Oh iarric Examiner Kerry Lambie General Manager McPherson Managing Editor murmur JAN it me Ian Weill Publisher PMs Voluntary Restraint For Ination Not Working so far of salutary untrue There has been little sign that organized labor gig to pay any attention to this Big em and provincial governments have not given numb ination either afresuninnvpgowages thenopgo prices Soiteppearsatthisetagothattho federal government will have to take sterner stops Past measures included an end to decit nancing reduction in money supply and cutbacim in civil sen vice These and allied aeps may have checked the upward spiral slightly But ination continues on the move and the annual increase in conmurrerprice indu is estimated at four to five per cent It does not look as if voluntary re straint will work We shudder to think of any return to the price and wage control boards of war days This system works like cure worse than sickness And organized labor wants to know just how voluntary restraints will keep down such thin for the union worker as rents and interest rota Mr Trudeau is back in Ottawa again We look forward to learning how the government really intends to tackle the urgent problem of inflation Prime Minister Trudeau to be staking nerd of his poliqu future on the governments ability to defeat Oin adas worsening inationary price aural Hohasmadeitnlearseverai timesiutho marmalaprtOrtohinsmbadrving andsh tug holiday them will he no ms from the campaign to halt using prices despite increasng unemployment Hr Staneld of the P05 and Mr Douglas ND leader suggea antiinna tion measures are not only causing less jobs but failing to cure inflation Mr Trudeau stands fast with the argument xere is no alternative Prices have to be kept down to rmit Canada to compete in world In em he says rightly so That does not take into account the plight of unorganized labor and tlmse on fixed incomes who could be destroy ed economically to the detriment of the nation Commenting on the unemployment cauwd by the gavernmentled slowdown 2h Prime Minister said The real truth that if you dont ght and beat infla tion then you destroy the bass of your geccnomy Then you create much greater unemployment The government campaign has been DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN ed tzlnee Fred Norris own Barrie Examiner Jan 14 1935 Men one for winners George Kennedy starr kdiants reported Clndstmas buslnes best in pm five years Town clerktrea surer Smith went through muniei pal rolls since turn of century found that lowest point in family relief was 1902 highest 1934 Fire dmtroyed house and contents owned by Hou ghtoulmntstDrlEhIochAudnson IuehnIredtoboane onBlakeSLaftexlong tour through Eur Asia and Africa by we de in voting There will be 20 Sandy installed Won new aces in 46member which dutiful Eastern Corinthian Lodge by Rt meets in Barrie for inaugural Jan 21 Cowan Who hand Charles Henry of Thornton elv 35ihyoerrecordin0niartoCoal test we eewaym gas escaping from furnace caused illness shermen trapped on ice flee Lake to 14 transients who spent night in Bar Simcoe by aircraft from Camp Borden lockup under municipal building On appeal by OPP WC Pat Cuffs CO 01113 Stewart had them rushed to hos of RCAF station sent out small plane gird by police local doctors found none piloted by 51 Eric Brookes on recon sertoun condition At Sasos Roxy naisance More plans followed to drop Shirley Temple in Bright Eyes At food and wppbes for seven men who Ws tol Anne of Green had to spend night on ice Next morning Cables sung Anne Shirley three were taken off by aircraft and four movie theatres railroad prices to 25 able to walk ashore near Hewkestone adults 15c children Saturday matinee Dr George Clerk Seymour hysiclan 10 everyone Kiwanis Club held an and surgeon opened office in home nual Rosebud Night dinner with Pre town of Barrie at corner TorontoEliza sident nail Craig lnchair Elliott beh Sis Ovemlen College shbdente Reynmds became bookkeeper for Bill from Barrie entertained at Deaneroft Brennans autoelectric garage in Toronto by Sir Albert and L367 mm of columnisponored 1mm uni Gooderbam William Wright own versiby scholarshi winners Francis er Brookdale Stables purchased Hay Firlfn and Ernest yan Jr Father Leo time in England Fourvyearold sire of South was chairman Speakers included excellent blood stock will be shipped to Very Rev Dean Sweeney Grand Knight Barrie forbreeding William Cross Daniel Quinlan and Principal land Barrie dmegist began 25th term Girdwood 01 Barbie Collegiate John as secretarytreasurer Separate School Carmela smith of Barrie 31cm ectugal Board Edward Lnllante elected