PCI RETURNED IN ALL THREE COUNTY SEATS 47000 In County Schools SEPTEMBER Barrle area has iiittl highs est number or breathalyzcr tests per year In Ontario but oliic Iala at loss to explain uhy SImcoa County Health Unit extends Ila Irecze on the issur Ing of building permits in Innis ill lownshlps special policy area into West Gwllliinhury in It Approximately lao cllttugvn aro allocth by the enmity health units New on building permit In the tilllortl Beach tiren at West GwIllilnbury Approximaton sou pt attend vtlttrskllng do lion sponsored by Barrio Slit Club Avproxlmutely 47 000 studs cnts return to school In Slmcoe County ltnlt according to ottc tilt at separate and county school boards everything went lmootbly Admtnlltratlvo an or is ntor Pam and tlcerenllan Commu ltun any more parks and takc overs at such things as cuttit Iucs vIIt make It ileocxsllry tor the commluiun to hire more Ithll 1o luluk Cl vsmllll supcrvls llr of land tiso planning with the Department lll hands lilill 1llr cats says study at tho recrea tlunal potential at Ltlka Siincuo will start Immediately 11 United Appcal campaign to open out llus as its goal 5120000 sonic sumo hiuhcr than last year The Big Brothers An sociatlun oi narrlo has Joined the appeal bringing to thu number or member agencies 13 nlltnmllttvo ilva Illver kot ruonsorerl by the oeorglun Ittly Region Antique and Claasc Car Club Is so successlul organlzv crs say it by will sponsor anothcr next yo 14 City council and the public tttllllivs colnlnlsslun will sit tor your term lollouinl tho lJTI municipal election culliltil decides This III Illltl munici pal and school board elections In tlne 15 The city not Interested In lnltlutllii annexation pro cuedtmls with It nelglihurini townships luyur Ilcs Cooke ILIIa the planning board Walter brother Strand Win the featured our hone hllrh class lit the IIJIII tltltttltll Urn itllI lilil lIIvIr Ilittli was composed ul lcrclleruns 17 Liberal lender Itubvrt NIX all says the City should be pushed as grawIli ilIca Gordon Smith is oil L1 Ptoitrohhlvo Co or tIL ludi lInIo III II provincial riding of Simcoo nd Dunn Cooko Acclaimed NOVEMBER Sgt Kcvln Melivny 21 ll Oshawa ls klIItI tilld MILIntel Jueklw l7 uisl ui Oshawa Ill seriously injured when itiur nude exploded Oil the west grew lltiurtlno at full Iltlrdcn City development ttllnrlllt too will suck authorization from councll to have tlcrry ttlllilllyll elty udmlnlstrtlto re oltll neg otiations vIIIl Itlt Niltlilit at Railways to obtain IttlltI tor extension at Lnkcslloro lItI routh ill HurtIo City police Continue their lnvestlgnilm lulu tho tllelt or $10000 worth of needs ltoni Cunxulllcvu Dlhtrlblitluu Co Ill Pltny Ltd Buytleld Si Allan Cook Ltd Iii award ed tllrco Department of trullsr Imrtotlon and lilttnlclltllllls cuntlllcls lol the vlllonilltt oi Council Returned DECEMBER at Thu value of construction for which ilermltu have been Issued this your to up almost 50 inll llvu over lust years 3141907712 Rt Ilun Eult lluwt Iur illcr Ilcutullont luvoruor lll Un tltrlo tolls Rotary Club that Can udll ls upproachlllg system or governmllnt by bureaucrat 1t thu prvsolir ltIEItl eunIIlIIL Constable IIothrtI Gill 44 ul cllc tllctlt ltl III Iltlr conllliluli In Ilus lIIllI tutltly tilltl being hilui tllvn Ilt luttt IlIlI ptlrllic it lulu IIbtlllltl tunnelsIto lllplatitt tl Attilrlu Trailer of ullturd ls