bound to be music when one member of the duct is celchra ling her 90th birthday its cause for rpedai celebration Above lrs Flcctham the cclehraut Retains Musical Interest Up To Her 90th St is 90 year old and she still likes to iiddlc on the piano she is presently recording some or her favorite number for her own njbyrncnl day DIrlFlcctharn demonstrat ed hcr Christmas spirit by play ing Jta Bells while friends uroi talent for Mrs Flccthztm gather to celebrate her 90th birthday at the home at her shop Ian and daudiktinlaw on Short comet when she and her late husband played in Sunday played in the orthcstra on School Orchestra when the couplo lived in Burlington ThLS is when their son OrV was first otro ducod to music at the age at two years vantage of every opportunity to enioycd mus Nepal Woman Orgamzanon Hopes Capture Tounsts Dollar So wc said Wlinl is the best children per Hlmn thing that we can do in order to an acme mi the Nap11 merinomgmciniwgcrgf Burton Avenue Unitede Chmoi Idea oi locally based Industry woman and the lourist induslry is one oi the most potential Industrics The first section oi the VII in our countrY WHEN THE FLEETEAM family can together thereI tine session Mn Tom Fitetham of Turin Accompanied by her son Orv During an interview yum 5t Mrs Fleelham used to play attcnd concerts ccausc we both ATKANDU AP In valr Icy at the snowch laya Mountains Womens Organisation is build ing tourist village designed to capturu the dollars ol letset travelicrl Iago named Tara Gnnn alter Nepalese princcss In due to open this winter The project will not he completed or tour or five years The Nepal Womens Organiza tion has been in the business at making money for eight years It is kind of womens Iitinla tion in this kingdom oi 11 mil lion Mrs Angur tuba Joshl chair man oi the orgunizationn Kat mandu district committee says all money raised is used to II nunco social service programs Last your the organization raised cnouxh to make 1300 womcn literate and to send 500 poor boy and gitLu and too poor deserted wives and young wid ows to school in addition no organization runs thch health ccnlrcs oper atcs iivo stores and hos intro duccd the countrys lirst subsi dlled healthvlnsuranco scheme It costs about 15 cents your or each person ltlni Joshi educated In India and Britain in principal at Padma Knnyn College in Kat mundu The work dam in far rho said is only dent In the countrys need or education health and cconomic help If youre NEW IN TOWN and dont know which way to turn call the liones at 1184354 Youll be glad you did join her Ion Orv in pracs llmtioning world after all Ilr5 Ilcclham remembers their music tcocUr in Burlington was the late cr ben hiloird father oi labyd ml lard DI Barrie like the old time limit Flcctham said no in in the century an tcr it herself When she and her first movcd in Allandalcr their house was part ol iarm There were only our haum in the area but now its all bruit upshn raiii in bad marker gar cu in 03 ays F1 MM Although she nem learned to drive car she braved the ex pcricncrJ bar grandchildren when they were learning to drive HORSE AND BUGGY never wanted to drive car hut could hitch up horse and buggy and drive anywhere she qulppcd Iirs Ilcctham was born on Dec IS 138 at Calcdon Town ship Following her marriage Elli and Mr Flcctham lived at Burlington tor 20 years hciorc moving to Barrie in 1921 0i six children born In the couple only one lt7 MrI Flccthnm IIIu children and two greatgrand irs could maslcr the last music Playing the Violin is such nut she doesnt use music but whcn inycd the c0rrlct in the Sun day School Orchestra she used to allow written bolts Obviously from musical famlt Hy Its just natural gilt We Learned to have in tin family said the nonagcnarian She also discovch hcr grand Ialllcr had constructed church lily husband and took ad organ In England and hcr father had played mcan clarinet Her family recalled yesterday slit Enid that lira Flcclham had played WWW attending the luncheon Graham and birthday at ration ycstnrdny were Mrs Frank Dobson Mrs Weeds 2mm also lovers look to the