Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1956, p. 5

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Phone udrhldaut Salerain irzmlly experienced and auaiiiicd lo handle your entire heal nuts pgobiem GODRINGNNSFREEI lvr storey rum living room dining room and mod ern kitchen Largerecruiloo rotn ieneed in nt in nnnyexuu Mr Flintone terrace ue This house Full uric $135 Conilet SimDson at 2m anytime lMru OUTSIDE Town $3900 Full Price XIM down ahlow Tor iurth moi FISH AT DOCK 310000 Modern live mom iii no on lot clue and lake Lorre living beautllul Core wooded to nuhwo room wit Ilreglace and plot wlntlow overoo ondpond day Contact calling at 2m anytime COUNTRY LIVING DELUXE $7500 Seven iarai bright roam Beauti sfully decorated our bedroom on aecond glitz Contact Mr SI Barrie Consult Ridout ON ALL REAL ESTA Whether Buying or Selling CAhADAS LARGEST REALmas l045 ROGERS REAL ESTATE REASONABLE PRICES LOUNT STREET OH Graven Modern sixroom iiistore brick llnlne iuily nipped and ust ilvc ears old location in oronto Sinct Sch area iect iamlly homo lurac kitchen and dining room mom with NHA resale terms WELINGNN EAST Quiteuew droorn brick 11 storey wltti din ingrroom bedroom and tilted bath room on ground floor Fully equip ncd storms scrccnr Ind fully painted in oil throuzhout nicely sumo and here cash would caunt lune possession lNNism 5mm liycarold bedronm brick bungalow with ex tra large modern front kitchen all heating iully equipped and painted throughout nice lawns and located on paved street on bus route ideal duality home ior small iamiiy price is 53000 complete ERADFORD STREEI Oisiom built duality llxruom hunguiow witil attached garner about l5 ear old and in central location at water heatinl basement iaun drY every convenience tor nonl fort $2000 ith hall down Worth seeing CDDRINGTON dl DUCKWORfll Square plan brick 2star home just live years old with lace oil heating and large high an dry Harden lot If you need three bedrooms diningroom and ap ntlessly kept home iiic the low frice tor tdnis location of $1000 wth $3500 Well be pleased to help you or sell your property at iair price alwaysl PHOND mi ANYTmE DAI on EVENING Charles Rogers IREALTOR Dunlap Street East EAL KTATE MORTGAGE Members Barrlé 6t Distriet Real Estate Board yealEstatéBioker chnStrcet Barrio ONSULT USQN OLow Dawn rayslent Housing Pins oilxchange oi properties ouatianal Housing Lanna ncame Properties Rentals Burmese Opportunities oproparty Manageman xesnpcnielt bay Well treed lot we it lake lrantngedepth about 275 ll rnile town limits Year round residence amumvrsmm room ranch type bungalow modem ca ienccr throughout live em landscaping established ade ench style bungalow 1th room at 23 bedroom lIBrenk Ist area Builtin bathroom FNMand hack closed in rcbcs Deep basement nuance italirtein Larseiot Good garden Eat1y Possession Aiiav caah aurchaser downtowu area mwdown as meat houses now residence recreation rooms tin with forced air yrpcti lcuiroiil Balance lelL than lent Brand new our room bun er inhrrnltlon contact flunkll Carton ItBonla full are in trout alream odexn kitchen bllh and bedroom Thin la the to You have alwuyl wanted See to Wr storey with floor Situated on inrfle landscaped lot two blocks from school and shop Shrisweil at on this older type lookin the sumo Down BIG ROOMS close to st Marys Church asking $8500 halh rooms Nosaiary rcouircmenis condition fimdown carries ior $50 pct month Per having both located modern home It 845 $000 Each Cundle 31 you reel elKM additional lots avail it all Marshali mire COMEOBTABLE llraoln house iniliuildli llrtoreyWith basement more arm on time mly Elrick ox vol ottoman open owlinput Dunan Street ism Phone In DONI aw beioro au sec whatator sale All ouriirtinn ed drop in and Kean doctor you boy are who bmov walls and with ardent bungalow miner cottage small all log aim down $4000 room