por wholesale automotive jobberl Must be isrnilirr with the outcrno tive blulncss artbl terri tory Requires car Apply Box penis Examine lda REAL ESTATE SALEsMEN Needed loenlume our mil in our Barrie oiilce The everincreasing demands tar lhe mDour service Rollinx stilt turther expansion or our raics omeniutioni Carcepmindcd salonnen will and RIDOUTS the biggest and best oi incomeproducing iaciiilicsi Canadul hnrst training plan IEchIitnt Commission nnd Bonus Pin Muny lend supplied listings to sell oMost clicctive and comprehensive advertising support Medicol Hos Itnl Insurance Coverall avaiia 1e Muny For confldeltilnl interview call Mr JohnWorthington ml Barrie Ridout Real Estate Ltd CANAD LARGEST REALlDRS ll Public continence ltilt Gill or woman to help In house and Islole Live 111 Phone on 1114103 WOMAN wllnted to work in vyinnt Stead cm loymcnt Apply right Clenncrs r43 MAN to drive truck for Star de livery in Barrie Phone 2110 Slon icy King lAsu KEEPER lor school tell Siggsgvilh iomlly Live in Phone 5205 Saturday 14344 YOUNG woman wontcd for part time work Apply MP Store Dunloo St East 11243 XPERIENCED young lady to do Eilerntions and sell in Apply Box all Barrie Examiner 14344 FURNISHED Ii room apartment One block from down town Vac ant $65 monthly Phone 65 143 MAN wanted to pioulh and Seed 100 aerels Phgne TDIURMnlOC cll 44m colect etwe 43 SERVICE Station Attendant want ed Please give nee 3nd lormer employment Apply Box 50 Barrie Examiner 145 AflRESSES uirEd immedi xleiy lull or part me Yearly em ployment Apply Norman Grill phone IdOLI OMAN wnnt to do Kenerni re Dllirs Must hesable to replica zi wars and nulls 5day woekAp ply Wright Cleaners 14344 flw LOCAL Oil Company requlrns dri ver salesman Reply to Box 57 Barrie Examiner giving details of cxnerienm ale etc 14243 or young woman to look ï¬lglz children and do light house keepinii Mustnbaltl1 gagarlve ar Apply Box BER or Brando Union chhAogi Section No Mulmul 17 Nottawnsaga Dulles to commence Se Apply Ray Morby RR Glgflcalnl 14 43 GRADUATE Under raduatc and experienced procliczl nurses tor general duty inmswood Convales cent Lodge phone Miss Erealcwcil Earrlc 4m llzdl MAN reauired ior business oiiicc pretcrably bctwccn iii25 peter enccs required Good opportunity lol right mnn Apply Box 51 per ric Examiner ldtdl BUSINESS Girlsl Do on need an additionallncomel lAvon Pro rte lss owers lei Wilson Av Toronto 1404 MARRIED man wanted lor dairy ï¬gs wig house minding man wou gOther Dutch help kepL Leiroy 143 ALERT Dealers can avenge 35 an hoursclllng usciul products oni gvvnlï¬ltgsouxnliiy tor this posiililogn pen it your surraun Enmlie station ntreIL 14 SALESMEN We rc ulre sci startln aggressive to csrncn to close add Must be marriedhca andown car Salary commission Ind bonus piy person tn Dunlap St or to one 2003 Mr og err iztit BANK Clerk wantcd male or is msle Experience prclcrrcd but not necessar Transportation provided Phone day or ma Barrie evenings 44346 AVON products have openings in Barrie and Vicinity lor vcapnble ladleswhoihnve rour hours day to spare Good commissions Write Miss Towers Apt 308 ill th son Av iaclory Apply charlie Lucas or Georgian Bay area Knowledge of meals not necessary but would be on ad ntogc Rep givin marital status cducalionan an expected All replies conï¬den tia Baxsilo Dorrie Examiner 142 FIRST Is Mechanics by To onlo suburban GM Dealer excel ent working conditions in modemgnralle pctlies or holidays with pay plus hiltem ployeabeneilts