mmmmum zmmmnshzxndhcr cm kidi=1 wmdmmmuwmt nionated and selfish 3m woman Gamma Bu hit had quilt bar age 10113 virtually all of 1mm aimprams can Kramndsislcrpiamc mumm mam mmwlmmmm mmswnmlpmzlopm mmrnghmzzllpuxt arr ambit afami skanun new cndrrnhmsmuldwht mm mlm Inuith Em mummy mu uni dronuncdnzsmustum of 31 inns an 19 lot pm nLIxn hmzxnmzuxmrup WEE Ilemcmtnmrzxzzs nu am 32m 352 linimdg have no doubt that $12 mid be lousy rmthzr Oxildren mg into the world at at both deserve rut need lore That isnt why called her Iclllsh called her that be cause she insisted that it was up to he husbamHobc to have Lhc operation lnstead at having an operatimi herself Like it or not people get di vwrcel hlnte dlc People marry again And get steady stream at letters tram people who have remarried and now say Now we very much want Readers Write ilhe Doctor Letters uacmosmm ythfxexlltltnlrdmwl lmunrknet Imassmum imculsndmnx lmmummmwc 1m Whimmm Enhdonelaanurmtw fsuinzlheptibllizy mam fmxhe In dunL Fa IEIE HI mmm rm think you have Lb right to one it KIWI someone else Dear Dr Hashim 11 you have cataracts can you still huvc glaucomaTFs Yes slr The two can exist to gather Note to Ens trace ol albumin in the urine may indl can lnlccuoa in the bladder or elsewhere in the uranry 5ny tem It deserves lnvestlgatloa Sometimes it is at no algal canoe TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFAW TORONTO 11 AMTLWN PETEEBOROUGII MOWG VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRIDAY I5 15 um xuum Igimi Game along IE690d Puu bgykelvugd 5pm Izrno 5131 l$wocuwn mum uent My my 711 gum sun and zleu 1w frg Pk Izcuudun Au Izur Druqu rnr 559315 slum the DUIICII Robby Home Export um zuwrwood Iona Mo Honuntxallon 5QUIKG zoItumm llonm LIZEncnb PW outlet Gllnt 7Dlnny Thom mo lDuvul IIIIIhIIIIu vulmm Court It IrIrrvo 1Gllloo an Gummt Ims OMEIA 719m IzcItonm WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2i EVENING on ma 24mm whqu M14Naw lzourrnet achkday ionic hm um 4IIqumuIgt1I IIPoInI or You zThon Cnllll Donna mm IzIIavIc AIIIwII Five0 aI um Lucy The award All IIImm Emt 331524 III Milan 13 InlrII 40 zchk vn min Preluntnllon 7uuk snmaw IIllnnnmn lllrlm cmm IIJanncrI Dnulhtu ormm or aImnm IILucma nII Conleoucnccl llConvuutlon twill dun II L313 13 IIIIwII mo 1mwv PM ma Weather Euom 7I Mm Luv 1Vlmlnln v5 Tan 41 44cm llurlon mm mm ADohhla IIavnnId H2 ucmaum 7Nunnv And rm Vltmmlnt no lihm Itx Iwrnn 13year Lino AIIrv mum mum ll llAnullter 7Muvlt 77 1mm warm nu proud mm 1Mh 7Cnmtlhla or camumm 9wdluu mum mum llchk vn um WWW AWN 551 11an IIrcr Make Amy Imam Wantnu nun The baton nun lrnov mu I210 wnthcr oltnvcrlv llltlhllllcl 3Ammur llaavmlmu lllcrryr lrobo 11th Imum In Irv Allen vnumu 1m III wmma 31 ILInm luvlrx ma H142 Ime himlll mi mm llltdlcnl Centre TIIUILIUAV JANUARY 22 AFTERNOON aImm IMmu II H7 1qu MM In gm Iznm In Make mu Ntorm 1m 1mm Wm Cunnm DdenmI gigging lice mm IlIt polnt 21 Penal 24mm Immlr Olympic 41 gm II Jul mm amalgam amm my 4AM mnmnudzr rm innu Ammeun IAxuvtmnrl tumult1 mm momma furrow WI ll gtAnrxy lrmm llgitmunn lamml munmmv JANUARY 22 EVENING with gm Jaw1mm acuuur 33 lumialiriiiiiflu rm NWI fl Wm 11 Ireland mummt pom mun Iowan 41 IAgmnu pm zy2fvh ImIIn 201mm 01 tilIt uomn Mr nmnrymm1 Izxnmnnay 2LUppnrclamI ttlrlln th ma mum cumqu Lilla mu mm WWW 0m 1Jisxprnnulou 6va npmuw 142 ulnmuwm LIN vninll b3311 unmmmm mac Amorluan MN 1H 7414 019 II II ovmuv Amur Haw InuInm Tm mm mumar Hnorll zl Omar Win an nm or Mm Lvmmm Ilubnr 414 2MMllnI on Annur munqu 4w mom my LIIW Junctlun swoon Irlk 44mm ltlutr Hm II Tim mm arm mutton My yhlnv Iimvn ailMttblnnrri glclmoul out pig lmum normmm Vlmt Ipv Llno MA Iiziekny lghmbaol 593213pr To Tnu 1rth liilvlii an IzIIIII cal amuun 3er um 1m Vun um lmm myoicnm In Il Mort lVl Emma Walther Illynwlr llIrlIl l3 lIIInuI lidirlwhmi Amman or Homo 10 Ivanmar Mann FitNevin mou Aullmllu Ivaaum Snort 24mm lmpalnlblu lNowbs Vealtlcr 730v TM DowN car uVan kau llimunvn lnvlu baton 1Twllluht zon 11nmo Jone mm Ilellbwt monk Ilrrl Tm Imm bIAHIIIINIII um NM gt onwa 9pm mum am it um hm Alum tllrny mm In work no my mm liuldlnt um ml twin Ulmo ll llkr my Wurld CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South denier Pity declare went so Scam side whensz twerhenhcliterlookasude x0 litmus um 151 33 Now lets suppose that Com Immmmjmkdm AK twemdthesixotwcmne lami would than him made 1150 meanrdmihpmpaphy mm om IIEMWJEWE QM sog rounds at trumps to produce this liw mu position Sun Wu nu room mm 51 The ow 93 1m 13 llwachzbudiaeithched has rah your maa dm wan the mining Mswvwhm and Licksmtheaidola cuh pxmu sum an nu the mm SQdmmxr mamadonnbedmladsa Moadmhmfmdnu hwmymmmdgnktnumttl msmmuxmm wombatmnpnehowmnch WWW mwtdiftultilisfwaddud You mid Fobbb Send the er ta wwwmgl saved mummmmm mmsxpmwismmmtm Chap less he takes precisely the ght slzp to break it up Cer tainty Cooas club return In the pmsent case was nothing shortot magnirmt By HIS CMIPBELL ing it took all on ilS awn crosy MINOR DOCK On Dec 23 at Elmvale Arum CY0 Fecwecs beat Slmud Pee wees 74 Russ Hattoa Dave Wallm and Bruce Bowman gutt ing Stroud goals Luchnncc of the CY0 Bantams scored with zo seconds left to lead his team to wln over SIroud Bantams Pate Bouchnrd John Barton and Roy Hunt scored Strand goals On Jan at Elmvnlo Arena Barrie Atoms shut out Strnud Atoms DougSncddon and Mike Trnchuk scored Barrlcs gaalat Stroud Novice heat CY0 Novices 61 Scott Flcgol led the scoring wlIh our goals Alvln Maerz om goal and Ihrco assists and Terry lrwln got tho othur goaL 0110 scorers wcro Snodgrnss Molane and Dem n15 numnsse one each Arrangements have bee Campbell made the prescntattoa made by Mrs John Cowun and on hehall ol the WGMr Follow hanquot cammlttoo ol Stroud lag the meeting Mr and Mrs Wl to cater on January 21 Marcellus Borrlc were intro und 22 or the Inde at 4H duced by WRIT Mrr Lucllle Homemakers club as they at Motcnlle and they gave lnstruc tend tha two day coursu on Man In sounro dancing which The Cereal Shell in Stroud was enjoyed by all Community Hall DIuVErILEss VEHICLES Realdenta at II St Stroud were surprised recently Buothua parents Mr and Mrs when they saw beautllul pony Thomas Fltzlmmins he auichndw wbaggan but drl Vcrlcnapas lhroughthc village party at over 40 In Churchlu It was llnally stopped without Hall accldcnt near tho IIIII llne Many cars and trucks slowed down to pass the vchlcle so seldom seen KNOWN 1W BARK on Na 11 nghwuy thn an owner at snodmo their hark lon one pulled in near am llno cum cits has imrii JEEmiEEWJli ur and loft hls maohlno runn ECII ed the highway to the west side and collided with pop cooler Damage to both was extcnuivn It was lonuuate no cars were proceeding north over till grade or it mlght have been more tragic story SQUARE DANCING Innislll Cbuplcr 0ES held their rst meeting for 1970 and dasle tnclemwt weather many members were la uttendlt nncc alnng wlth Auirton vlsl tors Arrangements were made or the annual monster cuchra in January and lucky lunch con in February VGlt of Grand Chapter Ontario Mrs Arva McKenzlo honored InnlsJ til Chapter by appointing Fra scr Campbell PP Grand rcprcsentotlvc or State at Wy omlng in Ontario Slater Jessie Mr and Mrs Illcrvla Booth and tnmlly attended Boxan Day family rcunlon wlth Mrs they were hosts at tnmlly Trees can he recognized by DAILY CROSSWOBD Complulnlnz that Bnrkcr ntnrtcd the fight wont do any good Lhcord that the boss put him up to it moss Monlom 10 DONALD DUCK 5OMEONE IN YOUR 6M9 BOUGHT THE CAMERA new For U5 CORRIGAN TAKE us AWAY SPARE ME THE CLO cums CAMERA CASINO WE DID NONNE LIKE THAT CRAZY 5mm JAGGEE wuv WOULD WEHAEM 5I10PKEEPER we won FOR You SECRET AGENT WHM DID HEY DO JLSTAMlNuTEUFFlCER NTAMNGI MENAMAIZN WHERE AKEYOU acme wmI THOSE 301$ THEMIN MRS FITZ SHES SECPETAFN OF THEINTERIOQI TAKES CAR OF THE COGKlNG AND WHAT YOUR MOTHEQ ITS I2th LIKE HOME YOUQE SECEEIAQY or THEIR ASUPY ETTA KETT GET wmI ID DAD XM Jusr some MY THING ALEXANDER no vou HAVE TO KEED L73 wuv COULDNT HIs Tuwe HAVE BEEN Er WEAVING 3i WHANSKNO AWAY ON THAT GUITAR LlKE MAD BASK BLONDIE OR OVER AN HOUR IHE FRUIT VENDORWOES RUSHINGEUSVNESS IN BANANAS THEN THANKS rot SHOWING ME DOPE PUSHER JOF Ill JUST WATCH IIIM AWII BUZZ SAWYER HJUN0RI IT COLD OUTSIDE nunm comm IMGIDHMUNIDRI you wuu nanuzn MUGGS SKEETER