Meets Tomorrow The April meeting of Cnlghurst Womens Institute will be hold at the home of Mrs Bert Castonon Thursday April It norm The motto When wove one cur but we know sweeterrest Comment will be by Max EwEl mere Roll call is payment or Ice The program features business and election oi olficers Recreation will be in charge at Min Richardson Lunch hostess cs are Mr Finlher and Mn Qatlcs Shanty Bay WI Returns Officers By Acciamaiion The April meeting of Shani Bay Womens institute was held at the home oi Mrs union with eight members and one vii llnr Mrs Ray Patterson present noll call was payment of dues Minutes of the last meeting and tho annual report were read by Mrs Hickllng The treasurcra report was given by Mrs Pack am it was decided to holtl card party in aid at the cancer society iund ltlrs Patterson and Mrs Taylor are in charge All olticcrs were returned by Icelamatiun The Red Cross can vass netted about $45 it was my ported The next meeting on May will be held at the home oi the pres ident Mrs Martin speaker is to be on the program and big turnout is expected gt Mr Gerald King Named President New Flos Branch New Flos womens institute mouon Tuesday ottcrnoon Iter 10 at the home oi Mrs Burt Kenny There was an attendance or 15 members and one via This was the annual meeting and the allowing oliieers were cloeled for 195657 Honorary president Mrs Shaw president airsGerald King lst viceprcs ident Mrs Harold Smith 2nd viceprcaident Mrs Cline Raw secretary Mrs Som Allen assi ant secretary and press reporter Mrs Archie Wanles treat secre fury and assign Mat Georg Smlth Miss Mary Muiroy islrlct cto Mrs George Smith branch directors Mrs Fred Viney Mrs Sieve Rawn nominating com mittee Mrs ShawMls George Smith Mrs Bert Kenny auditors Mrs Alec Finlay Mrs Harold Smith Conventrs are Agriculture and Canadian ndustries Mrs Bert Kenny citizenshlp and education Wanless community net as and public relations Mrs Finlay historical research and current events Mrs Fred Vine home economics and health Geottrey Hope Mrs Hope read the Mary Stew Irt Collect Roll call wasvon awered by the paying oi tees and How long have been member of the WI it was decided to canvas for the cancer society and siveral members volunteered The ii ancial report for the year was read and the treat secretarygave her report Member to look after the new program were nominated They are Mrs 1an Cameron Mrs Harold Smith Mrs Finlay and Mrs Fred Vincy The convencrs were anedtohi their rogralns madeoutstor the May meeting at Ruths School Nathlnlcln be accomplished withoutcunt was the motto There was an exchange of flower rlilll vote oi lluoh was given to Mrs Shaw illr her two yearr sen vice She replied byreaiiintl an Edllorill Thoughts by the Way by Maud Kerr Plan were made for the pro grant grld lunchtor next months meeting it wus decided to treat the children to ice cream The meeting closed The Queen allowed by pnt iutk supper Cundles Institute Reelecis Officers nor Coming Year Candles Womens institute held its annual meetingon Thursday Prll lZatMrs Arthur Garvms ome McDonald treet with the president Mrs carruthers in the chair Roll call was answered the paying oi tees iur the coming vear Mrs Carrulhers reported on the lmtruptivc arid entoytlblenllllln cry course held under the leader ship of lithiuma Creykc was decided to give dona tion at to the cancer society tund The branch has agreed to work on Barrie ralr protect instead the Salado Tea contest The convcnors oi the standing committees gave annual reporLs and there was also report from the auditors Mrs Ottaway took the ehai the election of oiliccrs it was moved and seconded that all otll cers be reelected tor the coming your The executive for 195057 is as follows President Mrs tst vicepres But Flook 2nd Miller Wiggins district Mrs Corruthcrs Mrs Wiggins branch directors Mrs Ottawoy Mutumming auditors Mrs Bell Mrs Re Smith press Mrs Dough Fer pianist Mrs Smilh gt it was decidedto exchange pcr ennial plants at the May meeting The district