FARMERS MRKT NICKE DEAD srocx BAD STOCK Dead or crippled attic and bean Small animals removed tree For as min PHONE BABRIE Collect tbcmaday1daysavcck or ink or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE RE Fennead Ontario Nick Montague Prop Uconco Not more FARMERS ATTENTION This scales is reserved or your commence to SELL TRADE or SWAP Livestock household ar ticies arm cqulpluen tor semces at word ad rates LIVESTOCK FOR SALE iNNISFREE FARM Tlcg Quarter Horses 4361729 Boarding Training Sales Riding Instructions IVE CARE FOR HORSES DIE cuincmLu nimm Ind Ivvpltn Crisco milsm and mmsiiom For Wormlion all noun or nulls PALAMmo can in corn nllo Dalton audition it tool cut at Milly Morn Dom Silver 2th cl 7m pun wnlto Albino sin nriiium pm winning rmrtnuil Jnhlr prlnd champion Arabian su iion lm Mlli Arabian espn it rm ammo Groomed windlltl stock Farms Niiimin Ensemble 7m onone Mn Funk Roberts Eimvm msmnm on vieubio soc Ind gun at all durum Mayor RR Mimits at phori pom mom on sniicor Dlsmtcr coon 7266531 POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry mcri are choosing Dekalb Pullers Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service or help on your poultry problmis call CRAIG HUNTEit POULTRY FAIL LTD STROUD will FARM MACHINERY BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line at Dairy larm Enulnment and Supplies release or 7wtt7tttl liarrte Holly Ilwy 27 MWF TF Grading Program For Holsteins Urged By Martin Abner Ill hlariin prcsidcnt oi the lloistclnIrlcllaii Association nICaaada HDClAklnll at tho nn nual meeting iii the Waterloo Holstein Club lit Kitchener Ril VUCulCtlllllB establishment by the association ii national program or the idciliiiieation oi grud Holsteins This program would hr clitlrcl separate from tho iicid boot maintained for pure bred regis tered llolstcins Mr Martin rt parted that the executive com mltlco had recommendedsudi program or consideration at thoiinnual meeting oi the Alt xeclatlon to be held Fob 16 in Toronto Ono oi tlin molar reasons ial the grade tdontltlclltloil Iprogram is the hCUCtitlily tor prov rig more bulls particularly iltdsn oiled in thslAJ Units Production rccv ords mndo on grade cttttln In Grated by the Canada depart meat at agriculture Mr Martin noted that several oi the provinces that operate Dillt programs have ostnli Ilsiied grade identification sys tems or are thinking of doing ito also that tho liecard et Per iormancc Department is prepar ed to Csttillllnil similar pro lla tell that rather llltiil piecemeal operation in conduct in tti lililil It have single aiinl itl rain and that the Ir lttfiilc titlli srrtilctl the logical nrgtinlzatlon to conduct it since the wcliarc at the bread following as represented by the grades is prime consideration oithe Association Decisions wltlt regard to tho er of United Breeders iscconll iii the Simcoe County clubs annual meeting at Stroud Community Hall chalrmanAIlan Orr Bradford right areslioivn three types at semen cilntaincrs by Dr It ltcctis General manag Simcon County United Breed Supcrvisor Harrie 41le from right Marvin Sin analyst County on inc Illadlll IticQuarrlc Guelph and Simone Beet Proving Program Outlined To Breeders By BRIAN BAKER acoiwcaso Yorkshiro Boers lysmgt moctillgut Strand Community Hall With 90 mem srALLs roii iisnr professionally hersprcscnl it was the must birth indoor mom Ila it hkgnw successful meeting so tar line on veaxsuin son month old sites ruinnnona Hutu non Hlmv Sham Guest speaker was innisiiis Ilceve George Burton lntradu mall son room can Mndill Supervisgr SHOP oi United Brecders Slmcoo Coun ty artliiclai insemination cattle operations Mr Burtons most interesting topic was on the subject at re gional government these 10 pcr cent are crossed to lice brccds There has been ll general dcclllic dairy brccds serviced and am cording to the Ontario Milk Man kcting Board milk production lor 1971 Is down it per crnt over lost your Allen Orr Httlllittlil chairman oi the Simcoc Club was unan lmousiy roelcctcd to that olilci toi lim Ninctecn members were nominated to represent Simeon County at United Breeders an nual convcntion to be held at tho Guelph headquarters on Jan 19 ling