transacted all year round at troy station Mr Holland of Bd la Vista sire Mullins InelAe woud Qt mwm race empties Mm Bur North Blmeoe an dehington rate that population increas days Dr Christolm claimed nwï¬mmmmgkm theremmliiiouwhoare no ingattheratedï¬milliona ibiarrntodatswehvostresap Muulm mg year edsuchmomasafarmerand may harm dam th were spokesmen for keeping the aiati Year round nos rwnms We me to miss subdivisions of lament are run his family might oonsida in Ad condillons as they ex ist at theprumtvtimc making some allowanwa the iy trends of the next few years his obvious that there is mud that most of us can do tolhelp omselvés but sooner or latewa come In agaimtprobiems that apting to are beyond our control matters world do problems Firs allow me to quote few reports run reliable moves that have come to my attention in recent months The Royal Commission on Price Spreads of Food Ptoducts states The cost of marketing food from farmer to cousinoer nfprice nnd distribu tion of dodstuï¬n that can only be dealt with on an international or world level in todays article we will mention few of these half the world population goes to hungry every man whereas surplus food piles are major problem over truich ot the other half of the world lt would man than these statements which have not seen contradicted that our most ser ious problem in our farm econ omy la how to get our surplus into thehaods of the hungry and it is in the interest of all Can talglsaru thuadsome wayht dola more equatoly shoilid discovered The historical way of settling tilts problem by way of immili ration is rather ntfoctlvely bar red or the time being by our rather selective and discriminat ive immigration lawa and unless we can work out an dtectivo way of getting food to the needy da FREE TRADE Iarn sure that almost every farmer wouhd wbecribe to the idea of World Food Bankand would he prepared to make substantial contribution il air price could he assured for rope cent of his production Few farmers like the idea of limiting production to maintain prices while there are binary people who need all wecan pro duce Likewise few favour sub sidies or any othe form of sup port price for agriculture and would er to worknnaflee trade is if they could buy their supplies onlafree trade market Canadian tarmcrs are quite gt is of meetiogworld competition in most lines oipro duction if given afair break However since free trade the good things in lnnistll when we are away some of them with deep regret One otthesa was the Burns Night at lakelands Hall Strang ely enoufll wewue in Lakeland Florida atltbesame time as the Lahelaods fold attho toot of the 6th line of innisfii were celebrat the ins their BW Night About too guests were in at tendance withthe hoggis being piped inhyareal Scottish piper in the personof John Campbell who also played the grand march and sang solo Grace was sold by John Cown innin fil road superintendent Mr and Mrs Charles Stuart led the grand march and Mr Stuart read aBurna poem Mrs Mary Low told the story of Robert Egms which was greatly enjoy mer resorts whero the traffic does not requir surfaced road The rm um there is no bylaw which requlra the service roads to be turned over with chipped surface need not prevent the Highways Department from do log so Surely it is not the cost is stopping the Department as the chip lag and oiling lssaid to be ob hie for about fifty cents foot Surfacing the mad would eliminate any dust hazard to Highway 400 HARD COMPETITION With Reeve Charla Sprouts and Deputyereeve Joseph Coclr rone accepting the challenge of Mayor Kinzie and his horrid as slstants to log sawing contest at the Harris Carnival ream the Barrie mayor and oih have invited competition That the King City Italian hichwas to be closed is to re main open following sylgomu West by the local people mak es it seem posible that may also be successful if they can show that the business at him Will Snowy the station lying open Persons in and be yond the Village who are con nold send their protest to the Committee Mr Bough or hug Hobbs Now is the time to ac TELEPHONES BACK IN 81 In splteof the elements that have put up such battle against allowulg the work to be done in restoring service to Stroud tele phone users we are informed that all the lines are now usable With the additional ice storms rose 84 per cent from lots to 1958 the retail food price in durnsempercentinthlssame period whiie the low level of farm prices was the same as 1949 The Commission also in cludes this eonnnent Drtens ion of thescopeo farmer co perate people may seek dgpen ate means Dr Brock Chisholm former DirectortGeneral nf the World Health Organization when speak ing recently this problem of malnutrition and its bad effect on world peace augguted that across use board is not likely to be popular in Canada