proviouslyi roportcd rï¬ptilliloll respecting oincw premises by Co Ltd on wcrtaidovotTorontu tsuch near thahay caldan Prater The property owhcn oi lower froronto Street pmtestcd on the grounds that the new premises would house cement mixinx plant and this was contrary in Kind zoning hylnw Further the extra heavy trucks whichwonld he used would add to tho traillc problem in this part at Toronto Street where lived 20 families Ind 18 children other grounds tor objection were the dust caused by the cement and the noiry oper ation which could last laio into fthsnight in defence Snrlcant speaking or the company pointed out that thisth not amanuinct urlng process but modern meth oi oi supplying material which they were already supplying to their customers Thevsgnd and 9c rnelli Ind olher material WIS merely weighed into the trucks Ind no mixing was done on the premises The section housing the cement was completely Enclosed to eliminate this gnnd accurate Jens showed Lhil thou mm Acu oi dust only re hlown about each day and this chiefly in the loit oi the building Another Business Protest Sinclair also appeared be fore Council on the same question Mr Sinclair admitted he was not resident in that riroa but he operated cleaning plant nearby and he iound ii diiiieult to un derstand how ihe inconvenience ui cement dust could be avoided Alderman LPratt felt that CollegiaieBand Concert Mdnday Third in series one third enngert got in Can adian Artists Series gtWiil7bc pre sented on Monday evening at the Barrie Distrlpt Colleglote Institute Auditorium by the collegiate bond lllldll the direction oi Fish er Assistingwill he Eldon Len mann or the Toronto Symphony Orchestra trumpet soloist and John Sturgcss baritone The concert date was changed irgan Saturday sprites to April advertise for replacemen DEpliiy llceve Mumy Mills stated that Mr Progure hld done Job and he would prefer to he occasions he hadheencnlled in the early hours oi theorlorning street and once to rescue cat outplatree oi the dogfcatehér thetquestion arose as to which committee the ofiice shouldcqme under Aid twins mt Themum was rolerred togpthc Inhoe bommiuec ior obscrtl tings Agreement Witthle Street when the town rcqulru it pedestrinn underpas at Nflw Street and to sell certain in lots to the town The question oi opening the south oi Dunlap Street from Mulv Iqu Street io Post oiiiioe Square was also discussed butlte bednlicn on this in view of this iaet lhnt the cost at ihe pmiect was screed thatno action should would tar outweigh any boneilt derived therelrolo The Town solicitor is to be in atructcdlo proceed in completing the agreement Loni lloldup For sometime the merchants have been pressing for the lm provemnnt oi the thoroughfare behind the stores north of Dun lop Street by installing proper storm sewers The delay has bcén in obtaining ihenecessm ense ments tor the outlet oi the storm sewer to Clapperton Street The Town solicitor is being in stmcted to obtain the necessary easements as soon impossible wantedAnother Dog Catcher Accepting fwith regret the resig nation of the present dog catcher Edgar ProcurcLCouncll hnvé ll suedJnsuuctiun to the clerk to good job For the ï¬rst tune the dog pnunilflas paying proi Position Asked as to why the rim catch er was leaving Alderman Gordnn lllcTurk saidthat he understood that lilr Procurejiound that he was not partlnlto that type of back working on regular basis with theBoardvof Works Added to thlawas the tact that on three twice to get lnuskrilt on the which Committee in connection with the matter Turn to may iv please mom row heir to righth president John Winchester president as Monty Barnes For est president Donald AllanfMfllllltieMBltlll an fiat ldiï¬rettuJohn car has also beenelected directoer Wd unitvold lthcd l8PagesThree ons tears were in the back real hodel nCASC oi Camp They did not stop anywbm en Borden through traitlc accident route To counsels question In at the one way bridge on High to speed approaching the bridge wry so on Saturday March to whom said they had slowed not the hearing to charge at careless by brakes to 20 or 25 more driving inst Roll Ritchie indcpen oll dealcrol Elmvnl name up bcioln His Worship Ma strata Gordon Posteron We questions he nidthlt heiirrt saw the irucil Justentcring the bridge Tho vehicle had slid whcn about 150 yards 1mm that ncaduy April 25 anda plea and but hocould not tell it ï¬otzullty was entered by Gordon reduced speed Turk detcncccounscl Sgt Wslarom saw the mike The liflt Wllflcfl llfd 53 and he thought it might have been Waldrom ms apusenger he 9mm he nhodes car that rumhim right rent at th coru ck and lecmnd 119 91 to be coming right at us he sold clear android load The IP Reglrdlng swervingho told Crown brolcliedthe bridge about 1110 Attorney Thompson thll mi lolngveutvlo Blfllv ll 45 he could not tell but It war on 50 miles hour but 310W their side hciore the impact they cimo nearer Therewu lit tle traitic and nest the end oi the abridge they anwthc truck independent Withers Charles Clarke Postmartcr at coining nboutthe same distance Angus was followingbehlnil the east otthe structure it uchd truck oi Ritchie and gave tho to swerve andmovo across the speed Vas to tor bath The road road ldcways Sgt Rhodes saw was wet in places but mostly dry