Eltmmm Asks About Cotton In Pill Bottles with pls ii the pills tendency to get dun 6C TBOSTZSON MD Dear Dr Mm 15 it occ keep Lb pi$ hurlqu Yam ram Dr 9125 planterEr 7aomis am igmigm laEm mm 7h1t warm soon Mn bloom umttm mu JMavn on couch bNtn ODoclnr In 1n Han ncnriumu Mum Izoum berlwltr Mm Luna ml lyINIM SW Lltallv 5wa Ind 7n izMymry mu mo zunum wuin omit an Inn Now YRollina on Mm SUNDAY DECEMBER MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo 4wle World at Kid IHmto oi mm mt zcnwzn lnvlllllorl 7cnrummr cmow ocmu noon mo out In Mimics zMnm 01 min 9Culoom nnam mm Living wma ma 2Hox Numbrd LPlc mm In Fromm 7cu in man 41 Dummy om om Jerry Iner conw Tr Doublllcluu oYool nd NIKK 4m Moon yzx ram Rn Hymn Book zcroovy Goalie 7noauunio 9sm Tm IIaowouo um 24mm HI o1 Dixomv Rm mm lllnlhn nowmo Io 7c 7Llwnnu Walk vUnumo World IIwlin Kingdom 1m oPrimu Iilonutu 5m 1mm wouer Soon vBui 7n Clock mo goat am my old but Noun III49mm no zwtto Kinodm mean 1vaan itn rain 1M3 MORNING WHWING MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 21 1mm how Holmhy In Air 14945411 977cm no Wotan yJVulw valli flow 11m 14 llorna Mime 9m Hum Jrr 14m wwm on AIzua my Izazy nor44 any Vt botany an hztl Ipz than uniV Jldlll um know4 If IFPYII mum mu an1st 15 amen 111 41 vows mo 34on In ruu 44 uy Llwln i111 WI imn ballot1 It tumour of Wooa9 oluo cu 7ng win In low llolwllcm IlaI 070 Julmk 1371 wmim worn oldn00 Em It hr miy Aialr lll il Man but 35 my MW lit MJL tow in imported Dm zmr1mt Javbltk Von DWI 44 inow ruliwmtoqm my in MUNIva cult 710 1mmV 9t lunntw with IL 7942 ucun CmrrV trmm rm 4m mm um Moll mains manu Spur Ema Wall 5er Nous ANn our leghl 71 nu in truth ttMam Mu Coiled mien ouun Wutmr uo1 stinton 2Plrlrill unirm Mom In rn Family IGolliog Ingmar vMovia TM ruin 04 9mm ItPmy Gum lMrue Come To In AIcvie AtMi rural IAwm Men an Dxl 551 my 11m Moat 744mm urinal IIJlmwu Movto Fl From The We For Ne Modding cums coitx am TM am 14ml lIlom ianu WM ct 1mm mo LMtnlon lmmrllblo 7Ctllienpr iYmhovu Club PAWY JRu Numb uUno pom lIFmlly Find mu zJrc Pllycll 34mm Prnthlu sAutco ormnv Finder zcui labor 4Clmou mu bizChoral sonic IauIIAnxu vRu Hunter iIme Munn mo oIlCcunirv cum vEnim Suzi llMualcGoFuound lThlo Tho Ln Honnny Lombardi lFlt 1n Nlllnn zMuu lIWolld 19mm JAUMvilr To tMun tram UNCLE 7ouimina Mov iwnnm so had Abdul Feeiino amt ilMovle UM Finn mm ZWorld Tomorrow Putuoa PoulIt bNsorlllhq All 7MIWII TM Guebol or Hlelng word oNvmn sin 7Dlucllom mo JLizwma ol DIIMY tLrll nix Snort Ilswu Arid Alumni bNunmlltu Izcivny cum mo JJLHMFC Pinvoll 7sunau Swank znrt Glmo at Week Home AMovlo nlllum Obsullonl II inmn iMax Numhud SUNDAY DECEMBER 23 EVENNG IIMovto IAn Anm lNlcel Tn was mt szlal iII mum at mnnze IllWoolen tun In Punt LtDovunn coming 130 zwwo of DlIMY LLtzJimmy suqu AMvv taroy rm Sixllz ol YMod soun lib IiFlip wiiran AMomlcomlnqh Chlriiimll sxarv moo zoomIto mm Wanner 7Movlo Alhonll 4er Griliin INew lIRox Humbord 6an