Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1960, p. 4

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Drama msrors amour room positional Duel At Devon Abbey Story With Twiss By MILAN KORCOK Examiner Staff Reporter The morning dawned cold this rotrm Jan rare as two sol emu men walked slowly through the elm grove encircling Devon Abbey in Norhury tall handsome graying mam and his close friend William Kinsey strode silently through the grove and across the opening to the steps of the Abbey Stopping at the loot oftha steps lan turned to Will grasp ed his hand and said lhank you for being such iaithtul friend No other men cloaked and dork approached the trout par tals Here too one of the men carried small heavy box It should not be successful here wish you to have these can offer you pistols war they areall that snid lan 111 he took piece of parchment paper out of the box and inscriblt ed hurried message whidr ha slipped back intotho pistol box THE MARK 0F EXCELLENT CRAFISMANSHIP Have no fear said Will You shall have no trouble You have the steadier hand the stouler heart and the finer pis 10h Ya the pistols were indeed fine or Ian had defended his honor many times with these arms which were tailored with loving care by will and John Rigby of Dublin But the fates were not with inn that day The two men stood back to back holding their guns high Slowly deliberately they march ed at 10 paces turned took Writers Callers Rap Examiner City Last week Examiner City Editor Barry Conn Hughes in lighter vcin criticized wait resses in his Saturday Page column Nobody thought it was fun ny rcporLs writer Hughes Now hes in full retreat from barrage of giba in restaurants letters and many mous phone calls and reduced to spooning beans out of can at home Barrie waitresses seem to have omitted the grain of salt which should have been taken with that particular order says Hughes Seriously after eating out regularly for 10 years do appreciate the many fine qual ities of waitrases Most of them are as said in the cob umn charming and gondlook ing gals If they werent would have starved to death in lonely misery years ago Following are samples of the mail the city editor has been receiving lately Unsigned let ters are not published JUVENILE Jacksons Grill Dear Sir In reply to the juvenile com ments of Barry Affectation Hughes perhaps it is his luke warm personality which falls to strike satisfactory re sponse from us waitresses How can mnmbiyvoiced person define what is earshot and what not Earshot for Mr Hughes teteatete dis tance for anyone else if he must get cheap laugh from sneering at other people it shows him as small man With noreference to his lack of inches which is what has probably warped his attitude to the other 17 million people who have the nerve toshare this country with him Mrs Yvonne Bradshaw Mrs Shirley Beebe Mrs Dorothy Napper Mrs lihordanson IGNDRANT Dear Editor Barry Hughes seems to judge all waitresses by the ac tions of one if all the people of Barrie were to take him as an example of all writers dont ohink they would sell many papers He must be very ignorant person to write that article in the paperl wish he would try being waiter forjust few hours Hed change his opinion fast Ed Note Hughes earn ed spending money by waiting on table at school in Belleville daily for two years Ihink waitresses work very hard and they have to put up with an awful lot of dirt from customers Its people like this Barry character who are the hardest on waitresses Zita 77Barrie waitress Dear Sir After reading your article in the paper on January 16 re garding bank clerks and wait rcsses am inclined to think you must spend all your time in banks or in restaurants would suggest that you start looking around little Look up right now and you will see the type of person that you called waitress You see Barry these kind of people are all around us and they dont necessarily have to he wait ress will admit that you can find this type of waitress but they are in minority Second to no other occupa tion waitresses are patient tol erant pleasant respectful careful cheery happy last neat busy speedy intelligent and down right nice The rub is that most of them put up with more insults complaints and criticisms from people than should be expected from human being The vast majority of the waitresses that have known it askedan intelligent question will give an intelligent answer If you or anyone else finds an excep tion to this case you would he doing favor for everybody by discussing it with the owner or manager Proprietors like to hear the customers view poian It gives him better picture of the problem and chance to correct it Waitresses have to not only pleawthe customer but also the manager the cook and her fellow waitresses so let us look at her side of the story for minute The waitress enjoys meeting the public she