Miami Back Plays With Broken Bone 1111111 AP Jake Scott llazus tree safety Plans to any in Sundays American Football Comma mainlan ship Icyme against Baltimore Call With broken band In hi left hand But Scott doesnt think thats unusual particularly since he platch mm the bmk virtually 917 minute of the Natltxnl Football langues longest um broke it on the fourth or filth Play of the name Scott rccallcd in revealing the break of the born on the back of Illa hand that ocmrred dunn Inst Saturdays 2724 Dolphin victory over Kama Gly minis It was hurting Inc but didnt really give It too much thought IbLn Dick Anderson the Dolphins other safety and ran together on deep route and It stuck up knew there was break then pushed It back down and we taped It up and played the ml of the way It Was Important to the Doi phia that be dl for the do foot maneunder as been one of the keys to the clubs dcvulr opmcnt over the last two sea sons after soloing tha Dolphins in unique mannerho nun Iged to get out at the option year of his contract Rivers Notches In Kings Win By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wayne 1mm ri ht wlnger who was born In from iten Ont 11 years ago ha and check ered In mfessianal hockey but hes atll producing goals at cUp that might merit attention from some of the Mr tionnl Hockey Leagues cxpaw rion clubs mvars who scored an coats and earned 31 assists for Batu more last season paced Sprlnp field lilacs to 971 American Hockey League victory over Cincinnati Swords Wednesday with llvo goals Itivcrs lilth loaf put him ahead of Gary Peters of Boston Braves as the leagues top scorer with 211 goals It also left him ona short of tho ltnguo Scotl had Left the Ulvhxity of Georgia to play tn the Can dtan Foahall league with Brit kh Cdumbla Um In 198 The cause they offered me lot of money and 11 hard to turn down if youre planning to play profest hall After one season Scott del titled ha wanted to try the NFL told Vancouver didnt want in negptiltl SCott rz called told them What wanted to Itoleave without Iii13in my Option year also told them was not married and didnt need unity that didnt need the threeyear 1115000 tincut contract they had offered Scott maintain his position despite the lucrative offer and nally in frustration Varmint yer traded him to Montreal AI auettcs Scott followed the same routine with Montreal and tilt AI ultimately also became Irus mud So when Miami drafted hlm as No pick the Doi phlns were able to convince Montreal to placo Scott on waiv us dont know what was given or what was taken but they got me through walvcrs he said Then aimed with the Dui phins or less than made up there In my first year Five Goals Over Swords moved to within anu point of Cincinnati fourth in the Vtsltrll division and tho Bamiu edged to within one point of sccond place Baltimore also in the west Jimmy Stanfield scored two goals for tho Kings while mu Urban and Brian Carlin each added one Ratelle Nears Bniins Esposito THE CANADIAN PRESS JNn Rateile of Now York Rangers got three assists Wednesday to mom within two points of Phil Espasllo of Boston GARY UNGEE second from right pups puck past Toronto Maple Leafs goaltender acmie ratcm on pass from St Louis Blue teammate Jack IIgers rlght during National Hockey Boston Bruins Blast Chicago Black Hawks By IAN MuchNE Canadian Press Staff ertcr Boston Bruins took just over nine minutes Wednesday night to blast the Chicago Stadium hex into oblivion en route to an easy 51 win ulcr the Black Hawks In National llockey League action The win was Bastuns first In five Stadium VisiLl dating back to last year and cndcd Chica gos unbeaten string on homo Itc this reason at 18 games The NHL record of 2D un llcatcn games fit home set by Montreal Calludicns in 1943 and fun stons was never scri ousiy threatened but the way the Hawks manhanditd most of their NIIL visitors this year led many to believe tllu mark could be in Jeopardy goals sent the East Division leaders New York Rangers to II win over Philadelphia llycrs