EXPERIENCED married man ior Lucmtlhm Must be able to apply asbestos able Iornetsw serve ireal Quebec inch 7hour Apply in writin territory wrk PM ended 1W ignoinurltgm arm canon ur 1ul goduewmlnlo We cover ï¬rstoaï¬ls it on OIG pm vcne chmes ltota liiaitfhav own car Aooiy EATONCO LTD iilibtmwr 51 BARBIE ttsvia OUNG MAN FOR AUTO PARTS DEPARTMENT spoil working conditions and all employee beneï¬ts APPiy Mr Don Gills Parts Manner DANGERFIELD mmnammm Chevrolet Oidnnobilc Cadillac 65 Collier Stieet lt Unlimited Opportunities Hero is resent profltlblc work tor you ht in your home town We are well established gro gresslve electrical appiinnee ml and have need 01 taiesman to represent us in the Barriearcn ca ling on consumers to demon strate our products You will receive complcic trainhe end we will give you an abundant numblr oi ouaditled leads but you must he prepared to develop busr ties on your own Your hours are up to you but we will expect You to out in lull days work 5days week nirecl saloa exmrtence would be helpiul but not not entirely essen tial car neceuary We will discuss remuneration in our interview For appointment call Toronto EM avsioa beibre pm vltervorseehargcs itatn 52AM Time salesman tor Earrlos nwn iood inn Appl lack Dycir treet Barr 14349 wttmllss wanted Full benellts Unitcrms supplied Prylons Grill Barrie 1tsti year round employment on dairy tarot Sepa te Interline Copeland LADIES re is the real way to make good money mllln pirt or full tlmt oAPllY Raw eigh Dept DrIZII Montreal PQ7 sipwante ale arr ic oreducetii1na iWark Car In asmL Good advancement In growing organizalinn Box34 aur rie Examiner 14749 GRADUATE Under rsdnnte and experienced practic nurses for general duty lnniswood Conval woll Barrie 4268 14749 ROUTE Salesman tor Barrie and district Married age 2235 Stone dy employment For appointment contact Sunshine Unitarm Com any 07 Donald Street Phone4551 SECRETARY flenï¬ptionlsl Five day week Good typrst Short hand an asset No haokknegiing Apply in person only Ridout lfli Estate Limited is Clappnrtotijti FENSIONER or employed married man may exchange hours daily ciloles mainicnance ior stroontcd sell contained ground floor apart ment Farm hom highway Box in Barrie Examiner 146 43 EXPERIENCED rooting and siding applicators required immediately sldlngs We have plenty at work tor you Apply in person Alum inum Products 10 ingram Drive Toronto lteia BOOKKEEPER MIDDLE Aied Wamcn wants hlolukckrengnl on oétwe eId dry 90 is ll Wyevlirp0nt 14017 Accountant rience omitted ete set to books Box 7i W1 2474i wide ax to handle corn dukes tlon Barrie amino flitANTED HIGHEST PRICESPAID eanr METALS BATTERIES Pb 5331 Ph 1148 We also sell plpel beanie Ialtu channels tnd reiniorclngroda INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap St Forudllt Phone 6381 or 648 Ht tor Barrie Metal Salvage DIALERS tn IRON METALS Fm EIDESRACIS BAIIERIEB FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY ur truck Will CIII flinch mead paid Special price paid gilt arm MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Kara and Cities 204 Ttflin St Illtt QUANTITY of Top Soil wanted Dennis Moron phone 2907 344 WANTED or trade Quaker hockey tradinx cards No 27 al 37 50 Ross Campbell phone Straud Sewt7 Accommodation Wanted SOLDIER with children ages l2 14 re ulres bedroom art mcnt par turnlshcd or an urn lshed vicin ty oi Angus or Barrie Write Box 82 barrie Examiner 114547 ROOM BOARD BOOM and Board for gentlemen Phone 8751 1247 ROOM and Board Centrally locat ad Phone 2344 1247421 ROOM and Board it 922 Bradtord 5L Phone 5207 1247 ROOM and Board Very central Gentleman preferred Phonelzflflo new 47 ROOM Board Optional Smile girl praiellcdr