Silver Maple Wl Reeect Entire Executive The April mnsling or Silver Maple womens institute was held Thursday evening April i2 the home or Mrs Wesley John Int Rnlljdfl was answered by l5 members paying their loss Reports were given by the we rclary and treasurer and lower committee donation at so was presenting their first which show in decade atsTrintty Parish Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings April 24 and 25 Modelling styles Made by one or the guild members Cay Allen wllLrbeMrsthlllam Henry left and Mrs Jamescrvsinclair Mrs Sinclairs eightyenrold dou ghter Karen will he one at the models wearing childrens clothing Mrs Henrys cocktail dress which features tashlonahle Vright cieiy Acuchre lan and drnw for quilt is to be he ll In SS NO F105 ioday hlrs Wesley Johnston was in the chair for the eleellan oi oi licers The executive has been reelected tor another year The hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs Martin and Mrs ll Goddard Each year more than 55000 man years nrelnst to in Canatis inn Iahnr iorce Vthruugh eanchr nsirnsauug elosed with he TheAprll mssiingor nasnvale Womens ilutjluip we held on Thundly ntternoon It the home of Mrs Mellonid vlfll Ebod lltendlnte Mrs Glitch pro Aided Thursday SI 10 slnzln zines llutltute rallylong wunerved by at dMrK All The next meetlnx at the iiianci Competcne will be held in the school on lueehsed Instructors Roll cillllkwn mend by luv ment at tee and wrlttcn we aestiorl about tamerm Mn Donnell read two poems eekllne is or tissue gingham the tartan pattern in gold red unmplue on black background Mrsn Sinclairs box Jacket euitlsot slateColoredwual worsted TheJucket has side beltingnnd selfcov ered buttons diirk grey Jersey blouse ompietes the ensemble Karens pale aqua nylon party dress ls printedwltn gold dots and has dropped waistline and full skirt with matching crlnoltne 4mm Canadian statlsli show that cancer is the second cause at ilnnlh In children bulweunlhe ages at and it turpaxsetl only by occidental tlenlh Golden Wedding Edward Johnston lirrnd Mrs Ewcn Caldwell and nmily in and Mrs James Caldwell and turns lly and Mr and Mrs Bert Jnmlc son ntlendcd tlle goldenweddlnu nnnivmary at illr and Mrs wu lirnl Anderson nl Rugby recently Recent Visit Mr and Mrs Hnwartt Cnmpllcll nml inmin and Mrs ll Gray vlslled in Toronto and for the motto The members hit brought llems tor the Salado Tea contest MrsAllnrl llcNebb andviirs Grlee McDonald were Ipp ed to collect or the cancer soclety iund The district president Mrs 0iticClunz Wyohrldue wu prt rent to 1ch ilno address on in Ititute workr MIL Gitien thinker every one for help during her term oiliee Ind asked Mn McClunn to conducted the election oiticors whleh resulted Ill allows Présldcni lllre McDonald lsl vicepresident iiis Allan Mi Nullb 2nd vieepresldent Mrs Daugnld licNIbli secretarytrer urer Lin Gordon Gltien assist ant secretarytrouurcr Mrs Dongs lnr Glitch district dlreetor Mrs Hurry GliIen branch dlrector Mrs Willim erd pianists Mrs Dexocr Mrs Glitch nudls lorl Mrs MeNabb Mrs McNahb visiting committee Mrs Bert ltllwltlrl Erie Bnll Convener of ltnndlng commll tccs fur the coming your are Agriculture and Cnniullan in dustries Mrs llinw citizenship and udflullnil Mrs llanhlJ community activities Mrs Grace McDonald lllrtnrieal research Mrs Aubrey Gttien home econos mics and health Mrs ruydon Giltengirls wnrltI Mrs Grace McDonald lites Cecil Ward conducted INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEPTION CARDS THANK YOU cnnos still iiiillliliioiilillitlllis Futurlng THERMOitAVURE PRINTiNga Rliled Lettering LET U$ ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS You may lest your Wedding Invitations Annaunremenrr an Acknowledgment with samplers conidenzl to quIity end souscinsu or form we Also my sensoNALizr we ruoNil 3644 49 llomllil Tltï¬m PKINS MTCHES AND ALWAYS orcN 24 no SERVICE llrndtdril sent the Chnatlinn Cancer Sm deaths alone lust Sunday as sprlngti Iii only mattress gt that offersall these you taniiingrqliaiiy atthis Trynewpush the wheel of Earl now during our 3D Sï¬ring Showing Theres gt milling 913th do but Wuhan price Iield moreJlmn nchesr you take off new Dodge with longer than one eompellttlr m0 than pusibbumh Omani Hug is 10 lncheslonger than another Bigger the mosteasily controlledeuto F9 900 matic tronsmiseion of all And the mechanipalconstruction oftlie pnshbutto ntrale is simplicity itself to assure troublefree the biggest ear in the low Exclusive decoratordesigned iongweavin ticking 253 AutoLock precirlon coil onstmeï¬on Deep comfortable lelt upholxterinn to make ourDodg SvD Spring Showing the biggést sales event Dodge provides 15outstunding safety feature 115 standard equipment on every tie including such Dodgeiexclugv srvesï¬s dualcylinderhydrauli hes Safetyle wlLeelsand the bl gee vrapnroltnd nilshieldl Dodge oiiers llghtSweepstyllug the reireshlhg advanced utomotive deslg hisvyeart nose trnrn 14 beautifu medelsa rainbow hadron blgtrndeln allowance Wereréa illipgdodéall Ydllrprése éarxls worth more so ewarl good used set for th gepring demand Easytbudget temis to ï¬t your pocketbook ahvilt lures hilt zemtort lo the very day Mannruined tinllnduvby primal crrpomiran of Calm Limilrd carried handleytn vents lorfreshnoss hlte buttons Standard size Mints ER