annual was an nounced tor June The meeting closed with The Queen Lunch was servcd by the hostess and committee and so al hour was enjoyed It Yourself Moflo Chosen By Ivy WI for 1956 Lets do it ourselves will he the motto oi lvy Womens ln tote members this year if they ol low the suggestion given them by their district president at the an nual meeting held at the home of Mrs Lorne Carrulhers with an ill tendance of l7 After the usual business was completed the conveners ot the various committees gave reports on theysurs activities The irony urers report was read byvhlrs Hoggarlh as Mm liarry Ban ng was in hospital it was decided to hold two more cardpsrtiosi season on April is an 23 lhe dis president Mrs Camrbel or Strand lute lo utll cirmthors niu directors Mrs msrmcrlvc DESIGNS in canadlansnlaiic tell werc tenure at the yearsmi insnlonshow by students orihe Schooloi Fashion of the ityclsonlnstlute oi Technology Toronto lhrce oi the 51 shirts setn are shown abo Joline hoot Camobe to Tomnln detail the tllllltï¬ of tIILI urous oliiccrs She gave tiltl members some good ideas on llmv in make their meclings more interesting Reading over the old reports at meetings held yearsogn she was impressed by the number ili papers prcphretl liy themembers themselvus and lhnltglltnioro help would he received it thc same plan were used today Mrs Campbell tresuttd tor the election of niliccrs The lollow ing executive was cloclotl Presi dent Mrs Earl illid lst vice president Mrs Demltroli 2nd vicepresident Mrs Applcgale secretory Mrs Hoggarth rtass urcr Mrs Cochrane district director Mrs Jennelualtcrw Mrs lloggorth branch Hoggarth Mrs Applegatc Convcncrs of standing commit tees are community activities relations Mrs Mt histdricol research Mrl home economics and health Mrs McVInel ugrlcub turo and Canadian industries Mrs McDermott izcnship and educa tion Miss Dunnill pianist Mrs McVanel publicity Mls Applcgatc Lunch brought the meeting to close Serving tllc reircshmean were Mrs Jennctt Mrs Bant ing Mrs Dcmitroif and Mrs lioggurthw Mrs Dobson Is Reeiecled Centre Vespra President Centre Vespra Womens insi Ilutc held its April meeting at tile home of Mrs Gilfen with 19 members and several visitors pres ent Roll call was payment at lees Financial statements by the secretary and reports it standing committees reflected on sine tory year uwson took the their torlt election at oiticers Orvi Dobson was reelected president hendin no executi composed of VicepresldentM Gilicn icepresident Mrs Hleking ssee tury castlrer Mrs Patter on tint Mrs gave Their designers are lett toright role Willie Sashotoon auntn ltlatells branch directors Mrs Thump son Mrs chkling Convoncrs of standing commit tees are Agriculture and ConatiA ian lnduslrievarsii Smith citizcmhip and education Mrs Dobson community activities and public relatlons lltrsgd Wallwin events Mrs Gltickline home economics and healihhlls Gitien Other committee chairmen are 0h George he Wosfor Eriglund and so what better iioy than Saint Georges nny April 23 1056 to any historical rescarch and current Collier HQ din Tea And Bake Sale Today The April meeting of ColUIr Street United Church Wonun Aaaocl ationyntr held In the church parlor on Wednuday evening itpril it Tbe president Mrs Edey opened the meeting with the WA them hymn the Beauty oi Jesus followed by prayer The devotionl period was conducted by In Victor Knox who gave reading The Walk to Amoyah which lite Illustrated with an Ell ler painting by the French pain Program Mrs Damon Mn WIllWI Mrl Giilen and Mrs nick end visiting MrV Mn Cameron Mrs Wallwln Mrs Dawson Gil len school Mrs Cameron Pianist la Mrit Thompson Auditors are lllra Thoman and Mrs Hickllng Press secretary is Mrs Smith The meeting elored with the tea served by the hostesses During the social period membcn who had attendedthemlllincry course displayed the hats they had mado and they were much admired All had enjoyed the course and hoprll It would be repeated at sometu lure time with MissNJ Craig the instructor