre at the heme at Mr and Mn Down ing on April 29 at 815 pmEvcry one is welcome sunny in Newton nohinron Mr tritium Downinlz Ind iamllyvislted with Mr and Mrs Poole at Newton Robinson on Sunday Sundey Visitor Mr and Mro aimcr Bentley Al tan and Sharon oi Stouilvllic Central Bible School in Khonhcn Many oi the students go on into these main Blbicschools or tur ther training The students are generally new believers but the older Christians who are past the age tor entrance into the other Bible schools are encouraged to Ittcnd The purpose is to help establish them in their hill in Christ and to train them as in men and women or ctieetivc Christian living and scrvlce in their own villages to iociit iiEAliNef FIRM gt ece sét 9999 each 398 AlunilnumPoreh chairs each Fitch 53 Eleni T919013 399 Springy Contour Chairs each Electric Kettles each 693 Sunmu Cat and Maura tin 77 Viklns Rance ch 22 Sklar Liner Suites pair 57 Rangette 99 59 Lawson Chesterfield each 15950 tor 99 Viking Was era each 9905 Bedroom Suite 3Pleae Sulte1450 each 235 Viki hulk 95 Double Dresser Suite with BookcaseHeadboard Viking Vacuum Cleaners each 5495 Piece Suite 169250 each 44 Viking Co ole Sewing Machine each 12950 rch 2833 each 239 Viking 21ConsoleTV each 28000 with 5499 Plutie Mattress Covers each 317 Viking RadioPhonognp each 19900 45 ouch 5993 gt flue mun can we 119 we 259 Latex Mattresses 33 each 4999 Plastic Crib Cover euch 179 v4 and 4l6l flicks199 rimnl SpringFilled Mattress Stainless SteelFlatware each 1999 Dessert Spoons Dessert Forks Soup Spoons ochre Match Bugspfln each 35m Rollaway Bede Salad Forlei Sugar Spoons Butter Knives each 1933 each 22 3Piece Metal Bed outiits 3nlece set 4999 Electric Wall Clocks Skirt Rocks Blouse Racks Pant Hangers Trouser Creasers Pillow Cover Shoe Racks Washer Covers Basket Liners Mattress Cover ton lece Suite 17950 Simmons Continental Mrs Ball hail short visit with her daughter at Mealord Patsy Long returned with him Ball torn visit at the parsonage Parsonage visitors each 219 We have made quantity purchase of muitlerii tor Mcteors Fords rye and it narchs Every inns iler purchased ironr our Sunday visitors at the pars age were Mr and Mrs stimon of Toronto Sunday Callers Mr and Mrs Harhridgc and iamin oi Palnswick were Sunday visitors at Ivan 011s Root Painted Rex Watson had all the roots of his buildings painted with al umihum paint this week Sympathy at Community Sympathy is extended to hirs Watsonwhoscgrandiather pass intcrment was at Bec ed away ton on Saturday Overnight Guests Mr and Mrs Bell and inmin of Golden Valley were overnight guests wiih liiruand Mrs William Coward Jr on Thursday W1 Meeting nirs Allan Brown was hostess inttile Womens Institute meeting on Thursday evening Fourteen members paid their ice lenders of the Homemaking Club lllrs toward and ltlrl Brown deserve much credit for their work in helping the girls with the skirts and jumpers that theylnailc and exhibited at the meeting Mrs Brown and Mrs Watson were tea hostesses Profitable Audition Thefaiiditlun of the page Agriv cultural News and Views la wealth oi information togii Sim coe tarmtuaand others who react The Examiner wanttoting The Womens Association will meet at MlS Allari Donneys on Tuesday eveningMsy at clock Devotlomby Mrs Wood Roll call Name woman oi theaihleb Study book airsyl Handy The Auction sale of plants Teahoatcssea Mrs Wood and Dan Sexton oi Sextons Sheet iticlal Heating is pleased to announce his association with Mr Edgar Vallentyne who has tor number oi years been re sponsible for some oi the more important heating cobling and ventilating layouts tor Howard Air Conditioning and Heating Ltd oi Tomnto 1n addit to the many lnstali utions ma lor private individ uais architects and builders Mr Valieniyne has designed and sup crvised