Active Season For Central UCW lime mines no mo tCPi grads plank 603 sine 45m and The United Church items at The new late hinder or mm Central United Church brought 19127 Wu re and adopted ew chg lhe Oldlah in mi acurluesla in dose lose clacwd were lmtallcd in 51 slrhnelifluwmm ln wmtux mllegurmbulrld Ffudi gt The dlnnrr wns hrld in tb rm WV unis EXAMDER MONDAYDECEMBEB 11 In many Maumm chur th than 00 mm mm datis made todn mt th ch he W9 lltmar prunith Mrs Chris tangyltuiblg guest ukiitng mm mm were fat of ugly dull slawt one age mu museum pas ms lift ii iii Nutritious Peanut Butter Bread 33 Rue 3933 Doldsc Eminent strum gambit xulmalshcpm she Gllhztmru vinepresident all asmund up mostlmo Asbtnn has rage Sense Mm Gwen mm mm OI nac 1mg all dolls and rth sins htst be wguv 33 vice presidan 551s natty cause you dumvzr dull umommgec VS gimp Brim Rectum secrelary No matte how the kids in aluminum lull and slum at man the twin pm Mn Dobg PM 11 Mn Betty spew squeal and squirm theyve got roam temperature overnight dour mm it north having Em in secretary MnJay Fmdiny mdown good breakiast Math Jo serve su portions Cm Thu most soughtulttnr dolls Em Irenxurcr Miss Joyce ernssc us know this in many house bread into twelve slim Spread he 0pm ALLOCATE FUNDS mama bold its daily battle and the each vyth cream cheese and fed name an and Ju Mrs Dobsou conducted brie Chwmm dedcd amp mum best way to eltoctn truce tt not currth lolly T91 ezuJl with men mm 99 buslnm much during which ship and mm mint 3m complete magnets tug pear sume Terzutic 233nm 23 Winds 14mm mum rim turf xm Wheels Mrs Murg hicCalga we sum mum mfb W131i Literature und communications it theres one thing mast 81 mm mm um um Dame him Orr Community yaungslcrs like bellm than pen she imparts triendhip and visiting Mrs nut butter in brand it just niunche hllnns5wwurtkhlnlild might be peanut butter in 31cm OAnm Essa Road much Mm mg bread Its easy to Prepare and cups Wam $991 13mg 5C Sgcmcg it is good lz dried apricot halves lt Installs Otcers Brsmcd m=5mrtm For lilXIXb tram nch childch 5m Mn hiarlorie Dobsou Pro Esau Road Womens Assoclat an toned cream cheese and Sell cups quick or cl dash SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCERS hon mct at mild Towers Res 3233hifnl3rgml top with pear slices Ah Iotlledaoraglg Guzman tnurnnt tar Christmas dtn The Scottish Country Dance ucrdmpanlcd by Babby Frew ertl lram Barrie were Mr and her party It short business mect QUICK return 3mm inta hunchthick slices ls hclu Christmas auntll Toronto lCctflliDnIsI The Mrs John ltlcCaw cf they In allowed There were 28 mm sliwmds rcprscmm BREAD tablespoons butter or mar ll night at thtIYWCA group trnm Scarborough ricr pericrm an allrmnmlc used in members present rm Mr Jam was my 11 cups alllrd allpurpose saline dancers irnm Sillleoe inrmexludemonstrallan during many al1h dancu tExnm The meeting was canducted by PM 530 rs fume flour Brown will County and Scarborough pnr the evening Among the rhino incr Photo Presidcnt lrs Jenn McFadden la cu granulated sugar Milk or cream chrtrtlnn nnd rmsslemuy educn hung The dancers were Dclotlntu were taken by Mrs tab capoon baking pint or ri ill uon arm Slulg mm teaspoon salt Comban water apricots und ltIr cIt Scan made 5th vm cup firmly pucked bruwn suit in large slluccpnn bring Mary Jory thelo Unit Miss be su ANN ton Mrs Marshall wna ap wmmrod my 50cm Acum sugar nu on pointed to look nitcr delivering UH r5 Dayan pnnridge ll cup peanut butter Cook one minute or quick oats fruit baskets and plants to sick cup quick or oldvlushilmed stirring occasionally Cook mo nnd shutin members at Christ mi 51 $gh 0an minutes or longer ior olnluh hlle He On Dlalm K101 leg Clvt enter to wtlts Presbterlnl CHRISTMAS Pnoonim CUP mm as an sun at dinner hgrnm at entertainment Huncc pnekngo cream minutes Saute npple slices in NEW EXFCUTIVE h3hbyb Chflecllnlctslalllimle ll ligrllicdr lllulllllcbnlrll MiloEl tuluy nr Yy lt Th MINI We 1972 ahnp gracuplsanlc The Friend curs cut In thin slices range upnlu allecsln swirls an Wm 53$ ship unit presented it humorous Slit iirsl tourlnprculcpls td bowls of hot aurth outmwl PW Slim sltlt emphasizing the run Chrlr gather in bowl Stir In brown Sprinkle wnt brown sugar und ner Ann Heres the story was heurtslck tn dlscovcr thnt ggwgd Pllglmdcmvm tlnnity Mrs lliury Gould tram sugar Cut In peanut butter until serve with milk or cream what do do about It in the event at her death nnhble Arpfggcc $3133 the lVohcio Unlttcnd Elihu mlxlubru rAedSumblus cnnrso iullfl lolhlcly ll l3llrrl3lfllil Flemlnm Summ Mn $35 illslltlngfhuEunnl fnllll lirring udltlufiml breaktust null Yes shed love to go to dd WIL not even mentioned Nat webbCTlcnsur9fgt rsln Scru Unit enve some timely and very Paul batter into greased TILL