Montreal Canadicns tripped California Galdcn Seals 31 St Louis Blues upset To ronin filapio Lents Detroit Red Wings throttch Buffalo Sabres 7ltl and LO Angule Kings downed Vancouver Can tiCItS 31 The Bruins continue Ulcir sev engnme road tour tonight at Bloominglon Mind In st Minnesota North Stars in the only scheduled game Boston couch Tom Johnson said bciord the game vILtory In Chicago would give the Bruins lift as they embarked on an extended road trip Tho highscoring Bruins granted his wishes curly lilikc Walton irlczerlng the explosion at the 221 mark Before It St Marys Gels 2nd Shutout In Hockey Canada Tournament record of six tn one name by Bob mm mm foggy wgnggdzggmgaiiggcg hlsowllerc ltod Ilberts two kIurlii 51194142 $133 Fidd with or palm ray rneuso an CHESIIIII Henry Providcneo rpggg Phhdul 1105 In other AIIL action Cleve Th luau land Barons upset Boston Bcths at Clovoland and wilm 32 lllchmond Rollins piayln an Huaiga 19 if IIIIIIImwi back TI cwav Gbofh NY Ily Tilt CANADIAN PRESS argur MLI illrim St Earth smilnlds victory left tho Pcrrcnult Bul 11 15 mer chuck madam Kings six points behind second ltfrtln Buf itl opponents rimo rim place Nova Scotla Voya ours in Mahovlleh Io mum 51m in Nth If the Eastern Division Itchmond Stanfield 11 11 up USng mm SKII With AL IIIExperts TURNING THE SKIS Illo lvot or Illlllln motto the feel few years Ego maily skis from side to side using the ski tips at the Today where the weight 15 behind the with largo number of ski experts vocatlng turns NG RAINE UNDER THE BODY skiing must be centered at skiers threw the tails of their Ivotlng centre boots there is tendency to have the pivot centre of the skis behind the ski boot Unlortun ately this Is not at your advantage You must try to keep the feet as the central point This means that when on lvnt our ski mother too far backyor the torforwards your weight mm be tral positlon turning the skis right underneath you Laminated Wood Skis WItcx IJILW Full 11th In bllldlnlts alum lnum poles buekcl boots and hot press 11kt bandurltrllcty straps and custom Illstullullou lt $130 Value FOR JUST Above lkn WLntch In llllldfiig $5905 Allow Pkg VCabln ulndlulls 310115 CROSS COUNTRY Includes boots skis poles bind lInns and installation for ii have Money fllly From 1110 People Who Speeiuiitn BARRIE SPORTS LTD Opcratorl of lloraeshoa Valloy Hitl Soup and Medonto Mtn 5111 Shop COLIIIIC It 51 SKI PACKAGES From Barrio Sports Ltd Tho Sports People You must be In 11011 $9995 PACKAGE $7995 Goddard IIIIS been successful in blocking all of 11mm Qucells Golden Gaels vcrn tho victims at Goddards stingy performance that propeller St Marys to win and the Hockey Canada tournament Kingston int Wuincstiny night championship 11 other tournummt champion ships were decided in Itfoneton ND lrolsdlivleres qu Sud hury Ont Thunder Buy Ont miti Vancouver Loyola College Warriors of Montreal took the Maritime see ion erashim hometown Mone on Blue Elude 61 host Trots Hillieres Intri 11 cronmtd Dai LAKEVIEW DAIRY DEN EGGNOG CHIP DIP to I000 pm houslo or rrnlimc for tonom Ioctlon hnnoll Laurcrlnan rompcd 11H orcr Montreal In Sullbury for the Northern On tarlo title liftMuster uf Hamil ton Mng Manitoba I11 Thun dcr Bay and llr ish Cuiunlbiu downed Alberta to reign as Western Canada tifllsts Goddard who had yours of semipro expcrieneo In tho lIaskjm Hockey Icaguo be fore turrqu up with St llfnrys couple 01 seasons buck kept the iuskles unbeaten 19717 season while being several alivo se Icclttl the tournament allstar gaalio and most player star of five seasons with Pcterburougil Ictes of the an talio Ifockoy Assoclulinn Junior sent1 Goddard also blocked 28 shots hmsday night when his Halifax teammates routed Guelph Gryphons 80 MIKES Your Convenience Stone $91111 available only hora POTATO CHIPS REG HUMPTY DUMPIY NonRolurn Quart 20 or WILSONS POP ON ll FREE Vllll POU It IOIOO mm TOI your COIIVOIIIOIICO TRY YOUR LUCK ON RADIO DRAW Serving BARRIE NORTH BAY DRILLIA Locations to serve you in Barrie I5I DUNLOP ST 726I 783 OPEN 