day his mttwcavsmm ftpate Christmas toys our ame iExa Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Cu Lsmbis PublisherGeneral Manager McPherson Managing Editor PAGE wan Editor Emeritus HDVDAY DECEMBER 1m CashRegister Christmas Is Actually Just Myth ay is hoiidayfor most people time to let the turkey settle and time to reattach Lbe loosewheels on For many today is day of visiting after spending the heart of life Christmas period with their fam illes at home For others however this is working It isnt quite be same as your average runofthemili working day but it was still up with the ciang of the alarm clock and out into the morning chill But for hospital staff policemen firemen and newspaper men theres little difference Perhaps the good will of Christmas has lingered long enough to make that difference Some of our shops are open for bus iness today cleanng out the unsold Christmas stock at reduced prices And wouldnt it be nice to be able to do your Christmas shopping now All of whidl leads us to comment upon the commercialization of Christmas it might be that we werent looking as hard this year but it does seem that we havent heard quite as much about the commercialization of Christmas this time around as we have in past years DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 24 1938 Mayor Herb Robertson and several other mem brs of Town Council were heckled over local police reorganization Lions Club began distributing free milk to school children Among councillors reelcoted by acclamation were Deputy William Wiles Kenneth Cameron George James William Garner Arthur Gill Reeve Charles Douglas Carl Stew art Peter Sinclair opened agency or Hudson and Terraplane autos Coach Gordon Meekings Barrie Colts ousted by Toronto Northern Vocational School in preseason junior hockey series at Maple Leaf Gardens Watching game were Conn Smyllhe Harold Ballard and Joe Primeau They showed interest in Barrie players Harold Din Scott Bill Long Don Bowen Bud Palmer Michael Chepesulk and family took up residence in Barrie where he will be meat inspector at Copaco plant Mike is former Canadian heavyweight wrestl ing champion and star lineman for To ronto Argonauts in football Harold Ayerst purchased Minnikin building and appointed agent for BuickPontiac Several young men hauledinto court after fight at Sunrise Cafe operated by 0b The Toronto Star had frontpage story or two quoting few ministers who railed against cashAregister Christ mas spirit and the usual assortment of columnists and radio commentators earned for the good old days of pure uletide spirit but it seemed old hat For really the commercialization of Christmas is myth Its myth because how one spends Christmas is very much personal choice If buying buckets of gifts that overextend the budget is how you spend Christmas thats your choice If store is open Boxing Day the merchant is simply setting out his wares and advertising to invite you in No one holds gun to your head and force marches you through his doors Look about you If Santa has been overly generous in your home it was no ones doing but your own if you felt obliged to keep up with the Joneses even that was your decision How you spent Christmas and what your family get out of Christmas was exactly what and how much you put into it Soo Wah Snowball who was injured Barries population reached record 8123 Royal Victoria Hospital installed metabolism machine in Georgian Bay league allstar football players selected by sports writers from Barrie Collegiate were Roy Patterson Fred Webb Bill Strachan Jack Dyte Allan Patterson Ted Ineson Bill Little in seniors Morley Richardson Ken Terry Ken Stevenson Larry Gartner Victor Reynolds Bert Gosney in junior grouping also Jake Gaudaur of Orillia most outstanding player Garrison Badminton Club op encd season at Barrie Armoury counts with win over Banle Town Hall Club Dr Harold Smith and Maurice Hanna were top mens players on night iaona Seagram and Mrs Steele for ladies Dick Crossiey and Helen Garrett were best pits mixed pair SimcorlFmoteradbooplw came nonexistent in Canadian Army Th fzgz sm with amalgamation into new unit with Grey Regiment LtCol Edward Mc Donald MM Owen Sound postmaster is new commanding ofcer Barrie Curl ing Club rinks skipped by Charlie Beel by Harry Hook Oliver PattersonHarry Armstrong and Reg Grant won