Cndrihgton street Phillie 4002 124740 wEAYMOLtTH BOQIQSTORE 7IGi ROBINSON HARDWARE Farm Spectidl mmvlt DUTY Animal Clipper nonunion i050 $2695 ROBINSON HARDWARE Dunlap St East barrio OUTBOARDS EVINRUDE Sales Service BOATS Moulded Ply Aluminum cedar Strip Flhrecillu Boating water Sport lies Lawn Bay Sales at Serviclsp SPORTHAVEN Opp erlhts Cleaners WA Dunloa East Phone 5MB 73377 MOBILE HOME Saturday ram pm FULL PRICE $4500 Small lhrre room home located In st Muryx church area 122an combi lIion livlnz room and kit chart one bedroom toilet on town Wen Tax only about $5300 Call Al Rm 5203 required SUBURBAN HOME 3100000 down payment two bed roam our room home located an outside the town oI Barrie nl about 6w years old Excellent roa lLll glee onlly with ynien any $5000 Al Rose 5298i This home ha well ï¬nd inside conveniences ASKING PRICE $6900 Down payment only 920000 tor gin immaculate inur roorn homo ruled in the easl cnd oi aarrle in good rcsldcnilal area large lot new wirlnr and semen can be gggn almost anyl me Call Al Rose HOME WITH INCOME FULL ricegt$150°00 Four room home or owner plus separate rental unit locied only iew doors iro stores and bus line This ham is in good condition and has large lot Call seed Al Ruse Down payment required aboui $300000 hills 3th 38500 Four lnrfl roams located on fully landscaped lot with garage almost 011 cash DONT whats for ille All our iIIIifll TRAILERS on Penman St Full basement wiih laundry tubs inn kitchen Mort gage rates are only we and am at Barrie In the answer to YOUR robiem New and mobile home or Idle New Low Down laments ocheiipcr Finance Rate include insurance or lull term at your contract no to yellI mile in Iniler car hanltuie etc Palkin space will be Ivllllbll ior you Chapmans Trailer Sales Coleen Ave Hwy 00 Anna Date RENO LOCAL MANAGE 1ioelos ROBINSON HARDWARE SPRING FEATURE BUDGSI PRICED SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS TREMITNDOUS vnnlm 35c 39c 45c 49c PER SINGLE ROLL RObinson HardWare ll ouniop St East Phone 2431 74nti SlLOS poured concréic Mlbee Eros Toilenhnm RF 22r15 Tottenham 74343 AUTOMOBILE BUYING CAR OR TRUCK tot Salesman Sam snve You Money PHONE 352m isnlvix amr9 um 1230 p711 57 prn 1348 St Buying or Selling We nuance late model can ml trucks Very reasonable rates with complete insurance STEVENSON AlrL mes or VINSURANKVIE PHONE 5201 95 DUNLOP ST aAllm ISIIZtI lMflCHEVROLET Fleetline Coach good condition $500 Phone 3528 alter 134541 1951 BUICK Special Deluxe Ex WANTED licensed Ford mechanic with automatic transmission certiv ticate preterred Fiat rale shap High rate of pay hospitalization plan Phone or write Mr ell Operational Manager arad wa er Motors Ltd arndior 14547 FULLTime Watkins Rnuie avail nraarrle Over 1000 our Excellent oppor Iunity tor rl man housing to invest Elam ngs average $20092 to Mr et Moll 147 SALESMAN Wanted Are you interested In lull time sales ost tion with an established rel able spec lty leed Company Local Granger 350 St Roch and 55 Should have car and ogri cultural background Full sales ï¬slï¬taricelr aédI tlstning given vn one number to Box 22y ndogn 04 reliant condition Reasonable Par iyleavlng town Phone 2811 134041 1954 pHEVBDLET Coach reen builtIn radio directional uni new tires sl covers 21000 miles Phone 4504 lit4749 BUICK hoadnlaster lest Dyna naw windshield washers radio twotone sedan scarce model 38000 miles This ear is in excell entcondition it has beengtven every care since purchased at which timoit had done 13000 miles This ear is batter buy it you want de endabiiity pertnr mance st ie igcar odvantalu and super or lecturesthen new car in the lower price ranges CANADIAN Beauty electric range burners good