amtnoon Gordon en en pence to meetlnz rudlnzg Mr George prealdent welcomed the thezd terent eoeleuesanditrvm theo er ehurchel Euler pnusle was provided byMlLFleieben at thepli EarlParnellflwlth her plum rdion Corbett ran solo Open the Gate at the Temple lure Reynolds Introduced the er pulse FloreMe Fee who been mlulonlran Chum ul VII toreed to leave and come home At present she In statloned at the Rama Reserve alx mlles lrom0rlula who her congregatan conslsts nt whlte people at Lonxtord and lndlana at llama lt ls problem la£et th young pleto attend meetlnil nlany the chlldren so by bus to the Orlllla public sehoo Mrs Triee expressed her hunks to the speaker and those on the program and Invited all to the Sunday School room or tea Mrs Cummlng closed the meetlnfl witnprayer gt The tea tables were decorated with candles Easter litter and dattodlls Mrs George Ulher Ind Mrs lhomson pouredtea WhlS 01 St Andrews The March meeting of the Prep byterlan WMS WIS held It Mrs butchers Wlth In attend ance The president rs llleAulcyr preslded and yreleemed the members very graelausly All joined ln singing hymnlollow ed by the Lords PrayerMlnutes and reports were gtven and thanlo you notes read for cards and plants sent to shutvins Mrs Meclung gave report Jon the Presbyterisl nteetlngnnd it was deelded to else at least 3800 this year or onrallocatlon and muchmore as possible April 28 ls the date set tor the sprlng meeting and thankotterlrlu tea when the speaker will he Mrs Curr of Toronto Thls wlll be an open meeting to theehureh to whietl all are Invited Lunch wlll he served in the hasement at the tea huur Roll call was answered wlth thnuflht 01 Prayer and fea ture adding interest was paper written many years ago by the late Mrs John MeAuleyoll Pray er and was read by her daughter inlaw Mrs MeAuley After einglng ahymn Mrs hleClung took charge at pm gram whiehwas entitled What does ltmean to be member of the church Speakerswere Mrs McGulre hllss Ellrlek Carnahau Mrs Wallac Mrs Murphy and Mrs mlfllle They spoke on leaders of youth groups SuhdIy School teachers the Christian hemerand ourduly as church members Arl interestlng discussion followed Mrs cG Jones thenspokc or the life andmlsslon ottthate Mr Colgate and the good he did throughout his In with Ms money always set aside tor theLords work Mrs Murphy spokehn the sub jett olbelng good Chrlstlan member of your own communl by being courteous enthusiastte pleasant and tolerant absorbent race and rellglon worklng always for ahltlsbl lh ungï¬osg ray er and shy and tewVwynrds tram the presldent bronghtthe meetingto an end Teawasfserv edby the hostess asslsted by Mrs James Smltn sun as Cooper Good lfrldnyrchureh Servtee Friday mornlngz the people awokelto seesnnw talllng but by 10 oclock the su wa sh kphurehgoers held must den wt ho ttil Mrs youldeli ind Toronto my the week Ira Grant Itlller and In Ed ar Beardull mo Mon to vvtrlt wltn hrgdtlier Russell Stop 10 Ml ndrltrs James Beardsall spent heueehend wlth relatlyes in Toronto It ldays withblolherr Arehl Kerr Sndbury spent the lldaya wlth his mother mm err Weekend with Firm Lloyd lllemlnz ot Tomato spent theweekend wlth his parents Mr and Mrs William Hemlnx Front Port Celborne Mr and Mrs Smlth Cameron and son Brian at Port Celborne vlsltedtor cw days wllll Mr and Mrs Fred Grlu lleme lromflerlda Mr and litreFrank Fleld have felurned from holiday in Flor da and are tnklng up residence In their new home the property at the late Dr Coreoran Mr llld Mrs Roy Rmvat ot chksunl Palm and Mr and Mrs Mell Rowat and sons Leland and Barry ot Anltsvllle spent the holidays with Mrs Roiuat who returned with them lorl hollda From Toronto Bliss Nancy Cakes 01 Toronto Ill DBAFEH AW lno mm or at West has nrrlvc on ada seeklng capltatl stment teehnlealgasslslanee forhls country NEEDHR EN OTTAWA CP Competltlon In the labor market has become 50 keen that the 0ttawatlre depart menthas taken to advdrtlslnz tar spent the weekend wlth her grandmother Mm lll nesrtlssll Weekend wlth Parents lilrand Mrslloyd Kntlht and family at Orillll spent the week end with the lattersparents Mr and Mrs Fergus ltownl Hr land Mrs Robert Copeland at Tortth spent the holldaynwlth titelr parents Mr and Mrs Copeland and Mr and Mrs Roblnson Mr and Mrs Little and children of Le lde were with Mrslittles parents Mr aniers Ferguson for Easlcr Toronto Guests Mr and Mrs Clair Knlpo of Toronto were guests Mr Ind llrs Grecnhank eorge Stuhbs Mlss Heather Sandy Forbes of Kam llt ll spent the holidays with Rev and Mrs Stubhs North Bay Vlsltots Mr and Mrs Oscar Sriglcy and tarntly of NorthBay are vislllng with their parents lllr and Mrs Ray Srlgley and Mr and Mrs Mannlng Mr and Mrs Russell DElthc and ehlldren at Woodhrldge spent tall holiday wlth Mrs Wallace Mr nd Mrs Frank Roberts Ind nlee of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Raymund ï¬ance and Brend ol Barrie spent Good Rridny wit Mrs William Rance OLYMPIC MDSTARS Nobody would suggest that th Canadian team dldnt glie thelr best hey dtd but it wasnt good Unless Canada is pre pared aln Jee em tellrd ty from Ill areal for the nlple wlnterxamfl it would be better kimtermllk pruduefloniatles gt Ihornulh tpl Sunday April Rev AllenRead at Barrier New lSTube Chossis os rillnstrctad etaclan Model ZlTZZSwidely oeeio PowerfulCaseode Tuner finish eeeh ISpaeesavlng 90degree hlurnlnlzed lfle tureluhel 2Sensltlvlty and In Comlllnlng the beauty Illcompact modern neslgn wun toppgflorflnncefuturc the wrnwnsmn gt stablllty even In most isteady VDEep lmnge Performance Picture sBasy cepvenlent trout tuning batsmanres FM sound 56°flmbrlIllnt Deel lmse venomnee In nnndsmn tablempneL Beautltul wnongnln llu Sizes approx 191 nlgn 21 ms wlde ls lumplotld tinlsh on steel wooden handles Mte wolindele menls tor even toasting Either 25 or no cycl est eeenomleal palntlrl tray requlredcyllnder holds approx one palnt each fill covers W751q lset anions aunlng base