opening match vs Midland 657 Mr and Mrs Charles Hickling celebrated golden wed ding anniversary OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SAFER TRANSIT CONTROL The Times London The airminded countries must agree on new standard of operation by both the airlines and groundcontroi to make transit by air safer than it is today The longer term aim must be to make it foolproof Air traffic control is the most important area in which improvements wfi have to be made Governments should end far more than they do now on train ng operators up to the highest possible standard and on buying instal ing and running efficiently the most modern radar and associated equipment SECRETS OF LIFE Guelph Mercury Sclence is tool which can be used for evil or for good Man is the one who decides how that too will be used One man who recognizes the enormous potential in his scientific field for both good and evil is David Suzuki professor Worms 17 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Britain And more or less enmmonpollcy jworid Emblems After wartime meetings between 115 Presldenldloose volt and British Prime Minister Churchill talk of special relu tlonshlp between the two coun trfes become common feature of internnlionul politics Beforeths Second World War Anglo merican ties were boss President noted this tcm tlanshlp their contacts nutlon wh tradition government But the growth of ornnfzn Englishsneaking North Amer hls purl Nixon referred to lmllnrly novel developments result of conict with England In American foreign policy not vmd lubltuntlnl dome of nn ubly his mellowlng stowsrda Icu tlons such us the Englishrs euk For lng Union tended to clot tho incl that the US was born as Chlnn 3agunlsmbetwotn the two sur Both IIonlh and into the 19th century docile ginAmerican ulllunce since lilo Second World Wur constitutes return to hlstoricnl normality rather than the undermining of nuturnl pattern of relullons Al lhclr latest summit moot Ministcr lleath scam to have poring of the rain result they sought to nut in keeping with the current lftleni realitiesv pn ilcnth spoke as the tender of ch now belongs to Eu primnr on common cthnlc rope rnthor than us the bend at of zoology at the University of British Columbia Dr Suzuki visited here recently and both the scientific and nonscientific world of Guelph ocked to hear him speak They werent disappointed because David Suzuki has some Interesting and sometimes frightening thin to say about his field of genetic eng neering Make me dictator with powers to say who mates with whom he says and will extend mans lifespan by 20 years in short time could give you race of people you wouldnt recognize You want them beautiful superIntelligent Whatever you want Ihat statement made great many people sit up and listen What Dr Suzc uki wants us to realize is that genetic eng lnccrfng although relatively new sc once Is powerful one and already itlhxffs begun to unlock some basic secrets United States Move On Different Courses ny cv FOX mNDDN CPI it seems long time since the leaders of Brflnln and the United states prided themselves about having sultcd in ugrccmcnt on lmpnr tunt iuuucs of printlplo iiut there also were references to disagreement about tactics SUIIDIIT OPPOSIEII Ilricllun hos uppcurcd be tween London and Washington nvor US nuppurt of Pakistan In its conict with indlu Ono French observer of the Bermuda conference romurked thut the British had expressed their disagreement with Ameri can policy on this pulnluml with frankness virtually un known at such meetings What might be In the offing is sharply increased sense of itL dependence on Britulns purl us fur us its relationship with the US is concerned This may prove to ho ono of the first legacies of the alley whichironically with ush lnglnns approvalhos moved liritnln towards entry into the Nixon and Prime on bnsin more oriented townrds and Nixon indi 111 lbs erosion of the Anlt cntcd that the conference r6 ropeun Common Market 221 4752 Me BEN lAx RECQRM DEBATE QUEENS PARK by non OREARN Queens Park Iinrcnu or rue Examiner TORONTO Eventually it seems we are going to have it worthwhile program of rchubflin tntlon of gruvcl pits in the prov incc After some three yearsof slewing nbout the rubldlll the government has to on at first step by passing np nrently stllf regulations conunilng