MW how7 Public Health Nurses Get Close To CommunitY ll on menu about trci to drugs and alcohol are bxczuz popular meLhod cl its 11 health cum in the stu The nurses are entering var health teacher mo ciao about common diseases such as coho with groups at sludmu our schools and conduction hahysiillng courses or girls in at Br in report from the Simcoe natty tilenllh Unit Dr Nancy rua Itmupa for parents were lance or two IrouP By DARRYL SLY PlayingCoach Barrie Flyors liiylmost mcmornbis Carlet maa hack iewi years when was playing with the Roches tcr Americans of the Amarlcan llockc League The eaguo athedule that year had us playing in Providence on Chrhtmnl Eve We normally chartered bus when going on road trips but because it was Christmas Eve the players wanted to be back lnltochestcr In time to awnd Ctulstmu with their wives and Ipmillu so the club chartered an air pitne to fly us back to nachos tee so we would got back about am and have time to at and limp and than open ths day with our iamttios Ila it turned out We lost the anus and it was anowin so heavily that the piano eoudnt out So we had to bus it back to Rochester anyway Normally under good condi tions it takes nino hours to drive irorn Providenco to Rochmter With the allow it took lot land Dr Armbrue we the public Ls raging ircm birth coh health nurse Ibo arraan i0 and participated in plan to promoting better understand cocoon in the community in or mental health suvice tor 0ne Les sioa was planned led momma ch mum held trip or Kludm eunuch 5va own in wam use stliJaing scx ado3M1 shone and the second was rrnrral meeting oi the nurses guid ufue drugs lace counsellors and memberl Grades and 5lthl on hml Student nurses at hoepital in the county discussed the latest medical nilicer or inlormation about venereal du dth said following discua em with one nurse who had re lica groups ior palgm we really returned mm work stance inr two group mun shop on VD in Detroit ndurtrd in the awnings also been speaking to church cu groups In with group oi student ten ut VD and drugs three div the role at the public came irom members ol nurse and participated inspm til Addiction Research Faunda ct or senior citizens at work shop at Scottish College dents in the cammmib to theCommunliy Health the Community Service and tram the Onlill linear 11in public health nurses have fro oi Ontario Col ucatiou students on health lord then no was an easygoing lollaw but he had rule that it his club loot there would be no beverages tor the playcrs aittr tho game since things turned out so had and it was Christmas Eve or he rclnxcd his rule We stopped Colder Sunny Saturday Snowsqualls Overnight Freezing weather will continue In the Barrio region Saturday The weather oitico is caltng ier acattcrcd snowilurries or anowaouails In tho area over nliht with law at dograoa High expected tomorrow under runny skim is 25 degrees hyaopltn Partly cloudy skies will cover most oi aouthcrn and central Ontario today Occu alonnl show In expccled in the upper Great Lakes roilion and low Harries aru likely nour tho lower lakes Satinta will be mostly many and colder in all regions with daytime tempora urea in the low 30s in tho Iiouth tothu low icons in tho north TorontoCloudy with some liumty pcrioda today Cilancu at one or two iiurrlolt and turning rol or this ovcnln anti tonight Mn nly aunny untl colder Sutur day itiIlII lntlay near 35 Low tonight nrov 20 High Saturday hour 30 Windsor London Hamilton Lako St Clair Liiko Erio Niall ara Lake Ontario ltalthurtnn Cloudy with some sunny periods today Chance at one or two iiurrica and turning colder this evening and tonight Mainly sunny and coldnr Saturday Highs tody as to All except nonl zscllnliburlon reilon Lowa iti night to to 20 except near lo Hoiihutton region Highs Satur day 25 to 30 Latin iluron southern Geor IIllln hay Cloudy periods with tow iiurrics today Snowsquallo In tho anowholt Arena hunlnl colder tonight Sunny with cloudy periods and colder Satur day ttlnhs today no lo 35 Iowa tonight near ill Highs Saturday 20 In 25 Small Sic lttnrlc North Bay northern Georgian Bay Algom Sunny with eioudv period and chance at low ilurrlcs inlnnll Snowsnualla near Lotto Superior and Gour gian tiny tlrninu colder tr night Sunny and colder Satur day Highs allay 20 to 25 Lows tonight near above Hinha Snt urduy near 15 white lllvor Cloudy periods with light snow in tow locati tics today Saturday sunny at first