Write Mailern rCo Humbetview Mata 3200 Bloor StreeLWeat supElwrs tervlewiuorkz Canadian Tum oriï¬uihtimr maul thmi Limited l42l 16 Camp Borden during nI hiflhe lily lilbl min Do YOUNGman with ithQnI eduulimwlhel lo on 50 Cook so EMILE Dann will look lItel bahhdtl or dren in or DIIW Brlqulfl SIIKL VII4345 UNIVERSITY mdulte with NileG yellis teaching experience Wish mullc luperviior or slsnnt urban or mm Hdiools lull orplrt time Box 50 Barrie kaolin 24144 maternity WANTED HAVE YOUA FARM FOR SALE have two clients waiting or zoo acre terms with good uildlngc Also clients wanting 50 and loo acre lllrms Call Les Pope Darrie ma nnd tin wllh as LACEY REAL ESTATE 13 Hayfield St Phone SUE 33424 BEDROOM houre Wnnl SSH slon by is Forward m1 DIT ticuiamrucd as nugget all dgfln oaynlcn an pure be int 50 Barriezxnmincr 334241 Scipio FEED CHOICE Hly Iol solo APply Matt Schiller RR Eimvple phone if 104243 APPROXIMATELY 20 ton Ont illow loose or minPhone 23m Cookalown 1043 KY and Straw lo cal iivcr wlliiam KellrGillrd pilot belroy Ilrfl 1040148 HAY For Sale Aliaiiu and Tillm thy ly Gordan Jory Dalston Phone ill4243 CHOlCEiia$ App Carl ornn Mldhurst Phone Barr ll03r31 10le43 Vï¬ UANTKTY oi Elcd lioy Timo and Clover iar sui also cul tivator Phone soarlz illla HAY tor aalc Square balcsm ton George Wliis Pninswick Phone stroud 20r2i 104245 MONTCALM Eariey Ecavcc Oats for sale power cleanc also Sweet Clover Seed Adams phone 22 Mingulna 101243 TONS at good Hay Red Glover and Timothy mixed square bales tor Sale Agpiy Keith Less Edgar phanc 1043 QUANTITY ol No Early Wnrbn Polaloes Suithll for seed Ior sale Ernest Earnhardt liuwkestn Phone 00 51 101244 QUANTITY ol Montcnlm Barley seed for sale olso flntlty No Beaver Oat Apply owies Bro nhone sire Stroud 104 ALEALlA and Ciq hay la ed lnrsoleExclllellt lilali inrtlrrrnd bales Apply Hilroi Wu iwin nurSL Phone Barrie HINTS ill4244 BALED Hay and Straw Ior Sal Mixed Grain or seed nisoiï¬ed Clovcr nnd Alsiite seed Axply Reg innidReidnlDlnlbfl oncï¬vy 12 244 GOVERWENT tested Timothy excellent germination guaranteed clcan or Sale also Galore Earley and Small thtc peas Albert Maw phone Minesing 104246 WANTED USED FURNITURE Davenports Studio Couches Dress ers and Chests oi Drawers Trade in your used items while we have good demand and get smort mod ern iurnlture Clarks Home Furnishings 33 payilcid Street phone 2043 HITii H1 HES PRICES PAID SCRAP IRON AND METAL BODY SCRAP ton $18 00 Dont ens your can awn Sell direct top FRANCOZ METAL CORP LIMITED Phone 4261 Grill lot ilham W°Iilo Iell pipes be campus novreluiorcln 35 or partttrne ih ood condition arrand price if squatc bales RUBBEléfS AMPS SERVICE rm SELL zoliiz USED m6 Ton YOU THE WARDROBE pLAct mawooo USED cwmmo AT SAvnlos Erin in all clothing that isclceo and good repair we will cell It tor you 2nd Floor 54 nonhuman Entrance betweencllll Brown Ltd and Sparbsm Jeweller PHONE 5206 1040 MOFFAT ELECTRIC 30 RANGE hill Automatic Clockfmtnute min erbltiltin lampluperxinx pile oven OILS STOVEG FURNACE Icicl Teak Truclr delivery wilhyfflcket Printer SIMCOE PFIROLEUM SDSON we proprietor Phone 2563 dim Bruce Driver Salamin Tlsm SMALL Girl at is ph ma will NEW and Used Lumber phone 111 or mm Sydcnh in Street Anlul 71247 lsp with spring and rlni illicdmrnattrcss very clean horle 355 74344 IIIVENETIAN Blinds like no 10 00 Bargain Apply 23 Anne 51 Barrio 74243 Sim Circular wooden structure illzood condition Apply Sox 30 Earric Examiner 743 Sims poured concrete Brols