nill orlce 10 room bllclr hcuae ood lot ataall born IND 33000 ull price terms nungalow renls tori full oricelgttzm thu isgdooti property BIG BAY Pom BARGAINS Cottage one $300 and the other II turns on bod now In love monu buy in acid with lnsulbrick house Nice bathroom bedrooms upon Terms IN aARRiE BRANDNEW bedrooms Oak floors outstanding or $10000 Wont last MAKE US AN OFFER iamil home floors asking ti BRICK BUNGALOW older type size $5200 Ilull price Temu INCOME HOME we only have one let iull 3150 mini good art good pSilllip osklna OUTSKIRKS OF TOWN $5500 See it duplexed inmate ANNE 5mm Ravine lot over BI Stan $0300 Full Fried5 rum RESALE Gleaming ti l000 Full Prlce BEST SWON IN TOWN ANOTHER NHARESALE Barths hlahly daSliabiu Earl end sl2ooo asking price ONE OF iiIEFINEST home we have everJiad the plea ro rt will to orcd lure to list Thll soil by itieit it iSB room brick bungalow situated on Rood height at land well with in the town limits on the Shanty Bay Road bedrooms with liv ing roam diningroom and kitchen fireplace cverything iar gra clans living Thisnnarne most or soon to be apprecialed around $14500 WE HAVE ANOTHER outrtandlnlt house on Shanty Bay Road Driced around $17000 mail Liva ON TOP rim WORLD ii you can aiiord $17500 home Lhil is lt This room rambling ranch style bungalow command an oumandind panoramleview oi bake Simone ilouse was built to owners speculations many manv extras Tenneed gar den cascades down irom 20 loot livinzAroom with iuii piaturewin OF dow See this LOTSi DEST SELECTION iiiTOWN miles south of Harrie on No 21 Highway Limited number regis tered pias acre lots $000 each terms VICTORIA Street anxizo Ask ingprltie 51500 CUNDLES llxiio Asking price $1300 NELSON AND STEELE In town iiois should he sold enbloc FENEIANG STREET 50x50 Asking $1500 summa CoTrAOES We have numerous ram $2000 to $20000 we can fill your rc ouiremcats call us INVESTMENT PROPER Thu piece or property is ready to RiJRST 07 acres ready to be annexed into town 000 Se tramage on aiderofild Reasonably Priced terror BUSINESS Pmrmrms Mouseo our Mes in Selling businesses in and aroundnarri we diet may listings We have motels rest aurant taxi business ram and largc graceteriaa interested we win be happy discussthem with Evening elll office 2413 or doc Corby 5488 Bob Morrillini 6M2 Rns Chanel foughaut ll priced and has good confidential bruitborn FEW imam lat larch ir nflfiéli iek Allen in normal Call maven $1300 DOWN roomgoldlr ntldoh paved ltreel in out aid Two lame bedroom lnd modern filth on Roundfloor and livinl room dininx mom Ind modern kitchen on first floor with all ex tra room or hie bedroom Almost new roo llr lot and heavy wirian CI Al 5290 HOME wmi mCONlE suoaiuil price arthla newnlys rtuococd older home beam and bath upand ilvinl room Ind kiachen down Plus two room cut or rental Apartment has Be Irate entrancesad toilet Large otOniy low doors tram alarm Down guyinent required $3000 Call Al on 5203 CODRINGTON SCHOOL AREA Lowa two bedroom modern oun dolow punched Illnae enclosed iront entrance iorccd nlr oil heat Landscaped lot Coll Les Pope $8500 FULL PRICE Four room home with bath laroc kilrhca lull barcmcnt with lrun dry tubs Laue int and garage Localcd only icw doors rem stares Abaut hall down mouircd Cali Al hasc 5m 33000 FULL PRICE rooms and bath Here is an older home that is Pleasure tn scli You must see lb The up stairs has three bedroms an Ith with love oak floors The downstairs has ivins room dining mom and modern kitchen with ample builtin cupboards and love ly oak floors Full basement About hall down required Call Al llasc 5m $9800 ULL PRICE srail per month revenue two three room deli contained aparumnls two atarcy brick bulldln located on large lot Cali Al Se 5298 About hair down required BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS NO OBLIGATION PHONE 5298 IHOMEE ITABMJ COMMEECIAL slim