oqxnn no Ira 112 iartir Examiner Waits Publisher McPherson Managing Editor nosth seminar ma no School Board Justied In Claim For The Statue County Roman Catholic iguana School Board justied in its ortstoobtainagrestershareotccm moichi assessment in the county Jack Ramsay director of the Simme Canny Board of Education says bile move is legithute nder Ermind act the separate school he of Ontario may obtain share of assessment of limited compon ies if some of the owners are Roman Catholic in Barrie for example 50 per cult of Bombardier Ontario Limited is earmarked for separate schools But other companies with partial Catholic ownership do not contribute The Separate School Board in this county imposu fairly high taxes as mm of its asessment is residential By uc quiring more commercial assemnent it hopes to lower the residential tax rates and thus decrease the burden on Catho lic homeowners lbecountyboardofwhichltfr8am say lsdirec1or of education might be obliged to increase its own levy or apply for higher grant rating from the pro vince The grant rate could be raised as was done in the case of the Catholic board to compennte for loss of amass ment revenue In letter to the public school board seen through the experience of other Kerry Lunbil General Manager As sessment Ross Saunders Separate School Board dialsman outlined his views later in an interview he stated that this could not be construed as war and it isnt of course The Catholic board is simply following the provincial act to obtain what is egitimatcly separate school rev enue lheinrportanceofthsadloncanbe communities In some wellfavored cit ies Ontario 50 per cent or more of tax revenue comes from business and industry In other words 50 cents of every tax dollar spent on municipal functions comes from these sources The entage of commercial and in dustria assessment earmarked for the separate schools of the county however would be modest Industries which sell stock on the market would not be involv ed as the ownership may change poxi bly from day to day But limited com pany including partnership could con tribute The board will solicit firms for share of their assessment At present there is no indication of how much my be ob tained The end result could mean re duciiorl of taxes for homeowners who are supporters of separate schools DOWN MEMORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 22 1950 Will iam mitten Benson retired lumberman and Reeve of Penetanguisheneelected Warden of Simeon County by accianla tlon rst from that Georgian Bay town in 48 years Gerald Rytaher saved from suffocation when trapped cavein at construction site of exte to 0GB plant Bradford St Ne and Madonte owmbi both plan centennial celebra tions year James Hart Reeve of Barrie chosen county finance chair man William Delaneys boat house busy building pleasure cruisers for Lake Sirocco customers Emory Engineering Co tender accepted for new public school liliigrest on Toronto St Bary Ensemble five women ured by Community Concert Assocn at Roxy Theatre Barrie Arena packed to capacity two nights for skating perform ance Barbara Ann Scott Canadas Olymg champion Red Cross rooms over row Co obtained as campaign had uarters for Barrie District Memory In ospltal John Mltchinson continues as general chairman Executive commit tee includes Torn McCarroli Walter Du John Boys KC Leighton Clarke Warren Wilgar Simpldn oi Stroud Rev deloncier Wright Walls Snelgrove Parsons Colonel Garry Lee OBE MC Mrs Bar bara Wheeler Pugh Mrs Ga ble Mrs Stewart Rev James Fer guson George Johnston MPP of Ml nnlsiclans tWBlock crowded with veternnuce nosing Catholic Womens League planned Snowball Dance at Club 79 convened Mrs Frank Guiiltoyle and Mrs Peter ook Dan Wileys orchestra has been engaged Molly McGee Can adas first woman war correspondent addressed Womens Canadian Club in Barrie library hall President Winlt ston Law announced dates for church hockey league playoffs at Barrie Arena In Peewee group Trinity beat St Marys lOWith John Christie starring in net Tommy Garner an ass from Jack Graves scored only goa Other stars not ed in weeks play were llrn Hook Ken Beaver John Maloney Bob Marshall Bobby Hooper Howard Steclrley Larry Reid Agriculture board room in Ross formation on new plan for assistance in building homes Rev Father Gerald Quinlan native of Barrie bursar St Augustines Seminary died suddenly New oor lisher on market was de signed en neered prodqu at Barrie Worim where payroll has now reached $100000 for 330 employees from $192000 for 140 at start five years ago Hog producers worried over threatening collapse farm market Leaders in General Proficiency at Bar rie Collegiate were Frances Robins and John Cockburn Leading Citizens were judged to be Perry Cockbum and Alber to Key At Barrie farm market large Eggs dropped to 30c dozen pullets 85c OTHER EDITORS VIEWS FREQUENCY LABOR UNEEST Brockville Recorder and Times It is matter of interest to note that the greatest frequency of labor unrest occurs in Ontario where stoppages are double the number in any other prov vlnce Most strikes are in the manu facturing industry with the5 construction industry poor second Newfoundland and the otherrMarltime provinces are almost strikefree It would appear from the statistics that the more progressive province ho carnee the more it can expect labor un rest WHY NOT MOON FOOD Bruntfold Expositor It is timely to recoil that fascinating novelFood of the Code written by set entlstseer Wells as years ago It tells of the laboratory production