TIIEEIIIST ICOLUIIIII WolvesHowI Ils Witches Prowl By KEN WALLS In this mnvle lune But it is of op einl take up and provide IN iiarric xatninrr dlan Newspaper Company Limited Id Street Barrie Ontario PublisherGeneral Manager McPhanon PAGE thy Published by Coma 16 Beyc Kerry anbie Emeritus MONDAY Big Responsibility Fading nty Task Force within 30 years Is to be broug tllned with su WITCH appeared vicinity recently At least odnlmed to be witch Be that spelling air us bid in nlxht at Managing Editor interest must of the third not the plied linen Ac Murrymg the mun LIme shrinersef America are holdlnztbelr snnunl curve llon Wives Club you should ed 1le be taken to or else All you inls ever forte night out is dinner at lllie or Orr Luke BAIYSXTHNCI Is my enco snleNuIJ we hav in Ward One in recent llamonthcld vid Chfnguacouly nn out of allied to duper It DI it Domh grocer to thought of In pretty irl It the will mm proled arm There Walls Editor careful of er was wondering tryou era howling thaw Hotel in Boston when the why the wolves outside my the other hale hen am up enme Iuat wan room looked on Shanty Boy Run in lull bloom in moisture Right belore my In old woman went by link no down no dozen block can our pet poodle un Surciy thcsoiera dark days which have camoover Barrie All because we rMiecv ted the old council WHICH 3RINGS lilEoII ol the dark llcs We had occulnn Thcrcsnst to Cullingwood which In only three bloc But it moved as Imm War to Word Ono whom the Bur Physlcol Research ting Vc hut oldcrmnnlc pusl All half dozen By the way In on Admirnl are chccry all th Grove But back In election It was discovered dormnn Frnnklln Hersey walla were not on In rs list any more Al unchpIII assessment Mayor Cookes In our Of course happen lI ono pnld bedroom window And there were on the doors So slnce rst thin to tho bathv and there over the moon was the midst of Iuve dimm this law Simcoe Cou 0e County com deal with the They 000 or more cient clarity ill have to bo gait unit Toron hope merit not been on Obviously broom Blah St were chasing dcr ladder In for gr Iound ouf bring Task Fore pact the plan on the county mired by the Ontario but it was 51 ptmindal election cam Task Force was pro Government delayed by the paign With the return ative govemm further delay must be made he tnkEn by the govemmen the Toronto reg As envisioned origin ii plan calls for communities in mas recreation areas when it learned it ational community felt that Orillia was growth 15 any other Its business ne of the Toronto plan questions have example Barrie populatlon of 100 summer out and buy some million Stom Wltot Ion thought 01 its and dog polng Lhrou checking counter was too much So round and discoch ncy next to In George at tho counter thauallt was on are 1350 Bill can of Scottl ll annmum dot truerKnown oyd Delaney on Elm Education ntailm submit recommend government outline there county con As purely cou Task Force impact on the ernment do not always what they have to be altered conditions dents espoc It should Design was com Toronto In mind gt ad tndumrial gr cts of developm pressure on Toronto and advantages like Barrie an vantages shop by the Task Force be adopted or should as to meet Barrio W11 to Inch from be important variatio dltions and appease of the Davis Conserv ent there is no need or Force report Iore serious action to implement Its east Two nty document the hould have vital the gov Toronto The Tar sport final decisions bureaucrats have the answors and recommended may have dranically to meet area of county resin hat The beer Item Caldwell presiding iconic told at that pic ot out rIo 50eg for