900 AM TO 00 PM ended at 5111 Johnny Bueyk IllIl lisllosito and John Mo KLlllIt Itall hastened Hawk gun tender Gary Smiths departure 51111111 was replaced by Tony Espnsilo at the start of the bee ulld period but the damage had air been dune and only do fun run Jerry Kurubs goal it 15 of the socllfltl soled the IlawksIfrulll whitewash something no Icllnl hits htctl able to do In lIi regular scuson games with 1111 go Tile ltullgurs spotted lIIIIaIIII III 111 loud lileli roeka tile rs Iand goaltender llrllcu llllr for file goals in less 1111111 11 lllllluits oi the Ilrst pc rioIII to push their unbeaten 11111111 11 home II In games Gilberts Iiiltlllilll centre and IL llldficitl into the scollng aoL itulcllc rims 1111 three scores pull Inn to within two of Phil Esau los leuguclcuulng on pullits and llndIlcld potted Iris 1111 panelplay scorc lops in Iltu NIIL Italullos first assist gave hint zoo career paints AlsMunIreo Phil Myro rot New Years Day I9I BURTON AVE 726 400 OPEN 900 AM TO 00 PM lntu r11 nrsr um In um um mourns replacing injuer goaltender Ken Dryden 11nd sternum Ilil Iliglrscuring Cull forum lilluLk Dryden 11 prilllo candidate for LIIL NIIIs luukic Ilutlurs Wiis for if to relinquish his chores 11 of back injury illly tiollt crvous as thought Id b1 IIIer re flucted in the dressing room Inter tiller turning abide III of 33 shots llo was told of his usslgll meat tho afternoon III the gullln so IIdltlllt Iluvo loo much time to think about being nervous The Soul Vusttrl Iilllo tlrno tIcstIIIg the Canadian goalie Lrug Ctimorun liiuko ill alone In the curly moments and forced 1yre to make 11 key sure Making stop him that early In the tunic iltlpcx It will goalie dullll he admitted Ilclpul me tonight MILK TIME mums PRICE MIKES PRICE 33m ammu THURSDAY DZCLIILR $0 1371 ll fur Ileiuill IIrellt 1s pu Indoor Gsmrs Wednesday night Grant he would do ucll in UIC invltn tiunal mcas mile and limsbed 111 by 15 yards Hes Best Canuck In First Contest INNSBRLLK Austria CF core Wllsun illyeahcld per former from liliawa compettng In top inltrnaliunul contest fur the 111 um turned In 11 he Canadian performance mumsdays skijunlpin1 events countries here Vliznll plural 513111 in the 100 entry field will lumps of and 111 mines for total or its points ukm Rudy of Japan llzo came llrsr neltcsl the competition it Shot Record Set At Indoor Meet SASKATOON CF Al Fucrbaco word different shot but set Canadian open shot mard at tho Saskatchewan twoday rhcy standing opening watched 2000 Jack 11311 record sborput 56 feet IcLJren didnt think mark of must wm himself PLLIS Iiiunsun my ml of world 111m 1111 representatives cmnds Ill1th pnCIIIE and 13111 Points in el Ungarato of Perth 0111 set tho In the mens mile he isnt last crluugtl and hes belzcc at distance races lie took tho lead from Ktith victory in four minutes of British Columbia third was were among the out pcrlcrmcrs during tho session of Lzr annual track and ricld mcrI by slim cruud of Taylor In of Arborg role Canadian nativn in the 111111ch mens cunt with heave 111 II inches 11121 Paul SNI in Im indoor lcharexI thinking or scratchin from the event Decals AWA of urcgun 51211 Unitar laps ranunm led away for comInc rated Peter Kali uI till Coast club as nomad mart of the University surprised to win run IIlutu run 35 1711 German Ital IIcLaren still Ilbt wanted to mr Schmidt vthu hall jumps at slam alum the top runncn and 90 metres and 335 It IIII be the Illa mllu run pumrs Indoors lhls season in on DISCOUNT IBOIVIBISHELILI PILLOW Us 1111 Milo SALE FRIDAY FRI SNOM WHILE THEY LAST 50 ONLY 99 ON SALE FltlUAl ODIer 0N HALL FIIIIIAY ONLY ANvInollhclxhurhyuw WHILE THEY LAST loo ONLY FAMILY VDI Seoul ROMBSNELL WHILE THEY LAST 200 so YDS ONLY INDOOR OUTDOOR DURAVAL CARPET Plain Back tool width $37 15 ICE SALT 111 11 ON SALE FRIDAY WHILE THEY LAST WOOL KNIT 81 CRIMP KNIT YARDAGE Roducod to Clear RCE BAYELD STREET 11 cur1 on OB LE MITTS Ladios Girls Men Boys 00 Lil ONLY OCOLATE DROPS 3599 UN SALII IIIllhu ONLY WIIILI TIIliY LAST ONLY ONLY