KNOWN IN COUNTY Designers Creations Depictv Early Canadian Culture THE BATH EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 1m on place oi hunn and were much ndrnuod by the public Man Tries To Collect Bribe ntalhiiihitiml Thur Hansen has shown Can ndim how to develop designs which reflect thnlr entwnnmsni in so doing he has contributed to the growth at typically Carl Two 1h than at the were tho prLsdent ot Brush American Oil Co and his its tilillltillilii Christmas season airs Dun lets launder and dlrcctur of Weight Watchers at Ontario EVEN THOUGH itl toms juice tho sparkle in Santas nd Mrs Danicls eye is pure mpaunc as they tout the hristmas Menu For Family eased To Weight Watchers Fla with log Blend until Irutlty and pour dinner bu Fluliy Whipped Topping Into clilllcd Champlaan glosses Itinsz servings RONPOFrnm early times servo Spicy Squash nnnda Christiana ectcd tho lay at the season Th be wntcnr wtrcnms Mi FM Tamuto Cochtoll nolrosbor children gather nround lly decked table to trndi TM I133 ca hnl holiday loust said Mrs cinidn Dnnicls Founder and ht Wtttchc oi CHRISTMAS MENU F011 Cnlilnrnlzi Smiling Crisp Vogctublo Rollsli Troy Saucy Grccn Bonus FluIIy Whlppcd nlrnipn Broiled Tamqu Halves Slrnwbcrry Orangu Delight TOMATO COCKTAIL BEFIIESIIER Twothirds cup tomato lulco Small piece celery parsley sprig thin slice lemon With rind Stilt ond grntcd union to tusto Dash or nrtiticial sweetener ap tlonui lco cubes It using blondcr which can handle loo cubes combino tngre wnnunn blender contnlnx it necessary crack Ico before us nrio Lim whoso own tmlis table titled with things to out which will ul bo kind to the Weight cons us trsl Daniels has prepared ii lstrnns mcnu tor the inmlly altar nttrncttons at weight wntchcr recipe iiru Golden mum nirkcy rt spec Cnlllarnln Smiling Suucy rocn Bends Fluiiy Whipped rnlps rind or dessert Straw ury Orange Dullght which with the children For festive dcssort during the holiday that malt pic lovers if forgot Lhu Mimi mlnco Und Ju Limitcd gives Santa ll weight watchers festive dinner With all the trimmings 300 degrees until tender nl Gddc RM and Turkey lowing 25 minutes rt pound under 12 pounds 20 minutc pound or larger every half hour with diced un llmltcd vegctablsn cclcrgy seasonings to taste GOLDEN ROAST nounw TURKEY Itonst the turkey ultcovcrcd at turkey Baste it about tag 1ch green pp it and mushrooms cooked untll tender in chlckun bouillon and other CALIFORNIA STUFFING package to frozen chopp ed broccoli pnckuno lower tincly chopped celery Vt trash green pepper iinely chopped dehydrated onion medium nDpIEI noted and dIned to cup wutcr poultry seasoning Cook broccoli llnd cauliower according to package directions allowing an uddltionnl 23 mlm uto cunkinl time Drain and place In mlxlng howl Add rc muinining ingredients and mix well will an olcctric or hand mixer Tum into ll it inch baking dish anti bake at 350 degrees or 30 minutes Milka servings It oz lrnzcn Cnitli like and BAUCY GREEN BEANS pnckngcs to such men French style grcon bonus Vs fresh green pcppcr diced duliydillterl nnion lakes lturllo powder placket instant hoof broth and seasoning mix on boot bouillon cube crum bled packet instant chicken broth and seasoning mix on chicken houlllon cube crum blod Cook bcltns according to punk nge directions Remove rom hout Do not tirliln Add rcmuln in Inrtrcdicnts and mix Rot move cup of bound and liquid and place in blender and blend until smooth Pour over balms combine hunt and nerve Makes serving Ilncly FLUFIY WIIIIPED TUBNIIS Aldo tho hospital in 10 loci long and has it styrotaum Snntil China and hpxc It carrying it nlratic lion tiger and Chcslliro llko don ttnd cut Photo Dressed for the outdoors patients lit The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto