Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1956, p. 2

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eln tn sooo der between the United States and Canad ahnwing location the 75 Kiwaainponsored tpeacelnark ers hell are nurkerlpeara arouse plaque with the wording shown on the inlet The legend at the right pinpoints the peace marker locations Thorust Kiwanis peace marker was put in place by tilehl Ki wanians at the Ambassador ridge which connects Detroit and Wind sor Ontario This marker was set up on Jan 22 1935 during cere monies marking the 20th anniven lary oi the founding ol Xlwanls iKIwania international was estab lished in Detroit Other peace markers were set up by us or Canadian clubs working singly in pairs or in groups the years went by Plans are currently In rogress to set up additional marge before the end 01le50 inspiration or the 25 Kiwanis peace markerrwls tarnished by the establishment in 125 otthe Kiwan intematlonal doodwill Memorial in Stanley Park Van This memorialwas net up by and Canadian Ki wanis clubs to slgnlllu the lasting friendship between the two na lions and to commemorniethe ilrst visit at US President in oitlee to Canadian coil That president Kiwaninn was War ren ilardingu Each peace markers is located at an important port at entry be tween the US and Canada Though they vary in appearance leach bears the to lowing legend This untortitied boundary line between the Dominionvoi Canada and the United States at America should quicken tlle remembrance of the more than century old iriendshi between these tonna triesa esson of pcaee to ailna lions Erectcd date Kiwanis international ril 23 at this year marks the Lia anniversary at the signing oi the RushBagot Agreement which demilitarized the UScanadlan boundary as memorialized by the The First Column continued tram one one pcns to be one too Two or thé others in the picture are promin ent Barrie bsulnessmen The fifth one minus tie to the lett of the sklp is what is known in theroarin game as second 1N0 cracks about theha now uithun lie and the skp have things in common besides curling all reports to the contrary Forth cuinrly hay lever Well your correspondent and also lnnistils was in Toronto lri dayve andthe berrpart ofsarr urday occasion being the Press Cluhs Byline Ball at the iioyal York and agood time ws had by all Heard Gracie Fields close up in her impromptu appearance saw the beauty contest and the crown ing of Miss Byline talented young concertpianist generally enjoyed the manyrteatures oi the show and metmany old friends one topic or conversationamong outotrtowncrs was the trialwhich is proceeding concerning the real estate situation in the area around Jarvis Street Some at the na tives retuseyto discuss this Why its all new aper talti Nothing like that con possibly happen in Town he Good at the Press Club attairs Friday and Saturday was John McNeil retired general manager of Can lan rPrera and dentrealrtiazett He happens to liea native Barrie and waya enjoy ntéetlngnln again wauispeika to loud as will he mdhy Klwanianau ln both nation USCanada Goodwill Week ihll will he the 35th consecutive year tar Kiwanis observance oi us Canada Goodwill Week Ground Obseiver Corps Key ébnfeieiice Our last weekend reglonal rupervlsnrr cantorence was held by the Ground Observers Corpxat Barrie Filter Centre todlscusa elvilian volunteers training over the past year and arrange tuture plans Flight Lieutenant Swan ion oflicer commanding Barrle Filter Centre acted as chairman of the meeting with Flight LieutA enant Bud Longley representing the North Bay command Regional supervisors tronl Parry Sound Orillla Huntsville Allen wood ncrch Schombere King Fort Perry Tyrone Bowmanvlile Pickering and Ciaremont attended the important conierence Many training methods orthe past year were evaluated and dis cussed and operational eitective lieu was studied Plans were then drawn up for 1958 incorporation with current procedures Among suggestions adopted was the recognition oi airerait by sound it might be noted that the Ground observers Barrie Corps have already had training along these lines nnd their job in re porting aircntt movement is help ing to maintain etteciive air de fence at Canada as well as par tlcipating In the search and rescue During one at our chats on the lflth tour at mutual friends room during pause or station identification asked Mr McNeil if he knew Fred Grant or course he slrilled start ed as apprentice with the Hat rie Gazette Frettwas completing his journeyman printers course at the Examiner They sent me over to pick up double italic hair spoon Fred went out he back at lost undminlns plan sonnel server Corps inMidnnd Armaniy Chlei observers with their ob servers werej in attendance from Midland Pnneiang Victoria liar boar Orr Lake and Allenwcod Beach new slant on aircratt recogni tion studies was inaugurated by regional supervisor George Chand ler at the meeting An observer was selected iron uchmijthe above post to give description of various aircratt instead 01 hav ing RCAF otticerr explain tha