Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1971, p. 4

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climatic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambie Publisharansral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus as1 Should Make This weeks municipal election means that the returned City Council will ad minister our attains or 197 as honest alien and with nod to Dorian Parker woman illheir conrmation inofhce for this special oneyear term has been clear optt llhey now move into what amounts third year of threeyear term wljbh out the hesitation or selfvdoubts which Might have developed if they had been returned by an acrosstheboard acclam on We can expect bold frank decl trons for 1972 iMayor Les Cooke who did retain his pint by acciamation regarded the re elation of abe full council as mandate to carry on with councils current pro gtBrut whether termed mandate or chnilrmation the end resultis the same council has won majority approval from those who chose to vote in this eelre eleotion Unfortunately the number of citizens who did choose to vote was shamefully low Its easy to dismiss this low voter turn out as an expected result of campaign wihioh promoted no major issues which did not have mayoral contest and which wuld cover only oneyear term of ice so YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 1921 Joseph William Cook of Barrie celebrated one hundredth birthday Pauly attended by 7D or his family of 157 Mr Cook had nine children Jose lr Midhurst former eldest survlv at 79 The centenarian came to Slmcoep county in 13363 and engaged in farming and lumbering also drove rnail truck be lween Midhurst and Battle post office He now resides with sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Henry Rob tiltson 97 Bradford St Mayor John Lytlle disturbed at sow progress on drainage system Scollt Bros arwarded contrapt for snowplowing Fire do strayed sihcd behind town hall including Driver Bob Lees new Chevrolet Cecil McMulkln discovered blaze No Lib at has yet come forward to oppose Boys KC MP in next federal elec rtlgn but Co ton Jefls will contest for Vogresslves Slmcoa South Avt ow Dreamland movie thewtre Marshall Ncilan in Dont Ever Marry At tendance packed at Grand Opera House for touring musical comedy on stage Mademoiselle of Armenticres Dr Brereton president SundaySohoo lhockey league called meeting to organ iie Grant principal Upper nada College addressed Womens anadlan Club on historical relations filth United States Mrs Judge Wise or presided at new library hail VLHon Arthur Melghon Prime Minister Cahada addressed rally of conserv va ives at Barrie Armoury with Citizens Ballddn attendance Albert ll Dyl ment native olBarrlo and presrdent Canadian General Electric elected pres ident Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co WEDNESDAY occ lm eac2 run Council Conrmation McPherson Managing Editor GRAY AREA For Bold 72 its easy to look at things that way but it isnt right Whether elected for one year or for one month anymunlclpsl council has the power to introduce changes which could radicallyialler the character of city In our case there was enough range of thought among the candidates to implement sweeping changes But who cared Well just look around you If there are three people in the room only one voted Iii there are nine people only three voted Ilhat Onebhlrd ratio decided the nature of Banles civic administration for the next 12montlhs All citizens of Barrie owe special thanks to the candidates who challenged incumbents in Wards and They provided us with an opportunity to re new the debate of civic issues and to reassert our choices The challengers this year took on slrong incumbent council in noissue campaign for rllhe reward of only one Next time around theyll be involved in ful1scale cam paign with the usual turmoil among year on council OppOSitiorl Has Several Skilled De luv days the gallon Toronto evening nmpaper one guess as to the unevlnr menus that there were in ever opposition member now in the ouse gnv warning that it was nppginllug itself as an opposition cnuc This seems to reflect con man imprssion that because the nunthen ol the opposition have been reduced 1mm lo 79 there is crisLL There isnt least not mbsumllail any more than there has been or years PZDBIRLAN CRITICISM The Caliber of criticism in the Ontario house has been general ly quite pedestrian it Lends to follow grooved thought and the common place though it can be well delivered