clouding over with occasional allow into In the Laws tonight 10 in 15 below above Windsor 40 20 so Snrnln 4a 20 no tit Thomas 40 till 0mm NEWBIGGING am Funeral sorvlcca were held Tuorda at Stethilly IIlnornl lloino iiarrio iur Donald Kon tiicd Dec ll natil Nowhiclllng an at who tercd nurses mas goodwill lno pantie hulth hum are cumtiy involved in alternum lunar3 ith group mother woo requutod ser ies of disuusion period the youth development ud understanding oi the mobonhl behavior oi lhdr birth through Michelson These session are being conducted In an elementary school It the in vitatioa oi the principal group at seven nurses alicu ded an day workshop about parent education for childbear tag and parenthood promoted by the provincial branch at mat uisl and child seryines Beside the public health punu RSI5 irorn Penrtanl General Bast Borden and Sold lcrs Memorial hospitals Ittend ed the coalemnce Bringing hospital and com munity nurses in ether in has Lions of this greater continuity oi care and understanding oi the need oi the parents Dr Ann hrust said ABLE CHRISTMAS at grocery store and every body got some Cheer SILENT NIGHT it was probably my most mem orable Christmas We the way from Prov dcncc to Rochester At every toll booth along the htassachuktta Turn pike the bus stop nd all tho players In to 10 ct us got oil the bus and sang Night Mier this spreading at Christ evuyoue forgot that he was supposed to be home early to spend Christmas with it will and iamilv Alter ringing and carr tag on through the night on the us we nally arrived inRccholtcr bout 930 am Santa Claus had been gone All the wives were upset hockey player is away tram twns pinytactar Johnny Crew home all year long and Christ mas is special day in the year for them whencver think about Christ muses thats the tire one that comes back to mind When promotes Christmas on nursing llcmhm of North Colleg glalcs tlclp Stamp on up Lhc lcdious mark of snippig and Dtttng to llch llltlt tun with their t7 pounds at stumps hem cellutin or Bus Enters Ditch Hits Transport Allied all Silent and mainly dny tlinhs today ncnr to above tho tilgha Saturday 10 to 15 Igh Law were immunized tor Today Tonight Bat got homo that morning all the prcsnnta had been oponui except In no St Catharine all 10 3a Kapuaiuising to lo it iiiilrie 25 15 Chapicnu ill 10 ls Whit llivor 10 l5 to Goraldton 10 do In Toronto 35 lo structlon Crltitl I1 lXltitiCtI to Eln 38 last two mollihsxTotlIl cost In Paglihgrllwgh 75 30 ciudlng ttttlltltttrl lens lit 053w Killaioo 2s 10 20 Norlh Bay 20 go to CHILDREN tINTEItIjAIN Sudbury 20 15 School chlldrrn outcrtmnod tho Enriton is 10 patients at lIIIiiswmt nutsin tlmmtns is to homo with tllml and Slightly Hurt huslond at school children escaped serious injury todnrs tiny morning litter the bus they were riding in ollti oil the road on Cell near old oidcrnad at Flo Township Ontario Provincial Police at Eimvnlo said that transport truck rounded ls curve it slow epttd and slid all 11 mild and bit true cousin $1500 damagr Minutes allcr the truck want all the road the animal bus rounded the bend and slid oil tho mud in tho sumo ml ML iidinx with tho inlmuhllilcd iron epurL Neither the Inn driver Juhn Coltlnugh oi Elmvnlc nor the transport driver Barry it Swan oi Phclpaton was iniurod Bus passnnncts iiutllhcl Day and Cnihurlno Vnmlcrpoel ll complained oi slight bump on their heads Damage to tho which niior colliding in the ditch was esti milled ill $150 LOCAL 8r GENERAL cmNu mourn10ml Renovations to tho SIInaidnllt Community tnntrc lntltiltl In Sunllidnlo Park will begin im modintrly by Les Bertram and Sons construction tiny Thrir ttiilnillu at 5091 was the lmvroi trmitrotl The con Virginia ililil nixrt nNIIinn Mill Si Angus and Bltntitt Drummnri oi lllIrion Ave Iio monsiitlttd hillltll and till lunc illlt litile Snltititn and Mini Drummuml also pronoutul Moosonoo to do in By Health Unit total at Ila Immunirntlann or iniantr and pro schoolora and 12 ior ndulL vrro ndnlinilu tored durinl Nnvcmbrr by the Simuoo County liNIlth linit Moro than 2500 eturlonta mcitalca tetanus patio and tuherculoslr in report from tho sinleoo County Health Unit Dr Namy Armhruot man moaalcs vaccinations London gt 05 to 25 Kitthulttil 35 15 25 Mull Forest 35 I5 25 willghitm is ill 25 Owen Sound lit 15 20 Munkoku to i5 20 llttmilion 35 20 30 Born in Toronto Dr anhlp tliIIlt was doctor with tho ttrIt tall Army during tho Setanti