clottell llrst woman president of liltlitlill flittuber llt ulnlvlurcv City voters return vntlro vutulell turnout hall that lll lust UlttlIlln II lItllriIIll lliltI So Ilttl ill lIItIIIllIMI tlIt tnvttitlt ttlil lltlvt lilij ttlluvtlliolla to Sulllll lulu Jilillltlttttity Itlltrv II Sinic County llllaitl ol Igducatluu pla proposal by halter ulld AIllron Butrte arrh itccts tnl rcnuvntlnnzl to olll unlul IlI tivlllrui elllleplllte dark Stillltlrs property ill IlILIs in residential illatrict ti Iliuliwny 40 ll ix lanes and the construction DI the Dark voltIl St tIthrIutil Heard ill directors DI Ililrilu tltll llttilllilll Culliltll CIKIUIS the tsltlbllsllllltlll til 1i SUlIItli lzons iecltlltllln and social ccnlrtl llud rcvumnlttllk It be limited downtown ti ltlnlos Itltii viilnti nl live awards is IIKIIIIIXIII ill tltllstvitw sounluiluy sellout colltznclleonwllt tl amp etlllvcllllll villlltll at $5000 is ttlkln from the tIlIlll tlln St resilience lli lll laul Sttlll tl lllyor lclt Cllllkv tulllllllll eds he will suck iloilliiltltillii an Infulill ountli ltll iii the Dec LIVC eietlloit AItI Doria tI inrkcr cunhltlerlnl lunninl lll Ill yur to Three elk ro unitll an the lnll tlisagieeliivnls Hit the llitlllllpul presented by consul Iiilit lilliy IIHIllI delay tit up lolu llolltlih III getting the document to city council or com lralloll ll acre site at Mldhurst oppoliito the county museum Iii approved by courtly CUUVILZII all the alto if its new St million plus ailnlilllutialivo complex are raids They are to Kllltltli court on lIitliucti Utllitl the Wood or is chosen PC eatldldiitc In Dullerin Sinicoe 23 Arthur Evans Li le rIainlLd lrneressl Cunsvrva live candidate at Simcoo Cen lre PC Association convention at North collegiate Lloyd llristmv Darrin businessman in actIIlllttl Lib rslI candidate for the titling ll Silncut Centre tiller lulir other withdrew their names at twinning oi nomination meet it 27 Dr Bill Evans and Elli Crussun Ill tlnllual Barrio Yacht Club NUth Shore ttlpo lculltta 20 Id iiugts Stephens tolls council that it tho Delaney and Carley niarllios cease openi tluns the city urea will find lt sell short of innrlntls with boat repair IaeIIItits Ltl Longawaited uuvulupnmnt illult tor district llo In tho clly is placed Imich tho plann ing board In that strait form The an is bounded lly nigh way 400 lillltltllo ltd Anne SL the city limits and hi You cont St ILllt lllc mayors oi lltirric Culr Iiiiiiwotxl OriIIIIn and Midland uivn the spur tu tIID pluvlueirn HULmIIlIIl tor Milan on lip llllIntil lust iul or SIR lur Lovulupilltnl The Onto Central ltoglutt plan As Mayor John Diefenbalcer Visits LILIC Iltlllliitl Kilillll tlwnuti ILV ltult lnlaeller of till 0m Stiltilm vo tllIlllty limit tlrt lit cuiinectlull wlllt the tent it sltmoo evllll lllvulvluu lIll ttilllloi lItIltliltI ltlllitll uttihlluilc Illull Sellout Board will tlu straightened out fulluivlt llll lllo lolllpletlun ol IIII tltltll III to he lilizh school In lllitI Ittlitl it iilultlr tlllIIIUItILO Ul tIIt llcwly rcllrlzllulzcll lllcoc Ctitlilty Itlstulittll As tlltlli In the pres lltltin oi the Cuiltlr lcs emu oil llllytlcld lIt AIlI Durltill itltkti says SIIL will not enter it itlayolally cuiltcllt this civic clecilull lltolli and Rotary clubs this lab the wiring unit other prepar lliury work before tllUVIIlll the runner unit cluh pro shop ni IItI tli