i3 Eorhlo NGER GOLD TAG TRADE IN CLEARANCE CHRISTMAS SALES or ouc FABULOUS SLANTOMATICS HAVE LEFT US OVERSTOCKED WITH TRADEINS hIREADLE SEWING MACINES 8995 each zELECIRIC PORTABLES $1750 each zELECIEIC roarAaLas zELECIRIC PonrAaLss lPFAFF ZlGrZAG MACHINE lELNA MACHINE $2950 each $3950 each $7450 $5950 Limit number of our Damontutors Illlbtiy Icnlched AI much II 07500 of am Brand New Demonolrtorl Aii machinu ruarontood SlNGER SEWING CENTRE 28 DUNLOP 51 WEST PA 1960 16 Personal CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION FAMILY or thm boy and two rll ham Perry Andy oaaor John Thou chlldron Ire ProtestInt ot AngloSnort CnilIdihn background All In Iii K000 health Ind OI nob mIl dovolo mont Thoy an Ivor In in halg and ml at tins toalum Iolr comp oxlom plus 2on and blame tc light brown hIl They no octlvo Intaruted quick to carpool to love on ion Their roal pIrean not Iblu to care or them ado ualoly and so roconll than children wcrd thkcr Into cup of Chlldrcna Aid Society AI orolhora and alntcrl they want to be to thlr Illin Ind rind lovlnl erm outed plrtntl elvlbll Irovidlng permanent home Ind In normal opportunillul ovary Child nacdl if you would intcruted in adoptingI than children and giving Ihlin cully Irid attectlon thoy thI mined piano writs to rise Mmisislt or ruouc WELFARE DNIAIIIO pan or Imhic wearIn rAmAnlznr uuippmas roRoNro IdW HYPNOTI SM if you aquar from unomola lack at cooaooooo oxoarllvo manor acting or drinking emotioni or ncrvouo dilurdorl undulrlbla tub itl or lack OI Fauna of mind than In ovoroomo rm danlultl an DAY oR lemma PA Mi PHONE 1610 JIM SECOND HAND SHOP cloud to tho public from this data an JAN into Thorn will in no mora ilnrr aw ond Hand shop on Hilhwly 161042 16A Womans Carnal LEARN HAIEDRESSING Enrol now in this govornment chartered school when on no thoroughly trIiriefl in II rlnohds beluty culture For tnlonuotion write DZRWIN HAIEDRFSEING SCHOOL 10 COLLIER STREET OR PHONE PA inAiimwmi 18 Room and Board ISARooms for Rent FURNISHED Bedroom ContrIlly loutcd Younil hualnan Kiri pres fcmd Phone FA 57158 iEAlflll gunmanan Bedroom tor rahl Cori Itll Phflne PA M355 If pan Ar840 FURNISHED Room heated ran ctte of mg lot or hot water Apply al llary St laA ll wnnlw wall mmIhrdaeomma In Port OHICB block Eullnell Flt Flo only PIIUIII PA 8420 lBAIll Room Ior rent Very control and on bun line Garage if needed Gan tloman preferrrd ErIdford st iaAsio 18C Boo rders Wanted ROOM AND EDAltD suitable for working mom Laundry Includad Phone PA 85023 lac1041 Room AND mono or lIdldI Ind gontioman Home cooking Apfly ind Ell Road lliC 11 Room AND BOARD lol businua girl In now homo Phone PA Mm lacMn 1100le AND thumb for llDllD per son Good meals bright roam old weok PA Maia lacMt MOM AND EOAIID for two Worth ing man north om and of mum to accept man onus ilt work an PA 58528 lBClol l8DRoom and Board UNG BILIIIIM Woman would mom Iild haunt vicinity Tllllh Ind 00 Hlvthy Emploafd by Hlll Pnono Strand r5 lflDElo rep your ad with $1 Barrie Exomlllor me Placerirunrild in be Barrio Examiner your MarketSell it by Legals alN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO In mamr ol the Muchlnics Lian Act R80 loan ChIptdr 27 EIWLEN IAN HOLLINGSWORTH FREM LtN HOLLINGSWORTH and m4 WARD HOLLINOSWORTH Mar chants and EDITH cahRmAN Widow III of tho City of Sauit Ste Marie in thl Dlltrict of MlamI carrying on hurioon in partner am undar tho IIIm nuns and It or ago lulu AND LuIiBzR MP plalnull Iud ALEXANDER IIERKE and MARY htEllKl HAROLD SHARPE Ind lel SHARPF and JAMES coorm Deleonnu NOTICE OF TRIAL TAKE NOTICE that this action will on tried at the Coon Houro in the City or Sauit sta Illarlo In tho District or Airoma on tho ilth day or February of lo oclock the Iorenoon by His Honour Ha Reynolds Local Master of thl Court and at such Lima and lane on tho nld furry Reynni WI proceed try the