by mary mount Examiner stall reporter Tim Llewellyn has lived in Barrie since lust May Bdfll Withoul during all time Tim has been forced to use the vnrlotu transportation sluvicu in Canada and the United States Questionable though the Word nervlce may be when appUed to some forms of tronsportand their stations my guest overth this But taking snulvstalchlng looknt himself and fellow passengers he asks NEED WE SIT AT SEPARATE TABLES As we drive on toward death through the cooling twilight to paraphrase Scott Fitzgerald surrounded by missiles vista vision bigger and better bombs and the TV dinnerto mention just few of the many hazards the world is throwing at us these dayswe really should be making an extra effort feel to love our neighbors We may goodness knows not have too much longer with them Instead the reverse is two We are becoming nation of boors and certain airline company which works out am large city just south of Boston and has recen 1y started new recordbreaking service to another large city Just south of here1s not doing anything to help One oi the big splashes in its advertising campaign one of the main points why YOU should travel by Doofllckers Airways is that there lsa little table between you and your fellow traveller This says the ad which is being read in my ear frequently these days adds to extra privacy can see all the Ontarioans running for this in his way muttering to themselves as they go wont have to sit next to anyone By Cranky may make the whole trip and not have to speak word to any one Obviously this airline knows the people of Southern Ontario pretty well That little table will make all the difference guess For instance the airline will no doubt be issuing booklet on how to make better use of your table If you have any luggage pile it on the table so the person next to you will not be able to read over your shoulder piece of chalk will be issued to passengers and line will be drawn down the centre of the table You can use your shirt he his If he puts his cOIfEe or rye once we are over the Canadian border over your line call the air hostess In the event that he should actually speak to you heaven forbid but it has been known the table can be turned into screen thus shutting you away from him completely If any two travellers who have not been introduced to each other before should start to use the table for playing cards or hangman the air hostess will tell them to stop immediately or they will be taken off the plane at the next landing The table has its purpose segregational one and Im Sure none of us want any of these subversive habits like having conversationwith stranger to become paramount Especially Doofllckers Airline But the rot has set further than this havereason to quiver slightly whenever hear the buzz of bus enginesnot because of any discom fort through bus travel itself but through distant and unfriendly travelling partners The small child who aroused me from my New York er by jumping into my lap and sprinkling my recently pressed suit with cold pop was bearable but his mother who called Wayne dear come away from that MAN was not The man sitting by me name plane nearly qualified as bright conversationaiist when he asked me if the machine we were in went to Dayton Ohio Answering it went to Cleveland but was sure he could transfer there added ieeler about the lake gliding greenly beneath us He looked at me sourly Water is water he said glad obviously astounded by his own logic retreated wok into his Financial Post The only prolonged conversation ever had with voyageur was on the train from Montreal to to He had gimmick though Hed just been let out of penitentiary 0h yesAnd there was Scotsman who parked melt next to me hear Niagara and started to run Scotland and everything in it He didnt finish until we were on the Gardiner Expressway And further notice people have taken to wearing covers over their ears around here Now dont try and tell me they are to keep your ears warm They are wouldbaconversatlonalistdlscouragers and they are marketed by IGYCBO Keep In Your Clique Board of Ontario whose slogan is vaYou Dont Know Him Dont Try They needntworryrno one is Following these earcovers and wardhimoft tables see some more products slated for the market here in one nottoodistant future plastic hood with de tachable furlining for the winter to be worn when travelling by bus or train llhis when donned com pletely obscures our face except for your eyes Your eyes may come in handy for burying yourself in your magazine Magazines with large covers only will be in bus and railroad stations Laibeis issued daily by newsvendors or at your near est store and sponsored by the KIYCEO in cooper anion with Ontario Meteorological Office will be 31 fixed to the shoulder pointing toward your fellow traveller and will give stereotyped answers to any possible weather gambit thrown at you EG Yes it is cold but lets hope it brightens up later on No this is my first trip to Samuel aim visitng an aunt havent seen for three