Um lucn tlon nndsurisco appearance to plus along the Nfagarn es curpmcnt And It Is officially cs timnted it will be three years which probably means it will bu longer before the program will apply to all tho pits in southern THE ONLY WAY THEJMPERFECTIONS rHxs LE GISLATION WILL COME EIGHT 15 THROUGH THE ACTUAL EXPERIENCE TAXPAYERS sou THE sun Regulations For AllgGravel Pits The report showed that rcha Ontario under the gradual de velopment that is projcclod And it Isnt clear All all yet just what will happen in North em Ontario IVORK WONDERS Now that we do have the pro gram however even If limited it can be valuable One at the first stentho gov crnment under the department of mines took on the gravel pit question was to have study mode of what uphysically could be done about em Arui this study completed more than 70 sl up showed there was great deal that was possible it projected future recreation funds parks and housing devel opmenls that probablywouid be on Improvement in much of the pit fund over its natural stntu 13mrzxr 3223 billtatlon rcnllycould work won dcrs And with good many of the pits being located fairly close to urban centres they could turn Inlo quitc valuable Innd So while the program has been slow in arriving nnd will be slow in developing it should turn Into good thing for evcry one Including the operators BERNIE EXPEDITED incidentally the tendency will be to blame mines minister Lco Bernie for Lbulonguclny futile program This will not be correct or fair Mr Bernler has been mlnis tcr for less than In year And since he has been In office there has been ocllon THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS This is selection of cdl gt Ioriull on current topics translated Irom tho Frenchlungunuo pump of Cannon TrollRiviera Lo Nnuvell late Will the violence which hua characterized Quebec over the last few years no como outdated It Is evidently much too anon to come to this optimistic conclusion iiowevcr we are surely or mitlcti to ask llucll quest ons following the astonishing dcci slon of Pierre anllcrcs This former journalist who has been culled the father of tho NcoFLQ nnnounccd his decision Ilruuk ull left with the FLQ mt Well on with the kind of political action it udvocutcs Pierre Vulllercs has thus joined Ills former comrudcln arms and cullmule Charles Gannon who few months ago loosened hill ties with filo FLQ On lilt othcr Ilund lllc two 77 win iurrie Examiner to Buyileld Street Barrio Onlurlo Telephone 72mm Second Clues Mull Retzlxtratlun Number MM Reurn postage guurunlecd nully Sundays und Statutory iiullduvs exccotol Subscription rules dully by curricl 60c weekly $3120 your Iy Single topless Inc fly mull Iiulllo $5120 yuuriy Slmcoo County 51100 yearly lluluucs of Canada $2100 ycurly All other cuunlrfc cums ycurIy Motor throw off $2100 yturly Nntkmm Advcrflsmg Ifit Queen St West Toronto not 1710 61 Calhoun SL Monlruul Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Durcnu of Clrcufu lions fho Cumldlan Press to cxclun lvely entitled to the use for re publlcullon of fill nqut disputolp ed in this paper crcdltcil to It or le Arsoelnlud Press or lluutcr and also the local new publish cd therein The barrio Examiner clulms Co yrlnht ln all original ndvcr is us and editorial mutvrlul cro uteri by Its employers und ro produced In thlr newspaper Copyright llcgistrmlon Num ber 201315 register Ill former twins of the revolution have taken new dlrcstlons Congpicton different from enc ofhcr Vullleres aces tho Pnrtl Quebccois us the princi pal instrumont by which the Quebec masses can nltnln thcir independence judging that the creation of second peoples party by the trades unions would only bun means of dLspersing and dividing the masses Charles Gognon now om ploycd by the central council of the Confederation of Nu tfonal Trade Unions evidently does not share this lnion For him the solution or all our 111 can only come from socialist party based on the workers We wandcrcd to what uxtcnt the former followers of Val llores would head hls call to support the Pnrli Qucbccnis first unswor was given to us when the FLQ Louls lilel rL ccptultf1lto new poulllun of Vrullerus by opting for voles inuteutl of bombs Tho Louis ltlol note also mode It declo rntlnn hfisuppvrt for tho Purtf Quebecuis Iiurm Vuilicrcs now must prnvu hls sincerity by coming out