Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1971, p. 5

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or for ro be luv3 Opposition Criticism 0f Closure Rebuked BRADFOle 15m OW spckumen slum on io rnrnczx guillotine in debate drew slurp rebuke John Robert up in nu man from mea ou Here to deduce tlm the uncle affair was one mock pchncal heroic and not genu me or blur opposition you would bangle be curred said the Liberal representative for York 53312 riding in reference to zucer Rule 750 team cued lhe closure bill ije guillotine was used tnl Fm close the committee sure dcbufe on tax reform galaan lfr Roberts report ing debate will close on the thud and nal stage this week and the legislation will than male in he Senate and be IrvI probed hopefully before the end or Ihe year CLAUSES cxfenslte om which hasl so clauses provides for intrau ol lax exampliuns which will aid loner income groups Ilet uhcrc if was rcporled that mid die lncumc groups from 310000 up wlll be fund with higher in come lax Provision also is made for the first lime fcll capital gains tax The bill changes the lax setup for most businessu and EL provisions also make up employment insurance benefit puymans subject to income tax Opposition spokesmen have asked that the extensive bill be splif willloue secuon dealing with income tax and the other caplfhl gains and corpora tax Air Roberts referred to one Conservative member Steve Pa pmskl of Edmonton whom he described as rising in mock fury in attempting togrip the bill in half Unfortunately the legislation was too thick be rip and the effect of indignation was diminishe as Mr Paproski brake info laughter reported the member Member of Parlia mcnlthcniselves have an addi tional $5000 tux free exemption besides the regular exemption of others in discussing what he termed the mock political heroics Mr Roberts commented in his letter times like these the 101m mans is not at best Members become lrrilnted and frustrated and their natural partisan bins comes out in buckling and out culls To the Visitor the Com sometimes gives the im ting society often think wuld be better for visitors House to attend commu nmnulim out ch Gammon beiletlldna of the do fuiic memberl do 11w mcmln5 period tend to fmmali GUILLOTINE RULE The York Slmcoe Liberal member who was 58 in Navem bcr predicted the guillotine rule will be uslxi within the near lu lure to ullocuie the time for all bills in the House ofCnmmons which is made up of elected rep resentatives of the people He reported this is the procedure now followedjn Great Britain The public and political sclenusls will wonder why we put up so long with system that encouraged such delay and waste of time in procedure and constructive work the outsiderueqmsuao roux mums arr rmslmcoe Mamba binHobch said it was re markable but no surprising that the British Parliament took only six days to cum no decision on entry to the Common Market which he described an dcdalbn cumman complex and revol utionary than the Canadian tax reform bill dcbafc that goes on longer than six dikys inevitably becomes lacklustre and rcpltimu he suggested as he added Six days is also sufficient with mod ern communications to alert the public to What the human is doing SPEAKING FOR RECORD Tho Yorklmcoe member sug Officers Elected By Ladies llid STAYNEB Skiff Mrs Nor muu llnch hns been elected president of the Ladies Aid or East Noitawusagu Presbyterian church for the new term Mrs Alex Currie and Mrs Jim hchermid are Lb new vino presidents with Mrs Dick McQueen secretary chasurer and Mrs Alex Currie assistant Mrs Sanford Alkln and Mrs lim Johnston were appointed auditors via he slid that MP Ire weak ing for the record HilCommans is to be ef festive and relevant in the need of the dedntaic he conclud ed it must adopt more business like procedlncs than the can it Undemocralic Bynard Asserts HAWKESIONE 33519ch of dosh to choke eff debate on tax bill in Parliament was armed inucusnblc by Dr Rynord MP Cun scrvative member for North Simcoe The riding member argued this procedure should only be used in use of national cm ergeocy in the present in stance the elected represen tative of Lhe people of Can ad should have full opportun ily lo have their say in the House Prolonged debate in es place in Parliament only when there is very subslnnv unl opposition throughout the country to some government measure in the present in stance the tax bill be said He was particularly critical of the government in introdu cing closure before all the terms of the lcgslniion lvcrl oven presented in purlilr meat forming this