ilt li IuIi Ithl IIllII tIllt utter so Arts ltlu HIU nl Itallk tlltlt Toronto tlelnlltlolt III open it now illtlln nllleo IItll lultl lvlll upon now brllllcll Ill 1972 JULY attend Rockhlll al west at AlLs aty Nanci he nixed to approve hideu Parli slde Drive on the east sillsr from Park to liens streets tchtival judge at the lint aaaua Huron Festival at the lace tough job as artls rctpoasc has cXLLLLlLd evpccta trons Ohtarlo ubcral leashr llllt crt Nixon says there is na llrlcntion for the present sworn uhcrchy cities llilo Barrie have to compete with other niunict politics Inr indtutrlal pruutll Doug leuis llarrlt hah been elected president at the Jaycms Canada 11 Rev Charles Runes huc rccda Rev tinics pas 11 Fel Huronia AUGUST About 5000 people took ad vantage of sunny Gamer to is It the first Huronia Festival at Arts over the holiday weekend IIIIIeiest singers rcccive plaque signed by olllnriu Prclt mler William Davis to conimenh oraln their appearance at the Ontario Flam lurum in June Public Utilltlcs Cnlnmlsslun announces lhut unsightly utility poles and overhead elvctrltal cables hlll disappear ruin the city by 1973 George teCuuuo chairman oi ti hoard et governor at Georgina College or Applied Arts and Technology announces that 7130 college building will be erected In Owen Sound to IDmontll contract exten Ion wlll ho uttered to Greer Bus Lines in Barrie subsidiary at Kentwuy Trunsparaltiun ltd to provide the city bus svrv III with just slightly more than two months leit belurc tho Evans Sweeps SimCentre OCTOBER Louise Clullm HILItIL It student nt St inry separate aetltlol Is SIIItILnl mayorotthe neck Like Sililcues future is IIII sublt ut it public hearing at Georgian College Slnlcoe Centres tlircu cunA illdutea In the provlllqul elec tion vIIl meet the public at tho YMYVCA The Simeon County ltuinun amour separate School rim will now mcelvo school taxes rum ltnlliull Catholic lluustliuldx il the nip Iluy Point tllL he Ontario municipal board approves burrowing by On Townshl at up to $IIU000 tor construclun or new arcnlt Ill GlillltIl 13 City Is to spend smiled tlll lllltllt bout slips til the city mar lltt Sunnninlo Park to tho Il our sun the tunk 16 City unun to help defray the oust ulv llellotul tulk hill or luvnlluly ruluruvli Ila leI not Iltl iottleollln this tIIlIy all 10 illottlll oItI chiltl rulnuvcll Iltltll llcr iuluiltl home Iil Milli County CIlIIdlll September will not be rtttllllcd It Mr and Mrs Ilittllk tittltltvll by the Sim Altl Soclcty Ili 111 lnnlslll Twp Council may earmark 515000 for it CUIIIIIIIIIIV lly vulttlo til Lloyd Goorijo Park Ill LellU Itltiltlntls littttlnlzvr ill IIl Toronto it in plan luluII tn utlvrltl cunllrlns 2th Ontnrlo lulluleiplu lltiartl ltI lilillslll twll plant in build it IluW unulictplll building on tho Ninth ride of Cilll ll linv nlrtliutoly bust of tiltl lie and Drug and Natcotter Conlrol Works lltlllllrtiltvllt gilllino 1Iri al approval bulges ull obtainan it the 11711 72 Bottle and todornl and provlnelul munlclpat illstrlct Untied Appeal llrlvo employment IIIlltItl lulls $2700 tIIlUII oi Its tttlijcl lrt 5112000 l7 ll Currlxull rllruntll Aluolllltit tlolcttulvu and I1 lIlltlIelI Ilonlltllly tllllltil 1117 llllltlr Wllltvr villvul lSt 511 Remit ii nt Barrie CIt to la Ho milieu Sum lcm High viay too to CmIID Itoad mil become high Lul or ctal corridor under rec usuala