itldalc Ye shall 5W is vary tire 1m Iailyiwitb potatoe whcnipmdue tlon costs aremlderabu higher than anoat other tamerops The nccretrol growing tatoes proiitia to reduce 1hecost bushel to minimu The potatoIs vcry citadel lble tolnany diseases nor ch can cauxe loss otcmo and con sequently loss or profits as well Such dlscases ucaused by in teria Fungi and Virtues can can diIfcrence of pmiit or loss tato grower Virtip diseases such as Lest oll Mosaic Spindle nibcr Yel ow Dwarf witcllea Itroomarid Purple Ton are the main ca sea for seed deterioration These dis eases spread very quickly in high ly concentrated potato prodnclnt areas and if the same seed is used over long period could cause Farm Women Are nwv Bug mess Partrie Continued from page twenty home but the results are wa tho eliort Most oi us do our own papering and painting perhaps not as well as proteasional but in doing it ourselves we cut down the cost Whatever turn will does to make her home etiicient attracr live and comfortable should be sulted to the needs at the family and she should not become slave to her house No Lack OI Interests term wife need have no lack of outside interests as there are many worthwhile community He tlvltics In which she can take part and which ant sure need her support Because she takes time all from herwork at diame she can otten accomplish more in her hours of snark Nor ncpd she neducate beThe Womens institute hos been called the rural womans unlvch sity for its programand courses are primarily educational Several farm women take uphobbies at tclasses Iv grille women are the backbone ot the rural church it we judge by their interest in its organiza ions Pride ot CnilluE Have we inrm women enough pride in our calling Do we sense the dignity and honor obelng copartncr in providing and for mankind liewho tllls the soil works hand in hand wllh God is familiar quotation Even though we may not have some at the luxuries at life we can have the essentials and life need never be dull or monotonous with the growing Ville of plants and animals about us The arm mother has great lnfluï¬nceJhJJhllds attitude to ward the farm If she emphasizes the drawbacks oiiarmlng instead of the good Vpo ta her children will feel that ls tan interior lite She can noirg out the fact that it takes skill and wide knowledge to be successful farmer and if her son choose that vocation hr Inust be smart and if her daughter plans to marry farmer she will have scope fornll her talents and needs no pity Need For Understanding Whether we be farmvwdewr an urban wife there is always needlori an understanding of the other persons problems comes through knowledge and lierestr We build strongersac ety when the ruraland urban peo ple have goodwill toward each other sram ionic gonna ems run NOMI Full line In rand grain Specials on allrertll Inning niixing Molasses erlng These abormnvsbe need borne This is cspcciallv true of Blackle and Bacterial Ring not there since In lest years cmr couldnmun 50 lnss in this years crop author with the eonvenleoce qt havlnlt to diupoa ot yourerop and amino see Geltitled soEdrflmwela goto grut deal at trouble tu grow seed which will meet thclstand certitled seed by roKulnr dolhewlso controlling potato lseascs It lsaweilrknowntacl that cc fled seed pava good diVl dends Selected or tully graded stock provento be more pro iltabi an bin run stockr TillI demonstrations It the Provincial Field Day showed conclusive lhat tullv graded and tagged cert Iicdaccd required lesser amount oi seed per lire lti 75lti bills al compared to 28 7olh ot bin run stock The comparative ylalda were 305 boas lrorn selected seed in 212 bugs from bin run stock dlticrenge or 33baga to the am Thdexira ytcld will go long wall lnoaylng the extra cost of good seed or next years crop All this and manV other factors about eood seed should convincr you that seed is important and Canadian Cert Seed pays ensignan gontlnued from page twenty fornplaritingvspring grain And if the spring weather is favorable we may he able to get another ï¬eld or two ready The ileld one had seeded to red clover looked aulte promising at the end at October Provided For Next Winter Alter the first of the