condition Reason one 11 GARDEN riding tractor with all atiachmenls and trailer Phone 22er Straud 71547 Ewand Used Lumber and Fence osis Reasonable Fhone aalrtl or marzi Sydenbam street Angus 74247 Truï¬dk Phone sear Ear 74849 WATERIJOO Garden Tractor like new with plow disc and sickle attachments Bargalno Phone Stmud 37rlL 74643 zotmNER Space Healer complete with 200 lull TRUCK Platlorm 12 platter 7x10 with racks Edgar 74347 1953 ENGLISH Luxtiry Liner house trailer com leleiy 1urnishedrbuilt in cupboar Low down payment Phone rAlliston 439 IM47 RUG Mn 16 Save up to onehalf on beauti ul broadioorn rugs Turn in your aid carpets woollen clothinl etc 24 decorative shades Phone 2585 CRAIG hunter can give you ser vice on Master Feed Frost Fence Fertilizer and Farm Lraoisavaiiahle to to tamarket Phonestrou Pills793 74250 195 BSA Motorcyclc like new very low milenga brand new bat tery will take trade and ï¬nance Can be seen any daytill pm at WntsonMolors car at in Stayner viking 5h Martin 72 used aut boardrmoiorl both in exceilaut condition and priced low Can be seen at garage any weekday Wa Phone 1d NW ING THE HOMES BUILT UNDER SelflJplics Con with easy monthlyyaymcnts About down require Call A1 Rose FULL PRICE $8900 Here is buy room two store home All rooms are large wit lovely auk floors Lorne modern kitchen centre hall plan sun room on back Fitii baseman Filynacr high basement Wt consider this an excellent buy at $0900 about 54000 down pnymLnt rcuuircd ciillAl Rose 529a READ THIS ONE ONLY $8800 Latated in St Marys church area room brick home with at least tour bedroonis newly modernised large kitchen double gonna ll yourc looltina ior un excellent older home in liood location it is must you scethis one éall Al Rose 5200 About $3500 down reaulred FULL PRICE 0200 room rue brick one storey home located on Pencian St close to stores and on bus loe Three bed rooms newl decorated tull high basement wth laundry tubs and iorcetl air oil hentlnl Down ay ment about $3000 Cali A1 use use FULL PRICE $10500 Large tour roamhorne with at tached araxe This home is male less lvlt ample closet space plus tront entrance Fully landscaped lot Dniyrabout three ycars About hall down required Call Les Pope 5203 anytime NI1A HOMES YOU CONSIDERING BUY BIRG NEW HOMEI WHY NOT CONTACI Us ANDLEI US GIVE NATIONAL HOUSING REGULA ATIONS YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER IF AFTER OUR TALK YOU CAN QUALIFY FORtoNE OF THESE HOMES WE WILL SHOW THEM TO IYOU AS WE HAVE AN EX CELLENT SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM CALL Al Rose 5195 ANYTIME mLLcltllsT SCHOOL AREA ASKING PRICE 51050000 room home one and halt store iull basement laundry tubs o1heot ing large gala and good lot Only vreasona le down aymeat required gall Al Rose ea $10700 FULL PRICE room rug brick bungalow laree living room and lichen with three bedrooms large ditch basement with laundry tub and iorced arr all heating Abau nail down re qulred Cell Rose 5295 anytime MODERN NEW HUNGAIDW down r2 ulred large lot gaggle roomsgnd tour piece tile bath filmed air all heating excell Ent location In east entir Call Les Font Wane 52113r $11500 FULL PRIOE Two bedroom home with living room dining room and kitchen luarbathroom located on large uily landscaped lot Brick Close to codrlngton sdrool call A1 nose ates Arbout hair down required LARGE FAMILY HOME roam home with two bathrooms lull basement all heating large ioteexzw completely eqxgped with stormsand xarag in price $12500 withxabout REAL EESIATE booms OPEN until pm Dunlaa Street lut Barrie Phone Ill nuv beiore yatl aee armphoto blind drop in Ind not our spiny belare you buy LEEROY BARGAINS acre with room bunnlaw room