tuku ride on Chutty tho train Santa Claus rodc to bring gills to tho children lit the hospital The train built out Polnltmlns Pottod Mums AZALIAS Mlxod Plant arrangements OFIowor arrangement tal all occultmu olmporicd Gm Fresh Frull 0Frulf Basket CHRISTMAS TREE5 to nal 250 each FREDS FLOWE OWNER RED HULGAAR 436102 Highway llStroud Opnn Days Week Froo Dollvory pound ycllaw turnipd peeled and diced It imllutirm butter avor Salt and white popper to tustol Bdian culture outstanding gures in the de velopmont tell the public hnw eternally gratniul he is to the Slmcuc Arts and Cratu Miocia tron or getting him starmd on the road to succtss III31E IN lx County invited to speak to the newly orgnnistd Stmcoc County and CruIls association on adn In Design tintl pt Ibht tlm showed necdlcpoint with truly Crnnstnn oi tlldlnnd suggested holding cncournro the me at the county crzilLs alive Mr llunscn altered to help members with designs depicting Hutonto rind Horn and Ilium on signs using the trillltim nllppur bnno windswept nlnos on tho rocky shares of Hanson with such patterns in llumnlit lid is noted as one at the mm at Canadian duigm Dir Hansen has novsr failed to In May IMB Yilr Hansen was rts Cun terns Canadian thumps At Ll some meeting William quilt and rug oil to to kcep these early historical event at iv to tho nrca Ho prepared quilt nnd rug dc ladys Indian vipc swamp cub Canada Gown nail the Georgian Buy Itr mulled the local history all tho Old Grist Mills nrt EDMONTON lCl Wino is the in thin in Alberta For years whisky rum brundy and beer were by or the most pupulnr intho prov lncu But no mart Aided by some nubile cncnurngemunt lrom tho Alberta Liquor Control Board wlno now Is this outputgrowing item on tho busts at sales at It unr outlets Wino snlcs now tninl nlmnst llnlt than at linuur Ten years ago they would account or hardly onotcnth tho rutnll Vol ttmc Tom Richards ALCB directnt at stocks sold them are ouvcrbt Hanson tor the flue In wlno soles nnd tlluonon is obviously one at tltcm bctlnv ho sold nun oi the reasons or the lncreltsotl consumption or mblo wines is the low murkvup policy on tublo wines adopted by tho bunrd to yours ugh tie listctl the prices or it pop ultir Portuguese wlne in vurioult pruvincos nd tho ndtiltlnnnl provincial snlus tnx Snskotchmvnn $265 and Waitercent sulcs tox Ontarin $220 tunercont nlos tnx Brltidh Columblu $215 live ncrcent stiles tux Quebec $105 clulttpcrccnt silica Lax Alberta $155 no sales tax And wc have ltlghcr trunn pnrmtlon costs than most prav lncus Mr Richards sold it won chonpor to ship must things from Toronto to Vllncnuv vur and husk In Alberta tliun it was to ship directly irum Tc ronto to Alberta CEILING ON PROFIT Ho uisn intill tho lilluldll now ruling of mnxlmum iiipcrs cent prollt m1 bottles of Wind In 5t Mario and others Ont sirlth in tin Kitchlkuwnnn who threw the ill coo islands intn Georgian Bay PLACE OF HONOR the county were shown the put tcrns rind encouraged to use them In quilt nnd rug tlcsixns when the lirst quilt and rug inlr was lltltl Tr Thur llu Wine Sales Soar Prov Tax Varies They were greatly taken with the work pl tru young Dane and muted mm to pin the interiori decoration ol the now EA uulld in at th comrr pt College and nay sumLi in Toronto Using sumo ol the designs ho had made tor thc Simone County usocinttou und othcrx ho ercltt ed musterprone oi lurnitmc wnll plaques nod hangingx cv on radiator grillu liis SlltcLss In this Venture was so ouulond ing that he was hired to do slmv liar work for the same company in their olliccs all ovcr the world CONTLVUES INTEREST Now retired Thor llunscn cnn tinucs to be lntrrcslod in tho lo cal association and has giten perm once again to make these pnllurna available to the public The