enjoys giving her hat service and she enjoys the people she works with For some unknown reason waitress is undarated and everyone gets the idea that she is waitress because she cant do ing else This is not true There are very few people who possas the qual ities to he waitress because it is an art How many moth ers have forgotten to put the sugaron the table at home some nights yet they are not condemned for it but if it was waitress she would be Why Do you realize that waitress does the jobs of manufac turer wholesaler and retailer She is her ownjanitor and cleaning woman Her own bookkeeper stock taker and her own supplier and she does all these jobs on her feet In lot of cases she is housewife and mother in her spare time waitress in day does as much physical exercise as football player She walks six or mor miles per day and she has as uch tension on her as doctor performing an opera tion The next time you are in restaurant and faellike saying iAhenL M15513 dont because Editor to the waitress this is Hey You Now ask you to look around you again those peo ple you see may he your best friend Could they measan in to be waitress doubt Ed McAnthur SARCASTIC Dear Sir You mentioned waitresses were rude Possibly it is be cause of the way they are treat ed by their customers The majority of customers arent too hard to please But the sarcastic ignorant people like Barry Hughes are the ones that make it hard for the girls There are many people resses are the lowest degraded type of girl there is and they think it is very low type of job happen to know many girls who are waitressfi is my parents have been in the res taurant business for many years and these girls are some of the nicest wellman nered people know They are hardworking girls and have to put up with lot Smarlen up and quit living in makehe1ieve world Waitresses are not as you say another breed but they are everyday human people some thing which think you arent Karen Waitress nor CANDIDATE Governor Nelson Roche teller of New York reported early in December to be sounding out hischances of gaining the Republican nomin ation for United States presi dent announced after Christ mas he would definitely not be presidential candidate nor would he consider nomination for vicepresident Photo NECKTIE NUMBERS Canadian firms manufactured 343480 dozen neckties in 1957 about 12 per cent lower than the who have the idea that wait gt marinatedv aim But only one shot was heard and with that shot in missed His deadly aim had altered mo opponent dropped his hand looked across the lield saw his adversary straighten his back hold out hls chest then he fired in look the bullet in his heart slumped and died The pistols which had served well throngi score ofdnels had failed not because of me chanical failure but simply be came in had missed From this bustling city Dub lln 130 years ago the pistols took themselves on lengthy voyage Where they vkiled how many they killed whose honor they up held will ever remain mys terybut they themselves can now be seen by chocsn few for again they have come into the possession of lover oi iine craftsmanship Somehow they were carried across rough ocean and thence inland The pistols are contained in the same brown box which Will Kinsey carried that fateful morn mg the louder the powder and the hurriedly written parchment note PRESENTED T0 Wllr LIAM KINSEY BY IAN NOR BURY WHO WAS MURDERED IN FRONT OF DEVON ABBEY JAN 1m lhe guns made by Will and John Richy Suffolk Street Dub lin are still intact Barrie gun collector gunsmith and lover of finely crafted fire arms Edward Ted was finds himself the sole possessor of these proud urnu traveller who held the guns truthfully but who felt the need of money more old them at fine price to Tcd lwlss Under his care the pistols signifying the honor and the stout heart of ion Norbury who met his death in the shadow of the great Ab hey and displaying the fine craftsmanship of Will and John ngby live on 5773 IN SCRAP REAP TORONTO CP Minutes after lone gunman robbed an eastend branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia Fridny night eon stable James Graham cornered man in railway yard and ar rested him Police inter recov ered loaded AIScalibre auto matic pistol and $773 in scrap heap Joseph Thorsteinson to has been charged with robbery BARRY CONN HUGHES ll World On ll Road To Nowhere Just what has happened to the world power picture since through two disastrous world wars Examiner city latter we earned peace in our timel Toward the end of World War II the Western allies concentrated on winning the warto the detrimental winning the peace In the east this resulted in the Communists being left free to move into Manchnrla and Korea and in the illconsid ered decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and win lasting enmity in Asia In continental Europe the Western allies apparently