must opclp cnndldntcs for lions Inst woo called In our area the Christmas list Cooks st on plan Ily the Toronto lion of certain as growth gricultural and Orillia was incensed at it would be more The city as much entitled to community partic rld industrial rival turn design with do cluding Barrie nd appmva laliy local councils not be forgotten elvcd with metropolitan The purpose was ovvth and create nt to relieve the The idea has merit to communities But these ad be spelled out clearly it also sets out Reverend LI coo Board cry My son rem Professor Kenneth partment of University Peter Iookinz Iar his class listl hopo yo handy and mots you known tomatoes of later vlnlng Pcterhorouzh about this room thor lunl aio Kc rem Cooknt good old class as coun Kidd IDs Ihat th lrcnt Banin volc though the arrlvcd just as Curtain won moogm furnishings this would no qnos taxes RICHARD news all Taro Illll He has served laminar In two cnpncliic editor and belongs to Press Club QUESTION VAND ANSWER TIME Wmauw erlwa Anthropology borouth still 801 ruminating have this could add spy cam Ihlnk helpful Who Ike MortKnox lull be In had Ierxolten twhlch LI re Kidd came own and attended same wadunlna this columnist Raven pock ularl Ba The broad ouili no and many logical anoman $57M CIlPITIiL COMMENT The Gerterc1cilt5 GQP pcrhnp Orlllla is vag not been answered expected to have DOWN MEMORY LANE RAEER Is now on nlo Globe and The Ex apart Ily cdllor the Toronto Mens He still rcoidcs with Tabloid TV weatherman addressv Naturalist Club family represented tlIInk if you man ed Breroton Flel Five generations Micdmitilmmh contnc or ur orrew In Cockhum they would yearbooks 15 YEARS AGO IN TOW Barrie Examiner Dec adiart Decoration medals m1 III liar ar nlght ho wander King and chndollo and child rlo Tho nth ed over from corner York to see If there were any In Labor Movement 13 1956 Can prcsentcd to have DCI In vocatlon schedules though thalr fa they could durlnp school term mutter of pensions where who are th futura socurlty put cater nmplllll wage gains to meet and their high consumer appe Giles Angllcan Harris daughter Grand at christening in St Church of Deb of Mr and Mrs parents are Mr and Mra Riddal officiated Knight altar tion Co only ten Students of Council ntlvo buildings Sheriff the research which would have this informs tlon And Victor Knox viceprin wnuld you kindly mall thn column to your eml jeweller brother Juno would proha Iortnln the professor on tho bank III the Otonehao River DEA CHARLES Dont you try costing II upcll ovo uycd that letter you he value of forIllIur nulism and the Liberal portyl Gilbert bovine director Ior the Canadian Up of Public Employees nterestinz atudyo rIt He notes that one out collective uproo montt in being overthrown IIIIIoII mmberahlpl dcsplto rcc gr ommcndnlinns unlon lenders Rojccllon of Icttlcmenls has to the rising cxpcctn Increasingly militant nu workers Major Harry Gerald Kinsetla of Grey Simcoo commander neral service gllcan Church prominch Barrie ddcniy at his home Kightlcy Barrie cd to duty at Ottawa operations lpted acting post Emeraon Swain 01 snIon award to opted on ll rincrpzll Gerald Barrio police My Instruction at dent Hamid in for Pugh PiicSgl av vArIIIIEIt IIBSINGTON Exnmlncr Ottawa Daran OTTAWA Everyone Is In mlllor with the genera hotwcon parents and teachers and tween the and tho youth culture But than III another acnorlr by whlnh In just now com blic atlantloptbc gop Canndlan labor movc Mony Canadians have boon aur riood III Iho last few Venn where have reiuec lrnctl ncgol thrlr unlon leaders Il on toplrom Formosa At the door he was Ilcket