This is the biggest Sale in our history and we have the biggest stock in our history When General Electric had their mammoth WAREHOUSE SALE we bought big now we have this big shipmentot merchandise to move off our floor In the above picture you see only part of the merchandise we have in our store and in thietod are but few otrhe money saving values we have to offer you There are no tictitious regular prices nor gimmicks nailed to the floor sole prices We have this merchandise and you can buy it at the big savings shown Come on in today and browse through this wonderland of appliance values SAVE UP To $14240 we $1000 We Are Inmhoreo Ewan This is Automatic washer and especially Dryer weather and there is lth more or it to come especially when we get into the spring when it seems to rain day after day Buy now at these money saving prie es and wash and dry in any kind or wen tihsr AutomoticlelSllEllS $2273 éllutomnlic llliYEllS $169 BUlY THESE AS SINGLES OR AS MATCHING PAIR Automatic Wasnrnsf $209 woman rvrr SAVE $14200 REG $36900 SAVE $6000 BEG $22950 SAVE $0000 EEG $29950 REGULARAISQMI y$ Awe HAVEIN sroc Now oven 251v Stars nun rust MiiSi to CONSOLE 284 none es mi REG $40900 Made ccm rumv THE TISDALE on $211 Example ELECTRIC Dunlop Sh PA 676441 we sermon wnarwn sou SAVE jssooo Trading Stamps Fuss Gets Commens Debate OTTAWA CPlThe Commons embark on the stormy seas of the trading stamps controversy today as it considers private members bill to outlaw the colored coupons Frank Howard CCFSheena moves for second reading ap proval in principleoi his bill aimed at out lowing trading stamps through clearer defini tion at the sort of stamp plans prohibited under the Criminal Code The bill would place under the ban besides trading stamps commonly smiled any term nl cash receipt vreceipi coupon premium ticket or other device designed or intended to be given to the purchaser oi goods by the vendor thereoi or on his behalf and to represent discount on the price 01 the goods or pre mium to the purchaser thereol that may be redeemed ALLDAY DEBATE Discussion of Mr Howards bill is expected to take the lull day first this session devoted ex clusively to private members legislation One other lull day is set aside or discussion ol pri vate measures The chances at Mr Howards hill passing the secondreading stage are slim Unless it is voted on today it drops to the bottom olaioogiistotothcrprivnte measure with little chance ol coming up again this session The government has made its position clear Justice unma Fulton has said that lnsolnrxns trading stamp plans are mer chandising device they come within provincial legislative juris diction Where they atlect the Iederal powers to issue and regulate cur rent or are need to defraud they came within the Criminal Codce ban in Ontario the attorneygeneral has retained lawyer to look into trading stamps and take stated case to the courts STATION FILLED UP Police Plead For Dog Catcher But He Must Be HardHearted CAMPBELLFORD CP This Northumberland County town of 3400 is looking or dogeatcher with hard heart to clean the dogs out olitr po lice station and cruisers Henry Hopkins hired as dog catcher law weeks ago quit alter 24 house because he couldnt stand it lie said chil dren telephoned telling him be was meanneigbboreeomlt plained about howling from his garage and he didnt have the heart to dispose of any at the 21 animals it picked up the very lint day Police took over the job on temporary basis Soon the po lice station was ï¬led with dogs at all sires and petrol can kept bringing in more Counclllor Dennla told town council he thought the po lice will lose what lew friends they have it they keep picking up dogs Council handed the matter over to its police committee tor more study But theonly solution appeared to be an un rentirncntal dogcntcber Hydro Niagara Parks Body Face Legislatures Queries TORONTO CDOntario Ey dro and the Niagara Parks Com mission will be asked to appear beiore the legislatures public ac counts committee to answer questions about their ï¬nancial operations Allan Grossman tFCSt An drew elected Wednesday as chairman of th committee agreed to extend the invitations for ncxtchncsday upon request of group of Liberal members Liberal Lender John Winter mayer said Tuesday in the legis lature he wants to ask Hydro about land near Sarnla at $6900 an acre when 21 federal govern ment evaluation of the land had set its value at 52200 an acre He also daims to have inlormi ation that there is discrepancy in expenditures of the porlrs commission COMMITTEE MATTER It now appears that his ques tions to the two bodies will he asked before the public accounts committee which has not been called since 1949 It is one of 19 standing committees oi the legis lature The Liberals nominated Ross whichor IiBruce lor chair man of the public accounts com mittee but Mr Grossman was elected by show of hands Arthur Rename ti Essex North said Mr Frost had indi cated that at least one Liberal might serve as chairman at committee The Progressive Con servative group disagreed Earlier Raymond MyeravtPG Waterloo South was named chairman of the energy commit tee established this year to deal with problems cl enery re sources Stewart Ciarkaon deputy min ister of energy resources sal tho committee will be one the most active in the legislature The department already has es tablished an energy stu branch ll nuclear power is not utilized in the next years Ontario will have to burn 25000000 tone at United States coal each year to generate electricity