THE FESTIVAL World War and hail practised modlcino in Sault Ste Marlo un tit he retired in 1003 due in hoaith roasons lto moved to lini rlo In 100 lie to survived by hla with tho iormor irono Malina Hum phrica acne Potct at Don Milt COLLIER ST and Paul oi lhnrnhlli grand childrpn David wondy and Su oan eistot Chriatinu Swlit at Philadelphia and brothers liill at hoamavillo arid Munva of ior nnln Ion Comotnry it GLASSES tiAlitE DAY SERVICE CONTACT LENSES BARRIE OPTICAL ninnnnslun orrIcIAN Cor Clappnrton and Collier 7204 llnriol won at thaiharrio Un Th Choira Sololats Enaamblo SUNDAY or CHRISTMAS The annual celebration oi the Nativity in it Candlelight setting UNITED CHURCH BARRIE Organ and Instrumental The Huronia Youth Orchestra The Choir of St Josephs Secondary School Chriatmur Music Hondoia Messiah DECEMBER 19 100 PM ORCHESTRA AND OltGAN 700 Wit Till CAROL SERVICE Como lot us adore Him 3000 Immunizations Done medical oiiltor of health enlti 148 children had re cdvod quad allots all live mvaeics vaccinations all small pox vuccinotions and 2t Gcr in the adult grml I3 rc ccivrd tetanus polo vaccina tions nix received polio allots tap tlilmo tOlllillt In November tit were llitilltlittl tor llihtVrA culnsls tuco inr smallpox and two ruvtiitd TAB thttimll tions Two hundred illitl seventy two attidnnts rcvulvul Itnnim lt clIllItiuns Bill iiillitlli polio vac clIIntlnIls and LT woru text rosy Club take occcnd tram cents pound inr ltthiltllllnlh month and soil the stamp to depict in Toronto tor The procouh KWtlltwmllhxw munch milour illtill amalgam The their Euttiew Irw ary school and Central United mama Ill 3011 to pment emeutary schools in lhl concert oi carols and Olme etcllihl st 730 pain Festival Amino Kutulcb in early May in arcs to raise mm tar action at Dand Wllurk ARTQ the Kentucky trip the choir tut soo copies et record in dozen are still available Central churchs nnlnr choir more than so voices strong is 3111 Leslie Imuslc Sunda In Cmtlll Lajled march School Chumrt Choir actuall ly composrd oi me heirs Junior senior boys girls and madngul group totalling accompanied by more than so mm conductor 1nd Mrs Molly Pai also lvulum other lutrumeotai am to bclp tight lEVamlhcr PhOit by Igllt oi cour as looms Colin ratt an miniho nruilnll his stock Its ilnlsitlng touch lllvya Ma accompaniments brougt honors in Barrie in the recan past Vtth will at the Tor DoIIIlIIich Riwubiic Enliailol Eilllo iillill Hull Kong tculand India in onesia thin in la Itlcllttl Molotco Neval lirilicllnnds lhIIipplncs Polnial lolliigll illcila Rico 5mm Leon Salomon islands South At mill TllilIIitltl thallium lnmdad Tunisia luikcy USSlt Unilcil Kingdom tallnds Vutotlom and Zambla Both choirs up under the dir rhe Eastvlew Secondaryi Bertram Kclson is associate The Eunicw choir Only The BestISheep Are Shorn For Gord Roach Sweater Bu Bu Bu There are sea at sweaters sweaters to see in the sweater department at Gord Roach Mens Shop Li you are sitting sweater gilt from Gard this year The selection is superb the quality and style sure to please Thorn arc Vncck pullovors cardigans tIIItlo necks in various weights and colors Vnol is the favorite for the look the col tho comiort the performance Lilli him to sloop with tho want from the sheep in sweater from Gmd Roach Mens Shop Smooth and mellow Canadian Club la the worlds lightest whisk House In 81 Iandu Al hanlslan At all Antarctica Anti Barbados tlolnlum ticiinudaJIariI Canny slalidscoylnnchllc mitimaslslwdcoaio lIitD Curacaocil Iusltlonmalll Iis llii itnlano fiance annually Gtamllrl Elms iIolrail Isiarl llsly Jamaica iapon ow Guinea New Iceland til min Norwly Pakistan Panama Paul ca aiII Sudan Swollen Swltlavlrno IIIqu tales Uruguay Venezuela ViIgia no Argentina Am aaran EXAMINER TREAT DICE l7 Central United Eastview Choirs Carol Concert Nun mm include cert la Fcbmlry visas to sl wnm the organ double mo irom the Central group will sing and Mrs Al oi Chris music IW no Eut vlcw area the next Kiwanis 1hr lnd trip to tadies matccr ucmmpanicx the choir vlkogmsufe 0mm Am mum 11 nth Mn Walker at the organ Rev Donald Jay oi Central has church had extended In invita tion to all those Interested in come and loin in the coral sing onto KIwhan Festival and per and to enjoy this umun comm inrmzincc at Ontario Place Gift Your Guy From Gord Gord Roach that is And The Deli In Th Aultrlllr Austria marinas GIrcalamt Glens Guadeloupe Janina Kenya holes teornoo