npprnlei the board l6 I$c ti Barrie and Kcmpcnlclt Bay will play im poctant part in ct lprrllt he study at Lake inch lullnus the Two lumnldcnu report lOTlle llih amlllll llllcmllto a1 Brick and nulllng Pin nirn in Tournament is Lem hold ln Slmutl 1h lumpnut station at the my marina has reasonably priority arcanlln to Festival 1m United Appeal campaign about $1000 Is still outstanding Ironi last years ellurts htilke that Started 3e5 tcrday at St ionlens Senlrutn School threatens lIit Sept completion date tor lIIt new ad dition to the school the Ropresvnlzitivcs lltlrlie Orillia tidlund tilll Colllngwood will he askcd tn ndtlho the provincial gelernlmnl on how anti here major city should Iw dc input Ill stunlv tutliil groomer tor the attic of Sn Cuullty block in the lral pdrt Ul Barrio to the 011 lurio government 5iItl0Cnl is continued in joint announce ment by It Arthur Evans IPI tilitl IKLLH Earl Elliott til Plus 11 government has pin or cunslrutlon vi new court house building to an curly next year 21 Sonic form at regional glllu ermltcnt la in tile lulurl illr Ilarrie and the aurrtlutitlllll lull nltipllilcs tlut pruvlnelni Ireas ltTllo Sumno County Board Education Ittls tleclillnl It post nuilc bilildiil tl luuitli lush LItoi in Barrie until lU7t blitilIlIt ittlilul gtIKIItIIlI pl Ill builtv1 Ily llulvu lllllbitl Lilr llullhllll IIll Ilt uvauI to llzlrriu Ill number 0t ways Ittyor Les Cooke sattl lll le city has itct to try to resolve Its IIir roItI cun trtlvcrsy surround In taunt property by altering ll biLv It tDUwr Slmmirrzlon H156 lie 11 died iitvt ll lull not lie mill other buys hall been digging CIIVUI in tin llllll Itl Untied Appeal ll tho $2U we illtllk 21 Ontario lecral Ietlilur Itllh ert leon stops in IIarrIe on tho eve of the pro liclul election Art Mltllls sluu cur Centre by own votes llvli lllvrllll tlltl uu slrillo ill ullrllu lcuu itlvrs vvrllzll llpprllvat lllr tllc lluvtlupnlcltt at too tlllvlt Illl llil Icrrls Lane subject Iii il tlliitlltlmvlit of ellv byluw IIILII calls for It IKIIKIIUII of the number oi hull to too rum Selltnll nltitliils students and RIvnllhi oi the Itlic IItlritt trutnb leather ill Illliultht school to without the tliivvilllli til illcllulrttxl stun window In Iltzl Imiltlr hes Cuuku ticcltltillctl tlr lUt ll after 10 luI Iillt tlllllullllLtS he will lint lie tlltIlito or Illt illayura clllllr Il ilItILIIllilllIC seats tlio CtlIIIKS lt eight lt puiul pvllllltlllt tllilt could load to lltiw CCVIItlItICV illllilliw ls ltuposotl tn council by the lllnltcti llllllfnttluhinoKorkets ot lnict Electrical Il it ll ill the 10 lllulntlrlal ti vtctl It tllII tIlItIClI lul tillly lcltrlll lin iltltral tiullonlolu teacher who died III car mlrllup ticar Stuy nor on the weekend 21 Collnell votes unnnlmouuly to iilvo tho Utlrrltl mill District ANHUUIHIIUII tor the Mentally lie ed the hllplluit it llLLlIr tll Of Arts attltts lint llallit vlll have it iurulcr 00le tvlllllll it pro llili to Is llurnl titetl by the Bar lilI Jtlyuvcs as their choice tor the VilllIt ILINJII lltlithter lrlilItllu is leading the lOlllllly tltltvii tllu llusy Hand of SMIKIIIMII Rut Ittittlll Inilllk lot IIIt lrlll utlttrtllm ol It now shuttered workshop on litlylleltl st Aid Society incur dothit oi t3121000 as at the end at Novelty 01 water resigns Councillor it Iltliillltel pin $18 Million For Wasaga De cuio harks