TeachesIheWainLove 11103 15 avH yrug to those to need iagqueiehtnbeuvab Life Is Like Messenger Dn Way To Your Door eat bitsing or nickname You can be hmorymcanliketheoys ter make pearl out oi this beautilui Intruiun You Cm get relied head over the success humbly thank God or you the brain to succeed You can Whine over the ML has or let God transient it in to shining victory Many maple get all on the Wrong tool by aslun the wrong Slim God They cy out God did this happen in That Is mall sell aympatii izing question and God does at amuer it But other people ask the right hat do You want me to make out bitter about this dillrcuizy 01 this jay My iriaad Lame askd that glorious quatim when 1221 Iiie becam an haur by hour battle with agonizing pm and Just because she asked the right qucamn she got Gods Shanna answer He made her mgr is like the manger to your door and is letter dressed to you There Ls no Idgywcandotochansethe mange written there in much you can do the way you receive Wge like manner there Is noth ynu can do to avoid born In in your lilo to marrow deep hurt In umxpeded crippling illness there tr much you can do your attitude la act Attitude decides the the event victory or de qutslon omrs rm roman 01 011 can rJvinI than 1min avictarinus child pl God bracing memory 1or scores lrionds the story at Anchorhald you nd holy woman to whom boats 01 people nocxen lor nap She was overowing with and gratitude to God Iur usin her hie an richly linen when new laypath was made which carried the traiiic away from her cell by the Church and loll her isolated no one mapped to ace her any more Sm was soon iorgnttcn by the public so aha changed mm the Father searcher at the apirliuai Lite to the woman with the glue pot to whom the chil dren oi the village brought their broken toys mysteries ol Aura Of Jesus COmforts Meek Dorothy mu Kilimrn weapons moeknesa tclalming nothing lor hcrscll and was no aupple in Gods hands that she could Lay down the career to which He first called her and take the lowest place She made 01 it glorious and happy place of You will Ind 1118 at beginning at Ilia ministry Jesus hoped that men would accept llim as their llcscucr irom evil and sin and alavcry Then in tho Garden at Gethse mane God gava Him very dil licult answer Cross He did not want wrenchcd away irom teaching the disciples He loved to die an tram dial dud and rhame 11a changed that Croi lnta the Gods undying love time and placa o1 111a death but with Gods raoo nd lul Happy tin person who weapons Ho ctiilld ciinngoGUiI dying no that still today men sea the greatness of Godl FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Vincent Parlor rm 11 Elhuln 41 3001111510 EL Phone 7216015 WOMKIP SERVICES 1000 am Morning service 230 pan Alternooa Service 730 am Sunday Morning BACK 10 GOD IIDUII Toronto CKEY 590 Everyone Welcome preach to llle or negative in our Wu chriatmu Eve and all attitudes 15 175 Jean Christ had very dei 9va 45 latte aura aurroundlng lllm en lo mm In my aura which cornlulted the meek and the penltcut yet lnilumcd mm Vb with rage those who thought that they were wise and good themselves To those who know Him por aanaiiy Jesus Christ still has an mother lgve the vmell are an the apostle Peter raid WI exclaimed main when do downatalra to the excite 11 ll dlng 1mm his upsialrr bedroom What are you doing he called downstalu maa the dressing or the turkey replied 110th you who hcucva lie is pre And why in lie rrclaun 513 pcnlwnt an encouraging to the 70 wcuk a0 lortilylng tn the tear Whai delicious aroma rur rouaded that turkey Imu moulhwvaterln ot Dleuant We too have an aura an at phere that clings to us wher we $0 Leila people we or frustrated happy or raised poaltiva in our apv 0R0 STATION 1101 SERVICE ilhe third annual candlelight carol aervlce tool lag In vary known and trust Him aura whlch lnga ahead Sorority Holds Christmas Meet x1 Beta Pl Chapter members held the Christmas dinner meet ing at the Bayahore Motor 110 WI meeting wae held alien ward at the home at Mra llm Walton Ileliavua Crea The Ex emplar Ritual was