Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1971, p. 13

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Gilbert Pcrrcaull III ol Bill PAT STMLEION lulu Sabres and lilo puck dur Chicago Black Ilnwlrs slides Ills stick In between that at Gogltenders Get Assists In Three NHL Contests third oi the scum Olllcr gual mailu UH must hi hi olmncrs tenders who have aided on goal runng both lltlwk goals during the 197172 schedule in lit tlurtin set up the opener cludc Gerry Chcmers oi Bllslun Bruins liny Edwards ut Pitt uurgh Penguins nntt rookie liiu McLeod 01 SL Louis lilucs LEAFS VIN Elsewhere Vctlllmtlily Muplc By IAN ltIncLAINIrI Canadinn PR3 Stn flier Rurc accoaiulu Indeed these gualtclldcrs heart they zulltrihutcd to the ol icnsitc uiIurts at their tcilnl mules vuru moments to National night cdgcil hllllllcsulu cfll Nurtll Stnrs usrd Mllrriiy Dir in me mm muhmghl vcrs two goals and Gllnlp Vul um kuwkw philadolpmn guilltutltlcr Dull Fuvull out rclltcmbcr Hockey League lmuls Wednes tiny nlglll nil in winning cilurts Chicagos niuy Esposilu sent Bobby Iiull uway or the winner in 2l Black Hawk dtclslnn ovcr Buiinio Sabres Kcll Dry don nbcttcd Frank hlullovliuhs Cunlltliclls il score against busAngules Kings and Glllcs Villelnure tilstcd on Jean Rnicllc goal in New York Ransom trd drubbing oi Philadelphia Flyors Tim assist or Dryden was ill lurunlu liltsiluridl 34 mild guullcndlug subdue St Louis Alla Runyon cu in Mun tlllo sunsun the New Yorkers rcul ill the tIuat by three points lum snm the uppusillu nut mine into Boston Unirich hr minth to an curly shuwcrs tllhdrplnlo Bruins Vhllu Philadelpth Is at GAMBLE TAKES OVER homo to nuiiuio The opportunities were low at second period murde Faveits Chicago ouch tenm getting unly exit llnd opened it 52 loud or Itl New York Bruce Gamble vtlo olltlKI Monticu against 19 shots but the Gultlclt in NHL ounlrst Wednesday New York 5545 night at Chicago IAP Photo Manual 61m Boston is 2110 one Tomato BI lit 34 Detroit lols El 9915 Vancouver ii iii 70 lot to nullnlo 19 in West Jilslun Clucago 99 Sits Minnesota in 5311 Cniliomin is SK 12 25 Pittsbura 1017 70 my Philu tits at 93 St uni 917 M10213 tu7 ul IIIL rst period then luSlIu scoupcd the puck bc limit the Chicago nut in Hull who skutcd thu length at the ice bciuru putting it hchlnd Sabre goaltender Dnvo Dryden Dulcllccmutl Urud Park made in two unlcs at scuring twice oi the gametile eighth time IIutuIlus scurc at 1731 OI the came on in relici laced unuthcr Richmond BobinnShowMuscle 83 svvcrul iiizllts lncludinll Illo rt IIUIlll plums defeated lltd Unllinmlu nlnnud iiilclvlltcr viuu SPRING PM Frunk Sprni luil thu llulls started its ltluliltlimll to the with lwu guillx llllk Muck In itllttlru Ilultt ut tllu sinus be Mum Mm ugh himn Putt Stelnkuwskl of New Luluy ilulc scored the ililllrs my we cluvuiunil liclndll Nulnl tluuuilln lillltllnurc By THE CANADIAN PRESS Richmond pctkiln lllvuy Voyn ecurs llultllls Its culttultllhlu they could he clinllvnuinlz the lenders ui till Alumiv Lollitucs Western tho tinlu ltlzlyuils nrlivc llcrsllcy Bulls lrc luul llilllmlulo NltI ltollle ilu llnckuy Isluil by Ilcnu DIDIKI Dull Suluskl ilurlhult ltlll lliillt tllltitr Culltrul reform lion Clippers bill lllu lIuIllu pull Wicks Itllliltl lllo SuihchFolcy sumo lnusclo VttIllLM by thumping Ultvcltnlli lluruns xnipcru Mirlltl lltlltcy hell vay