lummtir mitae Imnll barn Illifor $1000 downr 34000 full price l0 room brick house small barn 13x30 sewn torirm Bungalow rents tor 15 iull price $5200 this is no property 310 BAY POINT BARGAINS cottares one 000 and the other 000 termsuon bbttl huy now and save STROUD 19 acres with lnsulbrlck house Nice bathroom bedroom $5000 Terms IN BARRIE BRAND NEW It bedrooms Oak noon ouktandlnfl or $0000 Wont last MAKE US AN OFFER on his older type iamil sill home floor asking 900 BRICK BUNGALOW older tyne $0200 Full Price Terms lined lot utl price an outsiandilir you $5005 OUiSKilITS or TOWN $1500 Sce iti ANNli smstr liavinc lot over laoklna the bay Storm suoo Down $0500 Full price Bio ROOMS close to Si Marys Church aikinn $0500 bath roomt NEW NHA absrsmcnon IN TOWN ANOI HER NHARESALE Barrie5 hialtiy desirable east end $12000 asklnx price ONE OF THE FINEST homes we have ever had thcpira sure to list This grooert will roll by ilcel it is uii co ored ti room brick buniiaiow situated on goon might at land well with in the town limits on the Shlnty any Read bedrooms with liv ing room dining room and kitchen ilreplace everything ibr gra cious llvlnli This home must be seen to be Appreciated priced roundsitsoit WE HAVE ANOTHER outstanding house on Shanty Bay Road priced around 7000 LIKE LIVING ONlIOP OF me WORLD you can aiiord 317500home Lhis i1 room rlmblinz rlnch style bungalow commands anoramlc vitw oi ouse was built to and has Lake Simcoe owners speciï¬cations many many extras Terraced ar den cascades down train 20 not iivinll room with itill picture win dwwrSeethitï¬ff LOISI BEST SELECTION IN TOWN miles south atanlrie on No 27 Highway Limited number reels tered tplas xt acre lots 3000 each terms VICTORIA Street 50x120 Ask imz price $1500 CUNDLES 7lxlte Asking price $1300 NEISON AND STEELE In town ta lots should be sold enbioc $900 each rENmANG STREET some Asking si500 SUMMER CCYIIAGES Wchavenumerm irom $2000 to 520000 weean till your re outrements call us INVEsmENT PROPERIlY This DIE OI PTOWIIY I3 IEiid I0 BORST 37 acres ready to be annexed lntdtown 4900 teetdrontage on cundles sideroad Reasonably armed terms BUSINESS rnormnrs Because ot our succesi in selling businesses in and around Barrie we get many good conï¬dential listings We havezgmotels rest aurants taxi business man and iarflc umceterias ii interested we will be happy litdiscuss them with Evenlna call otlice zit or lack Corby stile aob Morrison 5072 ROH Ghassels zilth GOROON LOIS Gordon Bidweli Edgar or OUTTS Real EstatewBrolger Owen Street Barrie CONSULT US ON lLow Down Payinent Housing Film Eatdtlnae olfroperlial Iticmal Houdini Loans lncmne Properties Ichtull IBusiness Opportunities oPreocriy Management PHONES Olï¬ee zineEvening 2592 leual BUYING SELLING CONSULT CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE 32 HIGH STREET mum Phone 2073 anytimt We alum have good selection of NBW HOME DER TYPE HOMES RidSALE OF NHA HOMES FINANCED income rkornimm estimatile rhorzltrim NO OBLIGATION CALL 2678 NOW itsnit FRAME building 12x1 vltod To be mchd Suttnblu or rclrcllh merit booth or summer cottlllto Phone 43ft HSvii new room coita bedrooms living room true on bathroom iull size basement turnncc hot water Early possession Phone 0183 1547 LOST AND FOUND LOSTWrist which in aqunr old cine vlcinity Codringttm St ool and St Vincent hill April 13 Re word Phone 4979 1707 == rttorEti r1 wANTm FOR PROMPT and reliable service in the selling at your home call Al Rose 529 and list with Dice Realtor WE DO HAVE cLi NTS WAITING 3545 WANTED Uscd Correct Crait Northport Sedan sin to screw preteraoly Gray cy ndcr loo hpengine iaox Barrie Examiner 4340tlEM BOATS tor sale 15 and 10 IL 11ktI néwo