conducted for Mrs Elma McGrcgor Christmas gilt were exchang ed and the identity at accrct pal revealed New aeeret pale were then chosen Feniuk won the 10 cent draw Mrs George llliklta has the truvcllin The next race one Sunday vely Chriah utCerItrnl Ora Pres urdl Bouyu decor the windows and lighted trees candlea and the nativity adorned the altar and rant the church Andy Tumbuti Barrie was in charge The choir tit Andrawa Presbyterian urch Barrie accompanied by it leader Van Hcmcrt rang veral carols The audience 1111 eciated them giving at their tents and tkna to add greatly the aervice Dill Nicholson oi ronta brought the message What does Christmas mean to we real welcome me or Bill and his wile Vivi and In Iplte the Inclement weather there was good at Wndance Colin and lunch were served in the Sunday school room one chance oat lltll agar and have in together basket will he at the home Mra George Mtktla Melroae live on Jan 11 1972 PUT CHRIST BACK INTO CIIIIIBTMAS AND ENJOY THE PEACE AND JOY 11 CAN BRING VERY MERRY 3111me 10 ALL CROSSROADS Open 040 Sal 010 Cloned Sun milel nortll Midlrurlt livvy 21 7205087 OJoyFuI Followehip I972 SUBJECT it VB eve at Ieliow BARBIE REFORMED CHURCH Crown Hill Corner of Hwy 11 and 90 In St Jame Anglican Church Chvlvimaa Day 1100 am Morning Service The Real Christmas Story Sunday Dec 26 1100 am Sunday School Chrisimu Dec 31 000 pm New Years Eve Service Bunch of Evarlasilngr Everyone Welcome Mlnialerr Mr Verheul Pastor 950 am Sunda FIRST APTIST CHURCH LAPIEIIION at WOMLEY GRACE UNITED GROVE ET 171 CHRISTMAS EVE 700 pun Service of Light and Song SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1100 am Regular Morning Worship AI COOK 31100 am Morning Worship Nuuery Ieelllliea in Blackh Donna THE FRIENDLY FELLOWSHIP Everyone Welcome llllnllten llav Art money III BORDER swanky Is caudal to Mr and 112s Joe Noble and turn ib in the death oi 111s Nobles mother Mrs Evans an Ham day waning Service was held Lewis Funeral Help in Brad Iard with burial in Beewu Unit cannery on Thursday Savor11 01 our raiders are maimed to mini Dalton Ind lleiiaylor in New mute and know Rum and Gordon Perry in Aillsuna speedy rcawery is waned all than men WHITE GETS White Gilt seniru Wu held in Lb United much Dee 12 W115 the aches and children joined the congregation lar semee Several children took part and mean musics sup plied py the chnir under the dir ettm I11 Mrs Allan Orr The church was heautiiuuy deenm ed lor manna and Mrs Allen by explained the symhuia the white gilt will be taken to Fred Vim Mission in Toronto Humcr Strand Who had taken an agricultural tour to Alricif two years ago As the UCw will be studying Airica bin in Lurheren Church of the Good Shepherd gt Rev John Klein Parlor 220 Steele Street near Hwy No 11 730 pm Chrialrms Eva Famin Service 1100 pm Chrislmu Day Carolllng Service lodge or modem nm 51537 GOLDEN TEXT Luke formation and Imba this country will be Valuable add 1110A Hr Hunk 101d oi the 10 smrdzrd living little educa tion and mail imam at this country where the warn people mmmcndlymuuuacum demostaltbeheavylaboryu they do not In to hold my grudge against the whites Mr Hunter lamented mm exooh lmt slides or buuuiul harbors All Welcome CHRISTMAS 1011 TO ALL FROM PASTOR MRS GREETINGS GRAHAM 5ERVICES EVERY SUNDAY 1100 AM 700 PM GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 230 PM LOYAL TRUE BLUE HALL 29 HIGH STREET EVERYONE HI WA SEWER Anne 400 Hwy JAN COULD THIS BE THE YEAR OF BRIDE BEAST Is President Nixona word ve World EconomyFuIIliimenl of the Bible Menage Every Thinking Man Mun Hear School and Adult Bible Clauea 1100 am CH ISTIANS VIEW OF 72 May the Peace of Chrln be your all the New Year Rev Tunkr Paltor Friday 800 pm Great Christmas Eve Service Olnapirlng Carol Sing OAII Welcome WELCOME CHURCH 1972 FREE METHODIST 200 HATFIELD 51 Rev CV 111111 1111 131 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 015 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Servch Serving Chriat In Your ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrdmud Weislash Ill131d Ken Errol