Wik BylAsflACnEsS JAslfmJ rams Barrio boxer currently billed as British Em pire heavyweight champ on is en route byplane to Dortmund Get War where he tsrtoitght Heinz Neubaua April 29 James to also scheduled or return bout May is at Johannesburg South Africa Igalhst Ewart Petgieter belted in London verdch THE PECllLlAli PART at this whole proposition it anything can be termed peculiar re rd boxing is that AP story datelineii ewnYork April lllil aly who is leaving to Germany in low day said Paltier will also In London in June on the light heavyweight championship show between Archie Moore and Yetride Pompey WiLLlAM DALY is the gentleman the word is very loosely and carelessly sued rccently under lire by flame thrower JutlusJieltrn New York district attorneymlho started out last year to unhorse the highrldlag evil doors itboxing and personth brought palytrurur eroi thgsanagcrs Guild operating lnsevufal parts oi the USA to task on pollstic liviil nd actionsvdeiriinental to thogood st the gains Eleveven my be Daly with siuable inlemt in llnmy Phrli contract to Toronto speeulatar Mr it jlhls white the heat wasou Joey Bagnato Toronto retained his chunk oi Parker as leading light it supervist the rehabilitation ol the British Emp gt lliil llbla constl very good thing tor the fortunes ptPgrkcr lighter with gres calla despite much adverse copy tromthe sheets totbe south BU THERE JOKER Seems Bill Duly unloading in time pemulihmublc relaiordsomo control oi the property enough to benlla 61 Rglrdlmol the iact thatthe Toronto speeu Iatoris suppoaed to have acquired controlling interest and Daly ref taln merely token trust Some line linagllng has gone on here SAD PART OF THE WHOLE DEAL is that James rates as nice guy and when trainingseriously honors at time when his vision lsloaded with Luothlng but second titers and TV specialsr lie should he battllpg the like at Hurricane Jackson Emrd Charles et al in lucrative matches designed to prove it he would be worthwhile op bent or the champion Rocky Marciano Jimmy has staged some ind ierent ilghtsat mes but is still tear some puncher and as good prospect as clutter up todays TV screens His time Is now in year or so opportunity will be son orever and James Parker then takes his place among ttlemighthavéltbeens li staplagement isnt everything it is at least seventy percent or the is being deprived of the decision by very odd draw South Airlcanvgtant who Parker soundty Bill Duty as Parkera manager Now Mr hard It top contender tor heavyweight so victory over Norwich frag game warplayed belore the set sons largest crowd at Benton Ark ena the hometeam taklng the beetle seven series tour straight it was rugged contest 17 item attics being called ineludlnlone misconduct neeton were assessed it out $e ï¬cngiihu andI played pm as eope ngper lod Ibortharided Even so Norwich down 50 attha dose or thertlnt union and thiat the end ointbe second in alt departments Beetou were the stronger better balanced team although Norwich battled roughout John Holancin and Don kits led the winners each scoring two goals singles were registered by Eru Nichol Bill htto Ken Kell an ltoss whltrslde Franti in and alcolm did the scoring tor Norwich one in the second and one in the third pceton neat play the winner at the three at live series between Mindcn and Napance tor the chum plonsh Theitthsti the past season with the net and residents at Eden CAP Station was evident Wednesday evening when the tour station lea gnu held their comblned banquet and presentation oi priming proximately too participants in the leaguea competitions attended FL McLean bowling convenes presided at the dinner and pm entations with assistance from SL Kelli and Such Four Station Leagues Through having the tour station leagues underone executive 20 teams have been able to schedule lamea each week despite the total iacliitles oi only two alleys ma jor problem the team captains the arnnglng oi replacements or vacancies on team occasioned throughpostings in mldseason During the season just llnlshcd the wtimcns League with tour tcamr schedule theirgames on Monday