No 580 For the lamily who he never had enmlgh closet Ipece three bedroom ranch bungalow illustrated solve not only this problem but provides ngciour spacious living The Ihaped ball is centrally loeIled with Illdlng doors to the kitcth the and privacy is achieved by having the plastered archway all ii if if at prawn treat entrance The living din ing room has wide apart of unobstructed wall space and building bird house or my name friends Pieue tell me what aim the lliUllld be or wrcn mother Ind openin Emil Ont the meet lien for the maker Both iront bedrooms have ample closet space and one hon crou ventilation The master bedroom llVINC IZS4 SQJ 2455i CUF1 Roman brick tire lace set in wood ponelled French door lead to Ipacloua terrace double kitchen window lace has twin closets with space for vanity between and also hII arose ventilation An extra clout LI located in the bath room Plans or benign R3450 cost Enclosed pleau rind $106 tor whldl read me the book entitled Ham SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY The BIrriI Examiner Please make remittance payable to lrt FIRST AID T0 llILING uolvll ey noses BIRD DOOR SIZING For ChriItlnea glitz am house AIM ior hiucblrda For wrcna bird will go somewhere else ABTIE REMOVE MARKS have water ring on my truitwood table heard of method axing cigar Iahee an an abruivevie remove the mark it this goodi You heard right But you aiao need ImallIiclt pad satu rated with camphorated oil Sprinltle the aahee on tha ring then Ilowiy patiently ruh with Wt cause at mine exiating crack in the power This will eventually re move the ring grain Ulle patience white IpotI loit by hot diIhca Norsv anon Ox Both the wood fame and box Iprlnga of our twin imiI have developed llow can they be nilcneod A7 called dry lAinch to Inch diameter it OK Bluebirds need ltdinch doorway Uniar tunately etarllnga nldo ind thin convenient size So you have to he onthn bail and keep shoeing them away or the blue Alao remove to loud squeaks Pernlatcnt use at In lubricant mom will work or both aituatlnrul PUBLIC NOTICE WHITMAN the relno spray into all iointa while rocking the bed length wine and Ildewlee Thin may tulle more than one Ipraying na ittaklI limo tor the stuii to work in deeply You have to remove the underside labric covering the apringa no you can get at them with the spray it thle dry lubricant isnt enough then youll have to try light houachold all even though it can be little troublesome by spotting the fabric Taker care as well an handy wipeup raga DAMPNESE UNDER CARPET or our bnaerncnt carpetin over ruhber booking woo led down laat January The con crete oor had been denied in can ago in theapling when heat was turned oil the carpet began to bubble up and very damp odor was noticed even though dehumidier was run ning Could dampnnII be trapped under the carpeting be the oor Even though carpetiI down Im willing to to it up it necerIary tor re pain It Thule cracks could eerily be the original culprits But your rubber backing is not tho type that can breathe damp clM cant ercnpo The backing could let dempacda work out probably no trouble even with the crnekn GARBAGE COLLECTION Emotive January 11712 realtlar gnrhnge collection day will he no iollown PRESENT COLLECTION Monday rnunaay TucIdny Friday Wednelday Saturday The above deal not nppl EFFECTIVE JAN ii 1012 Tundra Friday Wednelday Saturday Monday IIlurmilly in Dunlap street irom MillCtlhIlr Street to High Street which remnlnn on TueIdny Friday There will be no garbage collection CllrtItalaI Day Dec ember 25 tom Boxing Years Day January Day Murmur 21 1911 or New 1072 The ctroperation of all citizens to appreciated GL It Tnmhlya IEng CITY ADMINTBTMTOTL etli cazact lto lvI inel eel $10 each comply with the National Building Code DI Can ada and are supplied by return Ontario resident add per cent Sales Tax 323 or Ll additional eliminating Iupriro mail AQUARIUM GRAVEL NonToxic Penna colored Hart GARDEN norrs By CUNNINGHAM IIIrim Helium Soddy lookingmtatthehrevycnat iaclothedthismorning thehran the ol the birth tree bead ing airline to the ground and the Almey cab um laden with itlIaeuchlagmthelawnit Ieema an propriate time or reminder Urea Nitrogen pellets These can be used in place at lalt tm driveway and sidewalk and instead oi damagln guru and nearby shrub ever green as Ialt will do it will icrtlllu them come spring Urea rare nitrogen ter tiltner with Iomethlng like is per cent content and can be used In lawn mum and Ior other purposes if it is very carettu handled but like any Very high nitrogen fertilizer it can burn planta particularly in dry wrath er Io it is not genxally recom mended ior garden use At this time of year when there is iota ol moisture there no danger and you will be doing youmll and your garden good turn by not using salt around the house Urea Nitrogen comes in iii and 15 pound bags at $198 and use respectively Ten pounds does 1000 square feet and it is best used when the temperature is between 25 and 