in theta seenhle tuture any plan that will move more of our foodstuffs to theneedy will meet with farm approval our United Natlons or ganizations tFAo and UNRA will give them quite battl guglfggmggmu ï¬ght All we hare that they set brought downlt in heena bat melï¬avboémï¬ieï¬the lingers tie against many mm accom an won high praise for their efforts dont saw themselves into the glibmmsiiwï¬gtemwe company This is the second of these bay our money is on the Innlslt be unwanted We Bums Nightswhich lire expect it crew for this competition Scottish schnttiscbe started the entertainment tor the oven log Thojunlor girls of the com th munity served the dinner and operative could red spreads SMALL POTATOES uco price onefifth of Canadas food produc this tion be invmted in assuring the are doing what they can along line and we hope they re ceive the rt they need to an survival of the human race To Saskatchewan authority re even bigger oh in 1960 ed to become an annual aifnlr as more and more of the Scots are making this district their place of retirement TURN DOWN SURFACING Lets hope someone is there with Joes movie camera WILL REMOVE TREES The Road Supervisor has been We will likely get the detailsoi the story as to costs when the nextannuai statement is made available soon membranes WARM ports that Canadian industry and commerce get over billion doi lars worth of protection with western farmers have to sell given instructions to remove dangerous trees that are liable 15 week we am south end of this sunny State zaï¬gfssmngnggfgï¬ endgalthough it was cool hero The Highways Department has written the township in reply to itslettcr asking that the service Blind BarrierBowiers Deierid She is indeed Pretty Janet Dusome is limbering up during the tumbling program at the YMYWCA gym centre held Saturday mornings at Codring ton Street PnhlicSchooi Wnt citing is Carol McDonald an other of the Barrie girls who to to operates two other Saturday morning gym centres one for boys and another for girls and hopes to open fourth soon at King Edward School Photo by Robert Hooper IilNETS UP IN THE AIR ake part in the classes open ltyenrolds Barrie wheat on the world market This rnnkesJArm subsidies look like small potatoes Recent statistics statethat far mers making up is per cent of our Canadian population get only six per cent of the Canadian in come and that 120000 farm iam ilies earn less than $1500a year Low farm income is due mainly to high costs and low prices caused by surplus production and shrinking world markets CC1IIC1diC111 Army Wars team of blind bowlers from Barrie will defend the trophy won last year in the Provincial White Cane tournament when this years tournament opens in Peierhorough Saturday Travelling to Peterhorougb are bowlers Mrs BalkMrs May Corbett Gerry Smith Wallace will be accompanied by sighted coach Art Howard The Barrie team will take the held here with 12 teams partici patins Barrle hastwo teams ot blind bowlers who compete in the Kennedy and Rod Wrenn They trophy Last years tourney was White Cane TrundleIS Trophy stages Encourage others with poor vision to have their eyes examined Sometimes people are afraid of the doctor and put oil visit to theleye specialist until it is too late Dont let indiffer ence he cause of blindness Help cure blindness by sup porting weliestnhlished projects eye research but as Mrs Maison wnrncd Wotchout for phonics wealth of talent often re mains undeveloped road which parallels Highway 400 he turned overdo the town ship with chipped surface Feeling was that as the township does not require subdivisions to turn over roads with chipped surfaces to the township it could not be expected thatthe service read he made more special than any other township road If the township had bylaw requiring these chipped surface roads then they could have demanded the same on the service roads The costspf the chipped sur face roads might not be prohib itive to residentlal subdivisions or those intended for commer ever we have been strongly against tree removal ï¬rst for no good reason We feel sure tb Mr Cowan will not class as dan gerous any other trees than those best removed It is good business to get these down before someonels injured AGAINST CLOSING LEFROY STATION The delegation which came to council to ask further assistance to prevent thecioslng ofliefroy Station may be given more time in which to show causewhy the station would not be as well clos ed except for the period between blindness Mrs Nelson said clal purposes but many oijthu June 15 and Sept 15 The delega durtng the low temperaturuiast week coolqu to freeze of the tender vegetables it cert ainlyilas warmed up again now We bhd our ï¬rst sea bathing and lay out on the sand beach until the sun made us seek cover The song birds wake us in the morning lrom the high palms