RM in She was waiting tor him in even rusty pin did she thinkta mar gggcggw 31 fcn amusing anecdotes Blxlllelinch lnnI pan umn campus 300115 bervclluu aehed 1232 Isa 29 mm mm Wob5Kmr cm The rcgulgr unit meetings will Burlltc lltclso1 grccshf Wout TRY EgagllNEEmhglllNT ADS EXCEPT 0N SATURDAYS Dug ICI email IESIlmD II IIlluil one our 00 NONE rap and yes pretty itiwgushsuyl means Her husband leit Ilcr fungal CW Kigali Eislm fqmmn kg 10 fdi memflblc Lunch lllrs Cllccsman or Then hedecldedthc what slilp Mrs ll Webb pr may very exciIIng Hwyik Gnd the 55 wow grttm Mrh ll Wnrnlcn pub So may we de um Na negative and my daughter rel llclty Miss Welih Curd nec mdwkh lm Ccchd claim blll at health but rm Mrs wcbb he mum so wmewhm urn cruphcd to think thul she and park She said 0x Sud would maa ml IIWIS 313 mil dent he decided he didnt want to pitk and drove her home tuchl new 11 no out or Denr DCl Children usuully he asked what she would have outlive their parents and lm KEEP lN CAN do and men nutc thin was why your dnulzll It Is best to refrigerate un dcddtsd to rapeher She ter did nnt menllon you in her servedertions at canned load never thnupht nbout will Say nothing and mark it up In the or ginnl container Trims that he mailed Well think had pulled gun or knlio to her will to litmus turrlng to number contnlner in upon it helm you accept an taken his wallet his watch and cnlli with 011 cml ercnscs contuminntlun other blind $12 raster Tell hlnll it think nlzllt trlel She not CM an clorc pc line or womanEln wllhzut laylnlg strange girl STmengmgmdm MAIN vnanrnnu grl Gwen DIIIO is incl thlud MILLm it 133 illlff 5hggggngulgclg hnrmtui tn rmhh chill it he muff guaggxulgblalrm came home to My bratth Zn that he call ti mnrriugc counscl wt chm bmu Hw hm in cnhhdu nucoumlng or him the phone numbf Any 55 tar and muku un eiiort to have bml match have ma twothirds at Ill value 01 vlculNnmb cc what he hm at humc nephew wlia Wlklfuunll cnt km 0d Anne opulhuhty your cu brother he nccds lng whutuvec he Ilnd in nsh 41 Fr hulhnnd told you or the incl My truyil Illil parents IIHISI hlh dent which rnnltcs him look bully needs the sulphur Hland little betterbut not mIICII NO COMMENT mintruin hu gcta from the ghr 10 GROUP Itnk him thlti question Whnt Dem Ann Landon You have huge They luy thats why ho There are 10 llngulstlc pruupll would lily have dune II the girl 91de great mun people does it Illt unlurc wny Arc oi Indium in Cnnnda with 54 av rough Emu Aha they rightICallccrned rcluted languages and dialects lives hope yhu ln help me Braille at ItI wildlgmritmglte rn yen have and Home hurnt matches but it MANUFACIURERS Mrs Marshall Named President The Zinn Presbyterian Grnun Angus met at the church hall on Dec at pm Mrs Mills opened the meeting with pruycr with 13 members prenl llle clcelllln nillcers was litsltl Inr the DIMIKICVII Mm tlm und vItttprtbldcnl Mrs Helen Iqu tccrctnry treasurer Mrs 11an Steam Iltt committees will he ltlrmed inr llrngrnnl devntlcnal retreati Ladle cnmlni year lrcna Marshall mollt untl service prnjects itlld membenhip at metling member uIItr thr Illt thllrtth EEII IIIEIlIImCIIIa til the Wadi turn tltl drill the hull ll htitvrct lllil Junuary the ynur ltiitl gills were tillllctl main linul Willi meeting rookie Wrumlttl ltlr shutint lllld tnm candy puckngcd ilntl pp Mr tin autumn utttnd linl were served ihtt PM meeting will III lluld Winnie itIlI II widow old son live nuur me prawn children and six grand children My cldeht daughter Is She tind her in lave till my grhnduhildrcn but clutter gcthcr The boys llinyn Clinic weeks 120 III Illt her physltll ior testb will IchOrjllc left and to Rubble because we have spent ho much tlmu Ic mllIllH want In Illc Ll lew suggestion of ltnhblc nlnycd with me My diiulzhlcl mnllc mlt ccltuinly will not do him ycur toad Icel NOT AVA ILABLE nukctl me to rlltd II in ltcr nIchncB II II you think diamond are too Christmas gift and think expansive look at ours again Here It Is Chrlstmna breathing dawn your neck tlnd you want to come up with nnmcthlng cxbru hpcclul Any leo lduuu Wn htwo at low gems diamond and gold something Iar neck Diamond curring ting pin or lirlltlvlct or iniltllnto tht youillont ltnow ubout diamonde ydurc sum to Ilnd atlt here lth our dlnmend wlndow mummt T=le Your Stunt Today by Cnniitclln lira nut available or publlcntiun todtiy The column will hppour us soon lll It becomes nvailublo JEWELLERS results Pot Luck Supper Party Modern Dolls nny MKE ROMANTIC WHIRL THROUGH IE HOLIDAYS Iler Itll the season far fashionable elegance For formal or casual formal attains Gieenwodds have wide and gorgeous collection of all styles of gowns and hairpant formuls Sizes to 20 All prices tot Iullllunnble eiepuncul 13 DUNUDP 51 7285 95 AM TO 9PM OPEN WEEKDAYS