methods and some at the new types of European bulls in whlcli members are showing lively interest but on which Dr llecds warncd conclusive produc tion data would not bc available or our or Illc years Dr Iiceds showed slide ol Edgowaro Wayne Achillcs which has high rating oi plus live ior production and plus II or type lic showed second slide oi an excellent daughter at this owned by Don McLean Eimvnio which has given 22000 pounds oi milk as ilvyeorold and Illmo pounds as 2yearold James ltlcCague Allister tlrst vice president of the lloisteln number at is annual urkey dinner was served by the James United brooding Barrie subiau Start Ayrshire Sire Program the Ayrshire Breeder3 As sociation at Canada has lost mangurated new doubts ap proved sin propom This is to reconlira super ior aims biased on the perfor mance andrtype classication ration of their daughters In order to quality tor the new double approved rating the hull must quality as an approved production sire and have typo rating on all classied donate well above the breed average Approved production sires must have herdmzto campers tson rating at pliu tour or higher or milk and buttcriot test oi and per cent or higher on all R0P tested daughters This means that only hulls whose daughter on the aver age are well above the produelt lion level at their herdrnstes unrecognized Elizht bulls have qualied lor the new double approved rating and six at the eight are sons oi the innions Sei wood Bettys Commomicr Repopulale Herds Willi SPF Hogs ii diseases have been ser ious problem it may he good time to consider dopOpulnilnz and establishing new swine herd Hog prices are down now and the cost at good breeding animals Is lower than in past months The health oi the pigs which will make up the new herd is of major importance There is little point in dcpopulnting unless there will boa dcilnllc improve ment in the health at the new hard compared to the old one Buypigs trim herd where the health status is known says Dr oilvcr swine diseases can sultnnt Veterinary Services Branch Ontario denartmciit oi agriculture and mod There are ii number of SPF lplscclllc pathogen tree herds lnDlitarlo enrolled in the Cer tiiied Hard Policy or Swine They are certitlcd tree oi atro phlclhlnitin and virus pig pneu monia lenzootlc pneumonia by the Veterinary Servicey Branch They are the only herds in the ravlnco that have regular clin cal inspections and postmortem Frlcsian Association at Canada questioned the high price nem en charged to mcmbcrs oi one TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS on which most people have but Pitule 72mm an obscured idea with seven examination at heads and lungs at pigs in tho herds years on the plannan board two years as move and director or the zone three council oi rc gipnnl government Mr Horton was well qualliled to explain regional government and answer questions lite outiincd some of the bone tits at regional government tie concluded by saying that feel that ii municipal councils boards and committees will work with adjoining municipalities tor the Mtcrrnent or all concerned we nilcd not be airald or regional government in Simcoc County president at Guclpli Al unit who wish to use semen oi sires from another unit in order to Improve thclr herds He also described how grodc cows could be recorded in order to help in titreproving programs which are seriously retarded due to lack of tested progeny noted with as per cent at regis tered Iioistcin herds on it0P testing better trend is being SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP ISIrn Analyst Mervin McQunr ric urged that more breeders investigate the bencllts oi pro duction testing and eiasslllcatlon We must strive to produce top quality cows with ofcial production and type rec ords it we hope to hold the rcs poet or foreign buyers for Can adian cattle he stressed MOSTLY DAIRY in Slmcoo County he said 80 per cent oi all cows bred by Ulll are dairy broods and at Arthur Unltcd Breeders inc described the boot proving pro gram which is the most comr prehenslva evor undertaken llc described new scmcn contain crtknown as which will permit storage at to times as much semen in the same space all