Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1971, p. 14

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ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAE NOTICES CASH RATES Births $350 Ml words 6c per word ll TEE RAM ZXAMINEE MONDAY DEmIBZR 17 Dcam Notices 5mm Imamnun to words nddillo Card oi Thanks I25 Words additional worth 6c p8 word Coming Evmts lo Memoriam lm verse chse per court 1ch extra BIRTHS on nine or auto In ulonlw at th MW eons nrcarm and In ml lungs and mum In that In any placn Vlncl an lnngunumlm arm sum can mm Examlvu claulwd $350 233 pcr column Inch $350 17 per line COMING EVENTS BINGO St John Vlanncy Hall Aoooo III ramlly TUESDAY DEC Jackpot S300 PATTERNS mun IN MEMORIAMS mullIn Iovlnn may cl our our trim Goaw Mam who pau co away muttr my lurk apauv In rum llmn togmy In nu Irlumnln will stay Illrl tnmm rnyl and Al Pom And Ina um PATTERNS learnu Happy Feet l1 ALICE BROOKS Whip up hunt or ballet bllilpcls to match rulm pants patlcrn picces plus soles or either quickie style Perfect for home dorm truvel trunsicr III XL ln Pattern pattern pleccs eluded YFXVE coins for each stumps please add I5 cents lor cach pnltcrn lur lirst ulnss mulling llllll spcclzll handling In Allee Brooks curt ol nurrie Exumlncr Dept 60 Front Street West Toronto Ontario Ontario re dciu DIM our ccnll notes in Print nluinly PATTERN NUMB ER NAME lllll thdlccrnlt Culnlo more lnslimt losllluns knits crocllcls embroidery lrcc Iutchns all cents CENTS pattern Great Shirtdress ANNI ADAMIl Needlecrnlt BUTTON UP the llllmmcst trimmtst 10p stitched iihlrt dress to no thIII winter llolt It with cholns or leather or wear It lrcc and easy Printed Pattern lull Misscs sizes II lo 12 II In lll Slzc 12 lbunt lll tukcrl yards IIIInch Inhric lEVENTYFIVE CENTS cents In colns lno stnnlpn please Inr ouch pattern suit In ccnls lor ClILlI pnltcrn Iuat clans mulling nml Ipcclal kindling opurln ruldenls ndt sales In Print pluinly ADDRESS ADDRESS quills nook Icuen lnsturllly lnsturlt Crochet Step byptep plclurcs you how to Plus Ilcwcnt putlernll 5100 fomplllr lnutnnt oltt look lllurc tlltlll IOU ulllil iIlr all Unnluwl rigor smu Iomplclc AInImn Book 5100 IO lllly Hugs Book Ilollk Ill 12 PH Alahntll crochet co ecllts cont NAME TYl Quilt lliluk III pallclns Ill NUMTIEII Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The llllrrle Pattern Depl nu Front strcrl West Toronto Unlurli FREE Choose one new puttern lrom 150 styles ill llcw ltIll Vlntcl Iutlcrn Catuluu All tilinl Crllulru 50 olltn INSTANT SEWING IIOOK Iul Ilt new modern way 5100 INSTANT FASHION IIUUK hot to vem lllanlII HAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DlRECfPHONE 7282414 VIliilild ldvltlllllillla AIIII ill in II Dlfl mini Illllivud vlq dIY Etidillll Indium5 or glosrhlgnllabunglly lwltll 2m nacnntlml ynlllsn which murl be In by lif Dubllllilll CONFIDENTIAL nox norm at um nuns lor use INIle Ilux llumw In nay Ill use tor out cl town ldonllly oi snail Number urm ls Ilrlclly will mullI nuollas LIIIIII mm wlll unyI nllnr last Iuhll nrY ondnoyor wll bi rn lie at on mun mo navanrau as loan as naaslvn wo smut Ito lllhllll Met at loss or damn may lhlnu lllmr laluln or Itolny by noollnunu or Mu um lullt Hook 50 cents Iullla lor Tilda patterns Ilu cents LIV umlncr was =HltH= rm llllllll BARNES SHOW Dine and Dance from 9tol om Enloy Our Luncheon BUILD YOUR OWN SALAD l0 Vcrlnol nnr any on hold onl aIInn wtll menu In Inr anll Io lultod storm on luau MID cannuloNs lmartlnn sonysnlnnca In tho Imnlom IIII Cllslllloo annulmnnl new no ldvnlllun Advurllllnu sovmlsm Inslr anvsrllsamant llntllsd only nnnr nlsn In order llut any error Inns may on unorlnn tulle In unir lllnl unln may In ulrnn rezlmrk ll lnsl nr emlu Thu uauln szanllmr nurtl nle lncarmllv any ndvolilanmnlll to has nxlanl ol norlloll nu Involves tho nltsprlnt Inn do not Iamn lho ynlua oi the millmanta not III by makegoo amlnar mama Ina rlpnl sally erlIl or relct any wanl llizlblc lor nertscilu ma El WOT MINIMUM ILAssImnD ADIl1 TIIINO caIn mmunl ales lan or two luml ans Ac par mm Inurlun Thm consonlllyn III rd lllnsrlloll iolll lnurllons Insanlan tatI one no oldvan wnan utI Iclovy Mallwu ol aounll count as bravlsllon Illurlll lid Willi dive on rllens Ms