Owen Sound Visit Mrs 5min visited her sister in Owen Sound lastweek Golden Wedding We loin willt their manytriends in congratulating llr and Mrs iohn hunt on their act wedv ding Innivemry on April In with them many more happy years In Preston Mrs Gillilnnd and son Larry with Mrs Boyd and Dorcerl spent few days last week in Preston with Mrs Boyds daughicr Mrs bowls Osmond nan convention ldrs Booth at tha Aleona Beach school was In Toronto and attended the special Education Branch OBA convention in the Royal York Hall Euchre Another enjoyable xtlme was aria Yes it was real surprise party that landed at thnhome at Mr and Mrs McNabbJast Wednel day evening and brought congrat ulations and best wishes or many years at enjoyment in their lovely new home whichthcy very Wond ly showed the guests thmugh Alter playing progrenive eucbro and partaking or bounteons lunch rchie andllildawzre pre sented Ith ealltitul table lamp Tram elg in line euchrc gang Archie Ind Hilda expressed their sincere thanks to the gilt and invited everyone to come again not quite so uneapectediy Ruler Thanh erlog The United WHS Easter thank oitering meeting on April was largely attended Guests were Pauls Anglican and Stroud Pres bytetlan Mrs McLean presided present from the illollerMS St Itr rat Arthur saithJoanne Sound Vlalted vaAdl Grok and Mr aadasrs Gerry emit From Toronto luv and Mann ALW and tamin at Toronto visited and um lrwlnfld Id Toledo Mrs Janet Smltblelt on Fri day for Toledo Ohiotbapeud few weeks with her dlnsnfler Wee nd Nil Mr and Mrs Frank Creberot ningtoh were weekend visitors of Millrid Mrs Luke uBrlca student leabhen Both rooms at SSNoAS hava stndent teachesr this week Miss Connie Fletcher or lekéswne and rllilj7ltlAt the Victor on it 12 11 an nslidrd ml utopia onna show my be velrientJrrdie ndalttthooe aerldlng alao til bearera and bcveall pal Muriel tot her invaluable nltee ill chl mLESLTidtc5iddilo dear tattlth eH Co siwtlo flagged away so denlr ï¬nd it Litevgoea on in varidua ways But memory clings to by mvingty rernunoe Emily CLARK dear loving memo otve on hygwlte 45 LOUGHEmAt the HI Hospital Barrie on new user is tcaz Carol ROBINSONAt iii W1 Victoria It on April ll HMD on ll 12 or Mas me Mickey Kashncrl liilin 5L dnulilter tWondI Khti ASAPHAt rats McMillana Nurs top Home Barrie on Dlurndia April 17 1959 Delia Woods be loved wire at Normnn Aonph in her oath ran Resting lat Lloyd and teckley ltlrleroli Home Barrie for servitvo on Saturday April 14 at min In terment arrrie Union Cemetery ddr and itflarold Cooper attended the DoueetteParke wed dingtn Toronto on Saturday VM snd Enron have returned borne from aliveweek holiday In Fiorid andtusau ur rad Mrs roreph Tascona Dennis Judy andJoey have re turned ruin motor trip to win olpeg where they spent the Euler holidaysil sir andMrs HaroldA Henry returned Tuesday from New Smyr na Beachsouth of Daytoha on thsllorida coast one at thalong est testablillled southem resorts This wasblr Henrys 12thwinter season at the Alba Court Hotel which is popular with Canadians evidentiyaslhey met manythere Special attractionsin addition to tbe very large beach Ire ball games race andtlablng Mr theengagenieut at their Elizabeth Joyce tnhrne lrumbley aon otldr bley and the late Mn Trumbley at orillia the marriage to take placeron ShturdnY my at pm in the RCA Chapel Camp Borden 45 been porce by the Trustee of the PoliceVill age at Everett which rend toll ows No dogs will be allowedrto run nt larKe trom May lit to Octlth Then will bea ssoo unity to any owners whose dogs are caught running at large durlnnhis dine EVerett 4345 er and moods who mmd away April 10 remember youflln allence and Miss BettyMaclntoab bright telï¬hglgA in tughtor rooman me Arldmake rd ah adulthood Holmes otTolohto Andwhat ii°me3nviatoiioseuviyou the junior mm no one will ever know Ever remembered bydauhter NleeeJilarrte Smile tonsilslaw Harry and Mr and Mrs Lul in Ros at lflndmdfln ta agara Ellis attended the wedding COMBIll loving metno ot at th ir niece and visited rellives dear rather Geor no es who vassedawa gtAprl Dovl nod ind in all hirwc uprigglt of and ltiltshmentlnglwabs openeder in the hallflast Monday night one no mus airs oyd when players at l7 tables vied tor BWth Mter the responsive read the prixts whlch were won by in at psalmand the worship Ladles Harold