chair student at Vardty has become regular man Alvin Bowen was in not for contriber of sketches for Madam Bame as Colts beat Oniha eo In junior Magazine Town Hockey League op hockey Bud Karmer Gregg Couth cued schedule at Barrie Arena Collier and A1 Kirby mP Scorers Mayor United Baracas beat Central United James Blair sounded optimistic note for Crusaders 63 Mhrry Stransmanscor Barrie in inaugural dress Baptists 44 Ellsworth Crawford assisted on three Shroud bat YMCA 32 on two solo goals by Harry Sloan one by George Hunter Earl Hunter got both tallies for Big turnover for 1935 in Simcoe County Council as many fell OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ANOTHER ITEM OF EXPENSE Sauit Daily Star For the Northern Ontario traveller Who has little choice but to it he wants to go any distance by any form of public transportation the tank on air fares will bring another increase in his cost of living Considering the resident of the North is already hit by generally higher costs of living it is pity be has to be hit again by yet another increased cost re lated to his residing in the North Coun States before examining her own require ments The examination is yet to be em grimly appropriate that the sellout the Canadian soul suresr WAY Is IGNORE menu milmrt Buffalo Evening News The surest way to intensify youthful resentment and adult counterreac tion fear to it is to ignore the legit lmate protests of those old enough to serve their country but too young to vote Freezing them out of any opportun ity to exercise their vnlce in legitimate ways at the ballot box provides ready ammunition for the advocacy of lllogib lt lmate protest tactics SMOKE GETS IN PORES St Thomas TimesJournal to be endless SAVE OUR HERITAGE Peterborough Examiner The absence of clear fresh Water ollcy for Canada is not for lack of in erest Our water regularly occupies con versatlon in prominent circles notably at the recent provincial premiers confer lung cancer way babyand you look it II ed and develop trade through private enterprise rather than through the government trad ing monopoly was given to the company of New France in 1521 Paa Sinclair It was comprised too wealthy amboidersh agar becgrtlros ed on defence Ken Hougrton and Steve mug many esoci spite hen lesser Hines best for losers Leighton Babe when company 513 we Adams scored all goals as Minesmg beat aintggd an era began to make great deal rescu 1M6ro ence in Quebec and about month earl ier group of state governors out of the American west cast few sideiong glances at our lakes and rivers It seems the governors are running out of fresh water and the thought had occurred to them that Canada might oblige by gen erously sharing its wellspring About five years ago Canadians were assured by government officials that Canada would never sell water to the United barked upon and the pressure from the south is rising But somehow it seems should be followed by The list of maladies for which cigar ettes are supposedly rewonsible seems The Canadian Press is ex California physician claims that hab itual smoking causes crowsfeet and other wrinkling of the facial skin Dr Barry Danleil also says that threats of browe feet are more effective in mak ing his female patients give up smoking than warnings about little thing like As the commercial for new cigarette for ladies put it Youve come long armors STORY Beaver Trade Proved Benecial To Canada By BOB ROWAN France tried to colonize Cnnlt tho Klrke brothers 1629 the sharehold note It money when the em riprcd Bee treaty and it for lie The beaver trade began to boom Everybody in Europe it seemed wanteda beevcrskin ported from Canada rose to 300000 Iivresa year It is diffi cult to translate this into Seaway moneyhut it would paynn of the cost of the median MILE yen Pacific lei and that sum would my mat xmW Edward Island deal more than it does now it looked as though Canada might molly develop because it was estimated that there were 10 DO0000 beaver in the country One of the reason why the Ir oqunis broke the pence was be cause they suddenly realized that their own trade with the English and the Dutch was being depleted by the Hurons and Algonquin who were sup gieying the Bench When they gen interfering with the fur trade again the Company of New Franco transferred its trading rights on Juli 14 1545 to group in Canada called The Company of Huhitnnts It includ Ed the lending seigbeurs Gif lard Ropentiny Godefroy Der Grateleta and others When the Iroquois wiped out the Huron at St ignace and St Louis LII blocked tho Ottawa River on not beaver pelt er rlved at Montreal for two years Ihh was