Tottenlllml HR Phone 25900 ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNLOP STREET EAST PHONE 2431 OUTBOARDS Sal IMRï¬EE loo BOATS Cedar Slri Moulded Fibre Clings Aluminuziy hosting 56 Watcr Sport Su llct Lawn Eoy Sales Serviliep SPORTHAVEN Ono Wrightr Cicanen WA Dunloo East Phone 3010 73877 MOBILE HOME or Earric tit Y0 plan Ilew ndmlllgii 10qu hale le Low Down poncho ochenpn Finmu Ritu kiddie innlrance tor mutant or your eontnct up to yum Trade in miles car furnitureï¬ Parking spillsr 331an ave Chapman Trailer Sale Colsoa Ave on 00 Anal Oot EENO LOCAL MAN lip ROBINSON HARDWRE SPRING SALE WALLPAPER Be budget wise in 1850 lake advantngc at our real Spring Sale olSunwnrlily WEI 139218 3846 HARDWARE WEEKl TREMENDOUS iVAluEnl WIDE PRICE RANGE pEit siNCLE pom 29c 35c 39 496 ROBINSON HARDWARE 81 Dunlap East BUY CANADIAN5 BUY COCKSHLITII 59 CAMPBELL BR Dorrie Phone 2140 On 27 Highway miles Solell lfOR COCKSHUIT FARM MACHINERY Tizi is NATIONAL Pa onizcj your local mm are Merchant lo Bullde Hardware church organs LSECONOMrt ï¬xinMIElt we without rick Phone Cordo nrls Toltenllarn 74348 Pal122m I4 cu ll Phlico deluxe pope phone 5238 Mabcc promthirties QH LAGEY platinumlaw upheld at Swarm up MODERN NEW EUNGALOW $2300 down plynunt llrle lol prick rooms and louhpim tiic bub iorcod air girlieling bicen cnt locationin East End Cali Lee $1200 DOWN PAYMENT 30000 lull pricc ibr this live room older immaculate home lo cated on paved street in cast end Two lame bedroom Ind modcrn bath on rccond iloor and living room dlllinr room Ind modern ititchcn on ilrst floor wilh In ex tra room tor possible bedroom new roo largc lot and heavy wirinir Cali Al pose me HOME WITH INCOME $1500 lull price or thin newly rlueeoed older home bedroom und both up Ind Ilvinl mom and kitchen down Pius two mom apartment for rental Apartment has Ernie entrance and toilet Allie ot Only law doom ram stores Down Rnymmt required $3000 Call Al ose 5205 CODRINGTON SCHOOL AREA Lovely two bedroom modern bun galow ntmched garage Inn Med hgrixht i054 model Al condition one 759 Camp Borden 74qu BICYCLE tiled $10 and up Urry 805 clcs and Sporting Goods Baylle SI Phone 3874 743103 LAWN Mower Serviced ctilledlor not delivered like good used lawn mowers Ior Sale hone 5040 143404952 momED indion Ru uscd cp oraximatciy in 12 no go rose and bluetrialled cnds 335 Phonc 3332 latter pm 7424 lm roan Panel in good condi tion stzs elcclric range Very sonablc in perlcct condition Phone 5750 74344 120 EASE Flinnti Accordifln aim nomination Rind portable typewrit El Bo In good condition Phone I715 alter pm WINCHESTER model 11 um shotgun chambered for 31 eIiS 12 unux mnrly new 575 Phone incl alter pm 74243 NATIONAL Colh Hellth unn iroceteril style also one without receipt Practically new Phone Price 1008 Colliozwood 743 RUG Mnï¬ie Save up to onehalt 0n beam ul hroudloom ï¬lls Turn III your old carpets woollenl dothln etc 14 decorative Shades is 72211 Phone CRAIG Hunter can give you ser vice on Muster reed rroat pence Ferllliler and perm Su plies Con Iracls nvnilohie ta leml xour hogs Io nurkot phoac Strou 74250 USED Lumber doors and windows soilmipe and piping electric wir lugand ilxtures hot water radiap tors and hot water simulating pump Phone 5052 or Mill rerEmeElts omcc portebi Iddlnl mm talc and service Gamay pnnccrSL Barrie phone 4115 port 203 Smith Cor oaa representative lollttig RESTAURANT Equipment and funnier for remurnnt In Alliston All types of equipmdnt used in restaurlnt