Prt Wuhan Davis Iri no es ttlt Ontarin will spend $18 nzliasn are the out six tears to detcinp recreational re rlcs ct the Wasaga Beach arch canus McNeits presiding oi lmpenahallman Corporation Canada Ltd Same has saw munmi via extension pm gram uhlel prnvnie an tl dltmnal lhyn square Ire ot manl ulattltrt ud warehomin lal titties Mos stchi mooo alter Into the Kempenlcldt 0min tnllln oiitecs at Cal her ccl 31 Um tivlntlltll rlee Mimi McLean is under inttmhc eare Ill Ituyal tcrla Ilaopttal lrltnd hours and threaten light ln sale ins barn urcr Darcy leKeough Is not saying hat it he 2h The Nport recommending the takcov at Childrens Aid 50 tiellcs by provincial and munic ipal governments ls granted with little enthusiasm by Barrie uu tllntiti 26 Minor Les Cooke on the resolutions committee of the Otis tariu lunicipal Association 27 Teehlorm Produeu Ltd of Pcnctanguishenc ha been granted in Ontario Development Corporation periornlancc loan at samba in hpr construct and equip new plant at total cost at 513000 CII vtlllhell unanimously aililrutu recommendation at tile gcncrzit government commit tee Itl onillluy lawyer to prose ttltc limwncamp Residential and lllly Schools incorporated under the Cl toning bylaw lit cl Robertson succeeds retiring Eugene Langcvln llccvl Vasagll Beach Ellrrlt Llnlla mark 40 years or survive to the community Upon coniptetloll at new St 0011 stucco and cudnr builds in II the civil service stall tlvltltlllllltiit Centre our Big lltly unuu llt uill be nhte to train vitil servants there on round basis IIITho Slitiroe County Board of IIdtleatiun vIII IbIIsh in Joint committee oi the Park and llcereutlon Contmltslon number and Darrin uncut trul tccs to discuss cure and use school property West Bend nl can do him Itett all nice that ex ion at ilt plant next will create an lu is new Jobs pri nullHy for assembly and produc tlun llersuilntl JIUAI ytll L03 Coolie says It lIo that Ilarrlu leI trike tltivtllllnllzo tlt IIu new Villttt Brits lllllllvy tlllc by lodcrtd lui provincial guvurlulmnts Iva Inlttll EU The union repre MIlth 550 workers ill the Iltlrrle illell ltnlr nominees for the civIc election l1lI ll illiy ItuVIilL Ilesls only Ill unit ii and clltlsullunts report pro solltetl in IN pluil tiuultl lltlpullltilllt or lion and room tor out city Hills by llliltl Altllittlitt itlutllulluw ol olltstulldlnl ll ll tirltoiz Lllllllllltln prime lullil lliulelibuhor ttlls Dr ll ltyntittl ap tlllnn lIillLl that trtmo Simtmo County tlllltlrontt 27 ltctivo Ernlo Miller at Cold oooooooo oowo coo I972 will be good year for 0F BARRIE MOTORS Is upplllnlcll tuko 111 Mm EXAMINER THURSDAY DECEMBER 33 U71 ll Sagcling BARRIE BUSINESS FIRMS ESTABLISHED Vtot ooooooooo 0990O9 cusemers our friends Through the next you will continue to provide the nest most complete allude Brake and Shock mic In Slmcoe Gauntyl The MUFFLER SHOP litdonut or llmnu Sonndmlakr Exhllnl SJILeInI by WIRE 1M TNNISF IL 51 1m PHARMACY extends COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON to all their many friends customer SIMCOE PLAZA 7282429 Till SIIOI FOIK THE MODEth INA DUNLDT ST NEXT T0 SIMISDNSrEEABS melanoma LTD BARRIE are pleased to be serving the motoring publlc ot ilnrrte We extend to you an open Invitation to visit but iihowroom and view our scleclloll at 72 G1t cum and trucks Sea the Brand New 1972 VEGA 524244 233 BRADFORD ST 72618