of Boom Food growth stimulan so powerful that soon otter few grains blew out of the window plants and trees shot up to towering heights and the citizenry had to be armed to hunt rats the elzo of lions If Boom Food why not Moon Food at your friendly neighbors hood grocoterln of course with plastic toy in every package 12113312215 2E 113er AFTERsz Aanuo 337 51552 at QUEBEc r159 usauuuoomcslzs oF wows5 low pawn BYPLAIIMG GAMES nF GOLFA spovrmwm ivlslaygrns WE zismrivmwmo toititldiilttl Mali5y yrsasywmssimsmwab M55 lil all duouunuoe WHEN IT l5 excuse TAKES lw BREATM6 MIN urs ll7 WIEAMlWlWAd asco55 war 54mm BRING ANY lDEAs BACKFROM THE ALPS PIERRE oeuvrmlmrm pryvr WW OTTAWA REPORT Diplomats In Russia Want Coin Laundry By PATRICK NICHOLSON One of the baddest of jokes asks what Scotsman wears under hll klit Alas the mini fashion has not Ipread from swinging girls to what terried German poldiers used to call devils in skirts so some peo ple sLlli dont know Now our diplomats have given us passi blc answer to tbllt other old llb torfel teaser What do Russian wcar under their turtleneck topics The answer suggest those diplomats in probably nothingbecause they IIVEFKC IFWIIM This brings up the diplomatic problem at the ambassadors undervest mission of Canadian acne tors in now touring Russia One of the items on the agenda for private discussion in the so crecy of the Cunndtnn Embassy where only the bug will ever hear it is the provision of coinoperated Canadian washing machine for the use of Canadian diplomats in Moscow Russlun laundrch are like yuckdnws they collect things especially their customers clothw lng Send dirty garment to the Chinnmun in Moscow and you never see it uguln So while Bensons taxes and lrudenue ination are taking the very shirt off our backs in Canada our diplomats in Moscow are complaining that soon they too wont have shirt on their backsor anything on any other part of their budlcs That is why ills Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would like his cmhop rytobovo whatMpcrcont of all homes in Canada have it good capitalist washing machine An expert on the subject Joe of Joe Blspftks Wnshctorio in mummmmmm on iliurrlr Examiner PHQO FLASBACK 16 Ba lold Street Burr Mario Tclcphono Socond Clam Mall Registration lerber om Return postugo guaranteed Dally Sundayl and Statutory molidaya excepted simmlmlon rates dni by carrier 55c weekly 80 yearly Sloalo copies loo By mall Barrio $2000 yearly Omario 01000 your other mull 03500 your Motor throw obi $2100 your National Adng Offi cos no Univcral Avenue Toronto 040 Cu cart Stu Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit BinMu of circulations The Canadian Press is ex otualvely entitled lo the use for ropubllcutlon of all now dlu niches in this paper cred it to it or The Associated Press or licutcrn and also the local news published therein The mlrrln Examiner claims Copyright in all orilinul uh vcrtlslng and editorial miller lal coated by its employees and reproduced in this WI pspor Owyrildlt Registration Nimi bor mm resistor 01 this capital has been lernioffi cially consulted to the host machine for the job He was un able to be of much help without being told Just what articles of nmbusadorlnl clothing it will be called upon to wash Frilly black lacs lmdcrthingr belong log to the ladies Striped punts as sometimes worn by the ill dicsl or white shirts PLANE TAKES LAUNDRY Moscow is known in diplm matic circles as the graveyard of effcto Wcatcm clothing American diplomats there hnvo mama so muchmam Russian luundrlca that now laundry plane has been placed at their disposal byWnsbingtunnot to blast nwny tho grime with its jet engines but to ferry dirty American linen to West Germanys efficient laundrlcs The Canadian embassy has no such facility and hence the and don demand for twovbitslnv theslot washcterin American and other foreign diplomats have similar trouble with the service which ottuwnns use lhcrowss one who re lar ly mailed his dirty clothes me to Belgium to ba laundered An other always sent his Wifes dresses to Paris where dry cleaning is ratlsMng skill Then there was the American who sent his smart new St Jnmcss hnt acquired during his previous posting in England to be cleaned and reblockcd in BIBLE THOUGHT Master who did lib this man or his parents that he was born blind John 02 lulu replies Neither both this man sinned nor his pur cts But the glory of God can omo plain in the midst of evil hummuswnnwuh GROUP OF prominent Bun rip businessmen taken in 1005 Sumo initials or given names Inuktan BACK ROW Ottawa When he later received smell paper has containing what appcnld to be one of those Christmas gift token is the form of miniature hat he wondered whom he should thank for lipthen when he looked at it closely he knew whom to curse Another American ulso spruccly and expensiver ward robed in Enghlnd sent his prized while silk pyjamas to be cured or by an ounwa laundry which presumably used our only available nun accusing chemicnliacd water The while yinnlas come back nuntly roncd but yellow in color Tho owner raised such hell that tinni ly the discolored garment was sent to our National Research Council for on analysis of the trouble There the highpowered scientists worked with their mi croscopol and testtube liko Mocbctbe three witches until they could complete their tests to theirsnlitnctien and render report The trouble they ex plained was due to the fact that the articles had been allowed to come into contact with human body So that is why our