EXAMINER TELEPHONB Admbm mam All 0M mm mm 107th Yur No 300 New Charge Laid In Pentagon CaSe lDS ANGELES 4A Dru lal Elisha and Anthony Rm former colleague at the Rand Com are named in new iScount indictment in the Peaugon papers case that ob servers say should make the governments prosecution ensc Icr Only Elisbcrg who has admlt ted giving the papers to news papem was named in an earlier iodictrrtult returned led oral grand Jury here Is notion minimised Thundxy replaces it enlarges the case against Ellsherg and odd Ruse Vu Van Thai form South Vlelnsmesc ambassador to the United States and Lynda Stnal head of Los Angela advertis In agency and friend of bath Elisbcrg and Russ are named ls unindlcted oocoaspiratars The indictment returned icreily Wednesday netused Elis burg and Russo ot conspiring with others to steal and make known once tepsccrct v5 de Icnco department papers on the Maltq Supported In Showdown VALLETTA Router Prime hlinisterd Dom hliirllilofl lbsclled to cs you ed today for sshowdowa with Britain over his ultlmntum that British forces Illuvs Malta by midnight to mpport prepar nllht it was clear that Britain would Ignore the deadline while uolng ahead with its own plans for phased withdrawal The 8500 British servicemen and their 1000 dependants prepared to celebrate the New Your on the island with no sign that either Min lndia Pakistan Should Hold Direet Peace Talks Gandhi NEW DELHI AP Prime what he mans by saying we Minister ladira Gunde said many lmila and Pakistan should hold direct pcaco talksbut she made clear they would have to dcoh be hand on recognition of an independent Bangladesh in what use to be East Pakistan domndent stale air Bhutto many statements Guard Details Strengthened For Govt Leaders In Ulster BELFAST lltouttIt Guard details on the homes govern ment to tutor were being strengthen arson nttutks by tho outlawed Irish Republican Army were taken tiller the loved res nsibiiity tor tire sltlIursttny lilllkll tIIlrIIuIt Itl tuty but the country nlunsieu Neill Stoukcr oi the In ilrlllnlt Nglhgiin lrelundllhlurlluniolu guaslltil cllll threatened fur or rupr nus halibut proBritish rich people In botoml World in response to ilrltisll urmy More Ownership Needed BY Canadians Benson TORONTO GP Cultutiiulls luusllmovu toward greater own crshlp of their economy in long run or there ure going to settinth Ithlnttsunm Muster ltul in on extensive interview With Toronto newspllper be very lliursdlly Mr Domino added lHIIITNnlethink thut there should he Imythlng like It prohibition ul stmcnt Ill Cunluiu fulciun love mch useful heclulso some foreign ment brings in very tIiuItll iiu ulao uuld he thinks ilululll in in Lillit altouid be oneourupc vest ubroall think titut it you on itullltl to hnvo rolutivostltisihc tinu ut the Culllldllln people in the long run you are ruins lo huvo to move graduully toward greater degree of Canudian ownership think now this can be nelt complhlhcd because if we eou nrfI ti ro bit Wm IM $5 VIIm titiktll why Im ItulJ cu mm mm relicl doing Ill well on trutio an mum mow luwiild rent account as we pococntly mIdIulIs Slto said Not all of them uro shying the some thing But dont lulu Vietnam war The counb cam various ties up to Inst mum 510000 fine And to years in When USE WY Observas said the conspiracy count is expected to make the verumeuts cm easier since will allow US attorneys to use hearsay Italcmmta of co conspirators and other evidence not otherwise admissahle lhsi was ambassador to the United States from Noverrr bcr 156540 December 1966 The Pentagon pipers leak broke list June when The New York Times began publishing instalments or the study on the origin of its involvement in the Vietnam war Eilsbcrg is free on 550000 ball pending an appearonce tn US district court here Jan for pretrial motions and Is trial date on the original indictment Russo was irecd Thursday on personal rm rance bond of 150000 after tcilng the judge am virtually pcnnileg tall or British Prime Minister Edward Heath would back down in the crisis