Reason tor leIIln re tirement Sell Chen Pou lume diutie sale Apply Hawkins Box 615 Box 015 Phone 427 Allis lml 71243 10 YEARS experience in new and giant electric car guarantee Prlce youcant at anywhere Terms to suit yourvbudzet Flume Funk Kennedy Phelpaton miles norilt oIBllnle oh lgnway 21 mile ear Elmvale Brli 717DiF MAHOGANY 2door wardrobe walnut 2door wardrobe superbly carved oaic iront desk excellent walnut bedroom suite single divan bed withdrawnx tca we or con sole tabio walnut chest to wcrs wltll cedar compartmen large an lions French provincial sellec with down cushions pair of wing chairs in rose upholstery heavy duty electric stages pérlectl Condillaoln arge me any rap cap Duncan phyte ai GWbprd wai nut drop lent tab arton trigcrat modern cab net tric sew ng machine revcrnl dios bed complete roclti chitin Georgian IVEI dess moons Geo ian flshservr re crai dresser csts iangeCD Irons er excellent condition large chin Cabinet etc etc loncs Used Fur nlllng5h°5 Essa Road Aiiandaiz phoned 743 reeondiuoned 99 COLLIE PUP for sole WANTED 2nd mortgage or $5000 per cent Good commercial eecur ity Apply Box 55 lastrte Exam cr 424243 caring yen to run0n Box so llinln Seed Drill attachmcn MASSEYHarl wilh cloIer ï¬tayner 257W INTERNATIONAL 16 20lrmor on rubber lnxood runnan order Apply to Scott MulrMineIin 314 IJic W4 Irnelor used Seasons in good condition gliy Mrs Mallard El one llpra lDSICASEModel Tractor John Deere SIurrow 10 new flmmrod til at harm lel with101M iron tor unioldlng ills trbud maria wuon Imfl II ridtl Four room home with bath iorï¬t room BEFOREYOU EUY roam SNne with di hi Bull lront entrance forced air oil enl Unduapcd 101 Call Lie Pope 53500 FULL piilCE kllehen lull cement with iaun dry tubs Lame lot and garage Located only iew doors tram Stores About halt down required Call Rose 5193 $8000 FULL PRICE l1 moms and bath Heré is on older home limit is pleasure to sell You must See it The up stairs har three mdroml and bath with lovei mill laws The oownstain has lvinx mom dinln room nrid umodem kitchen Wit ample builtin cupboards and love ly oak Dorm Full basement About hnIl down required Call AI lou 5293 $9300 FULL PRICE mo per monthrevonuc two three scli contained npurlrmnu located re brick buildin se 529d on large lot Cali Al Aboulrhalr down rcouirc TRY LACEYS NO OBLIGATION PHQN 5298 HOMES DIARIES ICOMMEECIAL SUMMER PROPERTIES 1043 FOR COMPLETE REAL ESTATE ESEVICEi Consultz HENRY ELRICK MICllm Repilor5 15 Owen St Buyinx or Selling Mortgage Loans cNationai iiousing Generai Insurance 1044271 BUYING SELLING CONSULT CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE billion STREET BAlutni phone 2070 anytime We alwayshave good selection NEW HOMES GOLDEN PE HOMES RESALEOF NHA FINANCED HOMES INCOME PROFEHTIES LOTS SUMMER PROEETRTIES NoOELIGATION CALL 2678Now 104 at CONSULT us oN Low Down Payment Housing Plans Exchange 01 Properties oNatiorlal Housing Loans orncorne Properties onentals Business Opportunities Property MInnzemlmt kcmpenicltp Wen trecd lol loo it lake rrloiltagexdeptil about 275 mile town limits Year round residence Thornton Ranch ltylebun plow LIV room 11 23 hedgoom Break 51 area Builtin bathrom Prontdlrld backteiosed in Inner Deep booerncn Furnace rcrsurc System Lula oLGoodgardell Early possession Lowdown raan houses how nulinu comp etiun dillerent IN boomed variouu parts Li plum town bedrooms lulu living llilll1mll yin kltcllenl Cerlmic tile choiceo pp barellaent ammonium ilh Tortellini altcil