Director Plate use Van mm WAS EVE 13111 Family Cue Selee 1115 pun Sacramental nary Cumulus sud Dec moo Ln Manda Walsh 1vus 1111 DAY MISSIONARY CHURCH aurora sou 930 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Service 700 p111 Evening Service Pastor Alan Hopper 7207150 ALL WELCOME PLEASE All church copy chan ges must be or The Ex aminer office by Thurs day at pm Iucldn CHURCH Pastor 10 ALL DECEMBER 20 Community ST GEORGES Burton Granville Stuail Chrlatmaa Eve 11100 pan Carola man Mn Chrlltmaa Euchnrtat Chrlatnaaa Day 1000 am Family Euchnrlat Carola unhtlag at Chrlrtmu Candler Sunday Den 0100 am 11on Communion 1100 am Chlldrear service um am Iva mm mamnmnnmarnmum ST JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH L035 BNLSFIL BALDWIN LANE Confessions Sal 415 In 515 pm 715 to 815 pm Heiy Masses Sunday 830 am 10 am 1130 am P1101 7m ESSA ROAD Pmblkriu Church Opposite Barron Avmae roam Rev P81111011 85 organist 11111 111 11 Marion Ann 1100 am alumnus EVE SERVICE 700 pm Dec moo am Morning Wonhip PEACE ON EARTH 015 intermediate Senior and Adult Dept 11 yearn and up 1100 Primary and Junior tap to 11ycan Nunery Facilities provided Vlaltorl Welcome annular science the TRUTH that EALS car at an Hotenco ltad tier cnoo 1300 am Saturday 4130 pan Sunday CF01 1570 cycle 015 pm SOCIETY 1119 Collier Street Church Scrvlca Sunday Ecliool 11 AJII Tutlmoay Meeting 2nd Ied each month EM 830 AM IMPACT CKBB dial 950 945 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 1100 AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR Special MUIIC 700 PM EVENING WORSHIP TheAnincun Church of 51 GILES CHURCH 05 0091 Street Rev Ilaall Tenn cHIllYMAI IVI roll CNRIITMA an 1000 In Italy cammantan UNDAV nac II me am Moiv Cammvnlan moo am Maralnarrlvvr uumry lvvnveui ll watcaMI THE UNITED CHU RCHOF CANADA BURTON AVE UNITED CIIUIICII Mlailter nav Imdun 7M Orannlt larmway chrlntmaa lava Harvlcu Friday Dec 24 700 pm Family itrvvlcn 30 run 1on Communion Sunday 11211 2th 100 am Morning Worthin We Invite you to celebrate lm15 IIlrtlI with wonllln ALI A111 WELCOME Orlanilt cIIIIIIIIIIMuIIIrIzn IIIIIIRIIII Rou Street Mlnlllar liar llanald Jay 115 11 AlumniIto Mlatltar llev Ilvarttt Mhtnn 1M Mn Walker Chair DIME Mr David Wlttlnk AIICT Sunday December 26 11 oclock Meditation THE WEAK AND THE STRONG Special Muvlc The Church choull meet at 930 am and oclock Nursery Pullman TONIGHT 9I30 PM CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION BY CANDLELIGHT AWavm Welcome Awalle You At Central COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Corner Collier and Pam Miniten REV PROCIOIL Allnclate Mtnillcll REV VINLA DJ nonunion Mina llharon Davin ngnnlnt and Chalrmavtm Mr Lloyd Tullnrd 11115 pm lt CIIIIIBIMAR IlVI HACRAMIJNT 01 0er COMMUNION Ilralllcalt Sunday WothIp 11100 am 111111111010 TILE MIHBING P1101314 For radlo worlhlpperv the allowing era 11 rrlptuvux llIIrlI tho hcruld nugan ring Illtlv town oi Bethlehem ll Chrlat to Tara my real hath louml IItIJrhWI 11 111 Ht Ioha II 08 1018 fhurvh tithon wllI roopcn January Warm VclIuma To All WESTMINSTER Pushyurtm cam 17 Steele near Puget Minister Rev mun 1000 am MORNING WORSHIP 1000 am Chmh Schoolnad Nattry 100 pm mean Hymn and Worlhip er aunt cmmcn Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AMELIA are 7184955 SUNDAY MASSES 800 am 930 am 1100 am 500 pm Saturday Man 700 pm WEDNESDAY EVENING 700 MASS FOLLOWED BY NOVENA DEVOIIONI 1N 110N011 OF OUR LADY 01 PERPETUAL um FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 780 am NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Cnnn Peel 51 pm BUNDAY SERVICES 930 1111 nemembruee Service 1100 am Family Bible our Sunday School 700 pn Evening Barca Wodaevley Prayer and Bible 5W 000 p111 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURC 128 St Vincent $1 Barrio ALL WELCOME unuda RINITY CHURCH It Collier Street Next To Put olllca Chrlllmll IVI II am am nmmvnlan Chrimll hay am mlv communal Communion enllmnm amlu ammunlan Am cnrtnmn II Auunr am am mo am am 1m am ALL All WILCOMI curlIm um cammvnlln am mn aa ARCHIUN IINHAL Imna and