and sharp within it limits and seldom shown vision in employment for example we hear about jobs jobs iobs and little about the longdixlancc changes in employment pal tcrns and the fourvdny week and other relevant themes in labor we hear about strike break ers and Injunctions and shut downs but seldom uny discus sion at the basic quulibu oi the need for new approaches and new climate In labormanage mcnt relations The questions that are discuss ed are important enough at course and certainly should be brought up in the house but generally there is little depth ONLY MISS PmlAN This aside and our Ontario house Is probably no better or worse no dillerent than any olh er legislature aside lrom the ram exception thcrc should not be any exceptional dillercnce in the utmhly of criticism in this house and the last onc Of the 17 opposition members CANADAS STORY Unruly Politi Were Put In By BOB BOWMAN Louis Riel nearly always hold the spotlight whcnuc story told of how the North west Territories were acquired by Canada and Manitoba be came 11 province in 1870 Sir John lliacdnnaid delay ed the deal claiming that the Hudsons Bay Company must rcstoro iuw andordnr but this was lrnposibic without military or adequate police action Leaders at political notions who became unruly were put in Jail sometimes but their iollow ers would got them out by iarcc Rcv Corbett was sentenced to six months for lacr lorrning an illegal operation on maidservant but James Stewart schoolmaster came to hisrescue with fellowmom tors of tho Canadlun party lbcn Stewart was put in sail but was also act lrcc by similar action Dr John Schultz editor the Nochslcr which supported the movement to join Canada was put in tall or debt He was rescued by his wile who was de scribed as Lllnn of womnn Sho led mcmbcrs oi the Canadian party toithe prison and overpowered the constable on duty it was customary for the var BIBLE THOUGHT voi and the rewards will be dou bl We hope they return in force in the autumn of 1972 DOWN MEMORY LANE Women of 21 and British subject entitled to vote in Canada for first time Taylor opened new candy store and tea room opposite Bell Telephone ottlce Coming to Grand Opera House And If II scam evll unto you to lam the Lord choose you this day when yo wtll lcrv whether the gods which your father Icrrcd that were on the other lldo of the ood or in gods ol Ihe AmorIlLI ln whnre land ye dwell but for me and my house we will serve the Dont gamble with the cat ml day in your life This my day Today is the day or Sal vnllon Serve the Lord wlth gladncss famous Winnipeg Kiddies in new re vue Reserved seals downtown at Andy Christie hack Malcomsons office from deer hunt with full complement Stars of Barrie Collegiate rugby teams this undefeated seasonrwere Seniors Morley Livingstonltoss Robertson Rich rwauwrwvvl 112 Darrin Examina ll Buyficld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7205537 ard Flatherrty Joe Evans Bradford How 5mm Cum Ma oil Partridge Charles Evans Bradford juniors Wesley Allsopp Frank liostaelli Charlie McManlln Sulthenland Stroud Cowan Fred Billingslcy Treasurer Town of Barrio Bonds wellover par John Dobson Harold Smith Ros John Currie County of Simcoe Treasurer Daniel Quinlan said present year would end with small surplus Jack Rodgers toastmaster for Bnracas Class at Collier St Methodist Church annual lather and son banquet OTHER EDITORS VIEWS LOSE FEAR OF POLICE La Prcssn Montreal Today an atmosphere of revolt and insubordrinntion has led part of our soci ety not only to have no fear police but to dcly and insult them Protest is normal and desirable in democracy But tolerance has made thieves reckless and We live in time when brats throw stones at the police spit in their faces insult them and Jin ally invoke the right to protest as soon anarchists impudcnt as thcpolicc dare to intervene It Smith said bids for new Registration Number MIN Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays cxcculcd ly Single copies 10c Barrie $3120 yearly County $2100 yearly album of Canada moo ycuriy All other countries sum yearly Motor throw oil $2400 ycnrly Nntlonni Advertising nlllccs 65 Queen St West Toronto 804 1710 DAD Caihczlrt SL Montreal Member the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau oi ions The Canadian Press ls exclus ively entitled to the use or rc publlcntlon ol all news dispatch ea In this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news publish ed therein The Burrio Examhlcr claims Copyright In all