that he other was not stopping there He saw Rhodes our part it hcwung tothe leit to an the truck lhero wcs slight opening but they struck Sgt rise and the truck took the centre Waldrom was knocked unconscious oi the road Both rides at the Indknew nothing more ior tho road were open at the impact Ho time no question irom Mr noted no change in speed hich he intensitinhodeswns normal drivel1 said Mrs lthode ya in min on Hamlin with her husband Sgt Waldrom flicked Bills of Rhodeshn re Did you notice any chango oi llgth as the trunk went on the bridgeiflasked Thompson and the answer was To ones Turk regarding and blsthreo nonsflged ill canineMl Jim in Shah ï¬ne haorolloweo the truck ior The Barrie Citiicns Band stnga their iinal concert of the winter season ot the Roxy Theatre on sunny April 29 or 830 pm great attraction pearanceoi th BDiCGlec Club under he direction of Archie lloss oi bandmnstcr Joe liicNeillio will Tworousing numbers selectionsI march Le PcreSLa Vietoire by Louis Canoe and the Parade oi the Clowns by David none Assistant bandmastcr Alfred Shepherd will then take over the podium for the Capistrano Oven lure by Ernest Cane Another marchNational hildwestiolll ow undertll hatou oi bandmnr ter lllcNellli and then Aliced Shepherdvwdi present second tii time be the ap The hnnaQunoer the direction till theiirst nnlr oi the evenings colonel Mi hrs March and Nea politan Rhapsody ll bring the Citiiells Band hall 01 the program to close rhe BDCI Glee Club wil open the seennd halrwith thc choir Happy Tune and Wonderiill Copenhagen hath these vnum here are panielilnriy suited to the brilliance of this local group The ensemble consisting oi Marnie Gigg Jean Bloomï¬eld Jan MacDonald Bill Baker and Ron Gavin will tentnre tworquiét nuln hersJSlumberr Song by Scllll bertand Old Arks Amoverln LTwo solos by illiorrna nayliss by most coloriul talk on hol doydriiï¬south thcb derwhlc sin ng two gay tuneF Whistle 14 yicepresldenthncl Bill Noble secretory In the back row ably absent when the photogrdph was in Barrie The district tinalsvo ioal contestior secondary schooll awnSerena rim sponsored by thc Lions Club dent Prlnee 1th Sexmm Wm Carol NW held at llillcreat School Barrie Lean Rosilta Pitts isoth Gili nhriat Yvonne Lamont Wllir DeGeer an Bonnie Lassie throughout the province will be tonight at eight oclock BIrrlI will be represented by John Ailr SVHnIHflAlet6 license bothstu on wagonï¬hï¬w dents at BDCI with Rank My SW1 IndL My TWO young girls irom Penetnng will be competing in special The program willfthen htrlko Frehnhspeaklng cant lighter note with the choir in Normn Marchan Bin rm and The Buggy Ride gendersen Rosltia Pitt has chosen tor her Each of the iimiists who chine solo numbusewo ye pop ironl Barrie lilldland and Drillm anuBle TM Hansen and baveto deliver prepared speech Believe Leslie Scott 11 Human Bet and then make an impromptu speech itta Pm Carol During the evening atiidentskoi Welsh Yvolme Ross Caldwellscllssibti llillcrcst LII19m end lsnbd Gilchrist hive School will lvc hortreeitul or formed double triowhich will songs The ï¬rubllc are invited to sing The Lords Prayer5 by In lidlatte and Ar Torrents In Sum later by Elgar this most interesting 16 concludethe ln5 In I9 presented thfaw It air will slng duet in thelidmhlc Ifllll pnrricl planls or the BBC ee Club Among those attending were willb lonnljla Willson Frances or Eldon Greer Wildman and Carol Orser hlcloi Phlleé Edward Tsohirhart lnnnettnr John Clark pPP rho McClel lnndplaccrnentserviee and safety Fred Western district otfir Mr McClellondt prosentc Art Foster stationed at Collingwood with antle clock intreoognltlon are accident tree4drivlllg lands were aaiety records onto 10 carat Picture gardens in Holland Soutliern Eng Belgium Italy Allstlil lllid IndWIlel Germnny and Denmark will be shown at the meeting at the no rle Horticultural pro cmcnt Society in Hillcrest nutlln with innate and the and Town lm School Auditor in on Tluesday three miles chrvlng was only When at impact He thought there would be trouble when the truck pulled to the centre Speed was 43 to 45 Ind the truck went about anieet onihe bridge when they collided Vehiclcs Vwere parked onitbe road at the east side of the bridge Clarke was the iirat on the scene Pollee Evidence PC Carney Dis HQ OPP The ilnonct had end oiJliEbritlIe and gt worer0 locked togethertllat thoy ludto he pulled Bpnrt Ho dos crihed this warning signs one Way Only and Narrow Bridge lit 110 mllg eachslde Ill be gavo the measurements of the bridge The roadiwas ll teat but 11 eat at guard rliln The KRhodesrcnr 1955 Studebaker Is oii the bridge entirely And 14 feet inches east of the bridge The car and truck blaasr urements were nlso given and the roadwas 19 teeth inches at the impact polntl No Skid Millha Replying to Mr Wk he said llic spoa will be War llultvthercwerc noakid marks be on Domino architect who is hindeltherlvehlcle Marks on the membertoi he Royal Horticub roadshowedthn impact to be in turn Society part director oi rttculturol Associa the Ontario as live please supervisor western area at Bell tlolrnnd post prosidentoithocanr adlan Gladiolus Society Mr Wor roll is chairman the 065 see ngttourSoL ltaly many and Copenhagen The meeting which is open to allinterested rsonsh begins at eight oak