pnituns may he no ed in many ways in quilts nnd rugs drnpcs tail hangings in felt or nrcdlcpolnt wood carvs lngs or inlny lonlhorcrnn etc Patterns dinilulilu are varied lntl inolud 01d Gnsi Mill 0x on and Yoko lldl Lumber jlluk Thu Spirit at lttn Buy llhe logtnd oi Kitchlkuwunnl Slmwe Trout liumnin Tlzills Skunk Cuhbugc Fort SID hlnrlu and Georgian Bay Crury Quill Culter rtrc sugnusted Patterns are 52 pl 25 cents to cover molllnn casts tar etc and may on ordered trom The lmcoc Coun Arts rind ltssoolntlon cart at Mrs Victor unrrlo After He Stops Seeing Girl PONTlAC UPI young man who pronust $10000 by girls lathe it he married somebody euos daughter wtu only get part at the mainly the minors law crstid Manda Jack Alnn Vlison Royal cut hllChl was in court Monti trying to obtain the 310000 Joseph Wagner Lus btlsiitcssiuun pmmlsctl him the monoy in contract man thun it year ago li he would agree It strip seeing Sylvia Wagner marry someoneanyonoelse within live years stay married lot at least year land not talk about Lho deal he said tvtlson ltvul up to the terms ol the contract nut Circutl Judgo Vltllrun oor was not tmprcsscd Wagner Jew Lliti not want his tluushtcr to ry nutgtitlc ltlu lJllll low soul Wilson is Kl llnnllst only tiLlllm Vilsun Wits to pick up the money lust month rctcrred to In llit cultlruct us it ttllttinl prusunl Wanner titutt suit to stop it claiming through his lawyer that ht won untlcr grout in it til duress when ho tract not to marry05PM sumo an at the was lhnl ails Wagner not told at tiwns pmme void But he said on court in an country would honor Any agreement that aims pro hthlts or cncoumgcs mm rlngc ricer thcn gave the lawyer one hour to sunla tho out ol court An hour lntcr the two tsp crs and Wilson here back court saying settlement it been reached mm say tutlint tho uluo mont is said Curt nun Wilsons luwycr 13 at T305 HANSEN ovcmtii design illustrated lndlnn legend oi thy ginnt ttomons groups throughout out From Gard much In on bnrortto out in Midland in l9 the pttttcrns were giv he bulicvcs it com ktop the pllpulltrlty ol wmo surging Anntllct puiVluu llir Vlllc drinkers hy the ALCB was out llncdlly Mr Hiclinrtls Were not unlnu to keep up with the cnnlitiiscltr buying in London But itrsl we try to moot lilo llclnltntl of tho uvcruxo drinker in Alllcrtn And lulcly our policy has glint in the direction til the spit clullst drinker Mr Richards sold it lipuclnllltt drinker bus ronsonubly good chance oi helm stititillcd by the selection ollcrcd on Iltu lint ill till provinces outlets But ltamc spcctullst wines have not yet graduated to tho printotl lluttz und Ilium lo lipo clni wotdunno nets arm at oil nutlctn 0L2 clmlco wmos thut ctin lie ortlcrcrl rlli it bottle basin This special lint uiiurn liuult selections its the $Illllll Chumboltln Clun do Eczc mull ltntl sill wllitc htlrgtlndy culled MllntrliLItit Mitrqtils in Ln gtttc Ill TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE nil24M URSULA It Gllt To Plonnn III Gard ouch Munn Shop Alhcrtn restaurants in likon to cover turnips wtth water Bring to bolt nntl cook untll tender to 15 minutesuDrulu Add rcmulninlt Ingredients and whip until light and tu Makes serving TILL PM our CHRISTMAS EXCEPT nN SAIURDAYS May your Christmas filled with beautiful things 1IDXCI7I Fpml I2 Holiday Granting from the Monagomont and Stuff of GIOVANNI 8t PERRI HAIRSTYLISTS OF DISTINCTION 315 Iiinllo 5t 7201442 PIODIO Nata Christmas Day and Boxing Day 51 Ellsti Rd Tia0018 and Good Cheer to Everyone from the management and sta 347 BAYF IELD ST holiday srorollouhs CHRISTMAS DEC 24thCIOSE AT PM DEC 251hCLOSED All DAY DEC 26Il10PEN AT NEW YEARS HOURS DEC 3IsICLOSE AT PM JAN IslCLOSED All DAY 7280941 season he to ounlop is 7287433 We will hit Clomd most telrenps