of hiding where he has bccn for sevurul months and fucc justice If he rcully ulnccru justice should show list understanding bucuuso lulu man will have mode coura geous nrt worthy of cumulus 0n the other bond the Pnrtl Quobcculs must be curoiul In the face of now adherents who could prove emburrussln During lllv chnbur 1WD his the party was unjustly soclhfcfl withlho lLQ WI out in doubt scrlulll politicians without scrapie would durlvo nmllcluuu pleasure In an offl clui minimum of tth fuel liylvlo tinfoilImam Dec 17 iralllly Ln Volx do lksf flnu Qucbuccr complains of not being the master In his own province flu in Ill And he will be loss and Ls tho muster If he docs not take steps to become the master if for example In Illlll his ussots in suture nvoul mcnt sectors and quvca the field on to furclrtu cupltul In the In ustflul and commercial sectors ho wIll mnku gulus hut III will nover really be rluh and ubovu till he will never conlref nnythlnu The others become rich ut his expense by taking over the most lmportont uslncsses lmudu it known that it oc and the most promising nutu rnl resources is if not because he has been afraid for the last two centuries to invest where there are really profits to be made isnt it true to any that four of what one oakshas stopped him from placing his cupitnl In businesses from taking good risk and from milling from opportunities at ls disposition In order to rnnko his assets bear fruit isnt It true that ho bus ni wuys chosen secure invest ments such as government municipal school and parish bonds All this time others pnrtle ulurly thoso wo reproach for ng to Quebec economy have been investing wherever Ihuy can make the most profits it would be more ioglcul to put investments where they could gradually uttnfn some form of control of the scum omy rather than let foreign capital take over our most promising sectors Certainly Quebec will always be obliged to accept foreign capital but the need would be less pnd these Investments less dangerousrif Quebsccrs would invest ncccpt cnpilol risk mcnls Let us hope that one day they will be more realistic Then porhups It will bu puss blo for them to bo masters in own provlneoRolund their Gongs Dec 1ft WORLD BRIEFS nunr lN srAMrimn ISAKA Jupun 1hlrtylllrcc persons were filo lured fell down tried to slorlll lhu liver of concert hull LElVES CALLING CARD LONDON leaves It vuuugu doll Inst few weeks Royal Hossessing wealth and control Router lu lurml suvnn seriously when crnwd queuing fur tcluvlvlun prourum stnmpmled llcro Fri tluy vollsu reported Police sold stnlrs when the crowd of about 500 ltnulcr Police are lwurtlllnfl far burglar who ut the scone ul Illil crimes 1n the west London suburbs Eucb tlnlllllI5 button eye411 druwing pin nose wlru mouth nnd limbs and llulr of modellan clny ftle soushgo burglar has stolen hundreds of dollars worth of goods In the ominous STORY Tl Hockey IDevelOpeclg Over ThetYeaIs By 503 BQWXAR llux is the time of yes the hockey pot is boiling Soo one might wonder occasional where it all began Haida an Kingston both claim that hockc originated on their home and was played by soldiers ip thin garnet by too long or idea to be put Into prama There are hieroglyphic df young men playing field may in Greece about 449 BC lt seems that no one tried to transfer the ame to ice until about 1355 when soldiers in HAL lfax attached skates to their boots and went out to play fleid hockey on the Darrinonth Lakes Then at Kingston on Christ mas Dayless members of the Canadian Rifles cleared some of the snow off the ice In Kingston harbor and played game with field hockey sticks and lacrosse anL No years infer the regimen was trans ferred to Fort Garry and made the trip via the Hudson Bay mule No doubt Its members continued ice hockey in the Red mm urea it seems that there vgro no rules until 1875 when 31ch University students drew up code and also substituted puck for ball Then thc game began to be come popular and Lord Stanley who was GovernorGeneral PARLIAMENTARY muses to reindasst the Stanley Cup to be awarded an W1 nualiytotbebestsmateurteam later hockey fan was leyByng tended many games Nfghbor in Canada Somehow the prola clonal got their hands on it Another ardent vlcuegfu wife of lard Brag who was Governancenenl tram 1921 to 1926 In those days Ottawa Sen nlora were in the NHL formed