New York Inshicn designer Donald Brooks said Wednesday he recommended three definite hemllncs short midi and long Shown above are the ot the deslvlers midi his At THE IVlIDl AT THE FASHION SHOW which were shown as part at Brooks crown up geometry bruuntollcd triangular print to In lronl prevents it mm on pique on waterple coat ll suatltrough lim Al right standout in the photo show is mauve orgmza midi with scalloped hem see through arms and back cl bodice hul scalloped QI summer couture collection lclt is an example of Acquire Warped Notions About Role Oil Policemen By GARRY MYERS PM great many chlltircn even under six him the notion that the policeman as rule Is it tierce cruel person small percentage of these children have got this notion because they and some at their play mutes have been pickcd up or chased by policeman when they were doing somethlntt do harmful Mrny older and younger children hnvu acquired warped nation at policeman irom what they have seen and heard on TV during riots and the like and what they have read in the public press con cerning these matters Sometimes we and our elllllt drctl read andhcar about in stances in which policemen trying to protect us and our community lose their lives However some what we Illqu heard and scen docs revunl that tew policemen especially our tag riots have been cruel an occasional one extremely so These extreme instances huvu lcd many adults and children to conclude that all policemen as group are cruel persons tlnd pumllc enemies in any commun ll Thucw extrema instances of cruelty have been played up out at true proportions tn the kind and protective services reit dcred by the rank and tile ol uolt lleemen liaron do we and our children learn about this largo and eitcetlve service of our pt lleomcn As you and can easily un derstand the TV pictures we see of riots are naturally oi the swinging club of an occasion al policeman wo dont see the provocation at tho resisting riot crs which dont make such dra metle pictures as rule Nor do we hear the insults and ob scenltles hurled at the police by these rlolers Neither can such be easily pictured nor would the obscene and insulting verbal utterances be permitted on the air CHILDRENS SAFETY Let us here consider protective services render Even in largo cities icl us rc mornber the policemen who see young children safely across the do tl streets by their schools Let us stand and watch thorn with these children and see the usual adoration and at fcctlon tendered by these chil dren Let us listen as pullcolt mun appears in an elementary sehoolroom and explains to the children how they can by ob scrva certain rules and allu tlons escape accidents and pre vent tires In the classroom let us who orotenehcrs ottell remind chll dren of scores or kind tIIltl pro cctlvo services the policemen ulvo At home lot on listen enthu siastically as our young children toll ol the kind policemen whom they know Earlier hero pointed out that we parents and teachers may Influence our children toward desiraan behavior by inspiring the kind polieomcn choose to make their own or one oI the childrens magarllies Recently group hie At helping us our way to nd Or what eu lost ul liltsu wishes has been assembled and How they never never collected ill book entitled ecuse wishes To provide securily and llcro is one of those wishes pence To us on days and nights ANN nigh my husband and decided to go to movie We multklt get sister so we wrapped our aubmoamcld so in blanket end tack him vnlh us When we lot to the ticket taker be ssid cant let the bum WW LANDERS ADVISES Dear Ana Leaders 11 other Sorry 01 picture is or 31qu it has on rating We My vsilc replied The may only Iaur months old Whats more hes asleep and wont see anything The man became annoyed and said we have order not to admit anyone under in and lm not taking any The wmman in the box 015cc refunded our money we leit My wile was so upset she had to take sleeping pill was pretty burned up myself What do you think Ann Rules are rulm but isnt this ridicu louSTmrued Away Dear ned releer nur question to ula lop man in the WHAT THE FOR TOMORROW Stick to routine allairs on Sal urday and dont expect too much on any llunl It will most likely be Just on average day uothlng tuo disturbing nothing spectacular Family lnlercsls however will prove more pleas ing than most FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that or the next year it would be through quite tow op How they are so very kind to lllldanc coldest docs Think again You can get quickly and efciently youii hardly in them right wishes What any person ottoa wishes to be able to do he III inclined to strlvo to do For number of years have been wrltln wishes which hope chi tilen might policeman or know where Natural gas is so whatever the weathers doing outside you heat warming your home throughout the entire Winter scason feeling And you can get it right now Did you think you had to suffer through the rest of the winter Put up with that old cranky heating system thatrleaves youfrcczing on ral gas booting installed right nowl Yes now Our experts will come and put in brand new gas furnace or convert your present furnace right now at can depend on natural THE BARRIE EXMHNE FRIDAY JANUARY ITD By ESTRELLIIA well to temper monetary ambl tions with conservatism Even rluni ties tor pain are hightilz ted in your churt notably between lllay 15 and July and between midSeptember and mItLNnvem ber twilh October outstanding you would not be lusiilird In lluy SKLlSltul Ircsh loud when most picntllul in your zircon And theyll do it so have time toshivcr Heres what natural gas heating will give you this winter and many winters to come ipecl directly to your home Baby Refused Entr listing Picture Adsodam Sir Jack Valenti tick laier was obviously eve xeslaus in his ednrt to sick in letter the law his bass probany told him ll you let anyone under in in the theatre you will has your lob ll sald The key word is judgment baby in blankets should harp been admitted it ts heartening however to has that tax in dustry is policing in own We would rather make few people aazr because their children cont ct in than