year we workedlor while in the hush lot with the result that we now have tow cords ot hardwood hurled ready for next winter and as well live maple logs are ready to go to the sawmill The lumber will he used in tome stable alterations we plan to make next fall IA Word About Livestock Nowa word or two about the VAIlengowan livestock Last sum mer wevpurehased two registered Yorkshire gills Anne and Auro to be the foundation for swine herdJ Between them they have raised 20 pigs nine of which are promising gills Cheviots On The hand We have also started flock of registered North Country Chev iot sheep Four foundation ewes were purchased from John lite NailuFNcivBrunswicklastfnl One ewe is raising twins the other three have singles One of the letter had twins but one was born dead And There Is Emma Our one cow Emma is doing good job of giving supply of milk It the house and vealing call as well How are we getting along hus inesawlse Well we keep records REDUCE FEED COSTS andJncv are market valuca by Iced gllegume or om ensiiage only you oonmu Eilo unnu talatnnaln and nuuaiiity transom no roo giva you loaslbie actcria will die they ire nottpru enk newvlagume ia to be admit Ia manual that the seed be inoculated orderJo deter mlnhifuoed noculation ls nae rosary plants should he dug up areiully no pulled and the roots examined for nodules Few tr no nodules Indicate otmo at he legume bacteria intite aoil The culinm motor ielunio population havebeen originally solated tram nodules and are objectedto rigorous tests bolprp ieing used as legume Inocitlant uring recent years it has been leterminrontiat legume cultures ran bccomtlvineiticlen and even iarasltlc adveiselynt acting the llantVlnalead oi benciittllla It for gtihll reasontill It turea have to be periodically tested in letermine whether they are et 1cient before being mixed with he mdtcrial used in powdered noculanta The noun in nutritive aelntlon lhlnh whenadded to he humna lowder In the can ensures their lurvlval tor considerable per od of time Seed inoculation The cultures manufactured at he OAC are freshly prepared ach year lo ensure their keep ng qualities they should be stored cool place and must he used vithln six months of the prepara ion date They should not be ipencd boiore using gt For best results the inoculant hould ltd mixed thoroughly with he seed and sown nasooll Id li seed is inBculatell ind leit stored tor any length of late fore seeding many at the inoculated seed ihould not be exposed to sunlight The common legumes are ar ranged In various groups and vhile the same species of bacteria an successfully inoculate legumca within each groupthey cannot noeulate membch of another group Thus an alfalfa culture an inoculate sweet clover which In the sonic group but cannot noculatc red clover which do in lnolhcrigroup list of these legumes and their groups In found rll OAC Circular No 212 entitled Legume inoculation The value of legume Inoculation has been proved niany times both In experiment and practice Inoc ulation is the cheapest known method of adding valuable nitro gen to crop and roll in an Ontario Farm Account Book No Revised andvso hr have six pages filled with expenses and three lines ï¬t one page with receipts guess it must be the result at the big squeeze Iread about in every farm paper pick up This Is What like farming is that when breakfast is In the car and drive oil some where ta take up something far removed irtllnr the ltentï¬ Ind ex perience ot the other members of the family My work is right here at home Well thats the way we feel about it now Perhaps youll ask us again next spring Alter we have experienced crop year our answer may be different bacteria are Stanley Jennett ind famliyhflarrie pen Vialtora vlth the lorrnera brothers turn my hardendennett 3V Chappeli Mine ilrig spent Good Friday with he soninIaw and daughter Mr ind Mn Borden JennetL gt Ill ROY35 ind Jlnily Coldwatc vlalied Wednoo day with Mr and Mn Fred Mo nd Mrs Geotï¬e Fleet To ranto dfMisa Belnits Johnson ind girl friend 01 Carley spent Sunday withiMr and Mrs Thomas Exsllaud Vlamlly Joli son Orlllia spent tiny last week with his soarinlaw Inddaughtcr Mr and Mrs Thomr ls Exell gt