Mahd311r0m Everett uma giants Mn Cimpulil Mr and Mn mncyvlurn npd marginal with th arsvuncie In Mr ndMrLVil Pridhlm Hr Ind Mrs Girlie and Lin wllrlha lormer mnlher nd hmlherer Sail Cannon and duel an Evuelteï¬lmn and lmlly Alum mulamiiyr 3mm curl Hector Turnhnu nlenr few any in Amman visiting so inllw and dnugilter Mr nd Allnelhrdn Inqnmiiy Mr and Mrs Ciilford Cumin June and Connie werewlth tile imerl brother andainizrinvhw Mr IndMrtl John King nd tarn lly WestEmover Sundny Miss Emu McKinley mule ï¬le Sick Chiidnnn Kamila Toronto spent few dnyrllvvl Bovnir Mr Ind Mrs Jack Elli Sr In Mrs Margnret Denney spent few du with Mr and Mr cinrke Grind ranley Mr and Mrs NHiw spent arlgw dry wilhvson Geqrge ln Guelp FdUGHT TQQHARDIAND gnmna lidsï¬glilinfliml ROCKED THE WORLD gt gt flgrï¬ï¬‚ï¬nfaé gespeiyaecbyr9 l° uome Front Horpital Ralph nail is om miter spell in some tim inlhe Toronlo GenenilIospilai leellng BONE betta ï¬eld PW Franklin and nonzfligginmn entertained low of their younx ripndslo may friday evening MANY ISLEIS Sun 5° vInclug1361i corlnl EECfSLHiEle are an Mr IlldMrs Albert Gibbs and Home iar Weekend Gnorl FridlyVlsit canlnuum iiiIx nly 1r is suns of annnto Vspcnt Easter Sune Miss Margaret Rowe washome glues 990k Weston visll llargo groutuntil In in Mr and Mrs Hurry tromfloronto tor lhequklnd ed her daughter nn an Maw on gun um PM Man Chï¬mï¬n rvt Mr andMn Annunsnlthol noun snnd very an Don Frltnand Io flu 118ml Mm Lemurn ME anne of Toronto spent Easter Sun =° IYS an We 50 devywflh Mr 90591 roronto vnltore were wilthrxn Ezndaredhndqm wtcrlgvï¬ymu 55min Mnnnd Mrs Lorne clemenlnnd MrsuC Bo den GoodFriduy mm Mm ï¬erymfbeli Enter Services larnlly Toronto spontSnndny wummh ted np rs Easlcr serviccsnt hath chumh with Mr and Mrs Lloyd coborn Quolonarkon nf Sault Ste ppb ow cso Sundn were Weillallerldedy and Mrs Wort Marlo vlsiled her uncle and aunt NE Itch llddud mucll Mr and Mrs wllllnm Brooks of Mn MH PM Wriï¬hv rvw PM MM Bond Head visited local lrlrnda on Weekend inl eacrpwdr attended lhe gt presuntalginn at Baxter hill on Wm Chrlns erehl SLCflihlr an nlvnmalar umh 27 Ioer nd Mrnceorge Weekend Wilhflnndpmuu 05 mm In Welland It his Lake Supei olggert ol th Â¥MbiÂ¥lflfl and gmt whqhave In Gill alienftiomnlp nt ti gt Great lakes mlximum or oron nxer commnn wee cn wl cr ran alen arm 2300 ee presented Mrernhillson llr Ind Mrs Gicn lenP WW 213 entitli ma Energniwedm wilh lovelyc and humpk Mr and Mrscnnrles ongard cdwm MM Wm dy wllh her parents Revunnd and the LOL pres eiMrRobm ol Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs James nornan sun wi past mastera medals and Mrs Dung 5mm Thom on llhelrb WISJPIBSSmeï¬lrhmgll and Mrs wnlt Jessopnl Al 9le rng yecomrmllrlyr nel joint suvice at United Prey River anmbier orc pre oï¬gnnï¬ at Houglfwnts Fm mm Merton and Anglican Churches rented lure And lady We slid was held Gnod Friday morning tray sat wltn sugar and orennl From Aylm gt ï¬llieddwflh heruncle and aunt you for hugohunk of dough un by at Christs Angllcan Churéh in Rohlnsdnrlnyed very Ind Mr Frank Packard faI MsvmmlWfllMW lessvyoll are covered wflhguw daughters Rhonda autumn rev charge at the hummer ramIt partinALheJrchesua lo and nmlly ol Ayllner were at efkevd MS he 33 mum msumcE For cam med QhWIonlMunduy wml Cooke The hddrers was given over two years Mr with regret Thomas Robinsonaior the week WMN ï¬mncewm Wm viewadvice bu Personal UH nnsaol oz Cankstuwll them for weeks holiday ME by grandam Donlanor the Unl thnt We lose yery talented nlerh end F0 9wmnflfet no Rama Hm Mailinn was the gamer Conlne led Church Msoassirtingivu thetmily ï¬le Sunlluy mum Wilson vtalhl1igtli2 rnrontn élsltors mu In NW $1193 gaffaha Bk cm parents nd Mrslinrry afar lhe mast Year Ielt gir and Mrs aim Henderson Mrs card nvMoliettand mn Cbngraluinï¬nns tnlvlr and Mn aileron mnsmgy naalph W3v if WA family of Tumult Siledvlhe Margaret spent the Egg Jenkins on the arrival ill 11 in Mr urmers mother Mrs nmes H2 ier weekendjn NewYork City Id Mam mm To tierson ollThursdn list Miss elen Delnny or Toronto humus 113 Enter With iler parents match wholhuhee St lti lAlnsley While rie wn lloned at the telegraph om er he eeken Camp Borden lip he pa Mls Norane OLeniy of Tor monthnlnnd alsu pin the plnllo onto spent the hnfldlys htthe MFRmm he WMS Mere forth Scum ilplneof herrather Fonce our FPWJEKOII Saturday £01 Bcllt Binck ddlng ptlon wile herea be 1m beerhlrnns lab Ierlï¬elii laid nilth hesln 135 along ram mp ell an cgngmlulnmng the Eastermolldny orchestral nl Church was eliatlendedmrl Sunr Marigwith um Re ehw day The Euterrnlnlema good Moved brClmnDq and Re Mr Mr and Mrs ally McPIuil and llrs Mnlllnn accompanied 39 9W Gardener Been endeavor Mrs spam weakuï¬yeekgnï¬ Visit vgry prnsxlve cénl vtce The flowers weremenulflll gt and colllribnlcd much to th 5p dltiarecenflyr rd Willi the ers purelltsMr andM eDelnny oughof anonlo pent Easter Weekend wi lhel pm Mr e1 hndth lnisléxtuneto by ur in Allian Inst elk Shallwnll laugh