which shade the boulevard on which our cottage is located it is easy living andail one has to do is find place slightly off the beaten path as there are places where there areiust too many people on holiday we are at present lnNortb Miami Beach which is continuation or the part where dollars and people are competingto sea which can outdo the other Western ohtarlo Blind Bowlers League composed of two teams each from Windsor Hamilton St Catharines Guelph Gait London and Barrie andoneeacb from Orltila and Sarnla Ciurent topcfleague team is Orlllla Saturdays tournament is the start or White and eels in Canada THREE WAYS very Canadian has thre Wbysto prevent blindnes clared Mrs Agnes nelson strut dent of the Barrie Club of the Blind as she discussed the coming White CanaWeek= Spon sored hy the Canadian Council of the Blind and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind theweok not associated with fund raising reminds Canadians of the use of the white cane and the role earn citizen plays in the care of the ey Help prevent blindnes said helpcure lt andhelp im prov the llvesof those already You can help pro lit blind by observing these suggesa Golden Beach where one at our innist summer residents Claude Pearce has his winter home is within mile of us here Wecxpectio visit him during our stay as he is racing enth usiast Fatigue Against Fctt menout efcivillans allare included ibtbe overhaul structors of sports referees etc EXPERIENCED Major Firlotte has been at the helm for only nine months but his background has been exclu sively devoted hysical fitness Hehiubeen aetivé in track and field and during the war was Sergeant in charge of Physical Training héqlalilied England and has climbed steadily Now he is Chief of Staff of Physical Training for the Canadian Amly His dictum Although we are young unitpugroou are ï¬rm 1y fixed ThEresths ofnur la bors will further the aim of the schwlï¬o improve the standard of physical fitness and promote maximum participation in recre ational activities throughout the Army laoes Charge Careless Driving Anionhand turn in Barrie Arenas parking lot resulted in $300aocident Monday ï¬nd 37yearold Barrie motoris being diarged with careless drivrng City Police say Bruce McCron 21 58 Codrington Street was eastbound on Dunlop Street West when he was in collision with James STravera 37 27 victor iaStreet Travers had beongoing west on Dunlap Street ltHéCnnadian Army is otwhr The enemy Sioth fatigue laziness excess fatusioppiness lethargic at ude physio filmess 7h at to elmofte ensive ls Majorth Firlnitejta big ygy ugh officers of the bare knuckl wig ills prime objective is instructors capablr of hippingJhe Armygoldbuys es ell as new recnlits into top physical tzonditlon Headquarters lor his overhaul is ville mewly acompleted Camp tBuldEll Jiecreation Building Housed in his makuhjlt of liceitwas originally intended Hto be massage roomMajor Firlotte sits at his phone firing oEf directives to the various Army basesacrnss the country The force working under him is comprised of 15 bï¬icers and NCOs who train the men com ing infromunits across the coun how become oheIAm School hf Physical gTraining tedin 1946 as formptiprl of the 1P company within thewSchoolnf nfantry In 1954 onthe formation ot the PT Firlotte admits that theCan adian Army still hasa long way tngo The Australians and the Bus sialis areway ahead of us both in Army and civilian circles he says and England is also mak ing great strides eSpeciaily since thatcountrys poor showing in the 1952 Olympics By concentrating on making its instructors expert in playing skills rules regulations and duties of ofï¬cials the Cadre hasmade the Army PT con scious At present there are 130 Pl instructors servicing the Army bases across the country allof the instructors were trained in Borden At present diere are another 23 men in training in the new gym Some may become part of the cadre others will become in dont let usseh 95 upon smoke You never know when fire will strike Be prepared iCbeckwitbustomakesure your insur ance coverage has kept pace with todays rising property values It paysjo play safe oseph ii Whellm General insurance EUGENE ST PA 57011 Always wear protective gog gles when working with abras ives or chemicals Get plenty of exercise and sleep Good health meansgood sight Take your childrenvto the doctor when they develop heads aches and listiesmcss They may have poor vision More than 20001peopieeiose their sight every year and dots tors agree that over so per cent of this blindness lscolnpleteiy urine sary liealizeth Is Your busines she urged and take steps to com BARBIE wmrm CARNIVAL inmosts palzrs prizes $1000 note is the main prize and will be drawn for at the arena Feb13 See tbem in thewindnw on Fred Grant Square Some lucky shoppers will be rewarded for shopping in