tar mmmerfcooilnl Mort Ann rent Con lot Flotilla Sill REALESTATE canoms OPEN UNTIL pm Dunlnp Street East ï¬lnle Phone Mia RESULTS COUNT Last week we advertised live housesliars then webave had five Salesnow we badly need ST PHOFERTY TO Sub you or be serious about leIilanil and we will live your propel1 STOUITILIZED attention Th alum Ill It ll saleable we will Mil NEW NHA lor Slow down and $55 month vou can get your choice or plans new bun aioweNHA mortgages cioy bric nothlnll thrown loge lhcr about thembuildu show extreme pride in workmanship ovcrrixed kitchensstainless steel Siniuï¬xtre cupboard ceaood sized living mwwi picture windowsthree btdroomr roomy closets in elicit Nice entrance vcsiibuics with cloak room rooms llnd lritchcns and we tiled to your choice oi color on heat ed Privnte aide drive with back entrance to bolement and kitchen ï¬gvior 511595 LIMITED ACT FOR LARGE FAMILY Due to illness the owner is forced to sell this good lzed older as home Living roomis ldxzo chcn ioxlao la bedrooms This home is in residential dis trict and would be an ideal place to bring up inmiiy Full prlce $7900 CLOSE TO AN ACRE with the llan View of Barrie BEY roomsravine surroundings All for $0500 SANFORO STREET rlorvysa big roomsll ILfll buy at 31200000 NEAR ST MARYS CHURCH large roomsZ baths$8500 SUMMER 15 Just about here pre onle now by inquirin about the lollowinlt Beoutltui Ln whore Cot inlze vwllhin ll mile of Burlle luin modernized or the ultimate mndernle price SEE THIS Evonlnll cnll oiiicc 241 or Jaclt Corby its pap Morrlmn 5012 Rm Chomls 3141 GORDON $TOUTT LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS OPEN UNTIL run Dunlop Street East Represenltltlves rolli Lake Ontario to North Eaï¬ Barrie hone 2413 184 43 ROGERSRETESTW REASONABLE PRICES NAPIER STREET Near Nelson Three year old deluxe brick bedroom bungalow with matchinl brink garage Very large living piace linsemcnt re realion room and laundry seetio all bedrooms Koodsilu 10 quality bungalow at low price of 513000 with NHA res1e terms WELLiNGiON EAST Brick storcy square plan modernized lnotleasly irspl dull basement oil belting and good small apartment on second floor Very bri ht corn tortabledrame large any arc lus ood rentaineome duce prcn $11500 halt cosh Quick pmesion LOUNT STREET oti Grove East Large Sixroom ilirslorey bricir home iully coulppcd and Just nva years old ilgh dry locationin Toronto Street School urea Per tect ternily home having both large kitchen and diningroom snoop with NHA rcraie telm3 ALLANDALE BUNGALOW Nell Fair rounds Lovely clean 3year old ungalow oi best quality Con struction and pretty decoration throughout Ext tionnlly line lor dea lat Reasons ie at $0500 lNNlSIll STREET ayearold bedroom brick bungalow with ex tra lumemndem frontkiwhen lull basement on heating ruiiy equip ped and dpainted Throughout nica am an Jocilled on paved met on bus route ldcai uaiily horns lor small iomily Pr is 30900 Complete HIGHWAY 00 Less than mile out heal good aroom illsStorey with downstairs bathDow all heating attached are on large garden Com orta 1e wellkept place priced at 50500 with terms Weii be pleased to help you buy orrell yourpropmy at lair price alwayal Phone 5357 anytime day evenlne Charles R09 REALTOR Dunlap street ms REAL ESTATE locitimbers Meinbcropurrle Distrch Real Blot Eonrdr Open lor illr lion Street Brandpellew hunch week Whe REAL STATE LTD in dLAPPEnTon mm Pholle ilerric 241 Dost flidolit Suetmnn to tally exnerinnced and