the big question was what would happen next British mlllblry spokesman described the Maltese demand for the evacuation or the forces and thch families by midnight as quite unreasonable PAID NR USE In any case he added Britain had paid for the so of Maltas Incllliics until March ill The British land sea and air forces had great amount of equip ment and stores and it would take months to remove them dont recognize Pakistan We do recognize Pakistan but we ulso recognise Bangla their friendship raids on workingclass homes Gilt Darrin Estonia HOUSE TO ADJOURN 11 dieSi mmwm mmuva Plherrdv lnl it stay cu vud ltecuvo antlo itvutscr tch Trudeuus Mic enters pen ra nu talks should be dealt its on purely bilateral basis indicat Sho expressed bewilderment tag her aversion forany out at news conference about conference such as he at sidont Zuliikar All Dillinger rfrnarks in Lahore dinPakistan war under the Thursday that ho is prepared to sponsorship of the Soviet Union start dtulupuo with India if lt India reconciled itself to the existence of Pukisluu us an in Tashkent following the 1065 in very natural Pakistan should be in traumatic stuto she added im sure as they return to normal and colmor thl kin the will see It is In W10 very Icngtcrm interests that lndin nnd Puklston should live spend New Years Eve on hall and 1ch sgmulng mo mm hum days partying or quietly at home with their tumiiles Ilkuyold Hun WW luriu Premier Villlum Duvls iluddllii in Liverpool us lnmlly spam banquet llo lerll Mrs Trude 11 his wife Kitthy and their live Quebec Premier Robert iluub pitcher lot Chicuuo Cuba of 5M wm dmmmm mm the hbmo in his bill WW children are nlsa In Florida ossu Alamo Premier Peter Sussex Drive in Ottuwu and Ike prim minim ll 7ILyeuroltl lather Grenville ulld 1110mm Cumubell uml nququ news on CBC television WV who Jack um um mm and lilrs lrudcau will be at his 0mm sun MIL 15 1rvingNev bruuswick Imlustrt umt ltuu go to few house mm buismnm Cmmnmm homo htkhonet willdspcndNtho events at home an on ow tlonl Now ltrunswlck Is utso out of rifillttit the province and us since on this Return To or hips in Dublin man believed to be It hlltlttrllkitlf oililccr tpuo lttll ltlts ruVsonu Ivng was my mm Iuliy Iijuunded in an explosive Illntll in unrugu lute Thursday Hit The new auwruy Mlltctl loilco Mild lton thought till unruus won neural bomb iuc itm lieud Iuon slyoorold at Junk hicCubu served to yours rlsutls on sentence helttht of an lliA ign in llrllutu it LM Whmmmmm Iiiszrttii Alter Agreement In Ottawa leaders will spend New Yoors Eve out of the country holidaying in Guadelou David Lewis louder of Imocrnuc Purl3 his Wu pound roast of buffalo lllttl Lcs hiseouminn uiter un Otr Sophia are in Malta DIET GOES SOUTH stunllold mid his wife MIIIY lm couklm supper for 30 were working utiuut 40 ships in lots Corp who initiated study 30 and people uurl lm serving tli the ttmuiie stretch of the St srssious Dec is to bulk wnse Metro pollce one Reward shortly before tl the EDGAR BENSON John Diotonboker and his wile Cnnudlun cwnom Ion tth lumi ii Vim 0mg In pink mme mum soltuillltlttbtur eetious lust October were Muyur bombers were diverted to 1mm OVNWM mm mo ordml pr sad can Kn Years my mat ill deans High as sunu um Barrie Ontario Canada Friday Mr at 1971 Na Mor Thii IDs Pr Cowr 18 Pm FARM Blill PASSES OTTAWA CPI Afterl Earlier however thm wen nearly two years of squabbling tout of is recorded votes at the Commons iinnlly passed the report stage and on third and farm products marketing biliiftnnl reading this ntornlns The first 11 Ther on tons The exhausting sitting which tsundins oppmign WWI begun at pm Thunder 315 ur chauzcs in the bill The last one of the ngcst In Cnnadlan mu were on Social Credit and Parllumtmu hulury Ncw Democrat motions to send The at which would set lip 21 the but back to commiitte for national farm products ntarkct further sluow lng muncll which would in turn nwmmmd mbmnmm or More significant than cttttcrof national marketin Muscles for orcmu later It Olson said he wm