Robertson at Wilt1 Mrs Molest introduced points playing as lady 34 the speaker Mrs Brnneall wile Lloyd Webb to points low Joyce oi the superintendent or the To Smithao points mens Gib mnto Jewish Mission This lil slon was organised in years ago gilfnfngziflignJï¬gihï¬ï¬rï¬mj There are now over 70000 Jews in CoflneMcNIbb Toronto Mu Bruneau gave and very Impressive description of the roam United Church SuadayServlce religious life at these people who and Mn Gm mu fA large congregation attended are so misled racial tradition and mu Mel Town um lhc United Church Sundayevcn and prejudice how the most weekemf Wm gin ing service when Rev Wanluss ettectivo results are obtained by Be preached splendid sermon rum home visitntloll among them Mr mm one the text What are we doing arnncsu was thanked by Mrs no Mr and Mn wmï¬l Scm with Jennachrist The sacrtt Goodlclltvw torher vcry splendid Rom he sued eh ment oi The Lords Supper was address the ï¬xit week held at this service and recap Mrs Bruce Cowan sang the tion service tor the tollowing six beautiful aulo Will Sing oi liy Tglnpyg sum new members unltingwith the Redeemer Announcement was Mn prank Kinkonmcu Church by letter at memhmhio mpdo at tile can nltiiiation ser and Tommy spent he put up and protcssion oi trith Mr and vice on April it at 730 oclock days in Quincylliinois vUSA ld Earl Shannon Mrs Edgul and the Wills Presbyterlal in Or vtsmng um cousin Shirley Jones Joyce illla on May 3rd Mrs Don Mollbl in the WA meeting several com conï¬ned To lied mlttce reports were receiveJ 11w Mrs David storey is confined to bed under the doctors cars We hope she will soon be around again Married Saturday parsonage decorating wnn report Congratulations toMr and Mrs ed completed at cost oi $89 and $50 was voted to lhn church FloydPhillips who were married Saturday alternoon basement deeorntton Plans were made to cater to mother nlld Euchre Party There were aeveu tables of daughter ha et in May pleasant social time was unloved together with lunchat the close ot the meeting eucbro the hall Friday evening Ladics nd gentlemens that went to Mr and Mrs LesllevJerlney consolation Betty Tndhope and the Soldiers Henry is planning return to ital Orllila businessas usual belomlnng WHEELAREA Area of productive lorest land spent at the progressive euehre pnalpontrol Bare Competent Recruited Instructors dothiyco Renting at thePedllek Funeral Home lzl Bayfleld St Servlccvlnthe chapsLsaiurday in CnIdn excludins Labrador is ILK pan lntermcrlt Mldhilrst emu estimated ably5830 square miles and Just to the end rigs sincefl an klnddnlleart and What bellrtlmlmemory he lelt behlnd Bver remembered by Denelda Diane Denise nnd Bill ts PADDlSONln loving Mary of Edward rnddison who passed awny 12 dots The rolling streamot lit rolls on Stillrtbevnl1nt chi Recalls the the voice the gtnn ei the one who once lat mere EVer remembered by his wile Laura and loudly 4s WRIGHTin lovingb memory at our mother Mr In er wh A311 15 no at the hes May and iitnnt ner Etemnl Ever remembered Thompson Smith and lie Vi tori Mrs William Kelly and Ronald spent tow days wltbMr and Mrs William Constable in Toronto last week and Ronalds cousin Ralph Constable returned with them to havo few days holiday Back Alterflvlo Years Mrs Teasdall nee Edltll Black more and daughter Barbara nose have returned from twoyents stay in London England and are now on their way to Montreal where lilrs Tensdalls husband be stationed WALucccssinl Tea The Woman Auociation at the United Church held very sue eesslul tea on Wednesday alter noon April The vicepresident Mrs Emerson Curtis acted as hostess and most graciously wel coined theguests rrAnrltalian type ecru shade lace cloth complete with silver service and lovely bau quet or white lnums and snap dragon adornedthe long table Pouring ten for the llrst period were Mrs Susan Paul and Mrs Harry Stewart Later lilrs Harry Wight and Mrs Stephens poured Guests were seated ut little tables dainty with cloths miniature tea services and rose bowls The young matrons oi the church served delicious iood Easternliiies lovely blooming punts with daftodllsandcut now ers added pleasing charm to thc ucéasion During the tea two young teenage girls trotn Strand each played piano solos and the ame two girls Donna Marie Ma on and Dorothy Fox sang lovely net with Mrs Wanleasas