original ndvorv tislng and editorial material crc died by its employees and re produccd in till newspaper Circular bcr Wallis register at pr Subscription rates daily by carrier llOc weekly$31zo your waa Sip back cliher through ducal retinalan there l5 dnly ace who will be soer miss This In Waiter Finnm in his elds and education was his prime 01 Pitman in the writ 2r was the outstanding critic in the house And there are good ty number members on all Lida the house who would agree He did get to hula An edw cslor blmscll be still could qua Uon whether we werent over cmpbaslzing education And be was never petty other you will have heard much of But Tun Reid of the Liberals also an education cnl ic was much talked about To the writer however while many of his annuities such as dill Renee were udlnirablc as crib lo was largely ineilectlvc nother Liberal Elmer Sopba the most eloquent man in the house could go to basis But he tended to pick taretched subjects such as doing away With the monarchy And thats about it Nolhlng from the others will be particu lnriy missed Actually despite the loss ol members and proportion of num bers the opposition in mi house could be boiler than in the IllsL THE TOP RANK Both pa rt ca sLII have their main critic cxccpt or the ones mcnlioncd Official Opposition Leader Rob on Nixon will still of course spearhead the Liberal attack lilr leun has developed into fairly rugged dcbntcr will fairly good gasp most mas bl government lit weak point is that he doesnt have the quick ness and sharpness pl mind of NDP loader Stephen Lewis and to some extent Premier DaVLI Then Nixon has with him on clans Jail Inus panics to hold their meet ings in favoritevlnvcrns The nodian party had one and the American party had another The members would drink as many toasts us posslblo tothelr causes and the meetings alien ended in nonrrioLs One of the most active Cann dlan to ad was Thomas Spcncc lie hold such mccllng on Doc 1856 and persuaded 200 citizens to sign pclition to Queen Victbfia lo make 111 Northwest part of Canada It took it long time to gulls reply negative and Spence moved to Portage la Prairie where he proclaimed Republic of Mani tnbn with himself as prcsidcnt That development had on amaz Ing sequel which will be told on the appropriate dnlc omisnnnc Events lsSsFmncoisXawcr annl was ordained Bishop oi Pclrcn beioro coming to Can ado 15521 ll ul University MA ccivcd royal charter lsosJimothy Eaton opened small store in Toronto lsuoConnda Imposed duty on fish Irom Nwloundland rimCable scrvico opened from Vancouver to Australia and New Zcolnnd ismSkilled or nsklllod labor was prohibited from land ing at ports In British Columiu owing to unemployment 212 question his uyin certainly is no of the crest skilled debalm in the colmlry Then behind him he bu Jim Renwick former corporation lawyer and all with keen concise and orderly mind And along with him Iormcr leader Don MillDonald MMD loads to be DR of Don Quixote lbut Quixote WILb brass knuck cs The hope for lmpruvlrmcnl comes Ironl group behind these Irontwrauhm READY TO DIAILIRE 1119 1961 election returned number of above average new members lo the house These mennowhnvlnggonethmugb the upprcullccsblp of their first session should come on qbile strongly in this new legislature The chrnls have five men in this group who are pulled larly promising Perhaps most promising at all is James Bullbmok Sumia law ycr with perhaps the best Io gai mind in the house and alien mentioned as possible party leader Then thereis Don Deacon lor mer prominent stockbroker vcry able on maunrs at business transportation economiu plan ning and development pcrson able and an exceptionally dedi cated member Edward Good an undertaker from Waterloo who his an Extra ROBERT NIXON ordinary capacity for research who talks penetrating comnun sense and is now learned par ticularly in the municipal eld And along Willi these three there are two very bright young members Pat Reid ol Rainy River still not 30 an economist and forceful spokesman first for the north and then in pretty well any licld he chooses With him in the youth end here is James Brcipthaut ol Kitchener lawyer but knowl edgeable in economics and poslt libilily as treasurer of the prov ince one day The 61 class ol the ND pro duced three mm In the stand out group Ont is In Deans of Hamilton reman but youn man will good feel or poll as He is to be his partys house leader this session Jack Stokes us frontbench er in tho last session though