the beginning of the BIBLE THOUGHT Love thy neighbour my Mark 231 If one does not love himself he will Inistreat his neighbor Only when weve been loved enough to love ourselves can we love another nmenwbqiamuym Ellie Bantrimmer 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone Second Clem Mall Registration Nmfher N84 RelInn postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory liloildnys Subsuipdion rates daily by carrier 56 vweekly Wm yearly Single copies me By mail Barrio moo yearly Ontario $1900 year other mail $300 year Motor throw oil $2100 year National Advertising Offl ces 46 University Avenue Toronto 640 Calhcart 51 Montreal Member of the Canadian Prom and Audit Bureau of Simulations chslvclc entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the iocal now published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original nda vertlsina and editorial mater ial created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper OopyriIIt RexlstraLion Num ber zooms register III OTTAWA REPORT Future Of Canada Worries Some IVIPs The get famous Contours do Bole the men who went alone small groups on long trips to meet the Indians and trade for fun on their hunting grude had better chance their furs back to Mont real and Quebec because they could travel munIr rather than the big riv era and the Iroqtmis could not patrol than all Still the cou rcurs had to be brave men with love of adventure and great desire for cash ormm EVENTS intThe shortest winter on record began with snowfall at Quebec and all the snow had gone by the middle of March LETSFirst issue of Halifax hat and the value of the furs cx Herold New school regulation in New Bnmswlck led to serious Hump lassCanada was asked to prohibition not was declared valid bysupremoCourt orin down small By PATRICK NICHOLSON The federal Liberal arty is going through ycar ng rc construction of its policies and its future The recent confor emc at Harrison Hot Springs BC started this next will come provincial or local conven tions phase three will consist OI remonal conferences and fi nally national convention will be held at Ottawa in November But some wise voices within the Liberal party are anxiously asking not about the future of the Liberal party of Canada but about the future of Canada its self The current issue of The British Columbia Liberal monthly publication of the Liber ui party inBC poses this question in several forms Re ferring in the annual convention in Vancouver this week its leading comment is Conven tion organizers expect the Fri day evening discussion of BC in Confcdcrniian to he the higb light of the canvcntlon POLITICAL NOTEBOOK Provincial liberal lender Pat McGocr Wriles that this weeks convention will providea guid ing philosophy in the session on BCs place in Confederation British Columth was the sixth province to join the Canadian Confederauon on July 20 1071 why would its place in Confed oration be such an important topic 98 years later you might well ask UNITY IS ASSURE The possible answer found elsewhere in that aamu Liberal party publication in an article written by Tex Enemurk for merly on the national executive of the Canadian Student Liber nls entitled What we did not discuss at Harrison At Hurrison we did not dis cuss Confederation hewrltcs We did not discuss the role of French Canada within Confeder ation nor did we examine the role at the eeI in Cmndn during the 19105 We assumed apparently that rcwldn VwilI Bore PC Member Saysf Majority Government II snier MILLEOD increased role of backbenchers has tended to be offset to OIIAWA CPI It would be difficult to document ofcially but there seem to be far more discontented MP5 around nowa days than anytime in the last 10 years variety of reasons are oflt fered but the major one up pears to bo majority govern ment Majority government says one Conservative MP fis bare Obviously no MP is going to allow himself to be quoted to his constituents saying he is bored with his job or that he in thinking of packing it up at the next gcncrni election But pri vately high percentage of the members say they are unhappy with the lack of action around Parliament Hill For six years prior to 1963 there were minority govgrn month when potential change in government was only one vote away If only handful of MP changed their views on piece of legislation govern ment could tell what members of third parties thought of particular bill was of national Importance because govern ments life could depend on it Its not like that now With current majority of 43 seats the government now doesnt need Voting help from any opposition group And