Elle Em Examiner wszmrnsnn arc rs rm Body Of Elderly Man Found Following Booming House Fire Coroner Dr Baxter said this morning that an autospy being performed to determine the Police are trying to locate next of kin and idmtiiy man in his as who was iaund dead follow ing rooming house re about cause of death He said them am today were some unnatural aspects to Firemen were called to Peel the death bug to ay is no iSt and quickly extinguished the amu which wan conned to Vthe mans room The building is owned by Karl Busewwz Ambulance Slides Oil Road On Way To Mishap Near lilliston tigating the accidean had not Smpleted his report this morn No estimate of damage to the cur was maria and the hospital otiicial said spare ambulance would he picked up in Toronto for usc until decision is made whether or not to repair the on damaged last night NEAR COOKSIOWN There was smoo damage lo car driven by Victoria Hunt er 22 Tower Ores Barrie which went all Highwayas lust W131 W9 Wm 740 face charges under the Nnrco nlsht Lie control Act and the Food The car rolled over in the ditch and Drug Act All 45 were mandnll cither Dec 21 or Jan 11 dates are not trial dates merely tho day on wblch to ermine data for trial No pica were heard Tuesday The court appearances or the is accused allowed seven gmsmmtmns 3x131 half 110 13 Sari Bates that ha ay ZI com CE the Barrie City Police Depart 20 ed He said he did notemct an inquest would be convened happened early morning between Alliston Colgon car rolled over in ditch persons and an mhulance called to the scene tram Alliston also slid oil the mod Stevenson Memorial llos piiul ofcial said neither of the amhuinneo crew was hurt and un ambulance was cuiicd from Dr ongevillo to pick up the persons inlurcd inhtho rst accident and bring tbcmto hospital Twu were released and two were admitted for observation units nil can tall you he said no or constable laws but no ono win reported ini Only Two Seriorls llccidenis 0n Slippery City Streets Damage to the vehicles was estimated at $600 Fifteen persons appcnrcd in The raids were the result Court Tuesday to an extensivo investigation rind out over the weeks by Barrie poiico and RCMP but Justice of the rcucc iur do those rounded up Despite poor traffic conditions there were only two serious ac at the corner phia strccts at $310 pm yes terday Drivers wore identiedas collided on Hayfield St noor Grove St Both cars were southbound Diane Dorian 2E of rm the Stole From Base Exchange Midland passenger in Laurice Dunn RR Shim um 15333 oppy mm 224 Toronto Man Fined Ialled lnluries pitol treatment New Racing Car Is Top Item Ior Santas Sleigh In Barrie is also big sciicr this year Bayiield St Raymond Des her 26 of Toronto was sentenced to one day in jail lined $200 and put on probation for nine moths who be ap cured in Provincial Court iuo oy to face charge or theft over $50 Dcsrochers who was the as told Judge Cnmblin slnco his arrest Dcslocllcrs made cumpictc restitution lions He said that marital alien from his will and poi oillcr toy ds ndsmost Accolum to all will 59 Issnn pfme household appliances between watch little television it generally excepted that toys ad crtised duringl prime ddy time ratethe highest on the is FisherPrice educational toys Although more expensiv than and most they are good quality Willi with guarantee Si smng the my Manly mu Health Unit Explains Bsons For No Septic System Approvals soil conditions arcno longer pre sent clay tile will freeze and Simcoo County th Unit Ilili stood firm on its decl Inn not to Inspect septic ton brcai with moisture and stones nsiullntiolls or make any ap lroczp trimmer1 Errgvrgi said en wor url mvals niicr cccmber 50 of me why sun is to movo and the tank tile and in health unit report Dr and tile bod Installation and prove it the approval meat last your in lllnisiii township six systems were inspected early December and in Oro townshlp only two There were none ln any oi these areas from January to the end of March in other years our men have lnapcciud those systems but have approved them only as far as tho number of tile etcctera and have noted aldwrso weath My Armbrnsi mcdlcnl olllo ihmm mm mum um mlfft hm 91 um ed in taking such 112 TEE hetause tho iIIaII iiiu mm is broad wshIch supports is no longer lpllson at me Vlfvghct helai dtogethcr by 05 She ii do Amuuu said low con Lilleclots check tractors put in systems oncc sewn tank winter weather comes She said in contractor hos lit in ul gllclcnlly sized tonklllnd til land it proper grades and stone ulitfgnsr soil conditions The rmwyfili count on re to work The miner also knows tho bed biibo placed high onougll on any rock or barrier or any watcr table so pollution con 5v Christmas program of to cymn past several Bail ms originally aet at on our cash or small rampart by it my own recognizance it should at th By mid nutch ycsmmuyv least reduce the amount of nine of the 15 arrested had pose pd bail und Judge Cami Palmer and Noel he reduced from cidcnts overnight on city streets At 11m cars driven by Jnc $1000 DAMAGE anI Ontario Provincial Police BAIL HIGH cures Seguin ACFB Borden and There was 51000 damage to at Barrie and Royal Canadian lilr Palmer said that the bail Barbara Morcnu RE Midland two cars involve in an agcdidgnt Mounted Police