amera Club members were entertained on March 23 by Benjamin at his Color Pro testing Laboratories lnToronio Dr aeunmin used slides supplied by the group and rain theserinado color prints explaining litthe club members each part oi the processing as thu prints passed through the dillerent departments at theproeesslng laboratories Mr Wright president the loronio Camera Club gave nice uneral gopular Postal CarrierManyYears Weii and invarahiy known to very many residents Barrie Stephen Garside died at yal vie 1oria Hospital on Easterrsunday April allowing omparetiveiy short illness olihou ii hewaa nut in his pustomary good health for aging lime or 31 years with delivery tllrsl route and every gall iriendiy greeting tirement look over at school crossing Essa Read and Burton Venue iorlhe past seven years Steve was liie member er alerr Lodge as an All past president at nani ngiond an torinan 3112 ember olthe Allandal xster Dr Web Lt We lure using model and flood and spot Jighiing to illustrate the inndnmentais er lighilng for port rait photography in the latter part of the even ing DrBenJarnin showed eoior slides illustrating the bestqual iiiea of the different makes oi color lillll nnlhe market and also showed the eileeta of color change on exposed hiilm leit in the camera for petjl before be ing developed Tii rrie Club howling Club lie was member of Burton AVutui United Church and sang inllie choir when the late Fred Norman was leuder Members the lamin are all here lor the iuneral service today lrorn Oltawa Newtonhrook Battle Creek and Plymouth Michigan Seryed Has Council Edwi insA ngwood lngt86ih Year Wellrknbwn residentoi Fins Township Edwlni Train passed away on Sunday March 11 the General and Marine Hospital Collinitwood where he had en patient ier week in failing health since November he had sulfered from heartcondition hornion Feb 2811871 the de ceased was the sun the late Amos Train and Mary Ann Hm meii He spent his boyhood days in rnitenham in ma he moved to Flee where he worked in his fathers sawmli Aiier his marriage to Catheri Pickeringm Sun dole Township in 1898 he moved to Collingwuod and worked in sawmill there for iarlner Secretary the school rd for SSVNor 17 for number ycara he also served as coun cillor in Fiosfrownship lie was he conservative in politics Al though an Angliean he attended Kliox Presbyterian Church Mr flrain had iriendiy and genial dispositionsnd will be missv ed by many friends Léit to mourn his loss are two sons Norman and Harry of Plus two daughters Mrs Robert Minty Gretaand Mrs cm rd Grigg Velma both Allen ood one grandson Ciive Minty ihree treatgrandsons and one brother George of Fl wit predeceased him in Dne ran Verner Mill The Color Photographic Associationol Canada On April is at Iillicrest School auditorium the intemailonalhr jramourand outstanding Canadian colorrphot ographer Dr MLA Chantier ol Toronto will entertain theCarnora club members and iguuta with showing his colorslides In Vltaiions may he obtained from Camera Club members Dr Chant ier la son at Chaniler 23 Donald Street died in low or wnnntiameived in the lat worldwan The largely attended luncra was held at the home oi the daughter or the deceased ltirs Ciliiord Grlzsi on March 14 Se hinrphy Pallbearers were six nephews Billion Train Newto in Elmvaie Cemetery oi sympathy were ihosu ire Knox Church LadiesAid 55 N0 neighbors Friends lroln Toronto Thorn gal1t Sianiizin gicwton litntnnrnn ingwon arre attended the lane north Bonaozat ih Rx iVit Husnilal aarriï¬ agyniiiiarchugia Lerroy sflfll ELLSMEREAt the Royal Victoria nosnitai Barrie onA ril 2195a to Mr and Mia av nitunere Cralghursta daughter MansonAt the Royal vicinrin Ho ital Barrie on April 1956 in and Mrs Mac Maeuod 1B8 Peel st ndu ier Heather Louise GUNNat the an ai Victoria is pita anrrie onyAprii meal nd Mrs Kenneth Gunn an Strand ran vannnevanneac the no ti yieinria Hospital aarrie im April 2issaid Mr and Mrs Cor VanderVenne Rit New ihweu daughter Harriette Joanne MARCOSAt the R0 Victoria hospital Barrie on rll loss to Mn and Mrs curl a1 aurenia so WiLLIAMSAt the Roy Viewrie lieanital Barrie nn Aprils lose to Mr and Mrs Willia do ELie 190 lord Sb Barrie on Manda Alng Mnav elmed wiie ni Herbert Curtis ar mother at Roy or Barrleand Mrs namely George oLKIngg sign In her 5Dth nesting the Jennett Funeral Home Barriel Service on Wednesday April at nm BarrieUnlnn Cemetery anleEAt the Royal Victoria aanitel Barrie onvSnndryi April lass Stephen Garsi learner loyee nt Ease aarrle he oved husband or Carrie waringdenrrather dbli or tie ehigan the MdVLunus at Ottawa no unier or New 1951 to C91 Inders Berlin cred useeornrnereiai wls sales manage it pillu ma ageFot In addressing machln company in Chattanooga He established sateaihraaches in Pittsburgh andchiugoan alte Wï¬lld took charge at the cc He joined the Thomas Ell son industriuiin Vest Oriana 191 as general omen asslslan in the ï¬nancial department Wire the revenue aeu 1318 cm the needlorfloser ervisiou secoan Ind reeords tormax vice was conducted by Dr Thomas Train Edward Pickering John Pickering Rodger Pickering ind Prank Pickering Interment wad Among the many iinrni tokens J7 Fins the Farm Forum and hill Newtonbmok vKleinbilrg th wiuirniignm iirhzin He was appoin rotary the 4chamhei Sept public relations director of Muir Incl East Orange depar in ment storp en Sept 12 load it retired in iIe Vwas active in unleroea community civie and ywelkre groups He was at various llln secretary of lheGood Goyernincu Council memharot the thenoySenotCouneii of the rManlewwd chairman oi the Wes the Ens club memher otxthe executive commit ieeottheiormer eltare Peder tidn oi the Orangestand Map waodnnd th men Bible classes the Washing street BaptisteChurch Orang and First Church of Orange da hters Williih ï¬dente VedraiFia Boston and Mr AustinxGahel ittsbilrgh all We grarldehli erment Barrie uninn lne $9 GAR in RHODES enema meanwhile wtan ulcere appreciation an Enchiidren rnrthe grew in ear ï¬nd consideration shown by ends uni er bereavementa err McPherson illam my Antunplug vea greaieat gltt zi vin memo tin3r aliii lathth their tiviniswdr he surrounding are flrl eatu ln six colors nice buy this price heaping greethig think bath tennis retty pesto colors Only loll going his sale so act quickly or this bargain high quality limit of the noun and spring knight edited or 76 me shown in pastel celorsWe ndviseazriy shop ping onthia number plan now to eke one or these saint bass also gt summer sheets are red g1 sundae