spread out llie Stucco County Board or Education elected it chairman and vice chairinzm last night COUNTY BOARD RETURNS CHAIRMAN Rciurntd In oillce were left vice chairman Morley Ford and duirmnn John McCuIA laugh Examiner Photo Return Committees Seems Popular Move Next Monday evening city it council returns to the Iour com miticcs rather than three an after year of op three committees mitten syr oration duced the number at standing council committees lrom four to three The guieral government com mittec rcconunended the general policies 01 council the planning and development cammittce dealt with manners concerning the planning and growth or the city while the operations discn5lt sod financial mhttllls miltce report Monday night council re introduced the four committee system The gcnernl governth committee will recommend council policy the city development committee will deal with pinnning the iinnnce cammlttne with current capital and nancial matters and the public works committee with roads sewers and other matters which generally all under the jurisdiction DI the Citys Board oi Public Works survey of veteran alderan on the 1970 71 council showed that they like the change back to the old system ol Iutlr com millecs In gcnernl they to the authority and the rm on SFdLonmnnnumn FAIR TRIAL Aid Hersey vsaid tho three committee system had air trial It was not us eilcc tivo as had anticipated he mid The four committee system lit said will hopefully lead to more debate in council and thus better inlnirn the public was 59 council had rclt mm mml committee that would serve the same purpose as parking outb nrity favors the return to the tour committeo system lmored reduction to three com mittees he saidd 0d treat or it we on ersto then BY Emu Sinking to would be revicw oi the system in my mind the three committee Damage $5qu In Accidents accidents in Barrie yesterday There were no injuries residents collided te day morning on Peel Street car residents collide Sycsterday pongpond when it strudr the rut cor tom by llllchacl Oliver Damage In tho mishap totalled saso dny alteration when car driven by Marilyn Kornyk ot mndlcs Road East was in collision with car driven by Mildred Hoor man at Rose Street The Korank vehicle was going south on St Vincent Street when it struck tho which was turning south on to St Vincent from Rose Silva be equally distributed will be spread over Imn com Ald Hersey added he would douran parkmg Aid Macmillan also was one of those who thn we itr ycnr Then is no doubt Damage totalled $50 In two Cars driven by two Peel St on Pool StreetCA Francis Damage totalled $200 yester eit rear of the Honrman tar TOO CONCENTRATED OHC Locations Draw system didnt function as elicc tintRy thought it would There were too many peeple on the committees he aid this seemed to make the com nuttec meetings too long OPPOSING ARMIES When committee reports were heard in council be said the council seemed to polarile in to Boy each with tour committees think people will be more one minded to the reports With the tour committee syn tent committee rcsponsibillti are much more dened Them loss overlapping oi rcsponslbili ties The lour committee sys tem also rccoptizcs the need or separate tinnnee committee Aid Macmillan said Aid Dorian Parker lovers the Mum to our committees favor the return she said The authority will be more equalized It is the fairest and most cquit able way at doing things The work load will be more spread Aid Parker disagreed with one facet of the our committee set up introduced by the striking committee dont think Wm budgeting under 21 wnemnmzhsneatr Mayor Les Cooke said saw the introduction or sncccssiul well he said Elm see to be pleased with an elected otliclnl on top of most ewryihing he said Growing Opposition Opposition is rising to propos ed locations of 50 more unils of Ontario Housing Corporation luw rental housing in Barrie group oi citizens in the Ferris Lane area where 254 row housing units were proposud or an area adjacent to at exist ing units have collected 23 signu turcs on petition objecting to tho concentration of the units They will be collecting signa tures tonight and Fridny present the petition to council Monday Members of council and the mayor are also in opposition to Part the one proposal They believe there is need or such nits in Barrie but object to the concentration of units in one or two areas This Barrie Planning niesday night rccommcndcd tho ollC proposal for 29 units or WW housing in the Ferris Lane area and 15 units on bloke btrcot be turned down by coun cll They did not object how Ejler lo the 0116 proposal that six more semidetachcd units be built adjacent to eight exist llll unlts on Grove Street Molar lcs Cooke said he shor cri the planning board view or the mic proposals especially on thn concentration or so units in one area AGREE Council has taken the position lluji do nut want more Hum 25 units in one nrcuhu said underline lhnt no on zm not saying Banlo input iicctl OilC housing the Myer added but not on