from Oriilin set at the time or tile urrcsts Ross Bllan Pillcy dClencc counsel that he had no previous convic hud recently led to his separ II the words out Santas can fh will he Carma mam course we modelhaln 5m slstant manager or the Base Ex 5p racers this yen 33 any always populan um um change at Bose Borden pocket out that lilo thefts had been deal when the fame buysho ed total oi $645 rum the sole crude slmplo and stupid of Stwcu tape deck land two Mr Murphy said it was the type at crime committed by person in position II trust and hilich 3i might departmet oltglrlitmai 0d and Oct sores isplllicllal curls 5c no lms iiim5 as illhlzbilthdEe ml bohemian sic shillreunionislet in second pluco larcHSizchr than ever bolero so ls Mac ggpdulpntcashtstagheg un elm he Lug mnlsldercd 1me ms and lump rum ior boys ramc tho crochetlooklng weave ran sea osrw ila male comp etc or Chrissy and Velvet dolls for attained by using lour or live chm car sniper an employee human and said he would sirlsaull games generally in different knots Teenagers like become susplclous muld that ho had arm eluding of course the all time making belts in Macrame Iavoritc Monopoly If you still arent sure or what Another big favorite this year to buy for the youngster up at Oakley Park school Bolero For youngsters inst about the next best thing to open ng presenu on Christmas morning is Wam down the toy aisle during er While mum my else where trying to decide which is their very ascribe lay it Is big decision and gets harder evcry yur with all the new dolls teddy bears cars trucks and grim cowdinz Lhe aisles AT Lm nine month old iiary Leuke Reu son lookm almost like teddy bear heat doesnt know quilt what to make of the funny allow beside her AT RIsz David and Debbie Evans am hann great time spinning tops nnmw Eight year Martin Vcenstra is daydream in about being bi hockey star someday himself maybe like aobby err Examiner Photos by Peter Nabisco 15 Charged Alter Raid Appear Get Remanded was simply unattainable and that there had been no exnnl ROAD unto at or inntinn or circumstance the llc referred to the bail all Mr Buics ui Douglas Earish lr Pulmcrl and keep the accused in lull that there reduction Judge Cambiin recalled the six defendants who were sock and when In oi prosecutor reducing tho bail to $2000 cash and 82000 pro ing reduction in then was no obiccilon Bruce Owen speci he consented to per that had and larc Gary ix Steven Morrow Barrie pair 23 Dumiiion 21 lilinets Douglas parish 26 of addrcs rift nted scheduled to Jun ll arc John Black avid Boin 20 act rlu no Barry Morrow keep Wayne RR PREPARING FOR CONCERT llT OAKLEY choir is doing here Mrs Bcu Bell blows notqon the pitch planner George as blanket bail and seated lthat it the court did notsco lit Mood thab speaking on behalf agreed with argued that the main function of ball was to insure attcrldunce not solely to Judge Cambiin at first said Ihnii had already been set and had been no change ill circumstnnccsto warrant in Those who are to appear Dec llli 22 Rodney lurk Barr George Point no Vnyno liocklcy Sherry Newman 17 appear 24 Wayne Phillips 24 Bar Barrie Barrie Kopitoski 22 Barrie Stroud RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SIX Planners Want Studies Before Recommendation ofcial plan states that Lite min ne clly planning board wants to son plnpu studies oi ulc road and trniiic needs Ior residential district six bciorc making any recommendations to city coun i0 ell about amending the oilicial be given plan for the arm IllLl Ics lo withdraw irom Most at be problems nlcnliml this no lun now or to continue ed by residents at public bear 11 ll on the proposed amendments hrd last Thursday night dculi in with the location of high density housing and trafc problems particularly in the urea west ui Anne St that is new largely un developed The planning board last night went through the list oi ObILC lions and discussed many length us well as listening to further comments hoth lrom city Gray and plun hing consultant David Beasley who prepared the dralt plan Specically the hon lglgestv ed study or the possllllilty oi diclcnl road layout tllruugil the pram relocation at school sites more scattering or the Iliulwmd mediumdenslty designations and the allocation oi parkland Fcar that an extension ui Cun cllcs nd would llecumu city bypass and bring Ilcuvy lmlllc into in residential area eoltcc ll cd the planners Iilr Beanie shill most of the tram ill ti gt would be generated Ill illc lrict and suggested the by pass idcn could be avoided by ending Cundlcs Rd at Eilgtlllll Dr instead or dalu Dr The tumor plull be or iginnl oiiicinl plan but wot limit iiicd at the request of city Dip ginecrs Val Bruckcr suggested that the board instruct the lullner to al 1ow commercial us tor the iirst floor of one or more apartment buildings in the district DISCOURAGE IT This type or illillg Is done quite successfully in Ilupc he said lill Gray said planners would recommend only two or three small convenience sinrcs in each cluster of uparlmuuls and said they would not encour age any commcreilli develop ment that would take business lrom other commercial eenlrcs in the city Board chairman Gcnrgc liar per reminded the members Ihtll the proposal at the moment Is very loose and the board is