nights in two shifts the intersection League comp ot eight teams at then and on used the alleys on Tuesday and Thursday nights On Wednesday nights iourtcains in the MG League were scheduled at and pm Thetnteriness League with tour entries played their SINGLES CHAMPIONS Tom Fiear movedlnto the top spot in the singles ehamplonsblp playofl when he scored 1433 for his second block at live games last Saturdlyl to give him atom at 2572 for ten games The third andtilnal session will be at the local alleys tomorrow attemoon Ed Green who was top man tor the iirst live with 1248 slipped LESSEE FIGHTERS HAVE FARED BETTER Take Johnny Ar thur South African so called heavyweight champion He fought Parker at Torontos Maple Leai Gardens couple at months ago for the British Empire title Arthur is bigslrong man who hadnt even learned the basic tenets oi boxing by light lime ltewasbrought over by west coast sharpshooter and took icarsomo healing trotn Parker although the latter was criticized ihr not knocking his mln ouL The guy was as durable as the Statue oi Liberty and took punches that might have ielled an iron headed ox to any case Arthur has since had two money making lights one telecast and been advanced as pretty sharp chunk oi material His last light was with Willie Pastrano sev enthranked New Orleans heavyweight last looted customer who ill glcd nlmbty and relied on stabbing leit jab topltc up points and win ten rounder at New Orleans over the hulking South Airican llY SHOULDNT PARKER an inï¬nitely superior practitionerol the ce seminoble antimalarialcw gibostsrtightslgï¬ygood question ahd one which Mr Dslyeoul thousand well chosen words or perhaps James Norriss lBC coutd suPPl desolation in new hundred phras IN ANY CASE PARKER in order to make any money Mill is iorced Octllltitlct thesefqrcign lull Ntintillts fine source 01 in comeandltgbodgrlstforthmll tyourir championinrarkers case It cando Irreplrabie harm irom the po at view or reputation hebeltstheVGerman chappio out pen is will say well so what he should iiskvfllltmgtiih misses hes rough as ranking heavy weighL in these countrys some strange ecisions can get rendered and its practically easepl whining by kaockouteveryrtlme EWART POTGIETER the seven foot giant who supposedly Gilli the ring alter the dreadful body punishment he took from Parker in their London cngagementlsyanother ease in point It is obvious that the men lncharge wantto promote Potty in AmericaalaPriluo Camera He had two choices To come as boiler then switchover to Wrestling alter BoobusAmerteanus had shelled out the limit for wat ching ital ept praetipneer in action with gloves on Nuw Parker an shortly in WohannesburgTbs ayday iorthc Barrie man wiltbe good All we can say is hed bettersmash the giant kicking quickly or hell liable to wind up in comps Sortofvllketbmchanees or aatuing Sikl weight titl aureis againstjrlsh lack MeTigu liars ago in Dublin St Patrick Day However it may turn out wojust hope thatJames Palï¬r picks up enough not tocompensato tor the lean times Hes came BACK ON THE LOCAL SCENE Orv Dosh is still trying to spot cellent pro welterweight prospect Dun Wallace place on card omowherc It is likely that Don will make his debut in Detroit if present plans go through gt NEW BOWLING ALLEY will be ready in the east part ol by September This news conveyed in an Examiner adver container eorg tlliamsrproprietor oi the buildingestr nhiishrneniI will state plans call idr lz nileys in be nsuilcrl Great eg err obabiyTanswer invta low to third position when he scored lOZOto give him 3268 total De fending champion Bob Matilnn bowled his opening to games last Saturday afternoon and evening and stands in second position with 2450 total Also over the 2100 mark are iim Orr 2m Larry hoblliard 220i Ted Kelly 2183 Cecil Forth Gord Miller 2150 Don Rusi sell 2145 Don Garner 2144 Tom Ficar received permission ro the league to bowl his ilnal live games last Saturday evening andtrtored 1084 in givnvhini otal for the 15 game pin all Muiiinn has reason able chance of retaining hls championship as an vllhi live game score will beat