these rms We could be contribut problcms rather than Mp1 these people an Dniiun Pa called tiltillith outcut llion oliiie scd to OlIC housing he said but we have asked that they not be crowded into one ardn llc said he ielt that the units should be pread out in small numbers throughout the city we distribute them little more they wont be as notice ahlc Aid MacLaren said Aid Dorian Parker culled ior re examination oithe cummittiiiunts made by the mic vhon lhly were allowed to build semi detached unitsvou Grove Street When they built there they agreed theysybpldnt erect more than ll units she said Tiny also didnt keep their commltimcnt to drain and fill other lots they mined in the urea She iiggcsled the OIIC look at anscr iced land in other areas oi tht ilv when proposing pru jucis industry and subdivi sions have to install their own services why not DHC dont think they shouldbe buying up serviced land in the city Alli Hersey said he thought council and council corn mlllccs would he debating the mic proposals and making sug gostions llc added that some years ago sponsored and suc CORRECTION iitorrcclly reported in Evnmincr that shown mobile tuwud Dll tralicr b0 hlml car operated by Charles Puikixi ui Angus come loose and caused no accident Actually ciir operated by lronsldc ol Wilinwdolc struck the trailer oi the Parkln St Vincent Street area coming this lnghuard member said completely concurred with niesdlw night tuaiiy buy these units they in one area from council asking that the city would be highly prised he said supported the latest 011C Grova Street area That ho said School Board To Borrow $15000000 Education passed motion until revenues are received vehicle while Parkiu was wait ing to make lilin on to Cmmty itoatl ll 31 Can of Nuttuwa housing prnj ini not UPIWS sugli Township the year should have cumnt nances and our committee system as very think It will work out very Mayor Cooke said members or the committee will each have special projects We will have added that the heavy work load need by the new council would cecded in getting council appro val that no more than lo units would bo located in the Grove thoughts have not changed con Ald Macmillan plnnn planning board recommendation Certninly if one is going to come families to rent and oven goiag to do it by spreading them around not concentrating them Ha said he would seek support OIIC look for other locations in ii council Aid Macmillan added he was unaware that commitment had been made to limit the num her unit in tho Vincent certainly have to be explored The Simeon County Board of night to borrow 515000000 to provide lunds lor expenditures the board is to make this year Last your loans for the board cost 5215000 in interest compar ed to $190000 budgeted as Inlt tcrcsi cosls at the beginning The Simeoe County Board of Education will seek approval 1mm the Ontario government tr slime shampoo Ior shruibn school addiLDm in the county this year proposed additon to Allan dalc Heights public school Bar rie consisting at six classrooms will cost an utimoted 3198300 and will be debeurcd over period years An addition of six clamncmd one general puspose room one resource centre library and ad ministration facilities will be added to rang George public school These odd itioru along with renovations in accordance with lire and health regulations will cost the board an estimated 4500 with 29 year dcbcnlurc SHINE STREET Six clamoms one kindergnr ten and one library to cost $341000 is proposed for Simone Street public school in Angus OI the three school buildings In Angus the one on Simcoe Street mas chosen because the carol ment now more than 300 could be increased to 600 the most desirable cnroimcnt or an elementary school The board also accepted the 16 DCnnIS Jensen alias Dean Jensen 16 of RR Stroud who led police on highspeed chm is while driving borrowed cur INrV 20 was ned $100 in pro vtncial court yesterday The court was told how lcn scu who doesnt have drivers license had been seen in the cor parked on service station lot In Barrie by poliw who had been on the lookout for the car as result oi an earlier inci dent Jensen drove all and led city police cruiser along High way 400 south to the Essa side cal ahead to the lnnislil police who caught up with Jensen as 512m he on loot but was later appre ing while suspended by court order ms ni lie Dr Robert McClure ator of the United Olurch of Canada will addrcs manners of tile Simone Presbytery at public meeting in lllincsim Unit ed Grinch Jan 27 at 230 pm Dr McClure Is the rst Itll the United Church He was cl ler varied Career as medi China India and Palestine belliun in China His lather the late Dr William McClure was My adian Presbyterian lit the internal University McClurcs returned to China be successful in getting lowm are Dr when lit ser he come rulibgcc again sur education in Europe pror will HOUSE CITY NEWS humor is in HighSpeed Chase road The city policeman radio he drone anions annuityn smurfpert handed and charged with driv hloder man to