even if some Liberal MPe decide to oppose legislation lhoy more frequently abstain from votingthere is no panic MP5 DONT VOTE There have been some recent cases of We not leaving their offices to vote an unheard of event during the hectic days of minority government And there are other reasons for the apparent unrest besides majority government num ber of Liberal buckbenchere are known to be unhappy wuh their role in government policy formation despite Prime Minis ter Trudenus early pledge to give backbenchers greater feeling oi participation While the party caucus does have potentially wide scope to discuss forthcoming icgislnlien some MP5 complain the system is too heavily structured with committees permit full par licipntion by all mcmbrrs And some others have said that tho large degree by heavier reli ence on task forces and special tudy groups within Mr Tru deuus vastly enlarged office Then there are the parliamen ary rules changes which have shifted some of the action from the Commons to variety of committees largely ignored by the public many of them it doesnt matter what you say in committee says one MIP it never has the impact of Commons speech Members who fondly remem ber the sledgehammer confron tations between former prime ministers Lester Pearson and John Dleienbaker and the rio tous daily question periods with the sharpened knives that Parliament will never be the same again The daily question period still argue as biting nor the answers as or gumentative Its they used to be mthermore Speaker Lucien Lumnureux has cracked down on the freewheeling form of questioning that used to exist One Conservative MP rwhu says he is led up predicts there will be no change inrtho current status of Parliament until events are viewed in terms of general election probably sometime in 1912 Once we all got in nn electloueering frame of mind there may be some fireworks Under minority governments electioneering was nt since reginro could be toppled at any time And the fascinating belundthecurtnin negotiations for voting support Were all pad of it All an MP had to do to gain immediate prominence was to announce he would break with his party on particular exists but the questions are not vote mil IT HAPPENED IN Mvwwu CANADA stave me more BONDAGE momma Iago AND MADE Hi9 WAVWFEEEDOMnDrasdonmnh Willi H19 WIFE Mn FOUR comm 1152 xmvewmwgmmmmvu awe7mg mamemwrrmummaml SWMaMMw IPAlIA MIRlRYmfllf EMFI6 rawmm mm 704 ateMu mowam hmMMW4WWWWMMM JUST FEW MINOR STRUCTURAL CHANGES AND ILL TAKE HER IN FOR LANDING exist But if my assmment of the opinions privately expressed at Harrison ls correct Canada will not continue to exist it is now constituted for more than another four or five years The common analysis is that fodm alists have made serious mis take in placing the cconomie nrgument foremost In arguing that separatism would cause an economic calamity in Quebec because Quebec is new on the edge of serious economic dim cultiea The violence and uncer tninty in Quebec has caused slowdown in investment vital to full employment and there are some who claim that flight of capital is imminent it it has not already begun Coupled with the federal governments antifume lion policy the result is likely to bo unemployment as high as say 14 per cent sometime within the next year and half separatism would not be inlt cvltnble Ir omenu wiredh termlncd that the nation should uxvm mrtnuai re Valo mark But 10 give enoughlo keepQuebec within Confedera tion might require more from Western Canada than It would be willing to provide For too long the Westerncr argues Canada has paid too much at tention to Quebec and to the Marltlmcs and this usually at the expense of the West COULD 60 IT ANNE Teday Western Canada is coming into Its own economical ly says this prominent Lib eral The Western provinces no longer are economic colonies of central Canada and no longer will they stand for the kind of treatment Ottawa has passed out to them in the pastTo an increasingly large number of Westerners the argument be comes Quebecers want to leave let them leave because without Quebec and without the rnilistone of the economically poor Maritimes around our necks Ontario and the West tel gether might create stronger wealthier and more perfect union For nearly 10 years the crisis has been confronting Can ada Lester Pearson bought the time that was necessary for re adjustmean to tako place Un fortunately in buying time he and Trudeau have ignored the fact that any federation must provide for give and take on an equitable basis 13 PAUL GADOIS WA his rst Decsomb euv LAND 8V pawne ears lEWITFOETYAWM mumMomm Iv54a