required by glass vials The Guelph bull barns and laboratories he noted attracted visitors from 21 lorelgn countries ice year Three thousand visitors were recorded on open house held last summer SIJDEB SHOWN Ilia It needs general man ager ai United Breeders Inc gave review at the Uni hush ncss noting that 11300000 rev llild been realized from semen union lie projected per centugc breakdown at all busi Kane programs ministraw VERNON AYRES Auctioneer Licensed tor the Jlty oi Barrie and Blmcon County TELEPHONE 4364922 lie then showed color slides piytlin new Guclphccntrai urilt showing metlorn semen hand WE Will BE eRlding Shirts in linoer colors supervised DIIIA herds wllmo the iier In identied would tio available or sira proving as would records made tiy ldcntl lied grades ill herds tested un der the record of performance production testing program on Piostod Choker Collars assorted collar Romlkn Boots lam orcrusrn 25 ynthotlc Sheepskin Saddle Pads Saddles Bridles Spurs so our staff can enjoy the oliduEBboiloh aid with their tomil as or everything tram boots to bridlor shop at SIMEDE Pleasant Placo to Deal rgtl51 Lu an HE IgtMENI ii me YNER 2634 lssari STA 259 INNISFIL 5T PLENTY OF FREE STORESIDE PARKING protrnm would ILIlltlln in the unit at tlto Holstein llrccticrii Feature complete selection of ENGLISH RIDING EiIIlIPMENT QCotlon Gabardine Brooches Sirotch Brooches Winter Riding Glove DISTRICT 1264531 Simcoe county MARKET PLAE Weekly Guide attire Countys Sales Auctions News tor the farmer IlTHE Horse Race Dates For 1972 Listed TORONTO lhroughbred and then so to Fort Erie again for Standardbrod racing dates tar 35 days starting Wednesday the im Jockey Club season have July is ARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 17 If wood opens on Monday July 17 Inndccntinucx to Sept Then they return to Garden City and Mohawk Decline Continues In Butter Stocks UPTAWA CF Canadas been approved by the Ontario The Woodbine autumn meeting mire stocks at butia conun Racing Commission opens on Sunday Sept Aitcrtled to decline in November log The Jockey Club conducts thor The commission approved an as days there theygo tp Greenllamas to 582 million pounds thorouylbred racing dates and wood or the closing meeting 266 dates tor standardprcd ram which starts on Monday Oct and continues to Saturday Dec Statistia Canada also com pared with 1M million pounds ayear earlier ported today that stocks at unarmed racing at Greenwood rile standardbreds as the sub cheddar cheese were oz million Fort Erie and Woodbine while ky racers are called start their pounds at the end of Miriam standurdbrcd racingis conduct 266 racing days or rm nl ed at Greenwood Mohawk and Greenwood on Saturday Jan down 11 million Iroma year earlier Garden City They rnce Monday Thursday But stocks or evaporated son opens at Greenwood park on Month 15 Saturday March 13 and contin Mohawk track at Campbell ucs through toSaturday April ville opens its 1912 spring sea 111a thoroughbred racing sca Friday and Saturday in Sutur whole milk were as million pounds an increase of 56 mil lion pounds Frozen poultry was 969 mib 15 tor today meeting before son Monday March 20 lhcy go lion pounds down 127 million moving to Fort Erie back to Greenwood on Monday or 47day summer meeting on Sunday May it pounds The only type ol poul They move back to Woodbine April 17 and then to Garden City try stocks showing increases were turkeys under in pounds starting on Wednesday May 17 The summer meeting at Greeti and duck SLESATURDF nrvv lttit oNLll no1 W4 SALE SATURDAY ONLY LAST to await LOTHES S999 on solo suiurony Only mu oMBS MISSES LAST tw uNer MENS Sizes in to is stretchy ONLY BAVlELD STREET no R0 DISCOUNT WHILETHEY LAST $188 WV WHILE TIIEY rimscoum WIIILE souls soiissnstt Lass 15 UNLY DART HAMPERS BOARDS Assorted Colors Complctc with inrts 177 Uta Sillv Saturday Duly WHILE riisv LAST DISCOUN 50 ONLY iioilsrcoals Assorted colors SML WHILE THEY LAST 2n InLY PHILIPS HOSE ELECTRIC KNIFE with switch blade aricly ot Olultl Coinplctn with storage tray Ms out On snio Bnmrour pal on sale Halaltiny Only WHILE THEY LAST McGRAWEDISON Stainless steel body and detachable cordlv tin anus SATURDAY 0N