Mr Clark son said Hydro has already used up all at Ontarios water re sources Canadian coal is not competitive with US coal for thermal power plants Mr Clark son said OTHER comment committee chairmen elected are Ron McNeil PCElgln agri culture George Game PC Lanark conservation Alex Car ruthers PC Durham educa crncltling crisp lentherlighl and llukier because theyre AllllilFlAKED baking process exclusive to tlon Erskine Johnston PC Carleton game and fish John White tPtLlaondon South gov ernment commissions William Stewart PCliliddiesex North health Keith Brown PCPeter barough highway saleiy Leslie Rowntree PC York West labor William Noden PC liaiay River lands and luresta Allen Lawrenee PC St George legal bills John Fuller ton PC Aglornalilonitoulin mining Hollis BeckettPCYork East municipal law Mr flown tree private1bila StenleyEali PCHalton standing orders and Eev Lewis PCYork llumber travel and publicity Chairmen have not yet been named or the committees ot printingand privileges and elec OM The legislature did not sit Wed mlAllll gunmen WALmttflI Fruit Growers Need Sale Date VINELAND CF Aru trial wen should obtain more ob Va and actual inlormatloo on marketinx oi their produce an adviser to the ca Growers alive said Wednesday lie told conlerenoe it about area bank managers Iederal arm iinanoe men and depart ment at agriculture niiiciala that marketing at preaem was done on the basis opinion and nrmora lhe ooedgd cboynletience born wu Ontario Mom College lt aimed at presenth agricultural problems to lenders involved in serving the capital needs at Ontarios term en Prat Arthur Robertson ol 0A0 emuomlm said Canadian lam era owed $411000000 to banks in 1958 and 1959 Ontario tarnian owed more than those in other provinces because of Ontarios tobacco crops other cosh crepe and high mechanization Cabbie Wounded Man 31 Charged KINGSTON CHDonald Clin ton McKenaic of Cornwall Ont was merged with at tempted robbery and theft early today alter the altempled rob bery and pistolwounding ot taxi driver on road two miles north at here Teal driver Everton Kennedy said he picked up are at Kingston hotel who later pulled gun and ordered him to put his money on the lront seat Kennedy said he produced his money and then dived tor the gun in the seuliiethe gun dis charged the bullet striking Ken nedy in the right thigh Kennedy wrestcdthe gun away from his assailant who lied on foot The taxi driver was found by James Jackson re oi nearby Sunbury and taken to hospital for treatment sronr earn natals SARNIA CP Mail truck driver Winston Taylor 16 who alleged rnuskedhandlt knocked him unconscious and stole five mail bags from his truck last Friday was charged Wednesday with the the at the bags and remanded on bail Taylor also in charged with giving lalse state ment to police Robert Polrer 16 naaday The day was devotedto also charged with the theft was organizing standing committees remanded for week CLC Plans Report On Charges Red Interference In Strike TORONTO GP Ottlcinla oi the United Auto Workers CLO said Wednesday they plan to pre sent report to their inter national board aa soon as pos sible ooncerning charges of in terierenco by Communists during the 195555 General Motors of Canada strike tour man committee inves tigating allegations that com munistmembersmet with some members ottbe GM negotiating committee disclosedprogresa of their investigation of press con ference Emil Mazey of Detroit awa chairman of the committee which also included Norman Mathews international vicepresident Keu netb Robinson Michigan diree tor and Robert Johnston direclt tor of the midwestern United States Mr Mercy UAW secretary ran Vsrzns 1220 141 221 mirirru and wurrngnnrssrsfl REDUCED 170 IszRLIcE Sale Price 49 treasurer raid the committee listened to witnesses and will study records and evaluate in formation given ua before we de cide what action it any should be taken by the international ex netb Robinson Michigan direc ecutive board The charges at collaboration with the Communists were aimed at GM units of locals in Toronto Oshawa Windsor London and St Catharines where 17000 workers were made idle during the 149 day strike the largest and cost liest in Canadian history The UAW has alreadyfired Paul Siren an international rep resentative for attending meet ing at which Communists were present duringthe strike The committee met here for two days hearing witnesses but didnnt make public 1the names persoua interviewed Illan 22 Survives litter Shot In Back OWEN SOUND CF Ernest Quesnei so was shot in the back with shotgun while hunting rabbits with three friends Wedlt Police said Quesnel wasw tug along concession road about 90 ieet ahead of his friends One slipped on the ice his gun went all and thefull charge caught uesnei lntbeemall oi the back an Bills Stacked In Womans Boom TORONTO CPUPolice Wed nesday night totuid seVeral thou sand dollarsaimed in tin an locked in suitcase under th bed of Mrs Mary linden 64 found dead by neighbor iii room in suburban York Township doctorsaid she had died It ingthe dayioi coronary threat is Police deelinedto state the on set mount of money foundnh said it wesin $5 $10nnd bills The stack of bill was tour incheslthiek some taxmayors MONTREALtCPRobert been appointed manager at th organization service departm oi the Ganndlalt Chamber Commaemit was announced dayJMr Richardson el mayor othieaiord Ont head department which closely tb the national eb berl marathon 750 boards of trade and chamhe commerce lie succeeds Fraser who Richardaomrim of Toronto