ritoronTmS 1545 siibDlvisibnf in Bloc Close in to Barrie lcvci high and dry as acres vandcriul view Wat er by ncvcr iaiiingis rmg creek Cpcnson No it ill way The land has been surveyed ho stakes about 15d lots and street allowance For appointment to inspect call Oscar Bates Thornton phone ivy llrli Representative HURST Broker COLLINGWOOD 1845 $995 ON LY $99 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Open iar inspection is Gunn Etrcet an standards bun aiaw with zaipot livin lile hath ultra modern itohenl airconditloned with oil iuily in heated aluminum storm door striated Ver high baseman dry Why pa rent lull price $0950 lmrnedi pafiession see tor yourMil or call ow Aisp see the newest home design splatlevcl lrilevci by iar thc greatest home value oblainabic Numbcr Manon Street at corner in Shan on or call 6012 ii GRANT BUILDER 1H FOR COMPLETE REAIL LESTATE uluying or selling Mortgage Loans INotlniial Housiniz bcncral InSuranpe laazwl NATURAL FOR DUPLEX This figure planhome containing eleven rooms suitably planned for dunie imlocated close in to the downtown areaL lot mth iroata eanda depth at its feet Solid rick construction hotwater heating ii tired mrnace first floor contains living room with open iireplace kl inlng manlyan and out bedrooms boom is Béiced rlghtto ate sale posamslonScpt OM BUNGAID also close to adiools and tip im arsessian 51300 or month wil handle includingin or 25 AinANDALE NEAR PAilK 310 one and hall store home LivlnK lafllllw kitchen and our bed ha wood PAYMENT MW Ml Lprim gums 32 Huh SL Brand mew Ranchi alow built in maximum Dr bedroom brick room 753305531 r95 Sui mohair FOR SALE LARGIItoM unlit ha low mellvln room about rixARDLm rAiNswalt Phonéstnlud do lduts RJ SLESSOR REAL ESTATE ClapperionSl barrio PROM ml COUNTRY norm room bunglow on Sunnld le Road class to Barrie icoe bath low taxes Tull price 700 with terim ROOM HOME is miles lollth at Barrie low taxes road road Full pricc $4100 easy terms li ROOM HOME med newly decorated precc bath acres oi land Full pricc 9200 with telrm SUMMER COTTAGES From $1500 to 9000mm icrms lust can 59 nayiimc SLESSOR REAL TATE 1045 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR NHA RESALE No salary require mentl room bunnluw close to Codrinktan Sr School and stores Lame living mom and kitchen nice aim bedrooms piece hath Phone for more particulars COLLIER ST block from the Municipal Buildln bright ii room and sunroom ck and stucco new furnace with oil nicely doom and in excellent repair 5100090 worth at run and drape included in the price Phone NOW CLAPPHITON ST Large room storey brick home on 00 toot air heating cull finished recrea tion room built by one of Earries hast builders Phone 2673 or lur thor particulars DOWNiOWN Older type resid cnce on worsiey St roomiv Storey stucco Commercial area $11 asking price $001500 31 at Millets Point large iivln room with fireplace kllehcn be ooms very large glassedv in iront veranda overlaokina the an garage cam plciely furnished ull prlc $9900 LOTS LOTS the present time we hnvc yery large Selection of lots in all widths CLIFF BROWN REALTOR xerilgh St Phone onytlrnc 207 104 BUYING SELLING FCiNSULT CLIFE BROWN REAL ESTATE 32 mon STREET sAruu Phone 2618 anytime We always have good selection at New HOMES OOLDER TYPE HOMES RBISALE OFNHA FiNANCED HOMJS oiNcoms Paoiinilmr LOTS VOSUIViMElt PROEIVERTIES NOOBLiGATiON CALL 2678 NOW 16 aHERBSJLlS REAL ESTATE iiis acres 21 Highway l00 acres potato land 100 acres near Cookstpwn lid Berg Batrich miles 200 acres with river our mouCrig ALEX HOOD RidiiRCSENTATNE 3959 after 530 104440 house 1050 down 020 autumnalbidroombungaiia it1m ii mom1 House contains bedrooms Central Garage and vfilldlJl 1344140 BRICK House consistlna at willows Plioamam urn Cotta livingi room kitchn lull silgmbaa merit bedrooms bathroom bathroom altablcuiac art an iurnrce 1m nnue Downrtain