Bar rie during the Winter Carnlval Jamboree The iamboree is merchantsponsored promotion Police lLayZ ChargesAgainst Z44Yeeré01d Barrie motorist and 331 your purchases in one of the or participating stores you will receive ballots which you deposit in the store You can win one or all of these Representative cadre it became known as the ulok LIFE 1N8 Canadian Annyséhool of Phy sical Training Wing infantry In 1953 the ASPT unit was Ztonned and came under the ad ministration ot the Camp Borden headquarters iNERVE CENTRE This school the head and nerve centre of Physical fitness pnlicy of the Army has already paid off dividends though it was set up only two years ago SPORTSCAB RALLY Twentyseven cars finished the LOCAL AND rothmncmsx TollCree calls between Mid bat eye disease Vln itqparly A24yeanold Barrie motor ist was chargedwith careless driving and following too close or cram maileatransport truck backed up Tunnely lanoway When into title Bernie tmffglc started for ï¬rst annual Wioter Sportscar Previously recruits joining the rally sponsored bythe Twni Lak forces didnt receive bald phy sical training until they reached flleir units after six months bas ic llhey found Elemselves fat igued unable to keep up with the toughwork so the ASPT set tovork Now physical training is stress ed as soon as the young man joins the Army and the unit officers are pleasantly surprised ease their newlyiarrived re piacmnents looking like men Actually out of eight men ap plying for entrance into the Army only one in acceptable because of the high standards set but die selection field is ter rible according to Firlotte SPORTS MDBON Ttbe average man coming into the Army is moron when it comes to 590 says the Ma ar mechanism of physical piss in clilviliadni is ceihtainlydlligt ywtt ouleeen an ls goalr vweakness in the cPzn ï¬lm gnggza Mrssmg 6YearOld 0111 CREDIT search has beo prgan land in this lakeshore village 10 milessou wlest of gamma for yearv0 ui iss ing since about pelriitd flay at bah ï¬g VPolice and firemen earlytoday mm assisted by iviilansln dig manna gthebaksoH flrdsors onro mm cmcxlnsasmmrs and Mail land telephones and chose in Pen etangwill begin this June it was es Car Club of Or Sunday revealed recently by Midland Winners in the precision driving Bell Telephone Manager Ii test will not be known iilllï¬Ã© Kilroy es on points are in ivi ua Watfl Camp 301 €53 Maizzggrgsurrmnlggpou ot mammalsan individual Dwarhnm mm Barrie entry were among the sons at the 10cm high 33h cmwums The Town of Newm et is pay POPULATION EXPLOSION ice the fees for thecmuplete Some feel that the currently course 371350115 pfpullll phraseidyopulatlonedex on is over amale Claims CCF Party is Coming Aparl fame march hmoirj Alifelong resident or Mellon Township Miss Alma Allen Ganton died in St AndrewsHos piltlal Midland Sunday Jung1ft owing agthrain hemorr The funeral washeld Tuesday Jan 712 trom the Elmvaie Fun eral Parlors where the service conducted by Rev Robert ngvgsali when relatives on were Cooling inmate sdistance for Gerald Gan udbuty Entombment folovw in Elm valeCemetery Vanillandpall were Josephus Clif rd Porterlairnes prr Jack tmble George dd Douglass word tihe tawo autos were in Domag totalled aroimd $400 Stre was waiiang in input James Gray 24 256 Tif fiin Stre near Prince of Wales aiï¬ in lbne wï¬ DISMJSS ACTION TORONTO CPA civil action brought against Charles lng war 47 for $90745 by Toronto lawyer Donald Downey Was dismissed Monday by Mr Jus tice Wilson The lawyer and lower have agreeditosettle the suit over lawyers fees out of court for an undisclosed amount Our February Review futures an article oath Canadian Bond Market and dis cusses some of the factors having bearing pnthe present level of interest rates which have seldomI before been available in Canada The Securities List mntéinsa diversiï¬ed selection of government and municipal bonds and corporation bonds and shares suitable for current investment ialires the orillia Packet and Times this week but its not bad description of what Cub Scout meeting looks and sounds like Baldwin PCPesos River sal tang Monday the COP party is corri tinglapart at the seams ay at the Canadian PleasesendmefyouriVebruaryuu and dlnth TormwFeb Commons throne Boat Show 13 speech debate CCF aim was reducing the class distinctions Tm within society But this lien nllt sh daualiteroi the late Walter readyr happened under system Gain and the DUMP M817 of individual enterprise making mineï¬eld mall beriife was CCF supportins false prophe hit that We and taking the heart out at Feather moveme light and wedding crisp because theyre AQUAFLAKED Wood Grundy Comparly Limited weer REPRESENTATIVE ALAN Limos 176 Wellington StreetEast gt iviogrrlenihcrsofherfam sister loletand they perm pin from teaching Linstructors to in sports build upen otf excess Eli