failed to see that disposition of ground forces during the hostilities would determine spheres of influence after one war Or at least they failed to see the implications visavis Russia and communist expansion DIVIDDIG THE SPOILS So after the war Russian armies occupied Eastern Europe as far west as the Elbe River The American British and French armies held the rest of Germany most of Austria and all or It Meanwhile Communist influence was rapidly being spread Nineteen fortyseven was good year for Communismthe Communist Party seized power in HungaryBulgarla Rumanla and Poland The Soviets solidified the Communist bloc Twentythree bilateral treaties were signed be men 1945 arid 1948 with the USSR Counteracting the Americans poured huge grants into Europe urging free and Europewide internal market so EuropEans could obtain ohe ad vantageof mass production and decreasing hosts REAEMAMENT They backed the Western European Union of 1948 which foreshadowed the North Atlantic Pact oi 19in when one Us agreed to old the rearmament or Europe and guaranteed Western Europe against invasion The Soviets did the same for the Warsaw Pact countries Btckenlngs wiohin NATO the obvious fact that Germany would domdnate any European federa tion argue against that eventuality Format great powersllke Britain and France hold only shadows of their former influence That leaves the only two powers in the world of any great strengththe Soviet Union and the United states and their respective blocs What does that mean for us French author Henri Nlassls avers that the formationof two hostile blocs caught up race can have no other which will settle nothing at It means that we in the lpated in the rape or Europe BIGTm PAYOLA in an unremitting arms result thana total war West have also partic It means that knowing who our only ad versary can be we have abandoned diplomatic del icacy We as much as the Soviet Union have set out to buy the souls of the uncommitted nations with propaganda and bigtime payola Itmeans that we like the Communists are strutting about the world proclaiming that we are all right and they are all wrong We are adding fuel to the tire and hastening the cataclysm In world where every individual will be in volved in war it seems to me every individual should therefore hear an increasing responsibility toward pence worldwide referendum by score What pity We cant organize ballot in which every individual could cast vote for peace Ind complete disarmament But at least as individuals we can admit to ourinner selves just what we are doing and in what direction we are heading Perhaps inn democracy it might mean acme thing before we end upwaltlng on the beach Satuulay lavage THE MUSIC CORNER By FRANCES WIISON Barrie With coming 1t the atomic age penetrating look is being taken or education throughout the American con tinent Comparisons are being nude in newspapers mag nines and boots between our Canadian systems and that us ed in Russia an apparently more productive one Let us take languages and music as examplu when time Aroutunian was ln Barrie last fall and her hus band the linsian Ambassador to Canada spoke to the Can adian Club she wasablc to lpeakbfifll French and Eng llsh Russian and several other languages She is scientist in her own right Perhaps Mme Aroutunian is an exceptionalrpelson but wonder how manywives of Barrie business or prolessionnl men could converse in Wench in Quebec City should their husbands be sent there on bus From articles published here it is understood that in Ru if child shows an aptitude for languages or mnslc at an early age he or she is segregated from his classmates to studywith other children showing similar apt itudes not neglecting other subjects but more intensively pursuing and specializing to cxploita natural talent and in terwt By thetime these slud cntsare in the upper grades it is pmible to have trained body of fine musicians or competent linguists This sys tem is used even in the smaller Rusian urban areas CONFORMITY In Canada the educational emphasis is on adjustment to conformity and integration in society not on the nurture of the intellect one could question the limo taken in Ontario to complete course of study achieved in other parts of Canada in 12 rather than 13 years Some of the more advanced schools on the primary level in Ontario have introduced various methods of tcaching French one of Canadas two ofifi at languages With travel becoming so last and comparatively cheap making trips abroad and throughout this continent of destrian occurrence it is nrd to understand how there could be so much osition from parents and schooboards to learning French basic tool of understanding the traditions and culture and indeed the total approach of the French people to our common national Perhaps here As Dr Wilder Penlield bu pointed out the time to learn language other than that