truly incredible situation in par llamcntary democracy CHARGE ITl ENTERTAINMENT NOTES COLLECTS STORIES Canndlnnnnctcl John Callous ror stories and would like to stun hu ownhlvilfun series withlhcm usuzg repenon cumpuy OFFERS NEW PLAYS The Factory Tbcnlrc Lab in Toronto is presenting 10 new plays by Canadian playwrights this season GETTING REAEY The CBC television series on the DiefcnbukerPenrsou yours The Tenth Decode has been two years in production PLUhIMER IS HOST Canadian oclor Christopher Piummer will be host and nor rotor for the CBC dramadocu mentary on the life of play wrlght George Bernard Show he suggested aulmruuulllln or nuslcmnuluun pom mumn IT IS JULIE Annuws AT liEll BESTfm scanum ALSO SECOND FEATURE ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY BOTH FEATURES aole mm mom OLIVER REED Recommended on Lil 6150 Adventurers 11111 Nothing has haan all out Tha Adventurers lllEAlliilillllliS we imllmilllllillvulllllr use hullmlllills SAMANTHA EGCAR JOHNM EN ANATOLE Elwhiamo THE lADYINTHE CAR with glasses and gun currently in production mlm mum nulmnlnmu NOW PLAYING 10 Rillingion Place mm Lady In The Cal pm Prodictim mu lummrmmr abuse collection old hm Pricu BRUI arm SHAVE shower LMION 32 oz he Iwwl PI alm Hiya rrllr DESERT FLOWER GIFT SET N0 6138 Contuins Dusting Pow der 02 and Spray Cologne normal SCULPTURE cmcu rommc earn on 20 01 yellow white all 3151732 f2 NEWS BARRIE UNISEX WEDNESDAY DEC 15 171 More Pupils Show Interest In Midhurst Tree Nursery MIDHUMT 3mm lSLiLI lures use County and secondary her firm of office Thomson treasurer elude Mrs Herman lilumbcrsnn and Mr Thomas Hcmslcy auditor OZ Woolwnrfh Woolworth Bull sun Price The Onlario look part in these ours are nursery proved be popular alum firm for the 75 school c1351 um organized bus mun this put yur through this part of Sim lfore than 3600 elementary school from various pm of Southern Pupils Creemore Group Makes 1972 Plans CREEMORE Staff Plans for another may program of ac tivifies for lSl with the summit lower show again the highlight have been dmcussed by Cree more Horticultural Society Mrs William Williamson is the new president of the organiza Lion succeeding Mrs Herman Gillespie who was commended for her active leadership during frs Harch Gunning and Mrs Carl Abbey were elected first and second Vicepresident respectively with Mrs Norman McLeod secretary und Mrs Chosen as two year dlrcclors were lirlt Grant Knighf Mrs Van Klilyem Miss Max laws and Mr and Mrs Gerry Lamers Oneycur directors in Gillespie Mrs Hermon hicckny Ms and Mrs Seven narcciatn director olcc ted were Miss Nelda Loqeer Mrs Dunstan Mrs Dlev insan lifts Hayward Mrs Ir Hull Frank Gray and Jack Van Klnvcrn Jack Lemmcn is he WWw plum CEANTLLLY EAU DE TOILEITE SPRAY MIST 102 300 WOMENS MANICURE SET Apprunmnnely one half of ma classes wen from schools in in the Mmpullun Toronto area Seeing some so minim seed lings in their successive stages of 5th never com in name mmt pupils who lour this fans tree nursery operation During their four the pupils can com pure the newly germinated seedlings emerging into their first year of growth to the lime and four yeuroid seedlings aver aging lo 14 inch in height Through these observations pupils can guin some ammo ion of the lime spun and the care required in growing Lbcsc seedlings to shippnhle size When these factors are minted in the size and development of the trees growing in 35yearold red pine pluntnhon the signifi cance of time and can once again becomes very meaningful To rclnlc forest tree seedling pmduclion with the program of reforestation in Ontario part of the tour is spoof in observing the multiple benets that can be derived from csfublishcd forest tree plantations on um nursery three and four decades ago on waste lurid with scedlu its from Lhc nursery now provide crops of pulpuuod shelter and huhifnt for game as well as on other advantages of soil rind wafer conservation 50Derccnt increase in the number or schools participating over the previous year indicates growing interest in this type of outdoor classroom study Tours can be arranged by wrif inn lo the Midhurst Forcsl ncu Nursery department of lands and forests Midhursf CHARLESCRAFT CLAIROL KINDNESS MIST 0R DR HAIRSETTER K320 Woolworth Sula Price ELECTRIC CURLING IRON Not oxnclb as lllus No sis Beef Conference Planned At Guelph 0311ng in Beef IS Lbs ml at inc day symposium in be and pan of me dzallrarcs mullurc conference at the Lnivenu of Guslph The purpose of the sympasnun is to review and dene fume developmu of the beef lndlz uy whim Elm day of the symposium will be