become moderator oi ccted to the position in 195a nf cal tIoClnr which took nun tb Counting himseli as relugee Dr McClure was born In the United States where his mother took relugo from the Boxer Re pioneer missionary oi the Can later the United Church of Canada Ills sion in North Hanan China In latcr Years he was professor of medicine at Checioo After the Boxer Rebellion the whore Robert McClure spent his early yours Following Tur oiilu education from which he graduated in medicine in 1921 McClure returned to China in numbtr at positions before the Communist takeover Ill 1942 when he be During the early 19305 Dr hic Cltiie took tune to continue his lie was awarded the Fellow of tho Royal Coliexe of Surgeons from Uni versity of Edinburgh and later became the only medical mis sionary iil inland China who could administer radium trout Boctrd Approves $1000000 Cost For Additions mannendatidn that plans be made to clone the Margaret Street School building In Anyis The building has been consider ed inadequate for the pm 15 years and has been closed our times sinee its construction in 131 It is now uded tor kirk dusnrten and Gmdc dassd Recommendations were also made to accommodate the 53 children now sent to New Inn on by bus IXOm the area imv mediatcly north or Angus The New Lowell school is seven miles away and is inndenunxe or further expansion Pupils will eventually attend Simcoc Street school The third school building In Angus considered or expnnrinn by lht board was the Coulson Street school It was decided howewr Illa the School IS not good location or expansion 11$ cause the residential area it now servu is not growing due to Its abutment onto the land belong ing to ill Department of Na tinnol Dclence mpnnsion here would mean bringing children tied Highway 90 and the tion of Highway 50 ind the board cit that this was top dangcrous when the expansion could be made elsewhere Fined Ho pleaded guilty to the charge Jensen had been pre hhitcd irom driving in Barrie court by Judge Gncst Dec 10 on charge of careless driving The youth has never hold is licence to drive and was in his Iathors car when the chase took place Jensen works lor his iathcr bricklayer 0min Attorney John Murphy was reluctant to see the boy lined as this would impose hardship not on him but on his father But the other allows his son said Mr pension Murphy hesitate to send lsyenb old boy to inllf said JudgLFos Merlin maybe rapidly approaching when Ill have to sending you young consider to drive knowing hes under sus Alderman Jack Morrison righti and Claude Watt ex amine drait plan of pri pnsrd subdivrsiom or omit George under of rem Bar ric was fined em in provincial court ycslclday ailcr being coll viclcd of carrying nn oilcnsivc weapon Chris llaczilurtlo 18 sort ol Del Ma larlin ol till Barrie deiachmcn Onlario Prod vincial Police told court that unm had loncd his car to halt and had lunged nt him with large knile when he got out to lalk Koncz denied that he had been anywhere nnnr the intersection of St Vincent and Culldles where the incident occurred in said he had been upstairs in his homc 5I0tp at the time having got home rum town at about pm his Wiic also said that her hus hand had been at home at the time The youth told the court he had given lrlcnd Terry Home ride to his Cundlcs and home As he was pulling out OI the driveway he noticed pull in out of another urnemu some distance away This cor loilowed him nlnnc Cundlcs Road trying to pass on the right hand side At the inter section of Dmdles and St Vin cent the car pulled ahead and LIN le MaclllutiIn cor Iiin COMPLAINED lhcI youth testied that the chops to jail when you lent the law United Church Moderator Address Sirncoe Presbytery DR BlIcCLURE Suvdcn Dr McClure served 25411 In Chinso delegations to the tionai Missionary at Mourns FOR RENT merit for cancer following course taken in rndipiocv lie also studied public health in tennational Red Crux ileld dir rotor for central China hiring the SEnNapanesc mnllictldic was the only anermer in Red Cross conference in London and the only medical missionary in the delegation to the interna Coiintil at All on ofan with the hand inn Red Cross in China dining the Second World War Dr MO man identied as Koncz had clam often saw Mao Tscumg and Chou Enlai Following the establishment of Communist zovtrnmcnt in China Dr McClure practiced medicine in Toronto or year then went to the Church Mis siunnrv Society oi England hos pital Gaza Palestine tillers he scrvcd uniil 19 In the spring or that iv went to work nt the miss llhpiial in Rut Central indin There he butt reputation us sub goon and pioneer in public heolt birth control and polio Immunization programs in addition to his medical pio Ieion Dr re has been honored twm at Doctor or variety cl iclil profession vlm an and mutan he can iiy Acquire Land For Wamica School Land has been acquired in In nisill township by Simon Coun ty Board oi Education ior ini provemeals tu Vurnica public school ruinswick Cost of the land which was port In parcel