Spoken at home is when the mind is unpreludiced imma lure and receptive PARENTS CHOOSE Parents are beginning to ask whether results are being rea lized in the field of education and it seems to an that par ents should have the oppor tunity to choose of course with advice from teachers and principals the formal subjects thcir children should Lake even at the public school level It is not an impossibility to have French convemtion and discussion taught by French speaking Canadian born and walleducated in Quebec nor dots it seem an impossibility to have music taugxt by com petent musicians rather than teacher trained in teaching fundamentals though not in terested in music or even pro fessing to know much about the musical its rhythm melody and harmony to ray nothing about form history eurythmics orchestration or tone production or any other of the many adjuncts While it is inadvisable to specialize in the schools to the extent that surplus of this trated artisLs is produced basic selective training could be means of creating an in formed audience which eager ly seeks live entertainment It is true that at the present time there is little opportunity in Canada to use such spe cialized talent but is it not also true that through adver tising and keeping product before the eyes of the public it is not too long before market is orcated Take for instance the automatic wash ingmachine and dishwashers or electric canopeners or tel evision sets to plot the sharp rise sales during the last decade Similarly through ed ucation greater satisfaction can be had to listening to music EXCITING PROCESS it is our given duty to de velop our minds and to arm tinue the exciting process of learning forever Canadians must recognize that talent in an form must be utilized it Can da is to take herI rightful place in world affairs To again take music as an example it is my recollection that several Canadian artists of international stature made appearances during their form ative years at recitals in Bar rie within the last decade Through our lack of know ledge and judgment they some noun DOG man The nebulous Fahian is the star of the new motion picture Hound Dog Man in IMPERIAL FUNNIEST SHOW T0 EVEIEHIT BARBIE color and cinemaseope Hound Dog Man comes to Barries Imperial Theatre next Wednesday LAST SHOWING TODAY noun creation recur éununmn nonun IIIIDEII morn our ADULT ENTERTAINMENT times pcrlorrncd in haltiilled auditoriums Specifically should like to mention BettyJean Hagen now known internationally for her Violin artistry Lols llarshlt all who has just taken Russian packed houses by storm Jon Vickers who is now with the New York Metropolitan Opera Company James Milligan who has been acclaimed in England while working with Sir Thoma Beecham and llona Kombrink who so recently made such success in performing solo role in the hlefilfth perform ed by the Salt Lake City choral group Last year alter Miss Kombrinks recital here there were many people who wished that she had sung in English Perhaps it is possible to al leviate th nation by not only developing our young tal ent butalso supporting young Canadian artisu with our ears our intelligence and our know ledge as wellas our pocket books it has been broughflw my attention that our Barrie Col legiate Band will perform shortly in Barrie and also that an opportunity to hear the orchestra and choir of Lawr ence Park Collegiate will be enjoyed It seems to me that this is anideal time forpar cuts to introduce their chillt dren to the pleasure of hear ing finc music wellperformed by our own young talented musicians SATURDAY GUIDE IMPERIAL THEATRE Couple sidesplitters if you want your side split Two British inns nies full of double entendre and jokes which may not all be understood by Canadians The Captains Table is sea goin stuff Carry On Nurse ll nboutgucss what hospitals ROXY runarnn Twinkle twinkle Disney star James MacArthurs who you are climbing climbing oh so high up mountain to the sky Third Man on the ltloun tain plus above doggerel should indicate what its all about PUBLIC LIBRARY This for those who dont know is the place what they have books in what you can read and learn to write proper so you dont make up sentences like this here Open till nine ODDFELLOWS HALL Smooch in around to the Pattendon melodies is an agreeable way of spending theevcning if shes agreeable CANADIAN LEGIONAlso damn ing for members ARENA Shll circular motion but this time on skates over ice Everybody welcome Ba ginners bring own cushions for protection of derrlere Youll climb with Rudi Mutt or he risks his life to solve the secret of the killar mountain indoormm entrainammo autoimmune cameraman StillIRS Break Your Skis BE MY GUEST One Free Pass for each brokenlki brought to the Theatre Sat Show Times 230 £445 700 SJ pm Children All Times 35

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