lhcn informed tho prlzo Ihl kchd for two kdule inn In Earlla paid cxccpl two moonlight sIIaw Capt Ronald Smelhurst and Sgt 25th Armoured REEL Foresters Ca Ho bed at Trinity An Iohn Rainer Boys citizen who died su 163 Owen St My postmaster assl with director of Kerr appor President cool brew Sprlnus handed ho had just won comlstod at tho Brno all expenses tickets or In at Eustvlcw School STAGE snow nt OKeoln Ccn Light lipTho Sky Ex stnrs Kitty Cur wvcno of fomI mIlIesnrn prawn tuko holidays and In the you ra May John Harris Mrs Elgln Harris Rev John by Victor Greer Transporta Ior town bus serv st Marys School vis ln session and tour nd court Ernest Ontarlo Who MIraltof Sir James SImconCounIy rrio Curling Club as Wdlbur Harris thr Charles Grnvcs app Motors chratcd golden wed St Reeve yerelect has mndo up and thin do ELndo Mr II Charles Knight nssi stud Morton Ho and hly llko to our tlon zap ohIIdrcp and he utabllsltmenl squadron ward Fu volopmc of every rave II we workers corned wl boy heavy ticth acceptance Ice Sled County ed administr house where they met ry former showed them on rst judge son opened President me crv aunt about in louIv many of those been attributed None of an mbcr chlno rilcso young work In conlrnct rejection or II moons of ropudlotlng comldcr are the Injustices work place and oI their unlonrl Specically younger work of Icgltlmutc comp neat being treated IIII II members of union community Involves tho apprenticeship aya tcm dealgncd to give young poo tIIIiIIojub have Ilmltod the number to for apprenticeship coplo Eco tho union nmoanv of pro tuhllshnd work tion flap Ina to pu In the Levine points out that In taking place cv in schools an the streets 50 for hru boon youth rcvol crwaIcIc Hes and the labor movemon uniauchcd long thla stole of In the branch ceIIcnt runny lislo and Sum CANADAS STORY unlvcrsl Thomas master Kiwanis Club presented King Edward staff and pup Smith is rcsp public school ter of Lions 25 years per chapter member of Barrie elected Womens Softball Mrs Joseph Mnttenley cele wedding L0 sponsor distinguished Thomas Mitchell ectivc exhibition at It will include paintings Willow Creek are lamp premier younger polnte out era are ut Aha number uplon mumbcrl dto ucccpt the can Iptcd for them by re atlvaIy wonders how tranquility School out I15 by Iacey of at Ba cun persist loco of all these Inlrly obvious Injutetlccs In tho punt have been able workplace Ll union by tth strength mania and the Influx butch Into the labor chunglng thlr For cxemplo PC Roy onstble for so Prcsi Club ted to Steelworkers staged all II III strike Steel Company III can after rcjoctlng II recommended During British older workers to dumlnnto the and many of their sheer numerical cnrilor laff Hnlwig Mrs John Snso cc rcsldonce Bl KInzIo acclaimed ma sales Lovlnn says era have number InIan and re Economic Measures Weapon Of The US mantis to extrudltovlhem out their cases had been It was necessary nor their nctlann were ho cxirodltlon treaty Imlnnls or commis belligerent uaalnnt the Canada In Acttlcmnnt their negotiating team the winter of jcctcd mantra that kept tn picket linen In last few days rntlcl Ioca one operator In On tnglng wildcat luncc of their un rescptcd gold not attendance Mrs Dorian Parker resident Provincial nIon bruted golden ll Hungarian clugec families rcsidcnt nr RCA held retro rcairicnce Drury done past Vespra president ti stuff Slmcoe Counv iIIIrold Bowen Ifth term president ssocn of Ontario reicctcd Barrio annex ding at Willard OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WORKER HAD QUICK CHOICE Calhorlncs Standard fruit pmkcr who an area