characteristicr Following are the list airentt considered and detailed 835 Smov Wood Midland 329 Jlmiarmer tort LakezlHl Bob Trusthanl Pene tang Vampire lira Savage Honey Harbour Avenger George 5th Pcnetang At theconciuxlan oi tharneet log Flying Otiicer John tteppie stone congratulated attending members on their etiiciencystat lng that observers in thcBalrle area are second to none in their rating Another nice Observer corps WIS held Thurs day April 19 at Les Hall Shyner yard and caretully wrapped up bigrrockandwiAcarted allthe way back to the Gazette before got wise Say hello to Fred for me lielln Fred The baseball season being in tall swing again recall mentioning last December in this column that along with some at the Bill Band members LineLErnie Banks star shortstop at the Cubs during our visit to Chicago Occasion was Don lltcNelils Breakiast Club on which Banks 44 home runs was guest Just now hovetearned that atteatbe season ended last all Banks inserted the allowing ad in Chicago papers Mr Grand Slam himself Ernie Banks is available tor limited number at selected talks and appearances at luncheon dinners and partieslf Mr Gran sum mentioned the live home runs he hit with the bases filled last season ts lie asked nt mike dough out oiit Foam Sunndaie Wasagar lilienwoodznettc 01in n1 lln recently applied re ion pen visor George Chandler called on observers mm above listed to live descrlpl on ot cram Those taiienup werejthe Neptune Mrs Groves Stayner lnghanlp Brooks nSunf Ann Johnston Cam pe hese planes all Flying Oitlcer John Hepplestone then ran oil twohoui lllm enr titled Way to the Stan dci Dieting lheea in the Battle at Britainvand including the Ameri can arrival with Fortresscvghe 847 Next meetlnl at Stayner will again be held in the Legion Hall Thursdg lilay on Clubfioncert auditing 01 ange Hall April 25 815 pan Amy plees United Church we 47 Euchre VBtldge Churchill Com munity Hall April 25 Prince lunch Admission soc nrpieu wt Proceeds lorcancersociety All donations cancilia Artlata Sert mm Itlbe the an nperb baritone wbo woeful madward in the Geneva com petllionl hir Fisher introduced the artlrt and reception was held alter the concert or him Gall Carruthera introduced the Opera Fentvrl singers Toronto who presented Mann ope coal Fan have The opera was splendid with the audience show ing their appreciation by warm applause at iheendot eath Icene riceptlon was held after the concert tor memopray The third concerto ihia series will be on April 30 leaiuring our own Barrie Collegiate Band Graduationnanu Ken Jackson il in charge this years Graduation Dance only helped by Miss Smith teacher conveneI Std Money head at the advertislnl Jackie boll Corby head oi the decorating committee Edith Thompson in charge reimiunenu Murray Hill who and countless other atudants who are working silentlyhui ctlicicnt ly in the background TotheMen Havo you bought your tlckct yet What for The graduation dance oi course its tn you gentatodo theaskirig is time to summon llp your coungaand art the lady at your choice To the Graduates Remembervklds this dance in especially for you The Grade Xli student are Working hard to make in success and they will be very disappointed it you all dont attend ToEverybody Come to the graduationdance and have wonderlul time Sott music special decorations tormoi logs and plontyoi refreshments On Monday and ot the three Cana eitheriigh err jet or bombers it Artists all promise to make this an even ing to remember is looking liter the entertainment Kr and like Archie Graham 01 Holly held very enjoyable social evening on Saturday AprilJt About peoplle gade or llm naoe evan Nnu tables ot eurhre were played liter which lunch wasaerved lllgh tidy draw was won by Mrs l¢ochnno and high gen tle in war Mr Franklin Low Name 36 King Sow Weu CNK WNRAT IINIIRRB Jock thaiu 19ych so at Mr and lira Don Carrulhera Creehlorenlelt lut week to take over an operator position with it elmt uloiim in Northern Ontario lie had previotuly com pleicd training at Angus FAVORITE DOG The KIngCharies Spaniel with long ailk hair was populaer by King Charles it who died in loss Loblaw Groceteriaa Co Limited is the leading food chain in Qtnadoin rating l80 retail toot markets in 48 municipa trolling interest is held in Loblaw inc Buliaio which opergttes 153 sellserve food markets in the States oiNew York Pennsylvania and nadtlition theCompany has recently acq red over25 oi the common aliara of Na nal Tea Co Chicago which opcratm 750 grocery and meat market We offer as principals the new issue at Lobiaw Groceteriaa Co Limited 50 Cumulative Redeemable Pint Preference Shares Serlea Price 53350 per share to yield approximately 4836 Telephone or mail orders receive prompt attention lea in Ontario con 12 cell tllti Staten Please send me prospectus on the new issue oi Leblaw Groceterias Co Limited 3150 Cumulative Redeemable First Pref erence Shara Series VooiiGundy Company Limited Toronto napalm amp 4432 at thdofoidtoneaotdiev enjoyable Hydr willcontinue oprovide

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