years Im all in favor this way when the walls mil ydo come tumbling down at least anyone left will not have to worry about being lonely Womans Auxilia to the 102 SOCIAL OTES Mrs Thomas Hazlewood Dry den is spending month ltb her brother and slsterin Mr and Mrs James Donaldson Victoria Sireei The monthly meeting of the Air Cadetswiil be held at the home ofMrs Corkan Ec cies Street liorthFelg ll Valentine bridge and games night will be held at Trlnlty Parish Hall Collier Street at eight Feb 15 The social even ing willbespoasored by Trinity Parish Guild There will be prizes and lunch willbe served name gum remnantscanon lug porbmitytovoteforthebleom $2 CTTON cosru JUST looking at pictures of new clothes for spring makes gal more capable of coping with winisry weather So heres picture of duo in crisp washable cotton done in glen plaid paticm The sim ple sheath dress hides behind the cutest coverup to come to town The perky coat has cardigan neckline and is deck ed out with impressive patch pockets big bold buttons and luxurious lampshade sleeves Styled withan eye to resorie wear it should do well in town or out later on Six Ladies Join SI Hospital Aux The monthLv meetlog of the Senior Hospital Auxiliary was held in the recreation room at the Laidlaw Residence Tuesday Fortyfour members were pres cut The following new members were welcomed to the Auxiliary Mrs Sterling Mrs Betty Davies Mrs Garvin Mrs Shanks Mrs Churchill and Mrs Mildred Fraï¬ck Mrs Godden life mem ber of the Auxiliriry who never misses meeting was absent and it was learned she was vis iting her daughter Mrs Jack Spence who had just recently presented her with new grand son ia Hamilton Mrs Heffmn also was about and still recovering from pneumonia Mrs Hogan reported 146 dozen dressings wrapped in January Mrs Guble reported 216 or ticles sewn in January group from the Womens Missionary Society of Emman uel BBptlstOhIllch under Mrs Watson is assisting with sew ing Mrs Pigott Mrs Cum mingsand Mrs Flank Sr are assisting with home sewing The Auxiliary voted to sew both Tuesdays and Wednesdays from now on as there is much sewing in be done and the limit Two Fly Up To Guide Co it was memorable evening for six Brownies of the Seventh and Eighth Barrie Brownie Pack Thursday when they were ad mitted to the ranks of the Girl Guides Parents and more than 60 Guides and Brownie watched as District Commissioner Mrs Bruce Gray first presented gold en hands to Susan Jones Linda Pomfret Brenda Reynolds and Maureen de la Kaye songof farewell was sung by the Brownies as Maureen de in Rays and Brenda Reynolds were presented wings by the commissioner and flew up to Second Barrie Guide Company They were Welcomed by Captain Parry rand Lieutenant Doiiis company leader Frankie de la Hsye and patrol leaders Joan Robinson Christine Clever San dra Beuant Jane Books and Valerie Brown Walking up to Guides were Edith Zeinit Susan Jonesl2inda Pomfret and Donn McDowell assisted by ComrnisslonerlGray Brown 0W1 late of the Eighth Brownies Brownlowl Jones and Tawny Owl Waterson of the Seventh Brownies Captain Parry welcomed them into the company and the Guides sang welcome song Commissioner Grayprcsented warrant pins to Brown Owl 0atlt es and Lt Dollls and command ed them for work as leaders The Brownies and Guides eu joyed rousing game before singing taps ad space allows smaller group more room to work Once larg er quarters are available all the sewing group will again meet on one day All business meetings will be at the Laidlow rcsldence on Wellington Street at 230 the first Tuesday of each month Mrs Elva Tolcbard reported for the sunshine cart Sales were $8272 expenses $7379 Book balance $4192 committce was appointed to nominate Citizen of the Year Mrs Christie Mrs Ep ielt and Mrs Godden were appointed committee to revise and bring the constitution up to date Mrs Lawrence reported for the vending machine project Profit for the month was $9328 The Sunshine cm commit tee purchased new show case for bï¬by gifts to be on display on the obstetrical floor 1960 will be rummage sale at Trinity Hall April The Auxiliary voted to help withtbe nurses capping cere mony on Feb 15 The Auxiliary considered in stalling postage stamp vendor at the hospital butit was de cided better to make the stamps available off the Sunshine Cart Mrs Roy Allen was appointed as records chairman The cutting committee asked for more volunteers and Mrs Elva Tolchard Mrs Shanks Mrs Whittaker Mrs Cald well Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Belva Hodgson volunteered to go on this committee Mrs Hodgson was in charge of refreshments and bad prepar ed Valentine lunch The mem bers adjourned to enjoy social halfhour in the spacious recrea tion room Katherine Hepburn Al Conn Festival STRATFDRD Conn APiTha American Shakespeare Festival will open its 1960 season with the presentation of Twelfth Night June suit was announced today Katharine Hepburn will star in the production to be directed by Jack Landau The play will give alternate