Bargain Waller Smith 9th Com Vespra one mile north of Sunnldale 4346 eAiiM EQUIPMENT mm hone imrzl 1947 FORD Tractor Apply to Borthwlck 8th Concession Fine or Phelpston Fro 304047 RUBBER Tired Wagon good as new used very little Reasonable price Ralph Gllro RRI Ccoksr town phone 32113 394743 CUSTOM Tractor Work plowing lrom 5150 All work guaranteed Walter Smith 9th Con Vcspra one mile north oi Sunnidaln Ell4d SEED AND iFEED LOOSE Mixed Hay or sale 312 per ton Norman Shanahnn Shanty Bay Phone llama 1047 HA and Straw tor Sal We dos liver William K011 Gillord Pholt betray Ill32 1074048 FEED Oats tnr sale also second Potatoes atinrm Ap ly Willied Murphy ml Harrie one auerzt lndoetl HAY or sale Altnlftlrnnd Timathy mixed square bxles owman A1 lcn Thornton PhoncStroud l5r22 III47 SEED Grain soi sale Quantity No commerical seedFower cleaned and treated ltonlcalin barley beaver oats white Blossom awoot clover Adams phone Mina sing 22 10434140 ALFALFA and Timothy hsy or sale ood guality also 500 bales Tilllot an Aliaiia poorer usi ity cheap Apply DonaldJ am bran RR EnrriE Phon 21 lotilti available to gresaive Present Toronto used ic fliesmnprefemlybetaï¬eenfl mod mm rs the cl am asking dor this car in arrie tor quick eonvenient sale am ieavin tor the USA Green wggd 03 mye St East Phone is oiorssta ner onels so ph N0 LKATAImIN Potat bag Muff Midhlllflv Phone Itll H7 APPL McIntosh SPIN gmei IIolfllear retort ase ra Aioidl Is all FRUIT VEGETABLES down required Call A1 nose azeii DOWNTOWN LOCATION Almost new ï¬ve 00m brick ham Ufa bedro Igrgkeiglving roam Wildï¬re olntlrtun leicedwml headnxt piece hath located only abon ï¬gufliinut gauging30m rc auired call roont tiriek bungalow with bath Thisil loveliVhomennd trimmed in oaku Comp elcly equip ped with aluminum storms and screens Good view at Ih ake Asking price $129m00witb About 35000 down requiredvflyti Alma 520 is horde nuisibe loldvoq her is movinz out or town Call us at 2451 Rldou Limited STOUTTy LIMITED OPEN ulim pan Dunlap stre ast Represenianvettrorn Lake Out to Norton WE HAVEcllcntl or burhtmle Bl Estate lozgm BUILDING Lotion quich Hal street in Allmidale Size x132 with town revere 430 rid White all In inumntiogllu re Le pea Iiï¬lgd billlea ourixie un metr do rte sigh iicryoliilchlelrrlpr ith us Emir haiorc you Lac CLIENTS wAllmNo pool elbealie pe er Finance Plan We call ï¬nance Broliers he relidflh borne horde Hardwood maniacWOW On our aimpl Hols and Heel or any one or these tour ieedinz operations and nlyply list Ariceoi delivery 319in 51213251311 ry 210 Toronto st FERGUSON4EID moonBench Itod onths on turke til satiric at supmls AwhlltShlhllu Maul Rodin Free Estimates at lid Do minim or Issue ï¬lm 54557 COLLEgTIONS llanii cï¬aifluléd bi Berna Phone 475 and 5t whim PHONE 2013 LDAY OR NIGHT INNISFILELECTRQNICS TV ANnitAolo RBFAIR aasil Bowhey Con it Innlsill 54531 FLOOR COVERING oArmstronp Floor Covering OLinoletlma Rubber Ind Alphlll lllo Pllltlo Wall Tlh Materials Supplied and instalch Fm Estimates WOLFENDEN Phone 52 Wt SERVICE For New Motor needs rewindiltfl and repairs sea HAROLD HART Barrie Electric Molora $3 Owen So Ill 5400 atfaciAuz RIM WORK IRIMMING HOUSES COMPLm RECREATION ROOMS BUILT1N CUPBOARDS REMODELLJNG P0301115 SHINGLING IMMEDIATE sanvlcn BRUCE CAMERON 57an Phone 5382 entt WELLS DUGTILED om RECORDITIONID Coacrctrttle toe weltacialverta tnd mm JewelIt Weeme tile amountsImus AND INSTALLED Air climateu work gt mm mm rot wmm woman Whitney Concrete lroducu Mm bull dill Orima hallo 01mm or lr STORE ZFRO EAND EXTENSIONS ciur that boast be operaneatly rérmAmlnn as YKAHSDPKIUINCI SCOTT oro sultan Phone oro sztit ave bookkeepi problem Income Ix Phone 5513 alter pm FARMWVANTED