who made it such pleasant project iians were made to entertain the children at the schoul on Friday April 20 Mrs lllcltling willlle hrtxtesz or the next meeting on Mia top EMINESE ELM Easiest and ranch Growing in atalnrl an in bnz use ms wiltva holm It the piano Mlnut singing at The Queen inllnwed uy or Eugeoo Germ describing in detail the artists conception ol the nory Blert no the Everluung God wu sung with Mrs Chi ea the March meeting were readily lherecording secretary Mrs Earl Smith Correspondence was read by the corresponding secretary Mrs Funk The inantlll secretary Mrs Bernrou use her report and the treuurers report was given by Mrs Edey in the sence at lllrs Craig Reports from the various com mittees were given as iollows Parsonage Mrs Johnson atran gen Mn Urry 42 mild lDlt ciai Mrs it Putt flower Mrs Edey Mrs Knox gave re part of the committee appointed ta look into the care of the Can trtto costumes Reports were heard from the secretaries oi the WA groups Mrs Edey Mrs Hunter Mrs Haslett Mrs Koah soy Mn Flook Its the annual meeting at Sim coe Presbytery Womans Aï¬ocia tlun is being held in Midland on two delegates were appoin to to attendMrs Chla holm and Mn Williams Anyone interested may attend Spring tenant bake ante la being held today There will also he special table at cit articles for sole Thrmtcting closed with the Mizpah benediction SHERIFF ORIGIN The word shotlit developed tram the hlsturle shirereeves oi not toutomit now ralvn Alanna nttril BONIYIUCILI ltllll runuau nnoru UM ADAI mam BkOOKDALEKINGSWAY NURSERIES ur mitt Ilnlrl mm fytwatmnnununuuut England oliieials oi ahires 01 counties nan tilltrirttlna musin Ilnlt It as in us an ion RED IARBIRRY minim cannon ultlul dunno on yokaurromnouuuu ii on Urdud onsrltlhe REPAIRS lotrow lrom NFC when needed repairs or other expenses require mommhthnnynucnnxpltroLoans tram $50 to Stun ltro mode quitlily uuunily in one dny Nu vonllonters nromqulrsn ii you have uxtettlly inmnle nml can mNt regular monthly pnymontn Phone nrvislt your norm tire omeé tolllly orbit one out as nvnlop sultan sons iloor phonl 3529 Innilll om legionAdvises Siayner legion Must Haj Prolect stayner Sun The mortgage is paid where do you go tram here Illtcd Harris CLU nl themcmbe oi Stayncr branch of the Canadian Legion Monday night Mr Harris of Barrie de puty district commander and chairman of the public relations committee oi provincial command urged tho Legion to work acllve Iy fur the welfare of the entire community You must always have pro lect before you he said as he commanded Stayner braneh or its active work in the community all lng the arena the extenslvé sports program Ind other activities that the brilnch had undertaken One of the biggest steps tor ward by the legion In the past ten yearglt tltcper capil subscripts lion in The chlonary Mr liar rls aiatc lluw can the Legion tilt nt ctyilstcssege nlntt roses for 120 years StiltIJMslltIlé dlrect from the llrm ul Alex Dickson and Son LId lreland growers Ill prim wlnr ONE PEACE ROSEBUSH willllc given absolutely true wlllt uncll pmhnso or lluclts 3Wulitwel Instant BrowserMoccasin Black or prawn stressl3 across to ihmembenrv Every member olthe branch should be Imemberol branch rommltiee be advised Till gives them feeling of catered ship and importance to to branch all tell the Ito or Legit heconcludld Alex Dlrltson Famous Role Grower PAIR OF MENS SHOES COiHE can lililllllll llUANTlTY Famous New forgo Vzlon expliessilluxl lad lulso liobii with bu an iiviomutle transmiuib Compare Fargo features for outund out value MEW handling ease IShortmi ovatable ull modélril turning Much of dillPower llriiina chassis toaiurenil Inl creaaedcupueityaprings nodules on mu mod Tubeless tilea evailoblel Lean save you Fargodealerl norreallypnintingaranylhing im merelylinen point out the value or lldviilg welt ownnnsr companym Inlm isr your BSHW Yousceyour estateis urine importanrm unearth putiwaylo he background onl race at ydnanr 5259 Above that to la SII its abbot 9020 itiiiliiw hymn oc