lLAdvnlorn 1Jlmmv Slowrt 4m Aukk iShlllovl World IIoontilcn Perl 50 sm snowmen zoantnn uizEiitbem IMom Boy IIn Fm hit him lMcvlo Hurry Iiick Anolhu 466 will IIAii In in Mom Ming Five 2varth Imimion Aanle Ricocmi Ramona znoig om vmnnin tlLove Amerlun Lung oopoy i2FrtWJl1 7me Donlt zota vm mu nym rs25 to keep somruunx dry stance LS wt in tho but It two moisture When and my in take lit drpcnth on hot the tannin ltun is for and nhnbrlt tends to be inesattngumum Igu hw the slum would or taken no in Drugs tile Lhc immediate Am meal ii intdue no specific in strucuorts suit uurseit lbw Cr in lab in or without seldom matters EX water may Mains gtualo easier 9m Schtdulin nicdlclncs ammo lmzninmc is usually maatly matter at Ixciptn the patient Intrnbcr how many to take Inm times day Is ranterm gbtrcd 015ch to the lhrtc lntns ihplhcr medication take its purpose 15 For cry 51m iplc example you ouidnt like sluuping pill mm timrmL Uilit you nor nignu Most drugs remain patch In turt to tour years cheep that By JAY 11Iis doubledumm problcm that means you urn pcrmlttrd to look at all our thands llnd the solution You in declarcr at Five Clubs and um lends the jack of diamonds Ms would you play tit hand You are declarcr with the West hand at Three Notrump Nortll leads the 51x of diamonds and you wln Souths eight with the jack How would you play the hand Altn VQJOBS OKJ7 +AlDDZ The only problem oi course is to overcome the shortage oi entries to dummy To meet this challenge you must win the din mnnd with the king and return the queen of hearts West wins but ls helpless II he returns diamond you win with the MD and lend the ID at henna it East covcnt with the jack you return to dummy with It heart and take the trump incur It East lnLs not cover tho too you take the trump iincsso right way In either cutie you wind up with ll tricks To assure the contract lend club to the Jack pluy tlii nine oi nnodt and tin so yuvmm 120 leru warm our Juan Mm sonmy will Kali lorul HoctA ruvon mu 75m LII014 Wm 2M DYIKBIKl 27 iii00 Mow In VVet at1L4 PVI 40 9vru no uu rvz tax Iran zo vi lehc War1 Lian lowram mm avna you him or 14 urn MUNDAY lilzliwnlilt 771 it 11Mrk ww awn wow HVMVO two in 14 lealllz zvritrw M702 WMwl l2 now my am 4mm randy Wt1 iImnw bro1 WW mm punyan Mums snout triog tqu Mvmmtn MhCamvm fulll Game Imrm Ill note he rm non 1Mlio fl From 7h Moooin LMl ixllmllorllivoovm lvtmr 00ml cude it tum lawn Lure mm an liar new mm my lhvlilltd ll wiltolu Whisllt ZaUtieII itng Aim hm riW My IN iItyl Stiller ll emetwp gt to owners mu oligmmt llnd 23751753 10llrrtll anoma Witter at 114mm 51 LN mintn unjual anlIJAMI Vlniulsh iztldtrs or turn ton of r5 rttslrssouonsthecmrtei LB xmril rats to oi is canal pill hmaias rileb The cotton tan 1Mmgmli3m out do mm nuliazghann use sumo trimd ms Md iaround cthpxng Immerntettoror mum rt are yn sunthlynotnccssary GEM maxy to rap cotton tn mini lieu should pin be tztcn mum is TELEVISION