DEPENDABLE QUALITY myminim pRlcEe SATISFACTION GUARANTEED With eaeh baby at ll wilohas been engciged by Zellers LtdA minimum of poses will be taken NO srliiNss A1TACHED Certificates given will be valid until June 30 I956 The only rule is that your child must lae years of age or under Due to the large number ofpertificateswe expect to give away all photos will be taken by appointment only All pictures will be taken personally by Mr Smit INFANTS size San doviny eouun mime elleï¬owns Wlllll wllh Illky pink or baby blue lrlm Yuull Will supply or be new Inlvll ii Ihls llny Special irriée PKWHBIIDEET NYLON FROCK NYLON Sizes to Poach 398 WATEIKEIKIDOF liAliY eriiirs SIZES 10 Comfortable bongwearlng Sanlurlzed co in drill Padded deslgn 0n knees Ladderbuck strum shades nr Glngham pattern Red blue pink malzc green Includedr Bultancd all back SIZES T0 3X Just one nl mlany charming styles illustrat ed Printed designs Embroid ery Net crlnolines Plnk blue Bow sash Rld mull maize white as so INSClmlce oi Jacqunrd Nursery designs Blue pink muliieoiour Subsbul laws so any llleyre Lord 10 ilmll Specially prlecd lor Fam ily Savings SWlS EMBROIDERED of fine Opal Clnlll Dainty seal loped binders Flowers birds other allraclive embroidered de signs Lined VESTS Slxes to Fine Qunllly combed canon munch seams Elnsuc Dlpnlgbs while Sleeveless and shortsleeve styles crossover button milS sues sizes to Crisp Nylon laiieia lo iluli out pretty dresses lilyyoke style yvlln galhverpll akin Lace lrlmlned willie pink lrlcell far Familysnvlngs PUvaens Sizesz in Billion on shoulder Son Trnple Interlock coilon lIney cvulrasllng hand It rlhhiid peek euiis ml waistband wince paslcls will red or navy RUBBER CRIB SHEETS 27 by 36 ins Wzlcb proui Molar grommets or inalening While plllk maroon PROTECTIVE PADS For lilallrass or lap 18 by 21 lns Colloll one side plastic the olher gt While pastels Also while quilted pads trill plillflllisx fJusr like Mommmsll SIZES To plasticyin Ind legsljrlnlmed Wham unime gusset while pach alludes Moneysaving sloekup Special Smile NYLON Sllesvl lo nibbedj neekcuils paislband sky pinkmnize wliile Grand value seamless fvliiyl plasuelllrreu clnsllc aljwalst and legs x4 Cienr willie plnk baby blue Specially prieed lnr Familysdvingsl Cnllon imp lock with acetate Fooled glyle ve plaalle soles pom worn outsld Navy Green Ye l4 iii ellth ANKLnrs 5le as turnedoo riblied in 4qu Lreep NylonieAeeutc Trlen Hampers INTERWCK 001 SHIRT SI IE EXAMINER