farm announce he had to quit working the welfare pe picking fruit on cut his welfare picker had to decided that ills famin wl employment farm lcllru of puhhvur murkot is Inll70 la Ionguimromcn ro Fromm Impuran By 1101 NOWMAN hot Issue In CuIIuIIu In re ccnt monthsl has been rctnllulc against economic measures ow that the United hesitated to use measures planned with duvclupmenls Cuhudu In October American Civil Wur Confederation soldiers nto Cunntlu ruldcd st ermonl kIIch man stoic $70000 roule cm on the 10 weeks in tho In the In lIMll only 123 or cent of the luilor force was II tho to year ago gr tho pcrctntouo risen to jIl3 Ton yearn ago 45 per cent of tho lubor under 35 years Today is below thIIt age Unions IIIIvu found it impos nlbla to develop IInIuIII young of loyalty Ihat wml commuu lo the follow curly Irado unionism Not having the flghl collective trnlnlng court to dotolu minu whoI uubjcct to Worn they or sloped oIIicore country group wIl the urge President Barrics at uppllcun and young help and an tccllng older on on from uIn younger onesIn ntond oI protecting both from the employer Scnlorlty rules create utrong rcucntmcnt among young people because todays workplace fur different from that of 25 our ago An inctcunlng num cr oi bargaining uIIila have klilod John requir Deli lclcnh torlo have II waIkoutn in il fonu Inxtruct These are of union mom the advice at their Icndcrn tho majority cure the rumour Inn generation gap In was working on tho other day It seems at learned he was in to lIlutory sh Stutou hus no economic orco wwl half II it Lane summer in Twp before It was id that ho uso should LI to tho When the cm cum Montreal magistrate missed bocuuso he an hull no Jurisdiction in tor Actually tho have been roforro promo Montreal mu Iowctl the cal oplo had were threaten allowance aka quick choice llnre provided him and Ih stondler income than So he quit his job on the just three exampch borphlp rejecting Norbert Ii cgion ioinc ly Registry Office Minesing elected Civil Service Oro Twp Couinci 18 during the lill of ho had member the klan In Ilto grow organized labor BIBLE THOUGHT on Mr Levine notes hud to purticlpnio in the benet escaped Ihunn wounded runulhcr ilowovcr utrntou ruling der to go free Court many more It from three banks and burned some buildings fIIIcn thay rc turncd to Maniroul Twa wuv II tremc cry in the II were uugry ntion plan completely Percy Sallz young workers mm for granted Iuyulty to thclr from what tho unlan In wpol on any punt tho current not last upri un enco tho iflilllo cvcn violent kcd other agreements and to take it reaction in the US an uproar nlnlnx nklll was II and Sen Ehly tccllnl iy skill and knowhow nro pasucssml by the younger workers comlng out or unlvornl tch or tradestraining cuurc other areas of conflict are found In union ngrccmculu that uuuuily Elva uchol mm on the basin at give older ornployoeu profcrcuco QUEENS PARK Educational TV And The Provinces laud nuwvl to hone who uro looking for more and more icic vlplun progrumu to pick from llut burl now to limp who feel that the govern cxtruprdlnnrny upendlnu it loIIuIu the rculltltn of public lilo llcrlllull that open tmtlui II uyxlem Into II bkpllmo lnp II IIIgII degree of Ir ncrutlon or two nun nynunymoua with In todays lI Newspupors government to send capture Incoln Iolt are troops the Iont refused to iprocoi trade agreement beyond the followingI your tho IIushBupot and required citlzuns MINI North AIIIcIIcrII to have passports when they tered iIIo US For Christ ullo lIIItIt anon suf lured Iur ulna and just tor the thntme might bring us help put to death In IJIII esh