important work for some well knownrcorporltlons school nd church boards including Gen oral Electric Co Ltd Shell Company Ltd DA Oil Company Ltd Montreal Tramways Ltd age oi Forest Hill Towns of lllimlco New Toronto Aurora Midland and Department oi Na tional Deiense Canada We feel conildent that the Sox ton organization with our long ex perience and uptodatc iacilities isnow able to otter professional advice and service in air eondi tiiation equal to the best to be inund anywhere We are distributors for broad line at the finest equipment in cluding such well known makes as Gar Wood Heating Pcast Heat ing Howard at Amana Heating and Cooling General Electric Heating 52 Coolin LennoxJIeat ing it anyone you nre contemplating any cw building alterations installs ments to your present equipment for more cilicient operationpleaso call us without obligatic Phone Mrs William Cvowlrduunior TheI BAR tloning heating cooling and ven tion of newcquipmenror adjust Table Spoons serratedKnives Teaspoon 2Aileee ix Teaspoon 24Piec Set 24 TwoSultan 24 Gladstone Bag 21 Companion Case 20 ZIDDEr Club Bug Dress Trunks Sport Bags Blrkdale Skyllncl Series 29 Pullman pose 21Wardrobe Case 13 Train Case 18 overnight in Ironing Tables Clothes Dry Stainless Steel Cookware Covered Saueepan ulJulceV Cont hers gtWnsthaslns Pail with Cove Utilityiiasln Mixing Bowl Babyaath cup Tea1ots Taco sentearls TECO Scales Twin Laundry Tubs Egg Beaters Steve High iahles Stools ameued Pints 590° on each 27 each 42 each 14 includes Dillltll Knives Dessert Forks Dessert Spoons 579 each2399 each 2189 each 1239 each 2120 each 2480 each 1356 each 1356 16 90 each 909 each 399 each 499 each 429 each 49 each 669 each aeh 179 each 549 piece setylz 05piece setSAV Hot 59 Nylon 42x 12 42 Bi 42 90 Dacron 42 72 42 31 42 90 Frilled ivorytone Curtains each 279 319 Chairs Metal Dining Larger Unfinished Hardwood Furniture Double Dressers Night Tables Double Pedestal Desls Nylon pair 499 Dacron pair 589 BytheYard 42 wide Nylon yard 69 Dacron yard 79 Lincoovernraperiessingle width 45 pair 1599 Double width 96 pair 2999 is Spun Rayon Prints 49 Cotton Barkeloth 36 Cotton Prints 5wivel Spot Lounge Lamps TrilightLounge Lamps Lamp Shades 14 Drum style Clipon 19 Floor Lamp Shade 12 Bridge Size lqiprumStylc Goosmeckrahle Lain Single Double Table Lamps Metal Venetian Blinds is 20 21 23t 24 2G 27 31 32 36 37 39 40 43 Carousel Dco Chair Canvas Traverse Drapery Rods 28 to 48 491096 66 to 120 89 to 150 Framed FullV cw BevelAVedgedMirrors Haddonflull Koran Broadluorn Square yd 839 gt be Runguslalo Squareyurd 199 are each 499 yard 199 yard 139 yard 79 each 899 each 1239 Hand Mowers Grass Catchers each 199 each 99 Each 299 each 177 each 277 aeh 544 aoh 966 Wheelbarrows Pruning Shears Garden Carts aeh2 each each 345 each 4220 ench440 each 510 each 585 lindcicoat each 1993 tar 15 each2798 yard 119 each 799 Air Mattresses each 499 Baseball Gloves Tourls Tent Ribbon Steel Springs Latex toarn Ituhber Pillows Metal Dining Furniture 21 Rotary Power Mowers 18 ReelType Power Mowers 50 Hose 50 Length Bums Hose Nonles Long Handled Shears 25 Sprinklerllose Teeo DeluerPalnt Bo ers Set 019 PaintBrushes iasCEhhMesoos each 1299 each 499 5Plece Suite 6699 each 799 ece Suite 7999 each 3299 each 999 each 3479 each 2499 each 189 eneh 9450 each 9999 each 999 299 each 59 each 129 each 389 each 159 recto High Gloss Enamel Quinemu Gallon 20 Quart 172 Gallon 619 ltit189 leee et 16950 liach 11995 ench11950 each39 each 1229 each 69T Leach 397 each each 791 each each 3950 glide andawing with me still traps air metal rings two tubular steel horizontalberaand Swing has metalchuina ballbearin suspe ilopgoud 64 high Weathe restatinlt iinish in Green and Red Setdeiivererl ready to assemble

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