bringing to William and Elizabeth Reid wns NEW PLANNING BOARD They are two at me our new membch the lam Planning Board named last Monday night by city counciL Mayor Come back to no car and com plaincd that be had cut him nu iskng uncunrun to allow him back in his car At his car the mnn had put ed out th llucMnllin descnb ed 35 lung knilt or bayunct and had made lunge for him Iucllorltn ran back to the car wiicrc he and his tnn pnsrnng nrs his brother nute and ricnd Cheryl Rogers locked the doors and drove away Hone slashed the kniic across Lhe windshield the car backed up All three youngsters Identied Koncz as the man who had at tacked Chris with the knife and all were certain they had seen long blade in thc mans hand The youth said Kane had fol lowed them until they were al most at the police detachment Halloween Prank Leads To Conviction Halloween prank which turned into theit resulted in conviction against Real Citr ricr Ln at Davis st Barrie in provincial court yesterday Carrier who pleaded guilty to then at sso mu of door plas tic lrom Robsonrang Leathers Nov was remande until Feb 11 ior sentencing by Judge Foster Defence lawyer Dave Hogbcn tcld the judge that Corricr had thrown the mil plastic used to wrap leather out the plant window to coniusc the other workers merely as prank Later It was suggested by somt one that the plastic might be used and it was then that ii was taken and hidden in stable in Oro township Carrier is now unemployed and has wile four months pregnant said Hogbcn charge oi wilful damage to canoe was also remanded unr til Full ll Humane Society Annual Meeting Tom Hughes general manag er of the Ontario Humane SD cicly and outspoken critic of the provincial governments animal control legislation will he the guest speaker Jan 17 at the an nual meeting of the Barrie brunch The meeting will elect new board of directors who will be faced with the task of heading lhc branch during the impend ilig slorm caused by the pits sage of proposed Bill 191 spokesman said This bill pro vides that all animal shelters must give up animals for lab oratory research The bill and Its elle will likely be the topic or Mr Hughes 9250 dining room 2car last ant wishes to sublet Large estate home located in centre of Bari rie bathrooms fireplace in living room arage Immediate posses sion $275 per month No restrictions it tell Apply to 36 Orkney Crosslington or phone 131157 40 Dunlop East SKI JACKEIS SWEATERS PANTS address MIllVIBEBS Les Cooke and Val Stuck arethe other two new mem bcrs Immune Photo Weapons Conviction Barrie Man Fined $200 on Rose Slice and then drove on They went to the llachlnrrin resident on Marion Crescent and told the boys innitr about the incident llr llachlanin called the city police The boys brother David said Lhat the blade on the weapon nppenmd corroded and was bout loot long How did this man act Isk rd Crown Attorney John llur phy nan was the reply The 16 year old said he had SQtll and identied Kuncz later at the Barriepoiice station WELDS leFE Clicryl Rogers also is said Koncz was lurriiiinz when he approached the car wielding the knife We were all pretty scared she said She said she believed she could remember the licence number of the accused mans car and dictated it Irom mom cry as 52ml Dclencc lawyer Paul liermlslon later pointed out that the real licence number oi Kcnczs car won 35871 Transposition OI numbers is mrnmon said the Crown attor may ih girl remembered this exact digits and the letter Judge Foster said he noticed the girl used no notes and ct rnmrmhnrcd the digiLr exactly even if they were lransposed am impressed by th use young people All thrvte positive ly identified the accused As fur his testimony nnd that at his viicl dont believe him and lined she is mistaken Crown Attorney Murphy asked Judge Foster to sentence Konrz to jail in order to show that the law was equal for those ovcr 10 n5 II as those under lr Murphy slrnnpiy criticiyud ll ilcrmislon or not warning the Crown that he would he try ing to establish an ohm or his client Rules ol prnceuuro tale that an alibi must he ChetJr ed out by the Crown bclnrc case comes to trial hlr Murphy said Koncz is also charged with 19 snuiung police oiliccr This charg was remanded until ll charge of common assault was dropped TORONTO DOMINION DIRECTOR KENNETH THOMSON The election of Kenneth Thomson as new member of Lhe Board of Directors at Top onto Dominion Bank was nti nouoccd by Allen Lambert Chairman of the Board and President iollowiog the Annual Meeting at Shareholders on Jab nary 13 Quality Comes First At STEPHENS MENS 82 BOYS WEAR Complete line of boys and students wear 7282566 Canadian who resides in 143i don England Mr Thomson Chairman of mes Newspa$ ersLtml tLd The Times at smdny Times London Chairman President and Dir edor oE 11103150 Newspapers Limited President and Dim tor of Thomson Newmast lath President and Director of Dominica Freightways Holdings limited and Chairman and Director or Central Canada In surance Services Ltd and Scot tlshynnd York Holdings