hut quickoneaby the Peter 8x19 Ichcri through IIIII ms word I1 WIIII Their dolng Ior thnm no achfovomcnt of tho He warns that trIInquIIIty may funnmuy cxpcri sort or outbrcukn ones liIut have mIIr arena where the gcncrutlun gap exists urged tho northern urmy min President he could not up auclt venture bt minus out nrthcrn stator In any case uccuuau there wcrn many ConchIIutu baron lIt Cnnnd Although lurlty cui sock unjust In God INT Canada US mu up Axe Ockeying For Position On Currencies Trudeau huu Ilnid tIIo US wnntn Cnnudu to tit junt tho vuluo dollar upward I1 by who llrillsh North America hurl Ivllullrlhcli slavery 030 sympathy qu mm the her II tutev luring the on Civil War Albuns raiders were and put in prlsun rciusod US Spirit We oroanr Illa guided by unvndthrauph Illa dent out the nhcddlng of hIon th In no rcmimtion of pins blood of Jon Chrilt IIIH Son clcnpecth In from all sin govorrm Iho rcc CD of working pout Amorlc The St rounded but CuIIIIIu onlority alight In than have been var order to terventluna at times II prevent jnrky Inch we are not trying to cl of the fol the some day uHHIatnnt US for lntcrnullopnl III It cunurcaalunul cum ut the Cnpaulun dollar fairly clcun Ily PETER nucknrzv WASIIlNGTON Unltw Slulm treasury dcpllxl mom Is openly skeptical about Ottawas insistence that the Cli pudiun dullm iii being Llllnwcd to find its own value on foreign exchange markets But the claims at both govern mentsCunndns of clean Wushingtonx more to ad the Canadian llo uuys Canada wnnln to lot It currency cap Im tlnue to flout freely Home Itnnnclul ab hullavo hath aillcn may the name tiling uvn hoop unofficial lli dlcullonn the US would llkls III II dollar trading few ttcnlil whatever MZL1LQJI nIe mcnln II rowel any amt Exam Iran HAP ca given Iov PENED DoyIchd Street Barrio Orll Tcicphono 114M531 Second Clara Mull Registration Number 04M ftcurn portage guaranteed Dullyzsuadoya and Statutory IIoIlduvs excopr Subscrlptkm ruton uurrlcr our weekly Iy Hlnqucancn Ilarrio Sitto yearly County lm yonrly nI Cunndu $1304 yearly tllhll cuunlrrca man ycIIrIy Mutor tIIIuw tiff 2400 ycnrly NIIIIanII Anvoltinlpu fifflvnm Qucun HI mu mo mo Mnnlronl Member of tho Cumullun Press and Audit Ilurcuu of ilervern here be tulk trouhury nucrctury Iuirrt tbl mitten 1h limit its AIIgIIt reservations in pub lic about the oat have ellloo been carried utcp further by anuthLr rlcnlor lrcnuury offl In private Commenting on II II II tltu flunk Imt ulmu Time II JESUIT MllONi mun BR mil ORDEALIF HORRIBLE IORIIIRE AI quND 0F llOQl106 III I544 lti 1316 REGION OF WHAT I5 NOW THE alarm Towmws avenge REAK Ills automation mum MANGLED1IIE woo mm mm A5 GNIIION ei IIIS BMVBII uwrmo AMOIIANII woMAN RELATIVE so must WI Ill TIIE FRENCH AMI IIOPELWW lmE ulcnuz FAoM new wua om gettlng UNDEIIWEHT we the Cunnliu at premium oi nhovo tho US dollar flnully docldcd American currency The US muy hell premium cIuI Ihc Ilank of III the mar lultlo hestprnhahly hem preliminary jockeying OSIIIOII Picture this weeks mcctlllg hero of Ilnupcn mlnlaturrl mm the Grnup Top Industrial nutInnp atako In Ih series of Irxuc lelch could what value curronclcs IIo dcclnlon lmpllcutlupn campcutlvo trade what roctly effects 11 nnllona unltrnnll Illavfng IIaIlm rise mum cent In relation to Inr since would have happy at which could run pom Iesscompetltl gtIMNDS OFF Novortholoas In largely keep Prlmo Aflnintc lly nonbuimmv lootrun Pork Bureau of The Examiner TORONTO tuvy nr Htulo mumII HIIIIIIII Iukll Ilvrr Willltlllltllllll lolavinlon IiIIn IllImile In mmprmw lm tIIIIIIIerpruptmu IIIIIIItIv nf Qua for authority ovtu ctmInIuI daily by $3120 year