have them mad because they were admit ted when they should not have been SLAVE Delr Ann Linden Somb times Im sure the only reason my mother had ms was because she wanted someone to do her housework Are children sup posed to enjoy their childhood or be slams STARS SAY This will be particularly Impor Iant to remember during the iirst two weeks at September Best cycles tor lob HIVUIICrk ment and recognition Fcbnt nry llllly July September and curly December Personal interests will be Iive lier lhun material pursuits this year Between Julia 15 and Sept is the celestial spotlight will shine on romance and social ac tlvlties with many opportunities ior making new trlcnds indieah cdfricnds who will lnlerest you socially scutimcntally or husincsswlse similarly good cycle will occur during the last 5k weeks at the your Except or short trips dont count too much an chances or travel In 197 but the early part oI next January ini be highly auspi Wm ANN am ts and nding schqu cry wilds lr lm going to get into decal college next year need grades have loads homework and busy social lllc is it fall at my mother to ask me to get all the phone and set the table while she is doing nothmg but reading or sewing Several oI my girl cicada are By ROBERTA ROESCII Another name for partlimo work could be lustenough loll because this working ar rangement is just that or so many women too can certainly make that statement again one mother of four children agrced need on outside interest she revealed in me hutl couldnt handle ninetollve me around hump mm school portunity part me help TODAYS RECIPE ZIPPY CHEESE DH zlcitzlgu lllHlllnct wise horseradish dry mustard Few drapH labuscu sllucu swttl pickic relish chill StIuCL reproduced with polmission oi the publisher Elilorce the laws defend expanding alum llch lines wish everybody know our rights through speculative Ventures OI the good that policemen Imagine just how ll would child born on this vIII be becxtrumelyversuttlu and llow they help you and mu it we could neither hear nor Prices of rash mm and vcu could succeed in almost any one In time or peril untl truu see may change with me 5cm ol the creative vr sciuntlilc professions as well us In IIIO business world suit Dash peppci Beat cheese until lluiiy Ad remaining ingredients combine wuii and chili Much about FIB having It same pniilun with lot because my children need when they come Besides hllvu no training Ial ollicu or clerical work But am creative with my hands so Ive tound wonderful job on hooking rugs or tal enlctl itsigner who needs some trcnm theu mothers hat is 06 mod st um Deu$LAreynuarlesor member of the am you are guest you have over stayed your visit it 3m are member of the fanuly you should contribute somethmg belt slotr your wit and wisdom GJJ whose mothers dd not ex pect to iii linger have very Animal lime when they ma Thaw pnmu dunnas are brulidrrtxl and lost Be glad mother has good muse trad kAchcllxen FUNNEL PART Dear Ana Lumen Ive been madam your cclumn for years and lowly thought it was the must tuxawn ever bought her any expensive gilt such iuaniesz part or the paper New have males and apoip Iur or gile or not taking you scri you ever loaned her money uusly am st widower who lust ram utto alter as ears of mar Want OutSide Interest But Not FullTime Job work mm to to she added nd thats just enough or me SLNntI woman who culls her job itislcllollgil occupa tion IS widow he making her home with her daughter and seven grandciliidnn made this move she told me because at the time nccd ed home my daughter needed my help very badly But as much love lic ionginc to ilcr lzlmily and giving her tin uistl heed to get out at the house and see other pom pietuo Colisequently my parltime job selling lnlillnery is just enough tor me THINGS TO DO it luncheon lul would do or you what It Is duilil or thousands oi others here are six things you can do First answer it Help Wanted ads whenever they give an indication that parttimo work would be uccept able Second place Siluatinn vnnl ed ads in nunpapers utlrscii and be palitlll about waiting lor answers Third apply at employment private employment risge and dcin ueLL Ive mum in cor Ste has sunny is splendd comp mm she would marry me ll The problem Ls mslly older men make tools at theirselves aroundoweanlte dusts lady lair is intereszed or telest and she has been Lu DIJm asked any questions abou your income mur stocks or your bank account questions she gets hcrc 1y we amnesia years my sitim llcrmc le LOU the second date money We share many in of We in my ilk Dear Dov Ila Saussure Has size are sited you to help out with he real jewelry HatIt uu can answer no to all these the might use parttime employees lew typical placcs to mnsider ere foundation social and roll giols institution museums arts and crulls studios real tan and insurance itrms travel agcnc hospitals libraries It hotel restauranta erkct research Iirms dutian mcnt stores and specialty shops supermarkets the tres news pupch and pubi ng houses File as many applications as you min and check on them rc seck leads through social contacts former cllllll and professional peo ple lcll Yuryand You know you want strnour job ta keep your eyes and ears open tor hows about firms that plan to move to your vicini tv Apply or work at once SIMCOE DISTRICT The largest dbplay oI RCA Products in Slmcoo County 153 lnnisiil 7266531 agencies and temporary job survlcts =3 Fourth visit or teiuphonu wont place in your area that the air or leave dirty rates will be gas Natural gas iu worry about and servicing is available Cleanliness Natural freshly warmed air through your home that nice warm natures wonderfuelNowl Call consumers Gas 72656553 when you want it Why sufferThcres lot of winter ahead feelingif you change to natural gas heati gas is the cleanfuei deposits on walls and furnishings It gently circulates supplying the beat you want QWith natural gas maces have fewer moving parts to 24 boutso day LOW cost There are no hidden costs with natural gas and your annual heating bills will be lower The more uses you make of natural gas in your home the lower your gas doesnt pollute the butlyou can still get ng