bound ti nothing in it Ald Macmillan mem her or the board sugpcstcll that PARK SCHOOL or Photo 5039 or conditions which mi ht inter thn son to cordcr choral ondotring mu concert there is tho task trost cuter wmpeggygmli $2353 the on mes sic took place last oi oi tunlnil up as tho lllaior pipe as the chorr listen tor Jack Stullnr sponsorine llle distr sultunt it help the city planners He also said Mr Stellar should CllilligCS the board is mntornplai the cue to start Examin be thanked or the extent ol illr con cilancc to say who light oi the build assmlancc in should also advise liir six six plan imum size like this Is ls acm Illc board members noted that Mr Beaslcy had worked on um assumption um ullc ul luc school arcns had been plirchasLll and um County Board is planning to They suggested Lllat ii the school board could be convinc ed to sell that site and pur lor community park there this our similar that the district plan up punu In ggSgrwgdmgyscgjgg his time Mr zllncmllluu said considmmy rrulmlcnr mumc Residential District Six llcs The board members were par north ol iligllwuy loo between ticllidriy interested in wnys or Formula Rd and Sunnidaio Park dispersing the high density de and is bounded an on north by rplopmems and Mr Beasley do Cundics Rd and its proposed Lltv yr ended Ills proposal by saying tension um any were placed close to Developer Siollur Iladhoncd collector roads to allow access to got those alnclldmcnis to the to downiuwn wlihout carrying the city plan nppruved bciorn recon licuvy apartment trnfiic through strupilon work on Anne St is oi the single family areas done in order to rebuild thl lllr llruckcr said hed like to street according to the oiiiciul lluve ti Parks cud Recreation pinndcsigna ll comm ion justifyth hccd Tor Mr Stall erolvcmcnt in lsacm pork nndMr Gm tho paying of the consultant was In part explained thrsdcciston topic or conch uclusrmcrs by supmg lllat recreation needs llcurinc and some mesons have cllauccuml enough roomisrleed suggcsiml the city prepare an ed lo allow lor flexible use of alternate ohm or discussion be is the parkland over the years The fore acting in it ome 0111191 Would Stay On The city planning board will have lit least two new faces next year but some of the other mumbch could decide to stay on and provide the neces sary continuity to the board Chairman George liarpcr had indicated he might resign but last night said that hed stay on because of the public interest and attendance at last weeks public hearing on residential dis irict six His term expires in in two years in try to remember the board point of View when deal in Thompsons icrrn ex our but he said last night hed be willing to serve llililiil ii experienced men are needed lle said hed alsu likc it new blood and was nd there will denitely be two new laces on the rd next clll ilc Vnits term expires till your and he will devote lull time to his Public Utilities Cum Gordon Craig can go ahead with plans forloyzmsqunreEoot burhc shop on Hayeld St it llcs Him to my 725 In lieu of providing parking spaces the planning board decided last night Alli lllacmillun dclcml Cd lilo proposal saying that till piece of lurid Is there and dc vclllpuhlc and the assessment of cash rather than parking spaces MINOR INJURIES Hugo llechiluus of Barrio was the driver of ii car Invuivcd in an accident early this morning on County Road 10 north of Baxter An uuidcntilicd onseng or and the owner of the ear Douglas Drinkeli stirrerc minor cuts and bruises Damage was estimated at $500 TWO CARS Damage to the vehicles in field St last ed at $1200 vchicics involved were vnth of Barrie month citing press re incss as ins nosuli the office and Jack Morrison the board this your lull city council theyll again be its representa tives ice will ll the vuivcri in two car collision hour the marl sioro on Bav lligilt was estimat lhc drivers of tho Ralph Rood Hart and Model Tcrcz lion cut llc told the beam hed llilll an eventful mac and would planning with we expun Bruce Bipelow ucd or bus for leaving lniiinn on Aldermen will decide whether ll sllikillg commit ululnclni persons to at seals lilr Molilsou litlr lhc agree Tllc cuu merit oi the other bullrd memb ers congratulated lr ilorpcr on the way be handled the pub lic meeting last rk and said It had been plcubluu to be Is soeiatcd with him He CanHave His Barber Shop Ii He Pays $4725 Parking lee vuuld uclu the city expand ils nilstreet Illis Aid Jack Morrison minted out to the planning board that he was mlsquotud and Alli lllck liinclnrcll was the man who said hir Craigs proposal was prel eruble to the litter presently rui lccting in tile small Icuic just south ol Dunluu st TIl nlpsull said Ito llidllt like lllc mill lluucll lilo icc lol palking would dclcr lr Craig Locnl FINDGENERAL WILLOW tliillli itubtl eurson of lili Barrio poll injury early this morning when iris cuv rolled oil the road into the dilCIl Thu misbup occurred on Cun of Vosprn Twp ncur Willow Creek Damage to the vehicle was is iimatcd it $400 suPrnny ROADS Ttrllld conditions on all mainr liigilwoys around the barrio urea Null no 27 it and ml were dcscl ed as bare and ch this morning with in few sillle and slippery patches by spokes man from the Department or Transportation and ca Communi lions i=rhfir71rril1uq