Sundny Visit Mr and Mrs William Exell nnd iamily oi Barrie visited Sunday last with Frlnk Exell and Daisy Welcome To Community The communityweicomes Mu Fowler and daughter Orilila who have taken up residence in this nelghborhohd Eveaing Visitor Mr and Mrs Ken Bush Barrie spent an evening lastmeek with Mr anders Jack Method In family Mrs Jack McCann and tedli atMr nd Mrs Barf Mr and Mn WDa daon viri H7 Parra nun whom Mr and flu liorotr Ton onto visited and Mrs Homer on Sunday Wayne and Bryan return alter weeks visit with thei grandparents M5 William Schrll Ind can spent few days in Stayner last week Holiday In editorials Miss Lena Schell left Mnlion by plane for holiday in Cali Ioroia Mr nnd Mrs on Scheilrhlr and Mia Allen and Garry wont to Malian to see Lena embark on herihallday trip aud Scholl and Miss Marlory Dosiardlne spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs George Schells mmlalnswick Mrs Skinner and family of Palnswlck visited at Mr and Mrs McCarthys last week sundry In sandedaod Karl Mark and Mr Ind Mn William rser nndsonfllaltcd In Sunderland on Sunday Returned To Dehsalie Robert DeScheppcr returned to Deusallc Oaklands Monday nd Mré Fred Troll Mar lary and MaryMae Magnusson Barrie visited at Mr and Mrs Magnussona Sunday InIIospllal Mrs Pollard Ill In Sunnyhroolr Hospital this week WI Annual Meetinl WI meeting washcld at Mrs John Luthers last week Follow ing nfticerii were elected prisidi ent Mrs Achlel DeScheppe vice president Mrs Math ee were with her parents Mr and Mrs Dawson Bu for few days From nnrnemynr Mr and Mrs William Dennry and family Roinap Easterweek with illdr TomExell and family Id lire Jack Ellis glad Inmlly The one thing like best about over and ready to start the the 13th anniversary plane Society tarlhe Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America In has been an nounced by Mac MacLind Pres idcnt of theBarrle Chapter malnharmmlzcrathi month ml lain some 5000 other close inn many ddicts In more in ooo Chapters in the US Canad Alas kl Hawii andlha Canal Zone in as ng tributeto ithe late Owen Cash who founded the Soci llgasrulaa Oklahoma on April The activities oi the SPEBSQSA rctary our Iloiikhouse treas urgr Mrs Ionl Verstraten Toronto Visit Mrs Monkhause Paul and Johnnie Mr and Mrs Gavin and Michael visited in Toronto on Sunday Joan and Lindareturned hnmc utter week with their grandparents Back to Southampton Dumond returned to South ampton alter spending the week at his homo Weekend Visit Jae Truen and Stewartnveedle ol Toronto were at Mr and Mrs Gerald Trucns for the weekend unturned Ilome Mrs Charles McCarthy returned home atler spending low weeks with her daughters Mrs Milne of Montreal and Mrs Wight of Kingston esteem hard alloyed the enthusiastic stating roundspdsboonuu hr the hundreds of colorful close hart molly ween presented in the parkamuai thallannd auditor Iunu of North merlca each year Barbcrahoppers as they call themselves are not professional musicians although lhciralnglng halt reachedtho upon calibre They are working men from all ha or life executiveltaetory workers clerlu and protesaioglal men Who have banded together to Preserve and Encourage one oi the low forms of lolk ringing nat Iva to America Their motto is appropriately Keep America Singing Thlsvlnsana ot aelfcx pression and wholesome relaxa tiull has proved to be welcome diversion nom the pressure of the tlther frantic tempo of our mod cm day living Applicants tor membership are not required to possess musical degrees or even the knowledge of reading music Congenlal men of good character who like harmon lzing areinvited to visit the Bar ripChapter which metta every Monday evening at oclock Bari rie Armory Lets continue tea Singing CPR ADDS EQUIPMENT Since 1045 the Canadian Pacltl illllwuy huodded 31391 nnlb pl Irelght and work equipment VISITING TIIE NHGHDRS in 1955 the number at automo tive vehicle entering Clnadl to Keep Amtr vfrom theUSotaIIed15868300 of which 7139000 were Canadian vehicles returning to this coun MON YA aor uNoB no sure you canatop qiilakly withoutislde pull come in or our Comb Brit Service maria hell mm 0R RELI id mg hceduseit may become rids longereminenth BARRIE EXAMINE