ilnil wound up giving both gamu vhg were miscullilucts as well its the kink rulmuml mm llulnuIlu in New York dciunco nu Andy ltmwn mm mun Jim Neilson for inlcricring vlllllpcil the puck lntil the not In thu ulIidintlI ilgllt tlllii At lIlltlcllpuIis the North cuchscoruil Sluts continued their domlnuA IIlu llubttts Ilillulh hold on third hit to two points They punts WCdIllNItly MLUIKI pcllttil Vern IIIVlIItI ullt iii the nut in Its lilltcri bill It lelcll was too lulu or the nilrruwcd Vlntzs til it in the lit ilrlvu Murphy CIIItpcrs Vllltltt Dilly 11 Ill thu iiist plIItKI At IIOVIlItlILL till oiugcllls illu punksc cxtclldcd tllclr lllldcicutcu otlilll to seven gulllns Iutcr oi In villir giltllcs Nina Sclltiu l5 shuts yielding thirdpcrlud gout to ant lkuczulr its the cmrprcssillu Ronnie poured In Rhett IN mln cult 1hu gulllc vlts nllllkcd by run iii in tight thtlt took place Dir twttn New Yorks Uicn Snlhor illtil EIyer ILIIICtlllJII Rick Fulcy ll VkL 1L The two ClitsIIctI tit 132 ul IIlL sccutul pcrluti ill will With the Stelnkuwski tshbcc mullch getting out oi control tiim at St Luuin that begun ill on pluyoils luxt ttu ll ii ll their sixth 1m Angelcs 61 l2 in Boston 21 XIII W45 Nuvn naikus Athens of Greece nnd mo 29 stlulgllt uvcr tlln Ulucs IWHL President Fears Loop May Be Doomed SkLE lAP prczl dust at me utern liockry Lagoon ran it is dimmed unleu it um somehow attain major lenzue tntua here are three mutcs to that status president lull uuo Fnrlnnd Mud Wumudu antI decision must be made by June on em mg mg minor league baseball iuurd status or out of business mink Mayan my we atFnrlnrld said cant operate minor tongue in ma clucs any more Were in major league cities compdin against major leazue spam no league to asked the ilannl nonlin Dengue wlm it expansina plans am The Nlll hu said it plans to expand mm it Drum 14 learns to 21 team dunu the decade it already hu named Long Island KY and Atlanta two choices The WTIL in awaiting iurthcr Word so it can chart its own fu ture hiacFarland says he HOCKEY SCOREBOARD By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League But Division It R2311 Vednentlu New York Philadelphia Toronto Pittsburgh Chicago Buttalo Minnesota St Louis Montreal bus Angelcs VGlmts Tonight New York at Boston Bulian ut Phndclpllln American Lrugur Eastern Dlvlslun II til 711 MISS SPORT BRIEFS DRAW FIRST LEG ATHENS tlloutcr PnnntItI Naciunnl Montevideo oi Unl guny drew tl Vcdncsduv Ill their ilrstlcn game 01 the World Cup soccer iinnl itlc sccond top will be played In South America PrLAthtn unmum ST LOUls iAP St Luuis Blues the National Ilwkuy mnguc recalled two IliuS from tho minor ICKIQIILS Vcdntri day They are leit wingti Jim Shires mm Denver oi the Western Hockey League and do cnccmnn hurry llornunu imm Kansas Cityoi the Central Hockey Imlguc TRY EXAMINER VAN1 ADS PHONE mZtlI BURGER CHEF her mom FRANKS SKIING With AL RAINE IExpert BEND ZEE KNEES PLEASE We one joke about this expression which was rst usd by European sxl prus who came here alter the sectiode war but it 15 still one 01 the phrases most required by today pro ecs down to set the align and into the new tarnit As you have im in try this knees lot Eilllllll In tit YliL are Scuttle Iu land San Burg Salt LLIS and Phi Lnuus of no pin in in III lull in NHL crpm lii be silly not would Iiko that to IXJFPCE but luv no knoulcdgc or any such