Th liFIVO gummy mpuulmr meme Hunterd uPmro nrrien Saran dull nutch vulnerable 54 one QKQJITS 11 15143 QIS Kl 51 SOUTH AKQSI OAIDZ LST whim Ill West North In Pan Pu 231 lendkin ol heartr trz brides player mm by rnalhernntlcsl ulceilu and in my he not unthamtics do not often here my an NW on the guru to jus iity deep xtudy WY the probability that rlxcards of our will be ill mfg per cent of the time per cent of the time Humeht or when you Wt these tam tlgorer to tether vnu find that unit will or 42 about of time You rise miner but it help tulrto blow them in general Dechrer put this knowledgo work in todays hood Welt ed the AK of hurt and de roiled There was now only one cor play or South to make ind low mode result South ram 11 It did not matter which TELEVISION mch 31mm I7 JAY BECKER mlthlngortwoaboutodds PHELPSTON MRS MARLEY an on club were gueru or the Wverlry duh Thursday evening Dennis Brown at Bar rie ambulance corn gave demonstration oltirst lid Sympathy cxtmdcd to Mrs James Kelly in the ion of her mother hlra hi Bryn The rm era was from St Patrick hlonday LONG AND Tm Lightning bolts may measure several miles in length but Ire only about one to six inches in diameter pnocnnms IA BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO ourmm TORONTO ll mmworv PmOROUG MORNING VIEWING MONDAY T0 FRIDAY than Inf SDlrrI lo snh lLCu lilh Behoo 4month lull LTUMH hobby In Honantrnllnl nrriundh ne umrrr morn ocomm em Aamr 7aun Iroriu or ennui mliouiiu 13 uchex Helen uzoe 551 in to Century umo 4way smith End the I04 Wt Pine lrm Allen 5mont nonsur um znouywond Soure bane or Lu 7DInny rooms oMuutnt Court 1155 ucuriaon Gourmet In 1Drllnet Manon trom generation to Ind mill oneS which tn die out If the same recessive trait is present rn parents then that trail iostud at disappear in is mulled One example is eyesight Moderate mm or the cam Leno an overwhehohag handl rap But it me wcnhisu in herited troni both parents rlthr er than Just one the eyu onn become very much imp red Corinna coming mm Iirnilar Inniin stock will have limi lgrny or irnitr Ind dindais um Bad and can thus be per petuatedhut so can good one The tannly history is importmt Tint in why suggest referral to genetics expert it may mean to one at the bi tmivere ties or other medic centre which have goneth cainueling aervim but the matizr is importnnt enough to warrant it Deer Dr Thostewn What is the chance of third cousins hav ing normal dilldren There are ltered children on boa rid at the family inot coined by cousins nurryingl We cannot help but opposo our daughters argument to her third mm children on hot sides Mn H9 Rllk tor urd cousins is far lest than or run cumin he cauae there is more dilution o1 genetic traits tun risk does not mean no risk of course See the preoedm letter and Answer please But in your case most decidedb would get the oplnion of Benetic counse lor Your mention at aficted metal that expert id once the only who ribtube Min Judi Duch vertlL Maw beaumhl and nae MV um yen received Ior Wblch Judi thaukai all claim ty lunchrwas served Mr Ind urn Malcolm hic Genrge let Saturday morning by plane for holiday to Lu Vega and Cam ornlo Mr and Mrs Don Nail and Mr and Mrs Charles Kmnnrd or leav ing this week for Tampa Flor ida or three weeks Mr and Mrs Murray Watson Toronto spent the wttktnd with the lattera parenlr Mr and Mrs Don Neal sire Watson I2 tended the party and shower Fri day night Rev Willis in Good Ind Russell Adams are patients in Royll Victoria Halyitni Mr and Mrs Richard Duck worth Ind baby Windsor spent the mkeod with the iorrrwrr parents Mr nod iirs Arthur hi Duckworth Bush St Mr And hi John Simpson and Janet Grovenhurst visited Feb with Mr and Mrs Vil ham lrwin Bush St libs Susan Bells Barrie is with her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Betts and is sick with thgku an Mrs Chnrles Bryan Aililton spent Friday with Mrs Ruby McKee Sympatw la