PROGRAMS Sme BARBIE WALD TORONTO BUHAID TORONTO ll IAlIILION 12 PETETLBDRUUtB SATURDAY DECEMBER EVENING 11er And Yr cm Lzsmn 0n mm In lnutttr nimbtm liitbmi mm mm tummymaterme capsthe hydroscopl sublISL cal antacids LiterViqu is round It Icnncncy 10 Im tznt sunh an ad would be tam water beta or Mi lush fad umiocsn uidly not would be otwmmmm ohrch who us aria 1mm Wm binMM llamath ddmsumdh orastcstzsmeusu irennuytrtwtnnou tho Winn or night dtpcmii on intimale and hunk but the be swcrla3vnr questionhasto fcquirocztl My maym struatiou atone however does not ncocssariiy imply utility CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER wt or lose you have nine sure tricks three apadu heart dlxmnd and tour duhl It you we to rely on hear nes instud you might at unlucky and go down one South could win with the king return diamond and you would tako second mtmey it North started with the AQltrxx ol diamondo Notethat the twoWay spade nesta Lt taken in such way that it can lose only to North You cant allord to future the other way because South might have Iho queen and make the damaging diamond rcturn BOWLING Daisies 7o Orchid 59 Poanles lg Panties A51 Room 47 Lilncn Winners oi first hnlt Daisies High single Dnunno ml lrlplo Dchnnn 613 Prize Hidden Trinid iiiurg Itcynoldu QVER 2w Mnrz Carson 237 nn Dickey 237 239 llltuluc Martin 220 208 Mar Richardson 21 Leon Wilson 22 Gertie Dickey 220 Lorraine Acltcr 21$ tally Landlnk Marlon Ken nedy 09 Martha Pattorron 205 205 205 205 Over 600 Deanna Dickey Gill Martha Pnttcrlon cot High Boaon Single Dcnnna Dlnlcv tilt Jllxh Benton Triple Dlunnn chkuy iitll DAILY cnosswonjn ltlgh SenlonAVbrlle Deanna Dickcy 210 21 Inde Kind at it 142m 211 AI 11 Mama it lrJlI 29 an Lljnl 11 IVw 15 tutt 1234 up wr 12451 3111 ruvt 11 DAILY 101101130116 Haiku fm mo rlII Mint np Anyhowting is 1051 vivrlruphm the lrlljjllt 1w Itnyly tant In It no llirtt Ur 1w Aw mo IAAUl twin hints lwtit day lhr two mm 11 nil71 cryptome Quotation Yul Hint1 Ls trans HUM IKhb MKUUS NUU HHS UN liUEHtJPx tot FEMS UM WaDb 115 lvgiIriluys llyptouuulr Ni SANTA ELAC It tum Ill LilES AND LIVES iUilEVlelHAii CHUHU king rum Syutlnou tut Gemnly pcahng its best to got rid of wt Wham is It true that It is bmmszs ts tho nerd let them it keep pill to plat buqu bemusc the but usedJoiplc arc nucalot to rt Di Ell ll iii JUMET lOrlE mungutmode an tr mans NOMNG norm YALLEV BELOI no NAPR DONALD DUCK MMA room BLONDIE BUT 33 YOUVE ALREADY READ IT BEFORE GET FORGET lT FIND m9 NOTE DONTREADITT BLONDIE WHO DO WU THlNK THIS IBEUZABEIH BENDiNb VHY DONT GEEMOM IOLJ REDUCE YOURE PUTTING ON NLleHT TA EXEPClbLb lrvz4 UKE PRINCESS ONLY WERE DiNlNG To or tile mast 922155 rtAczs lN EURDPE lhE CASINO DONT 5m 1o GAWK AT FLOWERS AlARCELv HUNGRY ath FIRE WHAT ARE VE TALKIN TC VORESELF FERIMAW lM wmrw FER ELVINEV TO GIT ur TO THtFENCE NITHEN SllW TOOK HER fMlUET liNWHRC 00100 is KED LONZO lNv THIS 6551 MV PREGOSSIP wnnmiup PUNRIN mu yu