particular commodity groups was expected to receive Smut mm approval later today As Soon as It does members II in situations pherc national the two chumbcrs will gather to marketing agencies are created witness mysi assent and ad to set lllurkcting regulations tourrl for holidays returning to and production quotas for the Parliament lliil Feb 15 110lich they deal with The Commons was to sit ather than poultry products again at it am to debate uur Pnriiumcnt will have to approve tion to adjourn while the Senate any productioncontrol schemes was to meet at it am to comb before they can be imple der the bill Just passm mmlcd Passage of the billwhich has The nmendmrnt for the Con been hotly disputed since Its in scrvhttves requires that provin tmduction and which had to cial governments formally state Ireintroduced this session ulterilhat the maturity of producers failing to get through in ma uf glvcn commodity are in was achieved by means oi on River or marketing agency bo nllparty compromise aural lure producers in that province mcnt spurrul by the spectre of are broushl lDl such winter without holidays agenty 50m DISPLEASED POULTRY LEI1 our Despite their agreement lot But poultry products will not put the hill through some po be subject to that provision sllion members expressed eir lhcr displeasure to the lust For mom than up 1m Third and Hunt feuding was chicken amt the cg ustrlu given on an informal voice otc have been in such satray thlt with opposition members there has been pressure to es recording their dissent by shout tublish nnlwmi marketlns ing on division agencies immediately Passage Ends Negotiations ONE FOR THE ROAD AND ONE FOR MY FRIEND HEREI day over the pussuuo of the run ers were lutcr to get crullt fer mvmtiul fllrm lllllrkeiim icuis workan out an acceptable deal lutiull it nlillkttl the end oi the on the ussugc oi the billand most delicutc nnd IlltIlcult mu they nulwurk Icverishly on it lintluns sinu lilo irutleuu guv tIut thuse eiosu to the scene any crunlfn sttmfd UHIRLL it the iiomcrIiccr nxm II pt vote Its nu II inc at not he stage for gt Nlll hvenl even ltluuzht oi but butch Anne liluuny Illl be uy TllL CANADIAN PM fgALIMILEERIIIIII Ills Ill be wentIns Ive1 been busy ruling the Nova chtiu flluxut 1i gIIiulgkgcrbglh xm uIHuEuLmnmmm dmh wclllmw Cmndmm wm MM um ML 50 STAY mm NClVIYKELXIrgusllfrn 05 chance the bill would iiul Intro mined to see the measure Premier Joseph Snlullwood of their families are Social Culmdillu uthlolo ol the your bioflrrcm mm Iklmf ggfgmtfmh Newtoundlnnd is in Cieurwnlcr Credit Louder ltcal Cooucttu in Fergte Jenkins mot Ginger11 mu mu men lmmuv th 0mm 0mm or Justin Pierre Mull Fl for the holidays and Ou ltouyll Qu0 author litomlts 0nt will be In mo on bum mm we um WWW WW in the lust two Vttks when hit eve ui lIolhluys and portly bo ttttitill it wunted to elcur the Sltuullott tirck Iot Itttcloctltln lcglslution The iinul brctlktiIIuuph value in the sprint sussioll expecth the Notlollul Baseball League pmmlm mm 111 kg his Louphoed Vuncouvcr Muyur Lloyd Robertson will rcud tho For more than to months the MP lmm Oowillut cat lumen am htui been helmo the Com Tuesday nluht with lirucc DLLI lttullsull tlltti tInund the nav lhe uuirt ltiberul chnirmmt of crlllnunl know all the opposition the Cummqu agriculture cum objections Orungo IIan tztlmo Now Yeurll nits and nnwxnnper owner GovernunGcnerol ltolnnli my Pronllcr Richard llutllekt ot 21 cntssurennvvs survey by The Cumuttuu saying whom he wont lives In Nlocura Foils Out Opposition Mild WW ouunoc tarprum toduy Lower St Lowrance lllver r1 Ie Now pound suckling pig llll 2t Luwrcucu ltiver between tluro $333$5thurpljxgsausgg mmm CPTh Mulmmmm 10mm mum mmmmmn tnwu ugreomcnt Ihursduy ond night immediately utter Lho oilrmt $3000 Ivewtud ltlttrsduy lur iuloruuttiuu In the stabbing was mmaunwp deulh oi tuxi IIItrel Juck Gwen mull ulltl woulun were seen WHOM work WNW babel 13 movement mm ictlving the cult Nesduy before the driver was found spokexluun for the lrnuspart Wm on