chmï¬n ï¬ioneboo ship ing to Thornburylr mm aw switchboard nadirlie other improvements in thoztown CHINE highlight citha Inniu meeting of the 11 out Municipahlelephone Syiteln on nunlnleotlnu held ll Moonpton The eauucli altarnaiu ii tele phone commission and the Iiinunl meeting WI Attendld by the title commissions with Reevoleher Gnnlun chnlnnui Twenty sub scriben nltcndcd Commissioner Peree Brimlze upllincd the rensanslur Increas es wanted to Mrs Minn oper ntoi oi the utenslun and the Unev nun AlIn nurt Costs at pmvidi In upeniors hnd gone up lso iiie linemln was required to travel more with his truck on chlnging the location of poles Ind splittinz lines The meeting hcxrd why our lrmlini would require splitting the line to Coulsnn circuit 18 Mcrvyn Edwards oi Vasey told the commissioners thnt greet nlnny Medanie subscribers In the lililsdale Vasey Waverley area iound that mast at their calls were in persons listed phone directory The commissio ngiecd lo mike inquiries regnil purchase of approximately 200 Barrie books or distribution In western part til the township The commission had tried to how Moonstone subscrib era listed in both Orilli and Bar rie directories but the BCILEOM puny would carry listings in only tedpntcuscrsnrerllst ed in directory John Drury expressed the opin Ion the hourly raid at 75c or labor on phone work wls too low in the Barrie Further discussion was held on the urgent need at now swilcnv board The magneto type rcqulr ed would cost shout $1500 The lineman agreed the new heard could be lnsllilud this your with out raising rates It reconstruction and rewiring were reduced motion moved by hiervyn Edwnrds iind suqnndud by llervyn Russell Vainy was corrigd cull ing or lnsullnliun at new switchboard in 1558 if there was ill raise Inphone rates There lsl developing need line EQENyALE Now In Hosp nounls patient in llaynl Victoria Hospltnl Burl tie allowing III operation or nppcndlnltis Sunday Visit Mr rind ltlrs Willilni erd and Mr Ind Mrs Cecil Wand Jimmy and Allan spent Sunday with Mn ill ills Peter Addison Richmond Miss June hates Sunnldale Cor IlLrS spent the weekend with her sister Mrs omen Sold iarni Mr and Mrs Russell Harvey have said their term and are mov Entertaian Friends Mrs Alluo hlcNahb entertained number of Barrie irlends on Monday night it shower In him or oi Miss Ina Milne avhridcelect of next week From Barrle Mr ind lllrs Herbert Young Barrie Visited irlendd here on Friday weekly Euchre At the weekly euthre held last week in the hallvtheprizo win ni3rs werc Mrs Dougnll or the ladies and Naval Luck fur vinst Wedunsd the men me lllidhunl Mr and Mrs Garner Wait and nlnlly DI Mldhurst Visit Sunday with and M7 Maw The Winn ns Assuciatlon at hirsl Allnn Nabbs witlion attendnnoe of 16 members and one vlsitor Owing ta the abscnceof the secretnry Mrs moieties who was the Vhssistnnt secretnry Mrs Good icllownntedus secretary The roll call was answered by naming avhook in thi New Testament Mrs liloNahb had line Ens tcr program and Mrs Gilten letter in Marion Grgy it mis onary in Japan At the close of the meetlng lunchwas served by he hbrtess isied layMrsh tie Degec vlsltéd her ruhum at Dr ee rk Picks txoubla iheeta It the sliding 9wlndfll¢fl ii Vilucrlp on 01er 11 when eso mrrglmg withthe dues provi nz comprehend report at his utlvltlu tor uni 99mw Commiuioner mlton krmey gangluhedsthlr omeldurï¬ltoliovzed Inn on opnnn therxlxtlng rain at poiLyon would helulilcient for 356 Sub setlimo Ind renter ply the unit In 18550139 in 5353629 Spent onmuuucUon 1111 Included moving poles on Highway 93 and splitting circuit to Iranrd In connection with the tnnslcr oi poles in lliiisdliecnllilursl am due l9 highwny straightening 50 germht hid been paid by the hi wnyx department $535 haw In been received by the system for this work Coinnilxrloncr Jnmcs Woodrow pendent Council at Ontuib Puhllc Ammnnh inland theirth ltn mpper liorleyRowo whojwe hurried Much at Amunhnhsadety atom inaa 800 iiith practicing hints In Dntlrio hivenomlnflad Nevin Stall and Phil Ginnzer as their afï¬rmative to tho Public Accountanu Sta ll launder of in Independent on Ind ll Notional Pmld the Independent Accountant Sod hm Pmidnnt the Imh of Amalia Public Amunr limit Toronto Chapter is Nutloqu VicePruitlmt Ind and Mrs Chris Burns whose litlli boy was so suddenly tlltcn train them on Monday nitcrnoon whnn no was killed