accom anlst The society are very gratetul to all who made the ocea sion both pleasing and profitable Sunday Service The sacrament of The Lords Supper was observed in the Unit ed Church on Sunday last Unit ing with the Church prior to the serving of the sacrament were Mrs Alfred Davis Mrs William Atkinson by protession of faith and Mrs Stewart Dounclly by certiï¬cate Weekend Visitors Miss Hele lltta market spent the eekeud wltllj her grandfatherpfl gb Donnelly and aunt Lnella Donneliytv ura William Kelly Illll Ronnie spent tow days in Torontotltis thirds iull Congratulations Mr and Mrs EIrnerAtltinsop of Drillia 6n the birth uta daughter April sister or hold Famrlornna Clone Huthl School Flllnv Forum closed the season byjboldlrlg supper and locla evening atrtho schoolVon Thursday evenipg 19 adults tndlochlldrea were rear ent Cards and dancinli with hillaleby slack Cameron on Mrs Pint tollowed tileaupper Bert Kermy was the caller or the saline daueesi Agood time was Lynne of Barrio spent the week enjoyed by allonly we were dia end with Mr and Mrs Dan Me appointed tint law of our mam ArthurwwttttJtLMeArtanaen Mmldnimmmwum the turningwltll them tor visit bad ignition ul mail Miss Helen Cromptons cut the Mrs Jones Gellflils MP8 week in Canningtou wllh Miss 39 317 Em 1° NancyBrandon ontouwlth driest Mrs Ivan Pilltey Mlmmitmllsmw Richard and Veronica visited Approximately lwtrlellds and Mums mar relatives gathered at the eommuu 511 we vmnonut gthggniggvg°ifg week in Colllngwood visiting her laneous shower last Wednesday hum An Shel evening The ball was tastelully New Teachers decorated with pink and walte pull been streamers andwblto bells Tho table was Rivered with lovely white cloth centredwlth lsrg tiered imltatlou mdmkcak The younlreouplautunder lluge cluster of silver bells blll loans and conletti Friends from Toronto Barrie Nevls Foreat Home and surrounding district were present Rev Dr Lighthourn was chair man otter the gills were opéne Rev George Larlt made presen atlon of beautiful chair In magazine standon behalf of th WA Don has been regular and valued choir member for ma years Although they wile be liv ing Barrie we hope see pun llllslor WA The Evening WA at St James United Church held their monthly lilr Munroe Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs William Oakley meeting at Mrs Elwood Webbs on Wednesday March as with 24 members present The meeting as opened by the o1 Elmburst Beach were weekepd visitorsdot Mrs HowardPropheL Mrs Ada Crolt has gone to To ronto or two weeks to visit her president Small Mrs Harold Robertson conduetctl iitn nieces andtheir lamilies devotional periodwhicll centred around the Cruciï¬xion Mrs Mar shall Campbellsrï¬ad alter which Mrs read poem Wh Away The Stone Jesus Keep Me Near The closed the devotional part meetingAnottlaLabapte no and thelndinns was read by Mrslack Hughes short business meeting fol lowed and the members voted donation towards the redecorattng of the Sunday School rooms Tile evening closed with the Mizpnh Benediction alter which Mrs Mur sllali Campbell Mrs Oscar Bow man Miss Mae Ferguson and Mrs Wes Hugg served delig tul lunch assisted by the host Mrs Webb The next rne ting will be on Wednesday at Mrs Elmer Patti sssius0NVPiE Sun yvlaltorf Mr and Mrs Keith Waples and children or Vasey visited on Sun dny with Mr and Mrs John Wap les Little nie Kidd Elm vale returned homemlter spend ingsorne time with her grand parents Mr and John Wag es gt Weekend At Home Alex Mllburn ot Gllford spent the weekend at his home here Mr and Mrs Joe strath of Crdssland and Mr and flu George Johnston and Mrs Strstb or Sau rln spent Friday eveuing with Mr and Mrs Will Cumming Weekend In London Mr and Mrs EvennulsAllen weekend in London Char1es Thurlow Mrs Guest of Dnnllville Mrs Ken Fll do at Cookstown and Mervin Rey week no dd havereturned after aboli Rev and Mrs liLorrls dayln Largo Florida and little LEE of Aurora called all MrsStepllens and tamlly Sun day evening Miéaton Band Meeting The Mission Band will meet in éheehurell hali next Saturday at Speaker Mr WMS Meeting The WMS of the United Church auon bavlnga spenker at their meetingon April 29 They hope tojhnve areiurned sionnryj ad dress the gathering at an evening session Furtller pnrticuiars at don Mason Shall Roll mm Mr and Mrs iaclt Trayner and Josephine with toss