plan he said SAME AS BASEBALL We are in the name P11 lu sny llnrn Iemuml ski instructors The knees rnlut bend as the body They must also be pushed iorwar cause the cdgrs oi the skis to cane ltcd you turn the knces begin the long iorvr ward the centre at the turn skiers use etplccuntrol is generally gulde to mcasur his avail ruin Hyer Leads Ir II Loop 13 THE CANADIAN PRESS Dun Lcmr oi Niagara Fulls FLYch held luud ocr Siuu Skull iyl Toruntu Riariburus in the will xvrln ntututlcs rvlmutxi by lariu Hockey swmtzull Junvr scrim Vuhltsda with SJ was it tell senr21 Minor league hocky incus on abrupt it ivlll clues tire nut luoludtd in NHL expmsiun pin Farlnnd Said In lcuguc un him It look at the luv alter tins The Wilt unlit clan tLicli major mom and bid against tht established league for players or oln the World Hockey fledgling will league intrpulnl mo in Impiy crs 33 alsmrln leader uitll 23 to LL us Dave Gardner ul Tmnlu Venerunu Le Vitrc ml Or he lunll sis With 31 Mlulltl Luruquc of OILMu o7 ls iu uhtzlll of his uultclnl an ntcrugt to 31 im Scpcrictl group which ays sccimd mniur will become of Liln YILII lt 2n guns runnerqu Kltchcncr Hangout The leaders in it no 15 till vrslrni DIYIilon Huntley Baltimore Cleveland Richmond Cincinnati Tidewater tsulL cdnutlny Nova Scotia Providence Richmond ClutTund Baltimore dcualcr Games Frlillly eld at Boston PIUYXLICIKV tit Riclllnnlnl Nova Sculin at Rochester Southern Ontnrlu Junior LT Sprinziicld Rochestcr Providence lt Lclur shun Vongout Merrick annular lllrrls Osburntx Ilurbcr MCSIILIIICN Thomas 97 32 SKI PACKAGES From Barrio Sports Ltd The Sports Pooplc Lllninutcd Imxl Skis VTtcx tinsel hill otcp in binding illum lnum poles bllckcl boom and bands straps null Custom installation FOR JUST 21 tn lil 42 Lcutnd Nlugurn Pulls UUiiuwn Torlntu KE dinner London onitty $9995 Abth Pkg WLnkh III Minibus 195 Above lltx WVwvzw mwm limw CROSS COUNTRY SKI PACKAGE llluiudls bouts silk poles bind ings and llululttliiull or just Smc Motley Buy Frunl Tilt Implc nlu Specialitc BARRIE SPORTS Count2 ST Ivllulurs oi Horseshoe lIllt1V Ski Shop nut Altdunir Mill Ski Shun SUI thitlu Ontario Wins Rugby Match 5mm Triniildd ilIcuItr The Suutlltrll Ull inriu rugby loam Tummy ilu iunml Trinidad south school buys ilnm est Till cllnni blr ulndln Dctruit Gutlull Chuillunl St Tllumus Brnntiurd Snntlu Vclltuld VimLmr PUIIT OI 3213533 lul Ht Itrsult ulnrVtiny Dclrult Rltlllllultl Hume Tnnlht CllntIlunl lI Windur lid Itd 76 at Illli Trinitlnit IL mulch Saturday in mm Wining MORE SPORTS ON PAGE 21 SAVE $105 ON THIS NEW OLYMPIQUE ilun oi AN STIL GET BIG ETRA mun nunmo mu 901ml tutorials noon twvn new town LTD20 Altmitud edition at strong swiit beautilul machino Inspired by Olympinuo the worlds inruostsoilinn snowmobllo itd nvnliablo now tor the iirst timoThia altar is good to limited time onlyyour only chance to got this spacial machine at this special price Son this Iimilod cdllion machine and all the new SkiDoc models at nunrustparticlpating doator odd9072 hasmcresoinslotm iLE PRT SHGP SKIDOO SALES 8t SERVICE COR STEELE 8t BLAKE STS incurox immmmu mutual 39900 VALUE NOW$ TIhilltilludUilwlngIMIM Nmmnh 31m rutimuim Domian ZAlit mi Eilllullwtlilldll tilUtltihltlrl in nettlhi mi Nitlurluluin man tint in Iilvmlmltlml llmllrtl 800 AM TO 900 PM MON T0 SAT 7286094

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