by tractor WI Euchre The Womens Institute held an cuchre in Drunge linii recently the proceeds for the Cancer Fund at Barrie hint Banting oi their dreo Iinkilllvwhldl curled on its winter sport iored by til Wamldnltliute th in sh li In mun Is In The WA oitiie viii ciiurrii mindif mlxii llmh £9 iii961 heldvery niocesalui lfnlflnd tic allowing liternooii tgn April aln the hue Weddlu ConnItuhltonl ME 995 CoMIlulanlto It Ind Mn Library neonatal The Public Library will mpen has mi Few but In 10th Brion lroyriaa ipeiit lewdy Fi5 Wm during Emu holldmin Toronto Horticultan Meeting unlted Church with cousin nichud Chappel hortlnlltunl meeting will be held in the Forestry lllll Mld Elton Mlnixte Tim Servito flunksub Elma hunt Tuesdly evening April 114 The junior lroin Anton Mills Ind former mtorlat Wycliiiochurch Eiiiivrle ad SLTclerIChiirthannexing SW In the priiimrn Mrs Elrl Cax Mlnexiriz Idmlnhlertd lloiy Coni iriiinlilm It st Peter on Sundy 3331 flwtm new Mn nave Nun will give the Willill Worhrn Sella Clm report this convention held in Tho Willing Workers Sewing Toronto Adrlvc is beingyutï¬n cllss met at lin Norvl Lucks tor membership this nrlngmbe They had the piesure oi having W112 and Join thlx enr R1 bri Barrie and Mn Scott were prim winner for Indies with Bourno And Wilton tor th gonls Lunch was provided WI incmbe Virluiix sari Rev hlr Bunrd oi St Thom in visiting his mn Rev BI iirdiind MrsBnrnlird it So llama illra Bert Shelliweu vlilli at the home at her on In Coo udlu commended the switchboard stall tor the service being provided WittIt Amman Society which was ipparenily uiisiaeiary hCDIIIIflIlssitKIEr lgwarthï¬llgp lougtperus eresou humans THORNTON same iii ingu Secretary llownru llnliinaun hr Easter Visitor iulrcd it might not tie wise to Mrs WchhPalnswlck spent rcplnce old rusty teiephone lines the Easter holidays with Mr and ili Illsu since 1811 by 25 miles or Mrs Enrl Cunningham ng new rc per yciir an inriual uutliiy oi sooo lie iearea liarir From noiiday uie aid lines would suiier heavily Mr antiviirs Landry hnvo Lnliilcct storm should strike the mum home no mending townshia No Milan was taken on tho proposal 0LDESLEOml£S Built by Hernando de Solo in short holldny with their daughter in Peliiwriwu Sympathyroitlopmunity The sympathy or the community Orangele Visit 1519 the fortress of Lil FuelLu in is extended the narlow family Cub Is thought to be the oldest in the death or their father sour and uiaixiahlie violator niii pemoniiia rep their own replirn Goran heated Main st rer iiiiar Plum 81661Iluldrnw 4351 In the New World Thomns Barlow Ind also to Mr suqnow AWARDFirst High Score l527l1 CivicMens League Secretary Willlun PhillipsTeam lrenury Capt Kozu Kuroitl MemberszHosk Trehllco Stevo Sliilzyl Ed Jones Don Mchegd mdLnncoMcAnufl Eoviled At Connnuzht Bowling nod Billiard Hnnzliton 515 pow Awnnn Second High Score 1510 PetrnlinMensCommemdleugueSecrgtuyBSmythp Ténm Jacksons Drugs Captain Gordon Jncllsn Members Ross Glegory Edward Stapleton Edward Howie Ralph HInl Hamid Smythe Bowled It Petrulin Bowling trolin $25 DOW AWARD Third gh Score I495 Kelloggs Mens League Secremry Elli DumpTeam AllBririJndptlin JockHayes Memberiz Humid Sinclair Denalaniiiild iii IpmlnondBlli ualop Spares Ev Smith on WeldonVWeitnun Bowled at Arcade Recreation London gt Bowl Fun sponsored by theï¬oniaria Howliny Pmpiirloys Association to image healthy spoil flu in whole family Barn 12211400 in riirii prize is iiiaiiideii by Dow Brewery Liiniied to it irnmr with the Hiyttrri Store 2nd Highest 56072 and did Hiyiirrt Sroie All scam aneompuied wiihhiiiidinp Thai mums iiim til cash prize raenurriiIan tire Min tedin Wity flatten leuyu¢ ihirronirrimaibuiidr healthy carnyetiiive learn spirit See uaurlocai bowliny alizy manageraniompieie details League Reyirtvalian min and Dmtiai Weekly Elihu Ci loanlow noman Dan IiiaaLrod and Land Jimmy Fran and ram Kumda tum mpini on flvavfll isann eonina negrestto on uv more range an 325 Not virginv25 997 8650 Wino East nd to Mix nuns woo1299 who1m 13525 omiiam HODl4 330 wmid wring Oukvflk imam wan Iainv araga iii thlt 9m die lbs Aunt4 nu oedciover ï¬rm lbs Mud Frame It flu Nra liedClever Timothy Syd Certliiéd Loydk Alillil the new improved varieiym ed auordlnxly write iir phooa your order all other jNLY 35 SETS AVAILABLE iconsnuilned to catch or our supermodels Super Cnsqml Turter optie Flloer