INTERPRETING THE NEWS piers new was spokesman or the north rallmadcr be thawed abilily and also one oi the mast pleasanl personalities in the chamber like Pitmau he was not getty and most of the limo Coll huvcbcenspealung orally party in the houm Thur el course Lberc is Dr Morton Shulman Sixtun Mort cowboy who sees only ludlans lately even his own leader long with time there are some men who though they dont rise to brilliance can give some solid criticism in their favorite elds or areas Then the NDP has several new comers at least one or two with some romlse So oppositionshouldnt be too bad It perhaps wont be an ideal opposition in terms of what an ideal opposition should be But it should at least be up to the standard we have known and perhaps above it 13 Cases Of Forked Tongues At The Security Council By STEPHEN SCOTI UNITED NATIONS CP Scldom has tho Unilcd Nntions witnessed such blatant cxnm pics cl speaking with forked tongue as it has during the So curity Councils debate on the lndIucPaklstnu sltuutlon in net much is happening hcre that would encourage the cynic who downgrades the UN It shows up the Incl that the weakness or the United Nations is not so much the world organi zntlon itself butlhpmcmbcifs um make it up Cnscs ol the lurked tongues arc The Soviet Union has blocked any attempt by anyone to put the UN behind call for with drownl of Indian troops from Pakistan Nothing could be more contrary to tho Iongheld SDvIcl view in another area that Israel must withdraw from captured Arab land bclore any progress can be made toward pcacn The Soviet Union has an gcrcd the Arab countries with itscomplclc backing of the In dlnn incursions Tho Peoplns RepubIIc China says it is unullerahly up posted to the division coun tries But It wants lsrnei state created by the UN dis mcmbcred and handed back to the Palestinians China is standing on Ilnn and developing countries are concerned however For many these dlsmemberment Iran everpresent threat Few coun tries supported the Blahans when they wanted to accede rum Nigeria not long ago The United Stall box do mandcd in the meanest terms the withdrawal or Indian troops as part of ceusollre package In 1561 during the Middle East war it was caning or ccnseiira first and talk at withdrawal Ice 01 LETTERS To Dear Sir Voting today Do we or do We not have secret ballot had occasion to vote la dry in the local municipal cloc tlon Alter marking and lolding my ballot lengthwise the and its location were clearly Vis iblc Consequently loldcd my ballot once again this tim crosswise The scruitlnecr npol ogizod for having to unfold this second told stating that she bad to see her initials on the out side ol the ballot Had she been sulilcitly interested it would have been impossible tar her not to see how or anyone else volcd it was then placed in the ballot box by tho scrutlneor Lord Jolua 2415 yourcommunity wokthrou ground as far as most small There is another curious thing about the United States It was on Its initiative that theceuncll meeting on Lbe lodePakistani situation was called and such countries as britnin and France seeing little hope of constructive action went along reluctantly When the meeting was called there was virtually no hop of agreement on anything and ex lrcme doubt that India would heed ceasere call Ironi any source am questioning sovorai Willis The use of transparent FDDEI The propriety of ballots bo lng marked with the initials of scrutincors The placing of ballots in the ballot box by scrutineerrather than by the voter This prec Lice has been allowed in every federal provincial and munici pal election iu Mitch voted Voting today Do we or do we not have secret ballot Hushl Whose semi gt Yours truIY STEWART Vancouver street Barrie Ontario hover Copyright Registration Numi The Local Inlllalives Program ls part of the Federal Governments Special Employment Plan It is designed to encourage groups organizations and municipalities to slarlworih Centre loriurther Interniallon WIIIIB projects like building rink or providing services for the elderly or handicapped or Improving substandard housing Projecls must give employment to people who might otherwise be unemployed and must be ola nEnprolilnaturo yourcommunily hasnta liedlora projeot start some aclion now Apicalions are mmhnum processed as they are received so its best to move quicklyfrhe deadlinef is Jan 31 1972 orapplIcauons Contactyourlocal Canada Manpower Dun Laos Mlnlller

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