out Fleas heginning Fridsy April is CKVRTV will telecast late movie every Friday evening stari ihg at 1180 An excellent series oi rograms has been purchased andpthe first movie scheduled la The Long voyage stoma full length feature film starring John Wayne tan ltun tar Barry Filzgeraldmnd Ward Bond The Long Voyage Home is an exciting saga oi menwho sailed in the merchant servlco during World War it it tells of the perilous voyage of dynamite laden shipbound from Baltimore to London and is packed with action excitement and adventure atolls sweat PLANTS including programs nowunder way ncwtnvestment in plant ex pansion by Canadas our integrat ed steelmllgs has cost $450000 11 it it near Taster it games on Sunday atteriloons Womens Lellue lllll Suchtpresenied the Such Trophy to Mrs Shore as captain oi the championship team The Shorea llntahcd the ileague series In third position eliminated Stev ens in the lcmirtinal and then do feated the first plaeoMetarlans iii the finals Players on the cham pionship team received spoona with the same presentation being made to members of the ilrstjplace McFarlans Mrs Hobson won the award for her high single game oi 288 Mrs Pratt scared the high triple with 812 and Mrs Stevens carried the high average for the season with 15R lnlltructiori Iregun Supply team carried oilthe hon era in this leaguo as they beat out the other eight teams for ilrst place in the league series and then eliminated Radarand team to win the championship SL Kelli presented team captain FS Lacroix with the Commanding Ot llcer Trophy and each player re cei it two engraved spoons tor their uble winning eifortu Miss llatton won the awards tor high singtovand triple for ladies With 234 and Sill while LAW Caswell had the best average with 15 Jim Miller had the high average copped the highsingle award with his 390 game and col Bouloi won high triple with 792 rt PMQ League Shoulis won the championship Inuthls lour team mixed fleague as thisy ï¬nished the series in seen pr men with 214 W02 Brydon withth Middup Trophy piilnahip tum lneitlbel Iltl Shoutts won the high single and lush triple awards withscores of 213 and 688 MnnBury maintained season average pl 159 towin that award LAC Dale won two at the mens awards with htr single game Di 303 and triple of 7M Sgt Ellis had the highaverage which was 190 interbless Magus Although the Oltlcers team lin lshed the aorta in third place in tho playolts they eliminated the Senior NCDI In thoJlnt round and then defeatedtheAinnen in the tails The Airmen had won the league series Flo Honsbergcr was presented with the liaison Trophy and individual awarda were made to members oi the champion Dinner and Series win ning Airmen teams in this leagua FO Robertson won the high single with 307 F10 Elliott the hilh tripio with 759 Ind Jim Miller with 196 had the best average specill Awards eeial presentation oi silver ya in madetoMrs Shoultu WOZTBrydonJor scoring the high single games in their respec tve divisions In any station lea guo during seasons schedule SL Kellt lpoltu on behalf oi Commanding OttlcerWC Br at congratulating the leagues on their splrltot cooperationandespecially thanking FL McLean torhls work as bowling convencr during sue cessiul season gt Th om snnluri nun serlcs betwiien Newmarket Smoke Rings and Stamiord has been changed rpm tour oiseven series to Withiunjtwh umj tum tell in the roundrobin for theDangeriieid Trophy the race has tightened up as result oi 193th Shannon rink being do tested lastnlght tor the tint time alter four straight wins Paddy Mites accomplished thia thexwlllhavetliov diamondianilablo torfplaylsg homogunes the esec ullvevhave planned on drain up thefschedule tor 1956 till eetl eryone ls The time agdreera Ana ladies with team will Iolditlan initial workout at the no Queens Park outlay sendTuesday evenings Pnetlce ll soiled JIIBdJOlhm and Ill tonnes metohm or any interested in mistyth are requested to turn on Mrl Dorian Parker is team manager with Larry McKl non omelally pointed as core Mr McKinnonytraln er to in Pontlaes hockey team eoaehed the Barrle team to their Iast