miles north or aarrle on pavcd Phone any time 2373 lot in excellent repair new flirted vaMm COTTAGE on the water 015 LOTS At and priced irom 535000 to $400000 signed Friday Charles Baker Notlowospizu huld effects 101 some DOT50 155 Victoria St Phone apartments with rate condone if dinlnlroom exln with ciomu closeu piece bath ille drubber ilaors lull buc mom cagiradoom in basean tire ure nil hratcd rage 00 it lot cased lowrnnd ivoway plenty mess heady ipr occupancav 75 Don ildcr 164045 25mm Dutdi Colonial stone Ind dwbolrd house with attached livlnr room donid SL i1 Limit dlninil blichen bedroom powder room Ind sun room In bed mmfiwm vim room plus noomr rtmc Full basement all hot wflr heli lnr many extras larze loL ideal tarnlly home clout to schools nua nimldand downtown Owner ohy reason or Se 5013 loufs was £11510ch MALElei Colllelups sa earh pctcrsen Lot Con ll ionis fll mile east 11 mik routh Holly astm ColLIE and German Shepherd aggrles Ideal and wbtch dogs Color one 109 Om all4543 == LOST AND FOUND LOST Childs mastic rimmed lasso Manda morninlvicnily ulcasler and iv Point on Dunr loo St Phone 2724 1745 sol between Foynu Street and Collier Strcct Church on Friday April 13 Reward Scnlimcniai valuc Phanc ms 45 LOST0n Saturday about 515 tween Zellor ond Woolworth hiue wallet money and identification Reward Phone collect Alllsion 3241 SUMMER COI AGES Aiconp Heath Lake Simcoc is roam bungalow year around harnc pm bath Completely lurnlshed Many extras Close to school Towmh park Stores and beaches usuadown payment rc oulrcd Balance marl age To in rpcct call Pope 9a or Stroud Hrfi HLacey Realtor DB Hayfield StuBarrie Ont iurnished ilve rooms pressure sys tem sioac iircpiacc Storms and rcrcena lhlr cottage is routed dur ind the wincer months at 500 pcr month Taxis only 00 er year run price $5000 will an $1500 down Dwmcnt required ha nee on one easy mort age Cali A1 5295 to See is cottage located north at Barrie on the xliom 51 008 LACEY REAL ESTATE 98 Baylklri St Phone 5290 NOTICE TQCREDITORS the Executor at the Santa at can GAuLClmntc at uni Vill go oi in the County oi irncoc wl ow deceased who died on or about alsl day oi ia ary lead will distribute the ets oi the dcmascd to persons entitled thercta altar 25th April 1050 hav ing rcgurd only to cialrrul than properly illcd with thc under COWAN AND COWAN Collier Street narrie Ontario Solicitors to tho Exggntur MellonSALES Manda April 30 Auci on sale at iarm stock implements hay straw and some houschaid eiiecis ior Clllltlrd Ar her at Lot Can F105 Township right on Highway 27 112 milcs straight south oi Eimvale Terms cash No reserve as iarm is sold Sale at pm sharp ierry Coughiln Auction ccr 4310 April 20 Auction sale oi iarm potato machinery and pota tam ipr Prod Weston at La Can Essa Township miles north or Highway 39 Sale at tail sharp No reserve as land soldlerms cash Jerry Cough lin Auctioneer 303345 Saturday ril 21 Auction sale at iarm Stat implements and hay ior George lsher at Lots and 24 Can Vespra Townshi on ilhwa so rieEar en Cnrauc Sale at 117m sharp Tcrms Cash lcrry Callagh iin Auctioneer Tuesday April Auction sale of farm Stock implements nay straw same household eliectsiar at Lat 23 Con Township miles west mile south nl Stayncr Sale atl pm sharp Terms cash Jerry poughiin Auctioneer 353947 Wednesday April 25 Auction sale at farm Stock implements house ililmSai NV Lot 20 Con nns ae at pm Terms cash CD samuic Auctioneer 4541 Thursday April 26 Auction sale at iarm stack househod eiiccis for Lot Con West 61 lmhury Hi miles straight east Highway 21 Termscash Saienl pm lorry caughha Auctiaa 450147 Frld April 21 Auction salevot arm stock implements or Lawr fence Lamb miles north east at Elmvale Sale to include Woods Joe Bulk Cooler 1200 lbsynew Dion Thresher 22 good milk cows and I4 young cattleTerms cash except can or and tnresher Sale at 1230 censusehaid