vo 5hr concut we InII lnlovtl on lull an llltl we do can inllll umber linacm vars COMING EVENTS RCA ASSOCIATION 14 High BINGO MONDAY 800 PM JACKPOT NUMBERS CONSOLATION so SPmAI GAME ON ENTRANCE cum SHARE nrr WEALTH FREE TURKEYS FREE Early Bird Garan lzso pox srr WORLD BRIEFS SENTENCE REDUCED amour my Kin nus sein of Jordan commuth death sentence against lour Palestin in Arab guerrillas to imprisorr ment or IS years The our were convicted In September ol sabotage and suhvtxsion Last week the king commuted death sentences against 60 other guer rillas condemned on similar chars to imprisonment for lile 15 DIE IN CRASH MEXICO CITY AP small bus and truck collided hoodon Sunday and the bus struck group or pilgrims walk lng down hill from chapel lied Cross spokesman said Is persons were killed and 38 In jured in the accidcnl near Cumbres De Aculeingo Vera crux JEWS PROTEST htth Sunday night where Israeli ish religious law JET DROPS GIFTS had been recovered WHATS IN NAME Collin llIIE KILLS llrc which swept through roomlng house here Saturday lllANUlACIUEEIIB TOY SALE SAVE UP TO 17098 TOYRAMA 00 lent Mayor Teddy snout Ins suidhsrlllnotrunlnrmlm In um thlek serving his sound lairyear term told stat radio lntavlewu Eight you In this olce led enough The controversial mayor led the integration ol leimale captured from lor don In tho Ivor Mideast war mm the Israeli mumcipallty Charles Brim 57 Choumm ol the department of psychology It Dalhousie University died Sunday in the Victoria General llowlml Dr DruDer nntlllc of Toronto was educltod It mom and McMaster univa UK and Joined Dnlhounle in ISSJ Flooding in live Malaysian states has killed live persons pollce reported Sunday They sald 29000 persons were cutu oiled nlter six days or monsoon llns Scientist Seeks To Prove Life Cycle Can Be Changed NEW YORK IR lllure 111 2000 ultraOrthodox JCWS dcmonilrntcd outside Premier Golda lIlclr was od drcssing dinncr meeting The demonstrators most ol thorn wearing long black coats and black huts and with side curls Iwerc protesting against con scription ol women In lsrael llhich they say Is against ch PORTLAND Ore IAPI II rained Christmas presents in Portland All unidcllllllcil navy llycr was on his way home to Plcosanlan Culll wlIII lour cartons ol gills or his lamlly rorn rclollvcs In Portland Slin Ilay when the bomb buy of thc lctlllghtcr apparently opened ncculcntnlly The presents were scaltercd lhrounh north Pott land Police said no presents NOHWICH England Inculcrl mun ndvcrllsod in local newspaper lor human skclp too Its Christmas present or my mcdlcul student ran ho exlllulnLd lhc lumllys name is WELLINGTON NZ Incutcr lIlve elderly men died In rl WORLD BRIEFS mum T0 121m JERUSALEM Jerusa BEIMEBDIFS HALIFAX CPI Dr FIDDDS nn MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR IAP DEL 110 Tex AF Some time In the next weekperhaps Dec 19 his first wedding nonl ryu French sclentlst named llllcllel Sillre will kiss his pretty wile Nathalie Imd set all lor Mldnlght Cave When he sees her again It will be June In on experlmenl Sillrc will llvo 200 days outside the curth him sleep III HUMIDIFIER 0R HOT BUFFET WITH ROAST BEEF $175 BROOKDALE PARK INN 150 Dunlap Barrio sushi WILLIAMs LIVE EVERY NIGHT GOGO DANCING Nightly lor the best in Folk and Country Music WELLINGTON Horn inn Home Ila Dunlap St Burrlc 705 7281312 tlmn cycle vhlch surrounds Deep In II limestone envo under the rockstrewn hIlls at Southwest Texas he wlll scek to prove that mnn can chnngo his lilo rhythm Irom its current hour cycle to 48hour cycle in which he can work 36 hours and To cut lIlIIlscll all completely DOES YOUR AUTOMATIC Have 3YEAR GUARANTEE Is the air in your home dry Do you hovo dry nose and throat or problems with your furniture cracking IFSO TAKE IT FROM ME GORDIE TAPP Whut you need is WINCO HUMIDIFIER Cull ORllLIA 325330810duy for years of satisfaction and troublefree maintenance DAVID SARNOFF Sillro will have no watch no clock no radio no television no newspapers teammates III II lullrn Iory atop the cave wont give hIm the time ol day Nor wIIl they discuss the weather lor that might give some hlnt oi season dnyllght or darkness llcll exist In It tlrnc vacuum Electronic recording devices will noto when