30 degrees it in available at two local none that know at CIT TO GROW nose at us who have the Itch seed grow or milling take root never diminishes It Iny time of year Mdkewithwhlcheverything nmw WW and to we togjustuveatewIeedrin the kitchen The Sudbury Society Bulletin mentions growing an little reddikh frth lodklns it good house plant avocados You dislike the fruit Ia much as do you will have to locate Iomoone who like them and beg some seeds Appropriate Time To Talk About Nitrogen Pellets pot oi sterile mam soil myrr ed with plastic Ind kept in warm plax There are err things that avocado tron need which maker First develop mu for Seed Ibmtid be from well ripened lruit They Ihould dry tor couple oi dIyI lnltil the skin Will peel on Plant In nixinch pot or ii you went to watch it uproot sua pend the seed with tooth pick over container at water with Just the bottom oi the Iced wet it may take two or three weeka belore the root Itaril to appear so watch the water level it will evaporate quite quickly in warm room and the reed must not dry ouL When the Iprout thawI it should be planted in or even seveninch pot and it needs to be pinched back nuple oi timer to encourage brInchlng Avocado plants like bright window but not measurily lot at run dont expect it to produce avocados it wonti FRUIT SEED SeedI or orange lemons and gropeiruit can also be grown and will make quite handsome planta The period at germina tion varies great deal so vim ting quite number or seeds en sure that at least one will allow to grow things dont lose it like Iuntan when the weather turns coldl The joy oi watching ITEIWWFSIIDAYDWU vv muawdelmtom as any need germinate llere Igalo dmt have vision 01 pick log your own rah oranges it LI strictly or ornamental pur poem bought which produeetnlitbutthlaiaaoted ible Also rooted cuttings oi ma ture trees will produce lrult have Intel lemon tree which bean lemon leithluliy every year Remove plastic just soon Miniature orange treu an be will lower and read somewhere that plants grown irom kumquat seeds make particularly attractive houseplants this member oi the citrus Imlly is naturally smaller tree They came in around christ mas time but probably only to specialty iruit stores so they may be hard to nd CHRISTMAI CAC li matron Cacti are now ering or coming into ower they should have an extra iced ll of 204020 liquid Ieniiilcl Thu will make better ilowera and they will last longer Poin settia also benelit irom nddilt tlenal feeding Keep Christmas cactus in cool room as long as possible the tiny buds have an exasper ating habit oi tailing oil when the plant is moved to warm living room HORTICULTURAL NEWS it may he the 1th hour but there is null time to send in en tries ior two Provincinl compo tltiorls open to any Holcultural hike the Ontario Horticultural Agedation inkonhniiol permdbee Entries theseshouldbesenttotheSec mm Ontario Horticultural A54 sedation Antennas and Hor ticultmttl Sodctie Branch De partment ot Agriculture and Food Parliament Builan Tor onLn 132 Entriu must be in by Dec and name name or Horticultural Society should be at prn Stapsi IlgIlion llil NAMI anon mort up Seedo Ihould be planted in Society member The competl factory trained experts rm Elmam VIIIYWJI eo should be drum in board or white or either or both at music this year address and attached Any lndivitl day evening ual member oi any society ln Ontario may send in an entry Next tour will be to the ice FolliesJanuary lo Btu leaves There are nstalled ior you by no its PHELPSTON By M115 15 WY pa lfotand one hall lncheghyllinchumknezmm wwr Tbaemaybetaleor mommi petitl potmet The com on or limerick to convey the value bortlculture may teatime Epco irlc plant or eld oi horticulture or the general subject at ur duliag llilr may beeny length but minimum or one verse opeat the weekend oi uplthhcralntkmekugby Mn wedded Iiiended the funeral ol her Mame in Barrie last week Member oi the CWL st PIt ricks council luck dinner in the maday St Jonepha their we seated program or cousin auric edeotr halion The community III honored to have the Elmule Group present their artisan Cdrol Service at St and PILrlcsI bit oi excitement It Hotel Paelpmd on quickly when pollce were rolled Satur quieted MANY PAPERS more than 850 weekly newspaper in Ind vhiul er your ll ulnlamd cert Du inltIllIllnn work quickly Ind ly wilhoul pl In mug your uIIlln coupon Ind mall am oncALL SEE COMPARE OUR PRIG 1006000 TO Mlss LONGLI FE CANARY STARTER KIT QCanluy seed song lood boll vol and more ouniain brand $18 charm BUDGES Aviory run oBrlgltt plumage GThe ideal pet lleaior AOUARI UM STARTER KIT eter ii tor air line tubing $198 DELUXE FLOOR CAGE Pedestal tor cage QTaJl style cage STOCKING olrcats or your dog or cat Delicious yummies and play thy In minert ItSIIthne area whileTor ultllng om loomIla oating thermom CHRISTMAS oi land Ind mint Ind to curl mole tlonItob AMENTAL liillN RAILINGS TO MATCH decoullv Iturny pamenInt SIMCOE BLOCK Ell luTiulnStBIrrle mm