performances with An tony and Cleopatra and third play to be announced tbroughou the liweek season soon slow for EASTER Best Accommodation Still Available PA 66474 ammo rasvnr SERVICE 102 Dunlap St Bose Be WOMEN CURLERS Form Null manlmousiy cbrynntbemum mans hï¬h YOUR HEALTH momentum mm Taklng Proper he would select the oflidnl flower ot the nation An indepaldem auditing firm reported that 1055329 baiilfll were cast at virtually every community in the United States Two Although the us has no 01 mm an and fldal flower Congress for more no fly miom yd than 40 years talked about the nosebleeds and fainting In one 33ch 01ml $113031ng an by to halt the flow of blood was the other summ siontomtbamemeuer we 1° Usuallynnoneblecdllnotrul Last year hm we In iv serious emergency but you duceduominstingvurimubloom wmwmmï¬ywmmm of blood just the nine Should Coagrma dedrle to choose the rose as the national mar STEPS flower the US will join four First thing to do is to have the tflJEI nations who have similar person with the bleeding nose sit tastes These are England Iran in chair with his headtosecd Honduras and Luxembmng At back as far as it is comfortable present the 115 and the Soviet Loosen his cellar and tie Then Union are among the major apply cold wet doth over the countries who have not proclaim nose and call your family omi eda national flower clan Art Harris director ofDatario Masha you can help clot to unit FlD Association said that formby pressing firmly on the although the provinces Cen side bones ol the nose for about Flrst fundraising project for ado claim flower trilllurn for Ontario Canada itself has no national flower CENTRAL WA MEETS FOR FEB Mrs Beaver chaired the February meeting of Central United Church Womans Ah notation The meeting was under the direction of Mrs thnpb reyn group The call to worship was read by Mrs Young the range in heart you Stewart displayed paintingof Holmsujiuntn Light of the World and explained the picture Worship was closed with prayer by Mrs Baidyvin The women then gather in the social ball for Vel entina social consisting of games and refreshments Mrs Shelley thanked Mrs Humphreys and her group for most enloyable evemng EXTRAPENALT WHITCHUECH England CF Aninsurauce agent who was fined 210 in his Glamor anshire Mm for stealing at from womans house was ordered to pdy another13 shillings for babysitter to look after the womans child while she was testifying in court live minutes PACK NOSTRILS If this fails to halt the 10qu blood meet that you pack the nostrils loosely with sterile gauze Allow enough of end and of the gauze to protrude from the nostrils so that you can eas ily remove it whenyou want for Even though you succeed in stopping the bemorrbellns cell doctor if the bleeding he been severe or prolonged Although it would besomewbai unusual you might have to turn from one emergency to another since some persons become faint at the sight of blood Fainting is caused when blood is withdrawn from the brain Therefore you probably can stop fainting spell or revive some one whaalreedybas fainted sinu ply by gelling the blood flowing back to the head again ll someone complnlnnthnt he feels faint have him lie down or sit in also and bend forward with his head between his knees HAIR STYLING between womenwiflbeheid lnDsbawa lnmldl Iganization eastemindlugroup lbelutntomeetingwunl aulvnfedthltlbepruitended MW toenail elected annually teuiimnfiotniag final president of newest Canada may Curling Ar Carev Daily Emergencies man it amnesia Once person becomes unoolu ncious other measures are in order Sprinkle his face with cold water to npecdalcirculstion and use smelling in srlugly if they are available 5p Ordinarily lie will revive with in few minutes Then you can give him cup of hot colfeeor tel person doesnt become constitute again withinnmatter =fminutes cell doctor right WW QllESHONANDANSWER Mrl Are night nwea is mpmm of gastric nit cerl Answer Nilght sweats are not primary symptom of gas iric ulcer but they mlght occur in an individual suffering from gastric ulcer FOR THE GilT THAT SAYS on MY vasomotor YOUR LOCAL FLORIST HAIR currlNG PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS AT $550 $800 $1150 Effective Til Feb 1W1 mulls BEAUTY snmu gt 98 Beyï¬eld se iZ Doors From Ross St FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 39911 provincesbut Newfoundland whicheerllzrlmonnoedlllnc the new association in not The dilleut ernnndwestanlldleluudr docs gnvetbenlllonnlueodl ummsdivemanbuflpilh innnedlntelylnEulernCsnldl Thewesternlsdiescnrrastlyln vulvedin playdowun for Irelg local sponsor Elton Ca udwillonmsnnderthewbu Dominionslom Isthm their taurust dun usio ammonia iiiï¬hfi suu mv All III menu canun IIIutIuml FREEMAB room new asan Avonn1 nmmuouum omen Bmmgllntu uunnumnn acumenIm urbanlite Now4 our ï¬rm with the famous Au TOMATIC ens DRYER ï¬lmmammmwwm noon at mm mm HAN AIRHOW SYSTEM bl mdryhxgwithevenbeof ohmic Ammmmm oommunurousncm mwlihnmunï¬emolledflmerhu funribos emum antiserum mmwmmwhQW Weather