future with the bold new contemporary styling of Columbia Diamonds Trut Columbia to hrlngyou nmpniticent radiance and meticulous craftsmanship In truly meaningful diamond engagement ring Come sac the future the IMqu look at hail innoch aw 528 Dunlop Cloth Dolls Berton Back Wave Of Nestcilgig Wizard for immune Lin when mud updidqdnunwA dmtobe crust Itorybouk Dorothy 1mm 11 which III with com dill characters The Bel to sins NW YORK AP nostalgia wave come 132 um EXAMle TKUISUAY DEC THE STARS SAY BY CONEIKLLA March Ayri sureyoure dose but its nil nice to hear it from someone 25 tar limeats In row limeiynuli receive your mm In Fcb ll Surpris assund to rcuum but nine days It could be that dear mes arent expecting any so theyre not campietdy tithin power to change your present Istanbul outlook to soutLhiu more Ippmmlata to the anon keep worrying IheLher Inir shirt mgr it com try to dial ND modesty hurls theyll have Sears Roebuck vr introde cloth April Miuy so with the year soon drawing to men sub close its time you got your Ii nnnccs Ind accounts in Look or professional help keep larger share or your thmz mooning in corners his 15m tn not lam pleasure that stay 214m your ptnts buaym ttl Yw NW yeara and but the ats develop math in your career or life The familys quite proud at Pb Gemini with presents you get have really zone of set this very bcsL For once they know what you can be snapped to The dolls called RingA gclher In Rosa BASED ON BOOKS Hairloom rug dolls are characters bod such as little niece oi the celebraut Mrs Among those Honey and Mrs Anna Heethaml granddaugltcr and Shane Gra ham hcr swatgrandson Ex aminu Photo my birthday put Ipdl or Ian years contributed Those who hava worked um WK who1rd now bum we year that money lows Indy into thinking its useless are duo to be repaid in lulL Bonusa run into hid figures hen July twins 11 holiday scason seems to weak up on you by yearproviding headacheovcr Came um pm your purse You could either he come raiser or rpmdthnIL Bib one wont please part chtldrcn Women and Vanity Fair Thch are lopsyturvy tilprise every lastnurture gin giving Ask the talks at ham to help you nSepL 12 Re how many that in months taupe have ared ar feelings have been hurt all is put aside in the next two wrecks Bl rst to lor hd 11 ay it was small bi violin at family cclchra lion marking the couples wedding anniterary But that this was common emurams at the FitIlium home whenever the family got together Mrs Fcclnnm has been liv ame house or hall is still looking at husband vtrgutAn gardlsxo 40th the past II FASHIONS EXPERTLY DRY CLEANED ubn Sept son Un 1m you plan to sprnd the holi days by your lonesome youd bcttcr get cracking cleaning up the house Lions Dont wait until the 13 minute Scorpio sending invita lts the season forfasnlonable elegancal For formal or casual formal attain Greenwoods have wide and gorgeous collection all styles of gowns and hot pant folmats Sizes to 20 All prices 4111 ERYEEIIWDUDS for luhlonIblo elegance 13 DUN ST 7235195 Open Weehdnyl In Oct EN Budget problems can make this years shopping more of club Icnge Still aspects are inn Ior nding real bargains it youre willing to look or them Ssllarlnl NW EDGE 21 its most important that you nd the pcrfcet gift or someone on your list lt may hold moaning beyond the SarlllAtrme IIIIDIIT ILIIIEIS BAYFIELD STREEI FOR FREE PICKUP CALL 7285531 special sccnn holiday wish Caprlcarn Dec 24811 to pun mmIlll PINK PANTHES 1971 PRE CHRISTMAS GROUP FORMED VANCOUVER cuuvcr women has Worklnz WomnnI Animation to comoalgn or In to discrimination against women by cm loycrs by the In cducn on und training The association has as iLs goals women workers iron communi lcd day curc hours lt1 equal pay ior equal BILL LeBOEUF JEWELLERS Look by Columb group of Van iormcd is living We grud ia lab solidarity and belongs to the Unitcd Church tycontrol Although 90 years old Mrs day on Flccthom htill has 1qu dc vivrc which Is enviable PRESEN 1a 2490125 QUE 7287712 THE rink PANTHER Boson 16 Collier Si LIERS 7283343 OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL CHRISTMAS