so By mull lmcae Manor thicrul Socra iornrd feIIetlrr that the pruvlnccn lull control of ammo rIIdIIt mImt tIIIquI eve Ihot clIlchd It Cllllutlll ntuymi Iu km ultagotllnr ammo of tho IIpwurd premium on till Unnltrlilln lulll If IIIl tltu US min in rcully try IIIIIIIII vuIII down however would not he nlonn IIItrlrnaIIuIInI suy plmuvt ovary Group of FAILIMG Io HAVING HIM IROQUOIG ALIO IIIhau meeting are II not the lentil of hp decision on the chtcrn wnlltIII lll huvn lll future hurl furuungiug particularly in the know currency vuiuo Ili Ihu price at which goods IIIo cnId Illulcmcnln Canada In only IIIIolvcplng to Illnrmlll out sporulutlvo lrlllilll exchange morkcla told rcpartur Ilpzcr gotll along Amou hump it also tendn ta pramI thn ground down In other words he will nil tho flank of Cunudua Ilmtmth lugout accrrm lioun to keep Inc from climbing ton high And all liIn llrcltsultm on Im liIIntiIIIII llllll nun 1m IIIIIIIIII tiling bottoms to Canada which could be expected If the US ort surcharge woro ro II othur cIIrIancIos were upward and II Euro and Japanese Irudn bar pad on II roauil Indoor RICO Ta IIIPLACE svlltwm 6HE1IIIIIKING IIIM 108 CRIWLEDAND sow HIMIOD Awrnumw HIM muse DIM IOMMIE WOVEN WISE TIMI M0 BEEN coma ALLAA placer put mu momma mam lxrxwwnaaaoda TIMd rawmam them no ilIn pruvluwx Ifilf lull IIruIIdvaIIIg point In Ilovnlop clutter pvoiwnt through tIIn Op communlcu In MIovlnion nunum ml lumlgn Illn IIIlill WIIcII II hull IIIIIIp uul In tho ptIIl VIIIqu Imllnvml Illl lug tn kcpp its lnruntn uthuurt 5L MBLE men will The Mllllllmcn mo of tho wontem prov III the port at IoIIut mm on vrlucntlonol tul Imndltxl Helm IImI wouIIIIy IIIIVI the tummy in Imklr it noun All IIIIWLVtl flll 110Vll unulyutn omo tho offer one of the on cuuntrlev would he prepared to intervene up the Infllkt lllliIDlIl from If tiluir clulunclur to tic iovclv Any nulluu kIIirmlp III ulupullunnl tloIIII lIuIanIty It III II llnllttltl way It IIIIH only DIN AIIIIIon clum ltImuto IIIItlolitn til fllltl lIIIn formuily lllu Illa It IiIIn II by IIIlotIII ro lllll limited llil hvululcntinu in Inner arena of tIIe provipro urclww an to budget 0000000 III cnvh NEW VOfllt BACKTI EUROPE rt In and no Tho Cunudlun Ptch In exclllrb oIIIIIIctI to tho are for ro nutlon of all new IIInnutch mum to It or preferred to to prevent Alwa rlrivlnu the value nvivirilt uprculla to have the CIIIIIIIiluu dul nci III III llflv Illlllfl IA llWllIAl II llttll IlIkl low uIviltion wIIIIII ntchctl the Canadian than seven per llIo US dol Ottnwu curon toyhn line further lnarcruwn ka Canadian ax IIon dont III III thin lupcr nm AMN nttIi PvtIla or Ileuior uIIIl IIIMI the local new ptthliait cu IhIernIII Tho llama Exumlncr cInImv mm In all urlglpul Adv It and editorial materiel cro ntod by its employees and advccd In IIIIv nownpupor Copyrlzht Raglnlrullnn Num ber 2mm rcglrtcr Klon lacks TURE frolAMElNDREIIGlONJVW continuanivlanmslmmo W4 Wad IA liKlIIIIIIJI llm propovnl crxtnluly will bn welcomed and accepted ll whnt lremlor qucntlnu linco oducIIlIIm lIInt went into Ilnxl Ton mnmlug Il Inflated currency vuIIIs speculation um mnrkcl Iorccx tru difficulties in Item over future curs luoa Fewmntiana mod to tolerate uppnur with renult rather than would face ox the nepotln rcncy va would ho prop oIhor stutlonl and III only About intnntlul hut roiullvoly ltl compnrlwn total Ipendlnu It II In oIfoct Davis has been to woo when mlnlnlor at And III uucoptuIIIIIty coul olthrr good or lifttl ntiwtl lav tho public moved llllt In All Cnnpdu nave It revqu lug Its hands off donu told to 713325 ricra were drop at current new provlncua lru hero Monday so