chum if$iii ii Mran snuwstgrm abated by Brandt Son Catches Dinner tliiii Ngrokridhlt III oneliut ash llf33s SARASOTA Fltt Apnoea mm Cllllnceilor Viiiy Brultdt result the llllols vuikout uno Koi my cullght two king llulekcrei ttll fishing trip in the null or Mexico others tied up at dockside mm 00mm 5mm lllllltltltl but his young son Mathias tltitlll the biggest lluhttl Wll illVlllli mud Ipmimtny llltttlt by the pi linuudcr that become the lumlly tlimHl The 01 pilots belonging lo the lots corporation ll Policeman Assailant Killed NEW BUFFALO MltII lAltl IT slutopoilccmcu were shot to dvuth curly tulllly uuti their ftllttltll nssultllllt vus klllcll in It shootout with other lrmpcrs In short liqu inter uulltorllles rcpurtrd Former Civic Government Storm Reported To Have Passed lOltONlo CPLTho llettttlttxtttlt ill lIittInvuys reported curly Comes To End In Winnipeg tulluy tllut the stunu tlult lashed the southern port It the province WiNNlllIG ICII Most ui become the new citys first rhuxuluy bud blown listll nut in Iltusttttuus although driving the 112 councillora oi Gleulvl muyvr luul muyotil it Wun comtitluns were still tummtous because of Ice and slush the storm II Icmln become resentful Vlnltllottl 13 nmnicluul sovern kilns of Fort mm Ynn lelt IN tltlltlt us right llltltttt ot snow In Its woke uml huluporcd ntellts stood ut itllui meetings olsky We Klldollull Ill most forms of lrunswrtutloll They think thut theyre not got in m1 this week to ueecpt email me btuuioy Douhun of Lust Misstng Prisoner Apprehended In mum or W03 WWIU WWW Ilitltlllttt luv lllulr survive and dentin who won council seats ll Was IIIRI KINCS ON milkA prisoner III hour on area institution note of their country ttllll think Imam mam comWm arm wus utter Llriululcls trove of ohmnee wxlu lllkuu lulu vustedy Thurs thot tooiln Ilus been grulluuily developlnghlh Cullmiupurhops WHWI mm mummy wrung tlil ictlvillu four others still ut turtle Arnold llll Icr wus tilllpllltt vus ioresukeu tor uu ItpiirelwmitILby Kitluatull police ubuut noon TIIItiSlllw nod returned event ttlut tur outshodowed to Comm my mmmmw 1th sumo ustltlcntlon wThe ilntuIco minister suld he feels Cunudlpns ghould belch lh cuuruxed to uvcs its mouth mm uncmnh or toilsImpound stir Thant Bids lt itTrl2ir as 9359 Rescue Operation Mounted In Chile Ouiy 2i of the tlz councillors SMGON AP US and SANTIAGO illeutcrtA Ipuior relief uud rescue operation was will return to serve on the new South vlutnumese tortes Joined mounted today to suve thousumis of people uuuly of them stranded Silencth cuuucll which takes the vial Cont today la 24hour tIoItltIwqukcIs cmlunpvmi by the sudden eruption at volcano in Vlcw haw cu NMqu AP uvcr train the twotier novelIr New Your cease tiro across southern Chile At trust four persons died mod were lstcdlns 91 Im MM IMM UNtntf unk uk and Input of municipal councils South Vietnmu hut Autericun missing utter Viiiurricu volcon poured molten lava out at we IIT IEIitiii or era It and none councilkg up Elwyn glomdmg pg nlon as so mor I2tfii3uhllull y2iSuiioliiyftolllhlmw 1mm power or In clvle vollu mm with more mug on CW Castaways Washed Ashore In Bali mrlthut invotvcs lenitruns und Some were reported ncnr clans muniet supply Willi Lindbk MIAMI Fm App1 hem mm mm enunwny Among the incumbents who with the ceascl res optI washed onto neatby Elliott Key after nine blistering days at sea teora durin the doystonp round mIe Iiwqucuon ho milled ui farcwvlhl lull 19 WWW Must wwld swm Vhmm The one survivor utlie to tuik sol ll two others went mud and Mom qu nln Former Consorvutivo leluier Olive are In Barbados Ind pole groulcr ownership of their ccon em Mr Benton Iluid There is grout upward surge ui mltlonniism oil over the world unlt its not inst in Cuntttln You move to strum Mmetrxwvmmllww0 wltlt llut he uddett You know lilluk them will uiwuys bu urells unvva Ith ulm und how we sold his owutcollng was one of Stephen Juhn of Winnipeg who tnruats in Leos at tile outruucos won an overwhelming Victory to to the Ho Chi Minn trolL