cirseu ior Mrs char iaxslin tl in sharp Terms rr 33ers N3 reielrvehshguw is sold uc ioneer °x gull40 may May Auction is at registered llolstein Cattle dairy equimn hay rain and Sara househod ellecls or George 3Wa mSTLadys grccn ialding para containing sum oi Lakeshorc winteriud cottage un Rose st form West Barr iemenls grain and wiil Trace Auctioneer 4245 iii Saturday Aptins Auction sale chairs ll mod Role 14 on kitchen tile eink gendNOHi roam mamlined modern AllaF JAMES material and ELEANOIDL M9633 Delendariis wrappl la lhl ludrme this cause rhrn II alum tor or public auction in one one Illh the appropr lloo ot the underirard Assisthr un in Jun Croatian Auruanrer In the loans or the quara Tom on lrflo II the oclock in iarrnoaa tn lath in And prcmne room no reactor purer dram partial uncured in tho martrarc rural in spa lac IIL oiikr lar till it Divialon at tho county or diproe no iatl Build The ampuu out be ailrd II rualrrl to llm mariare on which thus is no color Ihoul umm iar ipl Ind talrrear nod ouieh mort our true est It also per an no in an or June Ilmel up bro oi sieved an Wrdnrldly aatouaueadlnd and prior the to the purchaser Ihali paid or thepambner loiii pi Ilir ounnue money and tall pay the Elie anc al or purchase manry Into Court vithout lmrrru oltnln rainy days atisr ai Aalaaimeou to no at tc ai clarlor cur en arch the tie st Illa on as lo all other respects the roar dillnol or is tn Itandtnl candi tl at or at the Court modified the con laar oi alie druid or the updrrairaed oa lhv premirr hrleb delac ed alnllr iamliy 10 BK CAVAN No Richmond direct ltcr Toronto or will item solicitor olcallicr sneer Barrio mm at Toronto lhll loih day at April MI ANGLIN Aelllutlt The undervallnedeilu Locked instmctionsto sell by Public Auction on SATURDAYIAPRIL 2l AT oowcx SliAitr THE FOLLOWING Philip Relrlgerntor Washer Bedroom Suites BEDROOM ruatilsamcs Double Bed with box springs Double beds with rings Sin glc Beds with sprngs Beds spring and mattress new spring filled single mattress Dnuba Mattresses Fold Childs Cot complete with springs mai tress Dresser VaniLy Dresser Chest DraonS Wardrobes Niaht Tabic ocdsprcads Numer ous ncdraarn Chairs DINING hOOM rualenquS Walnut Handmade China Cabinet and Bookcase combined Bullet China Cabi ct Mohair Couch End Tabic and etching Furnishings Kiwimu FURNISHlNGS Kit chen Suite with Arboriic top drop lcavcs and chromc trim with chairs Philips hcirlgcratcr an it year guarantee loo box site Tablc with chairs to match Be neatly 45w washing Machiac good condi on STOst Beach Coal and Wood Stove dccp lire halt enamel iinish ar Wood Gurney Annex Large Clothes Rack Floor Polish er HANDY MANS mmPMENT Gas Engine in to hp vnrlapic speed governor run very little Number of Bolts Pulleys Steel Apron iorCuthng Box Number oi rickets Number at term Win dows Number oi agcl Oil Caps Sets of Barn Windows MiSCELLANEOUS Ash can and Sitter Coal Scuttle Electric Light Fixture com lcic With shade Number oi no es Copper boiler Door Other articles too numerous in mention TERMS CASH Nothingto be removed until set tlcd iar Stan llalbcrt Clerk Rut ledge Auctioneer 45 the final stretch of highway run ning to North Cape weilbeyond the Arctic Circle laud the iad in be enekfl Set at Drag Barrows wth Norwayafiuiy 1050 opans Between is coholoo Togllqu Pub Aucupaon FRIDAY APRIL 20 AT no on am mm rounwmc MAaiilemi Ford Tractor mo in Al condition nearborn ZFuflow rlwgh Steel ullivltor international Ih flood repair Mar seyllarris Sam er eA good con ditlohl MasseyHerd Binder it cut in good repair canvas good Steel Wheel Waaoa with rack com Dlete hubbcr Tired Wa on and rack compiclc Fanning ill with Bagacr aoad as new with acrecns complete Set at Scalcs 1200 lbs twacily with wcllhtl c0 llte Massc ilarris Mowcr Srcd riil Set Dues Harre Drawn Set oi Sloop slcighs Cream Separator Set at section Drad narrows with