dcvold in examxnln Lb world ulna lion for beef The second day will mm the modern Lech pology available in the produc Ycrk COW mainly from wilh Speakers and men lupus in ma rst sislun include Dr Swiuer Dniuiin Agrimxluuul Colleg Beer Rescind and OAC partmenl of agricultural econo mics Ind extension education unlvmny of Guelph Canada Ontario Beef Immeemmt As soclauan The sun of uric Beef Winch and Wakins Science Department Crap Folcnfinls Oninrin Dcpanmcnl of agricul lure and food and Professor Wright department of agncul lural economic and extension nlives Present Associate an om Professors Crop Land Abraham Needed and Graccy manager of the Cunndinn Callie mcns ASSUClUOD needed What is Topics In be covered in the second day Mil he cmssbrced Inc toms feeding management sys lcms and future systems of Mir analog Prufcssurs Wilton King und Burgess dcpuercnt of animal and puulfry science Un ivcrsily of Guelph Jam or the SLeuun seed Company and Arnuld of the Royal Bank of Canudu alternate pins 535 speakers will include HAIR RULING JOHANNESBURG Snulh Al ricn MP Convinced that long hair is not crickct an the cricket fluid affiduls ordered Cndldillli fur the Transvaal cum in wear their locks of rcusonnblo length Woolworth Sale Price 619 WOOLWORTH SALE PR Building Wasaga SAGA 5mm Cu1 Wasaga Beach are continue to be busy wle Lhc toul value of 1571 permits sued covering building ammos at slow Phelpston Leads Elmvale Hockey PHELPSTON Stuff Phelp slop Vyevnlc and Ferklnsfield are the three leading rum in hockey league Into The Phelmton loam ran up streak of sewn slraighl wins but was closely followed by Wyevule who Won flvc lied one and last only one Pcrkinsfleld in thld spot won four lost two and and our hfntlinc and KlL each on one lied one and last five whllc hlidhursf won one and iqu six Elmvale aruna Baxter Farmer Wins Crop Trophy ALLISION ISIJID Charles liurshnli of Baxter has been nu ccivin friends after rcccivlng King Calcium watch rccognl championship of lhe Five Hund rcd Bushol club The presentations were mode at the annual awards banqqu held here During the program Roch Taylor Alllsinn noy Scouf who offended lhc inmborcc in Japan last summer showed films Inkcn during his lrlp Mr lulshull placed first in Lhc club in this dons qualify section who PHARMACY Woolworth Pharmacy Operated by Findlnql Philan Lu CHANEL N0 EAU DE COLOGNE 425 1300 ICE the Elmvule senior lndcpcndulL The games are played at the alulations all Cmp Improvement trophy and Lion of him winning the ovcrxlll world Lllc yield and cxhlhiLs sccfion of colupc Dcnnis While do also was honored as Wlnnlx cf the Nears Record Causal was advised om the mainlme value fl 92mm Ls sued during the pan two week amounxd sussou Thu brings la years toul close in last year more of 3135255 1nd uu could be reached by the and of one my Cluccll also discussed plea for improvement on Lb comm Lion of the overhang on the perks building which all agreed was nccemry request for conditional permit for development of the Bay Colony Esmfcs on tbs1w ouncesion as rmlnclcd ltd dcnllnl area also was discusnd ms property had been desig nuwd rcsidenlzl by the gov cmmcni pun and the ling planning board Dave Tucle project planner Jack Holley William Alnlny were present and unsucrvd questions Rocve Eugene hupcrin and Councillor Douglas Ansley wan in favor of the candlllunll per mli Deputy Reeve Clair Rob arisen who moves up to reeve in January said he would like to delay dccxsiun unol plannln consultant report was rocclv and ml was favored by ma jonfy DISTRICT BRIE rs GRANTS APPROVED ODLDWATER slam grant of Slot in the Humnle Ag ricultural Society blu been up prmcd by ihu Goldwater munici pni rouncil The members also volcd so grant la the Cold wzliLr Lions club in help the Suan Claus parndc financing WBMAN COUNIJLLOR MIDLlND Staff First mun councillor cver elected in Midland Mrs Catherine Dion will be inking her declaration of office bolero lilo inaugural meet ing of the new term in Jun uury Mayor Tom McCullough und colicagucs were elected for one year llGRESS COLOGNE EXTRAORDINAIEE Oz AFTER SHAVE LOTION oz Available in Timberline 350 and Lime Euch In colors pink with tapered Woolworth HA KARATE REGULAR AFTER SHAVE AND COLOGNE GIFT SET Sale Price Woolworth 214 01 After Shave Talcum Spiny Deodorant oz WOOLWORTH SALE PRICE OLD srlcrecllrr scr Na 3304 Contains After Shave Lotion 259 02 Features self Woolworth Sale LADY SCEICK CAPRICE ELECTRIC SHAVER No 108 stainless steel head and whisper quiet motor sharpening 077 Price 1iL7 ziaai prov My =55 par2e

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