championship in 1958 00 Welland lead Coilingwood in it van Final at Coltlngwood tonighLJri th second gamebl their best hrec iinalseries tor the OMH Juvenile minor iiile Welt took the first Wednesday Thla newaserles was ordered alter the teamshad finishedrtied in their original best at seven itnal tn the event oi third game it will Ii three of live aitalr among other considerations Newmarkets over gt Whetmlng superiority shown in winning the tirst tvln matches bringing about the switch Third game will be contutod at Newmarket Arenathls Satitr day night at 330 There is quite acrosse team has been tenta tlvely discussed possibly ior ineluslori In an Intermediate league meeiin livl bb held Saturday atternoo one ofeloeli April bit at Barrie interest in this iln at witbthreodoeal boys on the team not mrth couple slated for tileFlyers mutt seaoon Smoke Rings coached by Herb Cain former NHL surnare highly rated iAYliiENTS MUCH mono in the coming year Ottawa eat lmates that family allowance pay OPEN FUJKIST snow Fendleys Flowers of Barrie have openedobranch store in Al liston having purchased the floral and potted plant business former ly handled by Frank stiseners 61th ments will cost $39920D000 near 1y twice the annuatcost ten years ago and the unlversaloid age pension payments will cost $879 515000 ENVOI nostril ravens loud hunt and abig bouquet For the hockey beams oi the OllA To the toughold warhorse Happy Emma incl an unsung group or uncut geins To Billy Forhanand the 01 Andail the rest at the Ftyers box pot on the back tor Ducky klnner Who couldnt quite produee Winner For Stan Batutlt and Will Qheo And Walter Bradley the magic three Lets tip our hats to big Chazoo To Father into the double blue To Elmer Vhako and little Roy To good old Rex and the victory eryr Lets shed bear tor the luckiess Bills Whose soaring sunk in the playoffs wt For Ronnie Howell andrEddle Shack And all the boys who ntftbe so For Teeps and Irish 15 is and tabs For Bilts and Flycrs hockey clubs For all wholl miss andcapt ramp Lets ring thebeli with toiida is him lngironl his its ilart at Stamford Arena ieah Alter two opening lotus the lack Kennedy rink won three straight and at todsy by ship mm town plan and zoning so that bylaw pertaining to same may be prepered gt LAUNCH NEWISHIP The new motor vesscl Montcla property oi Moniahip Lines le rd was launchedatColllazwood Shipyards noon Saturday April Shortly it will operatei Great Lake to Mediterranean no it il the tint vessel built Canada since the war years in registry under the British its the standing by wins and losses is as follows Herb Shannon 41 Paddy llllles Jacl Kennedy Pink Hersey Bill Brown ing 73 Walter Craig larry WIbllarria 73 Tonights set oi tour gamer com menclng at eight oclock could Iasilyntlghten up the standln an more not one oi the eight Shannon beat Browning Kennedy heat Harris Hart beat Mlleucralg real Hersey Shannon beat Harris Kennedy rownlng Hersey beat Hart Miles beat cratg Last night Kennedy beat Hor toy Browning bent Hart llarrls beat Craig andVMltes beat Shan non Final for the Labalt Trophy be wecn Bruce che and Walter Craig wlllbe next Monday night At Niagara Falls Splel Barrie rink oi Clarence Cum ming Charlie Knight Fraser Suth erland and Harry Armstrong skip curled Tuesday in thetloney moon bonsplct opening event for the new Niagara Fallsrink They won two and lost two games but reported the tea was anything but honeymoon Tacohism rax liars Teeumseth Township will have tax rate ol4a7millls this year Council will levy onihstiollowr ing township general and roads 113 county general and road 105 township general school rat is township school trust rate 10 Banting Memorial lllg School trustee rat high sch iobeniures so my AN EXAMINER Como outboard that has every autumn Dalmatiantr Bayfleld hing the new 1956 Scott Atwaterl Its smoothand uict operation packed with tall thonlodern iclatures automatic power bailing full gearshift big remotef itank twishgrip speed control eontrot connectlo Youilotijoy seeingdluse new motors BSOLUTELY FREE colorful eoeive Boating sunken op cit hood rcmoto and