draw bar complete Seuiiier good as new POTATO EQUIPMENT lohn Decrc Potato Planter in good rev DalrMCormlck Deerlnl Pmato Oiggcr new last year Potato Pirkcr good repair 175 Bags oi Potaloes loo bagr Scbagas and 15 bags oi Ontario Rain Barrel 40 aarrcd Rock puilcts laying well Many other articles too numer ous In list Dcllailciy no reserve as farm is cold TERMS CASH Rosa Hand Clcrk lerr Caugh lill Auctioneer phone Barrie 45 AUCTION SAL Form Stock implements and Roy The undersigned has rescivcd instruction tram GEQBGE FISHER Vespra Township an flirtway 00 ll Farm West at Bllrld Borden Galan To sell by PublicAuctan on SATURDAY APRIL AT ocmcx snAlu THE FOLLOWING HORSF5 BARNES also years two poua Roan Marc it years 1400 pounds Sam Harness Horse Coilars CCAITLE lt HolsteinAyrshire ow yea due in freshen May HolsteinAyrshire Cow ears lo freshen June l3 Ho ein years duc to ircnhcn May ill nod Hciicr la manths en SEED dc FEED 350 Eau oi Mixed iiigy well saved Huaneu runothy eed owrr cicancd IMPme MISCELLANE OUS 1952 Ford Tractor warkcd 1900 hours good as he erxuxan ZvFurrow Tractor Pip Practar Spreader on rubber new Kpsi year Cockshult rlay Loader zood as new MltH Corn Binder in load refilr Buck Rake for Ford Aergoson tractor good repair Hay Teddbr in good repair MH fractor Clullivxaitorl pglswcr liil goad now say ac it oodaa iew Set at Sloop slci olattorm good as new on Box with an id 40 it oi ipos and distributor pi es De val iglka magnetite wih outlet or cows comp etc good as new Sei oi Double Disc Flea also draw bar complcte Sets oi Points Disc with shields and mouidcrs at Mowcr at Dump Rakc Delivery Rake good repair Sulk Plow good repair MH Seed Dril good as new Team ringTooth Cultivator rannlh Mi com lete with screens Pig ox Raot nip ar good as new Wheel Staneboat Loading Chute sling Ropes 165 it at EarlLEO good as new Wheelbarrow ow Chains Sum chions Mll Electric Cream Snpar ator No ll good as now Quand tlty ai Scrap iron Forks chains Cut uoublctrcss and many other arrig cles loo numerous to mention TERMS CASH Eeflnilciy no reserve as so Nothinu to be removed until set tled inr Murray Mills ClerkJerry Couyi lih Auctioneer phone 5440 Barrio 45 With Sie drill is Market Sq Listen to the Regional weather Forecast Monday thru Saturday at Unite at Thornton orange ilell on Friday April 20 from 8130 to Bull Orchestra Lunch counter Admission 50c Annual meeting at Lildllurst Union Cemetery will be held In church Saturday April 21 pln Everyone welcome 45 Dance to be held al Community ecntrc Utopia SalurdayAprii 21 ilcailys Orchestra Lunch roun ier Admioian sue 45 Rummage Sale to be hcltl at Trac lilac ilaii High St on Sale urdayAprii 2i at9 am sorcd by Loyal True Blue Senior Cilizons aniliiill Spring tca and bazaar in thc Lrii llali 29 High strcci Wednesday May 245 to pan Admission 25c SPOIIA 45 454953 Rummage Sale Si Andrews Presbyterian Church lcclare hall Corner Streets Friday May ii afternoon and evening at command Worsley 45 Rummage Salc Trinity Parish Hall Friday April 20 1309 pm Ausplccr Womens hospital Aux diary For pickup Thursday Apa ill 19 call 407 or 3176 45 liliscnp hiss arc LIEN ACT Parts and batteries lcii at the undersigned ior repairs or storage will ac gold ior costs under the Mechanics Lien Acts not called iiir gt Vilednurdn rii 25 Tit AN mtllNs WANT 7M greatest them all and even greater for 50 with new super growth c1 mens added after being ra searehed and proven to give Still more growth at lower ost Bullielurmsiililil lvcstbck raultry Surgc Dairy Farm equipment none 203 over CKBB errat DunlomSL West mile southfoihharmpnon Salcat on Sharp Wednesday ol Reziliered and Grade Holst as Pils and Millri ill mentCdm allele dispersal Son other 12 Twnshi Withicyery maincr purchasgdiand installed at nuliodk Motors we arc giv ircc lub rication and oil change

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