lo ci achoai Ind Barrie 33 ï¬frrii Examined liaitf no lion nccotintin reasonable reinvent iUIt heist PURNISHED Front Room Phone 3245 154041 It ROOM tarnished artm ith tintho Phone 440 lISM47 LIGH Housekeeping room Cent Ira Vcttnt Phone 4405 IHG HOUSE In Villa at Glitcrd to Elmer Rathweii Gillard NEW Icli mntnintdr room rt mcnt Apply I65 Cook St Iguall LARGEillmishtd bedroom Suit Arena district Phone 4719 or 285m ROOMS unturnlrtltd heated for couple or with baby Phone 2133 154440 IIOOMS unhlrnisbcd loot bath Adult only Phone 151547 FURNiSIlED Bedroom in toer town location Phone 4797 l5t7rtii BEDROOM newly iurnished cc licmen preterred Phone 0100 l547ii FURNISHED light housekeeping room Adults only Phone ME 154047 Ct ROOMS lumlshed it required Apply nvcnlntï¬ 157 Cumberland st lStfl turned into one 2811 134647 365 ROOM furnished npnrblian Ls GE scli contained roomc nmi meat untiirnished Phon 2735i 134 ROOM separate bathroom Suitable for single business girl Phone 2734 1542 ACRES Pothto Land level alone tree Smith on2milo north at Sunnidlleo 1543 LIGHT housekeele room Cen trally located Abstalners only Phone 2432 154547 ROOM unlurnlshrd apartment heat lights $45 monthly Central Phone 4313 04743 LARGE housekeeping room on bath ti so bedroom Oil heated central Phone 5780 154347 ROOM furnished apartmeni builtin cupboards hot water in bus line Phone2M3 l5tst7 FURNISHED Bedroom or two Board optional ROOMED Home Suitab may sea Eccies st North Barrie 1H 47 ccnml oil Floor Service An mes moon WALL TILE FLOOR SANDING FREE ESTIMATES BOX 5313Aan aunt el an larlt ivy tIItI LAKESHORE SCHOOL SAFE DRIVING Experienced Toronto instructor DUAL CONTROLLED mum For lntormation Dial 2759 LEARN TO Lincoln Arc Weldinl School conducted by ANDRADE SONS Phone 10214 shroud MUSKOKA balms coma 1w Wells drilled and cased by licensed drillers iNduiRiEs 707an THE BAitRIF XAMINEG sirnoms ond cation Adul eotinxr Ira and orden nanny May Pï¬onc 31117 154440 UNFURNISHED Apartment Priv iite bath Separate entrance stove and trig 37 Blake SL Apt 154 43 UNFURNISHEB Rooms separate bathroom Business couple preter red Apply l03 Johnst Phone 3870 154743 ROOMED sell contained apart meat one bedroom Centraliylo oatod No dliidren Phone 0212 alter pm ill4547 DELUXE modern room sellcon ialncd apartment oil hot ï¬ï¬imï¬ Chiittl welcome INAL water Phone 151843 LANDAL room heat apartment with privaté bath gar den and aarage 565 Children wei eom Phone 5077 1541 APARTMENT rooms and private bath immediately Private ent rance Close to business rectum Phone am latter 154743 4RODMED Abarirnentwilh path 05 Suitable ior quiet clean cou plc with one or two well behaved children Phone sets 154 7t UNI URNISHED room apartment en El cu our Laundry tllhs Inubnsemengh Phone 3557 154547 MODERN Kraund floorjpirtmenl private entrance healing and else trielty lgdudï¬dncl Eton street 0X arlle xam lste roomed in tin urn NEW self contained apartment with bath home Oil furnace has lshzd Suitable rtor lady Phoné 4861 I547Iï¬ HOUSE0 rooms and oatlioil hentgarage 375 month Centsa riimliys In st 021 Add sillsg 15474 heated bathroom uniurdlspe Downtown Reasonable Furnished roomhousc Otherst Wellington West entrance Business eo re vltent 05 Brglewn Rent rs and bathpatovenrld frlf Privllta Phone U75 tale NEWe self roamed apartment withbatlt Un turnished cilhirnace heated and henvywirlng Garage Central Phone teal INNISWOQD Apart nts hydro and water supplied tsfliliili DOWNTOWN Apartment room lHH ulet aw bathroom tutnilhed Barrie 4758 1500 SQUARE heat or unfurnished sell contained continuoushotwater iaund am illtlcsond lockers Adultal worth unable Iornlxhgosgmnythlng eiudedCouDIa Pr part tim employment ï¬lial hooe