qualified to handle your emit Real Etlnle problem BLAKE STREET Executives Home 823500 rive beautllui roomsplu com pletely divided and Anlshrd buse mcm Well to wall hmdiooln Ind drppcr Included in price Large evince in ilvin room Ind many her cxclusive eatum that must so ft labeill Slli Fol pd men on we Barrie ml mun MILES FROM DARRTE oN LAKE SIMCOE $1950 HOME FOR GRACIOUS LlV iNC $3000 down The balance on all 1012 FEATURING TWENTYTomi LIVING ROOM WITH SIO FIREPLACE Lune hmlly lize dinln room Three lpleious beam th do hie duets Fully ivided bese rnenL Complete wiur workshop Recreation room Cold mini and laundry room Hot water oivhellt ink Lime lot Iulroundcd by lied and lnrel Double In any 100 all the water will CELL ENT FACILITIE FOE SWIM MING IN THE SUMMER FISH ING IN WlmR Barrio Dial Telephone Call Runell Carson for on wpolntment to see this home at Barrie 245i 4PMDUCI IVE FARM $18000 let ocrcs choicc workable land and in am bush Lorgc brick hours and large Lshpcd barn Plenty oi water Good roll Additional an acre term with crcclt tor nurture it desired Caii Mr Taddcn 2451 till pm gt EXCELLEN VALUE $13500 ideally located ncar Schooil bus service lovely roams plus inrzc recreation room no stone terrace icnced Int gargr his home has many extras Contact Mr Simpson atmi anytime AEEAL HOME $13000 Located in Eastern part at Earrie Lot so it 330 large rooms car ccnidnt block garage This house has ma extru Shown poinlmen oni Contpct Mr irap don 245i on inc am to pm No SALARY REQUIREMENTS $11500 Very low down no merit for belutilui one year od three bed room bunlllliow in lovely cutround Inga Many many extras Nlpiera DuckworuL Contact Mr Worthing olt WESTminor TOWN $10500 Asking Price Make us any rcusonablc otter We will try and am the down payment to suit yo dcrll storey and halt brick Dcoutlmliy decor ated throughout Situated on large lot within walkingdiatnnec at down town No hills to climb Cali nusacu Carson at 245i With 52000 down tor this well loca led property near 01 Thrrclargc bcdrooams beaulituihvlng room Good income borne Hot water with oil heet Art quickly contact Mr Worthington at am BRADFORD STREET Two blocks Irom the GE $7500 Six large rooms Ind balh Solid brick Could be duplexed or 530000 Pull down Bytnent $80000 50 FOR 31100 CAN HAVE THAT DUPLEX YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING 2011 For ID ointment Call Mr Shrlswell at nrrie 251 LETITIA STREET Exclusive Coil courseArea $7200 Seven rooms and both hot air heating Situated on large lot overlooking beautilul country side For appointments call Mr Shels well Earric mi PENETANO STREET seé50 51500 down Milk us Smaller as the owner wont to Tell this Frog art at once If on have not $15 hmi er wiiglwilm you sao mnorur thevlE Imompllgnpaclmtact Russell Carson at Eerrlc 2451 INCOMECENmAL 52500 Down 10 room saildhrick with income potential bl tit least $3500 per This home II lnexcelient condition and ldeallyimted as morning house For iurtiter Dn ticularr contact Coiling 451 DOUNTST Choice nix room brick lwo mod ln iritchens and two bathrooms midi ciil Mll Sudden 2451 SUNSHINE PROPERTIES ltyou arelooirlng tor cottages tourist buxillebsas tourist hotels Stecontlct Mr Simona at Bar Ho 2451 and let me help you to ratislactor property Cons Ridduti ONALLMISTATE Bun aiow builtyto maximumN1HA ltln lrdi bedmomfbrirk EIDWWIBI Llootill bathr ultra modern air conditioned wlzthh minted very dry ted huem umJtorfli dooi lull price Se or nouesalo Yoursel or call 3642 