the modcmday covernan Wilkes and sleeps cuts and drcnms Elght electrodes attached to hls body will nctlv vote dnla mnchlncs watched by his fellow sclentlsts on the sur loco What he learns might prove invaluable or those who in sense must live outside time In thclr working llvcsnstronnuls WORK or pilots superlcls nod tho crews of nuclear submarines The United States National Acronnutlcs and Space Admlnls tratlon Is Interested in Slllrcs work The French dclenco mln lslr nod the Dutch Institute at Spe ology are helping with lunrls Texas Instruments Inc and other llrms hove contrib uted equlpmcnt The hose cnmp Is located In remote rnnch country In Ed words County nbout 50 mlles northeast or Del Rio Slllre will celebrate Christ mas with In special lcstlvo din her when he reelsthu dnto ls right It may or mny nut in Dec 25 He may also nllss his 33rd birthday on Jun by do or two NEW YORK IAPI David Sarnolrnul an Immigrant mes mger boy who became loundzr ol the National Broadwun Elup Co and head of the giant RCA Cam died Sunday at his home here Meet the Pm program with bulletin amounting that Samult trad died alter long lows and headed RCA lor more than three decades when his rclircd is board chairman in January Im the corpomtlon had annual gross sales or more than our llun employed l23000 people and ran 61 plants throughout the world Inge Sarnotr arrived In the United Slates as boy in 1900 when his lather dlcd soon ulter ward hu wth to wort selling cwspapers and as delivery oy Commerclnl Cable 00 mes senger bought II Ielegrnph In sldllmcnt and learned Morse The network broke lnlo itsl Sarnoll orgnnlzed NBC in BBS Born In small Russian vil At Is he went to work or the He went to Ilurccnl wireless Telegraph instrument Co as whoaweek clerk memo Suinail wrote to his superior at Marconi proposing rudlo music box led to the dc vclpment at home radio and ul tlmotclyyta the broadcasting in dustry RECEIVED TITANIC CALL Inge lrom the British liner tanlc that she hild hit an ice bcr and was smkl last The on her maiden voyage went down with the loss 1517 lives When RCA via formed in I919 Small was named com He became pmitknt in um year alter the company acquired the ic tor RIlking Machine Co with Its llis hlnstcrs Voicc and Victrola trademarks As early as 133 Somali pre dicted home tclcvisiun Besides his wllc Lizcttc Sar noll lcmcs three sonsItoan Sarnoll at New York chair man OI RCA Edward Sarnoll pl New York chairman at the board of Fleet Services Inc ruld Thomas Sarnoll el llcv crly lIiIIs Calif NBC slnll vicepresident West Coast menial manager On April ll l9l2 Small to cused vorld attention on the vast potential ol rudlo when as Marconi wireless operator in Pcoplo never read small odsl or do they New York he plckcd up mes Just in rne for the holidays the Benecial lus loo Its cusll or holiday shopping PLUS cash for hell tIinvllICnCl PLUS cush for gills PLUS cusll for ex pcnscs PLUS cash just to hnvo and cnjoy Its the PLUS LOAN Ilt Bcncliciul llnuncc cash for any good rcllsonPLUS any etherlLUS any other Cnll up or come in today Youre good for more at Benecial Loans up to ssoooYnur loan Take up to so months to pay on Beneficial FINANCE CO OF CANADA an on lilolnsursd turns over $3000 EARRIE 75 Baylield Ave WOVIWDHIII 37285931 ORILLIA 73 Mlsslisagn Sta lipst OPEN EVENING BY APPOINTMENTPHONE TOR HOUR I3267353 BARRIE KING NEXT WEEK IN AND DISTRICT NIITTAWASAGA INN Fully Llcunsod lllunted pleasant IIImlnuln llIva Illlltll Ill nnrlIr Hwy an Thil Wonk in our Lounge HERBERT NEW YEARS weak Doc 21 Jon THE PLATTERS Recording Artists at TV Stars Conlcrance llnnms avallutilo II no churcn Monday Trldly Iron 1m ltnn pan Cell in rearrvntlonll lclrnhonu VOSUsrllllol IIHIIHIIM Cookrtolvn No nouns VISIT THE outrus HOTEL Tm WEEK IN THE TERRACE ROOM THE TANGERINE Alr Conultlonod Nlnlltly Entorlulnnicnl Vlsll OutI lllDE AWAY LOUNGE Dunlap St 7264614 The Full Llcenscd nuslnessml Lunch served ll 130 IUE SR Dauphin lelltly III no ALI WE CAN cw Mon thru Sol WINDSOR HOUSE NOE LARIILIGHTEII ROOM Vldorln St Alllslnll Come on out DUNLOP ST IN OUR LOUNGE THIS WEEK ONLY THE OUINTESSENCE BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL 7285528

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