extended to Fred unn nod relatives in the pass ing of his mother Mrs Linn of Willowdnle HOLLOWS By MR5 Bowman Sorry havent had soy new bully too ml been sick my Mrs Cherish Bowie is visit Eng her daughter and aluminum and family Mr Ind lure MIL JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK muscled no would krl Wim tort crashes mic SECRET AGENT sot or us it you CAN Hm spAcE MRS FITZ um menu imwku $311 Drnmlly AllIir an Cum ton Merritt at orillln or few days Mr and Mrs Ernst Cool of Rexdsie visited their son and daughterinlaw ond lamth Mr and Mrs Keith Cook also their uiher relatives here on Sunday Michael and Michelle Smith Visited their grandparents Mr and Mrs MelIrony in Toronto on Saturday and attended the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gar dens ltir trauma lu Bath goeo no tedherpar ents Mr and Mrs Archie Bath 2555 gate here on Smiley The decision uould have to rest on such matters as what afictions are involved whether they are of hereditary kind In what characteristics can be identied on each side couldnt begin to answer those question geneticist could became thatr his ex peruse our Dr zoateson in your nnide about the safety livinl In basement apartment it may be safe but it is against the lire laws in most communes units there is separate stain DNewl er Spelt MODE ualrn cmohru um xnnu arrrtirr 31 111th an limvid nor Iloqmu 71 355 mo gm monor Inn PEIlama 1231 olnt mo no not 10 use anemr Pyle 31m mm ohnny emu uonymn yum Hr amp may KMum in anonmm ily Meir Ieur llTM all dune 1195 Hkisnovlmnblla Rayon IMW TRt 13an us zmul nun Hich ml Th GI luuhlill vJro Tell 01 mu emmds Ind THAT curs NEW ACROSS THE smurf 735st DARrY 11115 be 5x mm 91 min An m5 gummw um kunmw urnr Sign um 1mm mugge eu gum Mum Mk nB frwl rutzom 11m 5733 Lgfgz 11mm FEBRUARY BMW shareww INK AbCUr AND THE NOISE lNVilED iznul Cosby uscwsq Him mour 111 Girl 4mm OFFICE HOURS Consequence Tn LJron side mm mm AM ETTA KETT eve You uwmlcxal sown DIONT YOU 5mm Some nerve lurking on of wife Ather bet your reminds me at Phyllis Dliier at her van YES ourqurs STICKYuuo You HAVE THATaorm Do Forest new nu auu arias BLONDIE 51IIkllll his Sheila 2o Mum SVexnl 211mm 4Nzetivo in my torch SHoldln 23Cryttll love OJIIVSII sloped Ildes viiii Allowance 25 Pierce the Cartoon bolt IT Itlllln Zl IO Ignited river 14 Swill 31 Smooth God of Irt Ind 19 Nautical WP 32 Nnhir ll Pinneeoua rxuom 13mg son For no FRET urmsrrrrvirsmxms unvid rm OWERTIILE YOURE MINING Vuurommlxncomw suns orwnuumsmumg SOME WIRE AND TWO 03mm THEMTDANCHOR METDTHE 30mm OFTHELAKE xwwrsemc mum WW niBRINS WLDWMEET MEATONCEKI THE STRIPES OFFICE which on 3WO In 6111 01 conueuun 7Newl W0 ther spurt DAuev WilllIm 4mm lITtm comm now am Hulda mun lelklyl IIIor as God at wrr so Vipers as Carrillo i2 Greek on or ucllll nruum eum tn mum 2a more mumcu nanny an Xingu 0n mo W5our llw Grlilln gfnut For 129 332 gggram 1nruu nun 21 mum Wm ucumu 33m by on iggrw 41m Tomiow 155 14a ntstorm hum Lolocal Fags noggin moss iuororcou raw 13mm Fortune way of lllemirilno ux from mm nou or 51 Thin Nun 9nuuor 74313341 gs31943 11 my Tnik mm 1033 MM mm VENING szfgormm gum Hellot llsgitagot Pm we ma in rm 53 52 Cum um $01 run mo 3333 on ol is il oMom nqurncra Mrs Mun mu wi Wanton aanr we Wcliher 15m Yvu oiwmon Imuoniblo kLHMH 3313 nriirr TKildyl Bunch The Funnam In illetticolt Junction midi of not coon tllfevklu one 14mm mid llBrckoos warm The sum or Alexnan armm unwou Jubilee claim Snowy Set zureltonr world Ach News Snecili 21241 hnny Luau 7Movlt if our Mariam no 5718 Snowmobile Fiighh Things as Life Are Free nMovie wo met ll nle lnxmu The nanrm Hlilnvle lPIther Guru 333va The Third MI mo HIOVI Allen 1Dkk CIVGN Univerlity or the Air Low in el Bowl mm POP 29 Cues or 27 Supertu 23 loan 28 Moreow citadel Aegeln valuem 35 Encore aswmg amped stunner ugin 39Wlthar 40 Region 01 out es men BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS SKEETER