diplomats in Moscow wont to resort to little courloous nnd olflclunt solfsorvlcennd what the hell if the detergent pollutcs the Volga boatrnon or the Mnskva rlvcr LARGE CITY in 1510 the Aztec capital of fcnochtlllnn on the site of presentday Mexico City had an estimated population of 300000 lrlrgcr than the contemporary London of Henry VIII MOST LETTERS The language with the most MthmeMWWxwm from left Mitchell Frank llemraso Wllllnm Moore Webb Charis Ward Andrew Carson Bock Churlrl Wan opened Jan 19 Pew peo CANADAS STORY January 19 Important Confederation Date 31mm move pie realm that it mid be wrecked several times along the way The debate in th Cann disn legislature hem Feb and lsstcd for five weeks Neu ly every member spoke and the opposition to Confederation was led by Antoine Barton Quebec roast and John Snndeld Mucdounid of Ottawa Vniiey Dorian felt that Franck Csn ads would disappear in Confedv oration but John Macdaaaid bad George Etienne Cartier by his side and manned to keep his Frenchspeaking supporters fmm boiling in fact when the going became rough Cartier would shoot bring in the mem herd He wanted vote as quickly as possible because he knew that the coalition govern AROUND THE WORLD New Poverty Tide Sweeping India By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Anly 1125 most shocking news to come out of Asia recently may be that the new strains of super productive needs which are wip ing out indlaar food deficit are also ruining majority of its people This is because lndla has not had lluld nform The best land in each village is owned now as it was in the pastanewlmldhrdsitis these men who are reaping the benefits of the agricultural rove iution Having becomericbcr they are able to afford manufactured produetl such as factorymade shoes clothes pots and pans plumbing appliances factory msdo tools nnd oven agricul tural machinery As result Lbcyno longer pntmnlw tho vii lglzo wryor Itan mlkN rcssma 01 or or blacksmith with pm they do not need the village scavenger to take away excre meals The tractors have thrown the agricultural laborers out of lobe tide of new poverty is sweeping the regions of indie where the new grains are being used Those who own no land are new with no hope of earning their keep by working for the landlords ll nrtlsnns or labor crs llloso who own small pur cols of undesirable loudgenera lllly nonirrigated landcannot take full advantage of the now seeds which cannot grow with out wutcr and fertilizer The poorer armors cannot afford any fertilizer Bnloro the cur agricultural revolution those poorer formers supple montcd their income by working for the richer ones Now they are losing their employment and the loss is greater than what little benefit they derive from using better seeds on their lowgrade land EXODUS ihc result is ll growing exo dus towards the cities which are already crammed with millions of starving unemployed ull and bad mouth slipped to pmhtnomumthrvudi illsu approved by big major itics in the Assembly and the legislxivo Council The Confederation train was wrecked in the othercolonlen Newfoundland deridzdto wait forageoefnlelcctloninliovm her Premier niiey of New Brunswick was Ilsaman oeuvrod into making Conledcre tlon an election issue and we defeated Prince Edward bland niedodltbyavoteolztos Premi lupperol Nova Seeds used Maytag tactics but Jo seph Hows began writing outl Confederation article in the Halifax Chronicle He called it the Willa Scheme and ital opposition was very euro Mm JAN EVENTS insWelland Canal Company was incorporated lacMount Allison Wesleyan Academy we opened Sackvilk NB innDonald Smith present ed Cansdss proposals to nub door audience at Fort Gary lmlt was convinced that Canadas second nuclear re Ieerch centre would be built along Winnipeg River lmYellowlmile capital at Northwest Territories nhle people Thus good thing m0re productive seedbu produced very bad result And the problem is not simply economic Fate the govern ment the world seem to have played yet one more dirty trick on those least able to hour it The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poor er And in indie as elsewhere the poor are turning massively against the system which they feel betrays them Things move slowly in lndlu no country after oil has 500 000000 people and they are in large measure in what we might call stupor deriving from the fact that may have been malnourished since birth They are not only to organize into coherent movement But they might well be so organized and they are the maturity by for and then lndin wlu suffer unprecedented tumloll VIII not be chinn or communism that overthrow the worlds largest democracy but gift of western agricultural science Met Wooed And Married At Beer Bar HEMET Calif AP Richard Morrisey 21 met and wooed Virginie Kohl 21 at beer bur Ho married her there Monday night The idea of getting maru ricd in the bar started out as Joke suid lilorriscy dude rnnchhlmd and rodeo rider But the more we thought About it the better the bar sounded dont like to do things just like every body also Justice of the Peace Charles Quilmnn erformod the core many in game room at the Inn Between small beer bar and onto where the couple met month ago spent most of their dates and where the trained malnourished un bride worked pnrbtlme Nu MIDDLE llOWx witch Suthcrlund Wlisoll John McPhoo ll nuub WONT MWt Harry Carson letters is Cambodian with 74 therefore practically untenab bar maid Galbraith George Smith ilnrry Senders Rice Luno Photo by the late Frank Jackson