And see lite newest Itom WIIIlevo vel McIntosh from Tongs NON OPENINFVP NeyvRestrictéd Area SubDivision AT pAmSngic BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 15 10w IALI Apply DENIS SHEARD LTD PAINSWICK Phone Stroud on 164145 ROGERS REAL ESIAIE HAVE AT ALL WES NHA Financed aardmonl Buo giows Good choice at larger modern home Centrally located older homes Duplexes Ind Income Properllu Small businesses Firm Lots in Barila Lou outside of Town it pay In check wllh when planning to buy or reiii PHONE BARRIE 638 ANYTIME DAY OR EVENqu CHARLES ROGERS REALTOR STIlELiNa TRUSTS BLDG pAlllliE lomtt SLEssOR REAL ESTATE CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE PHONE 5034 BEDROOM HOME Inspect thll allrnctive room bun galow Ill every convenience benutllui matched atone replete loreed air oll heat hunched or Me Donation HenryASlrect oil price $1500 hail cash BEDROOM HOME This room bungalow and gnragc on innlsIll St has every canvcni ence including all non deep in and nicely iandscap Asking price 310000 with convenient terms COUNTRY HOME rooms and sunroom piece bath llcutcd to space hcatcr Hasgar age and rlvcway Location Sunni dille Road pull price 5100 with lcrms Just call Sim anytime SLESSOR REAL ESTATE ill43 HOUSE $1650 down $6020 Per month bedroom bungalow Phone 6855 ltlllawltl WE HAVE client Ior our home Call us at 2451 Rldout 51 Estate Lilnlted 1527 CHOICE building IntS Central located Priced rensonnbiy 3521 altar pm ROOM House and burn located an the main Street Hllillopll W0mshPhImE8701Earri 104145 BRICK House consisting oi eplrlmenls with separate entran ccs2 blocks lrom Lobiaws phone 4933 184043 SAVE on quick sale Very modern new home rooms flange oth ers Further details ca Welling lon St West T4143 100 ACRES Land 1th Com Ves ra EV Lilt Sultoéfle 13de eevanin uan sann timber Phorle 8004 lav4345 BRICK House nslsdng at apartments twill pralC entran ces Garage 20x30 blocits irom Lobiawr phone was ioiud FOE PROMPT and reliable service In the 5e11an your home will Rose 5295 and list with Lacey Realtor WE DO HAVE Cum WAITING SLAxE street Five roomcd mod era bungalow with suntroam over looirtne bay Full slud basement with ventilated truit cellar Corn Ioieleiylnsuiate Lsrgc gang price 311500 Apply 17 Suite iii4243 NEW prick Veneer bungalow large kitchen lrvuz room piece bathroom airs basement suitable lot art mcnt iron Firemaniurnacc i005 dow ent biy Newton granule 104140 ONE AND Juli storey hone six rooms large living room kit chen tour be rooms dares piece bpthroont hot air heating lull price 510500 with $3500 dawn Sec this one or real value Coo eraltve Lining DD 003 Henry rick dc Michie Realtors 15 Owen St Phone ssa iola Two STOREY solid ck us eleven rooms hot water heating ollllred iurnacc conlll ng large livinll room dining roo kitchen den two sunroarns ï¬ve bedrooms three piecemath and washroo Lot has 152 it tronlase room to build another home nenry Elricls ld Michie ire itors Owen St phone 5533 lslz 25mm Dutch Colonial and clapboard house with attached Iprdze Downslai living room dining room streamlined modern kitchen bedroom gt powder room and sun room it airs bed mi This mpariien room 1100111 Fullbascrncrlt oil hot mterhll ling manyextras large I1 teraily home close to school or hedigom it Rigidnnd downtown Olwner oll reason or se Ph 5013y 104335 APPLES Cooki ply Otmwoy 1m Peel rl pitting Ap amlsiane1 ollc 046 APPLE Dsltcia Sy Snow Grcenlii mand Bel iawotfl who CEitiiTmD lu Latlmn Mailw 2h Fleur EV