in 1917 and buy Syn at She do nated the Lady Byug trophy to be awarded annually for clean play combined with skful pct formance The first winner was Frank one of tho nilflare greau who played centre for0t uwa Later anolher Ottawa product Frank Rancher won the Byng Trophy so runny times that It was given to him and replica was substituted OTHER DEC EVENTS ImSamuel llwrno discov ered Great Slave Lake on trip from Hudson Bay to mouth of Coppcrmlne River in the Arctic lassTreaty of Ghent ended War of 1511 lassFirst smelter went Into operation fit Copper Cliff Ont torsWinnipeg strikeleaders found guilty locoProf Frank Forward of University of British Columbia was honored for research In nickel NOTEBOOK Two Million rCaIds Mailed By MPs At Christmas Time By DAVE fliclNlOSll Orrawa cr aver age your chance of nvlng received Chrlslrn cord from an MP was one 10 The 252 MPstheru re two nl sealsmull out some two million curds roughly the sumo nu her as lust your About half the hills pnld pnstugo for the cards while the other half used their frank frcc mulling privilege The spirit of Christmas was not nilpervasive In the Com mons Arnold Peters NDP mom hEr for iimlskumin sold of Colin Gibson lecru member forIIbrnllton chtworth As long as he nobody knows how stupid ho is it is only when he opens his mouth that people realize tho full extent of ills igno rnnce Even at Christmas time Labor Minister Brycsliiucku soy informed Henri Lutulfppe Social Credit MP for Comp ton tho Unemployme insur ance Commission has to maku sure that recl cuts 11 enti llcd to claims bcnciis fhus delays In pnying some claims Remembcr those accounts of Prime Minister Trudeau being almost lnaccsslbio to press and public Forget them Mr Trudcuu 15 becoming probably the gobbicst primo mlnlster In Canadian history iionsnrd the record of Commons proceedings lists 1124 interventions by Mr BIBLE THOUfiHT keeps quiet Trudeau in this session of Parliament TrunscripLs provided by Mr Trudeaus office this year on his news conferences spccchcs outside Ottawa nod openlino radio and television shows now weigh 11 pounds lot of heavy reading The government last week mudo ubllc all the federal rovinc nl documents conccrn ng arrangements for the cons icrence of Francophone coun tries held in Quebec City and Ottawa last fall Among them is telegram from External Affairs Minis tcr Mitchell Sharp to Premier Richard Hatfield of New Brunswickin French There is norm nrnnenly never ntly given by tclephonc Transport Minister Don inrnicson and Trade Minister JcanALuc Pepin when they are in the Commons together form one of the most potent Angloirenchor Franco English ntnry tcums since Primu Minister Muckcnzlo King and Justice Minister Ernest anniute or Prime Minister Louis St Laurent and Trade lilinlstcr lfowo 0n roccntdoy each was thrown six tough quostlons In the minute question crlod without any prior no no of the questions such rattled off replies Both ministers lluvoso much Information at their fin gertlps that Speaker Lucilm anourcux sometimes steps in to cut off replies he consi ders too long This Is especially true in the case of Mr Pepin who repro scnts the very antithesis of unwritten cnblnet dogma to provide as little information as possible And that repentance and re misulon of sins nhuultl be preach ctI In his Iran nmung all nn tlnns beginning at Jerusalem Luke 2ft Tryto reach the World in any ls houses in other name and your time wasted and the world is lost Neither Is there Salvation In any other for there is none oth er name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved mm we co SON WM Tue NAMEGIIEN TBA ILING SHIVDM LGREM was was vain recluse WHILE W45 BEING BUIIITIIE WMGMOFTIIBCAPTAIN Fifi FROM his farm Mpmsmmso IT HAPPENED IN CANADA IIOUSES QUAKEPROOF MOSCOW Router The Su vlct Union has designed or into tory to build eurthqunkoprbof Chile Toss news agency said Friday it said the plant would produce annually fourstorey forgopanel houses capable of withstanding Leight point earthguukcs on the i2lt point scale l1a PDAVED FOR DEATH THE EMPIRE Lemur WHO QETILEDATSAINT JOHN Nab IN I153 551 ASIDE WHAT TIIEf CALLED 1115 Enzyme enouuouzmu COUNCIL Drclosonulwuw museums Turns Amp MAI 113415 amuse was momma menu so REVERED ulna omenux 5mst was nu amenity our MANVAGED ANDAILING toVAum pmeowm Milan roman was lame Humorvs