Action and Ill duouno rovldcd by The hammer Lien AND runman TAKE NOTICE lhIt if you do not IprLIr It the trial and down the Ict an or pron your china ally lhI ramming will so taken In our scnce and you mu bu depr vcd ol all benc rlt or tho proceedings and your right dllpoled of In your Ibscnce AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Ill turtles and lied claimIntI Iinl bring with them on the dIy hIraln tor trm Ill morthgol contrIctl agreementl ohaouu notes deltvory uln timov books hunk of Iccount diaries duplchto original Iiohl Ind any othor boaiu or pa on accessory to prove lien or eunuch any ponon III to comply with than directions the coat of tho day may ho alvoo Inlmt him in that wont thIt on ournmont lI naconory for pra uctioh of any or to abovemootlooed documen tIry evidence lbil lI McchIiIlu Llch Ictlorl brought by the abovenamed lIln urn Inlnlt tbc noonname do nodanu to more Mdchlnlos Lien anion the following lands Au AND SINGULAR tht cer tIln rural or net at lInd and remixes situate the and being the Townlhlp Prince in tr District or Allan and being com Fund or pm of tho SautbcIat QIIIrtcr of Section Ill tn the said Township more particularly del cribad al allows COMMENCING It the Indie oi nlo section THENCE westerly aim the north crly boundary at fed THENCE routaorly in line par Illel to the onloriy boundary or sold quarter Section 753 cot to point which and point the point or commencement Tamas continuing southerly In lino pIrIllel lo the cut oouod lvlol laid Quarter section cal Ie rumor motelix poo allel to to nor crly boundary ot nld nunm Suction dlmoco at 105 Hill THENCE northerly in line par Illei to tho elsterly houndIry of IIId QuIrtcr section all font THENCEoIIterly In line par Iliul to tho nonhuer aouodary or ind QuIrter Section outace or 105 roar mom or iua to tho place or occlnalno Ihll ootlco is served by Idr rcnce Murphy Barrister 551 Quden Street cart SIuit Ste Marie onmlo Solicitor for the Plaintiffs herein DATED at sauit StoMarie on orders northull in lino torio the dth day at JlriuIry AD 1950 mu It tho hour 19 Legal THE SUPREME courts or ONTARIO HIS HONOUR JUDGE HMIY REYNOLDS II of ham AD in the matter or II Inhaler Lien Aet 880l 1m Citput H1 3mm lAN HoulNGschm rau IJN HDLLINGSWORTH Ind LD WAID HoLuNGswoRrfl In chute Ind EDITH CORRIGAN er dow or too City or Inuit Sta taui in the Dlflrifl Allan carryin on inletsen ta outtarill anon lino noon and II of LL AND 111113 PIIlndIfI ALDKANDfl DIEth and MARY NLRKr HAROLD silARPt and RUTH SIIARFE and JAMES coom Defendlltu Upon tba Application of Ibis soul oils for In rlaloum upon READING lac oluolon herein and tho IfndIvif cl ChIriu Teh reace Murphy flied rr ls ORDERED toot unlit of lruo copy or tha Noueo ol Trial and um copy of ml ord er oy pupilmar to IIid Notice of IrlIi to ether with this Order one uary to Im EIrrie mm lner newspIpIr ublllhed It harm OntIiio lhlll road and mutant Men or too said Not in or Trial to on tho poundnu Aloxandor Mar Ind MI Marla mind Rows matured in sc order hook lotto Hl Jul AD low HARRY RoacRrsoN Actiol LocIi no IlrIr miss IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE IN THE MATTER OF chhnl of name II tannin llml In Thu Corporauoa lhl City of arm Hud IN THE uAlnzil ot the ll cation of tho counoii or he Corporation at tho city or Elirte for igpmvll II It By Law No It TAKE Norlci that tho air Fainted Thunday tna 23th day or cbruIry ivoa at It oclock in th ioronoan in my Chambers at tho Court Home for considering Dy LIw 2th and for humor than IdvocItinl and opposing th than an ot mmel or street in tho sold by which Iollowo ThIt tna mm or that part oI Fred Grant Squlro lying south and nut oi oiomnrlai SquIlo Irom Slmcoe Street lo innlop Street can be tailored to Simon Street to avoid contusion That thIt port or Fred Squln from Duniop Stuet ism simcoo Streat he changed to Fred ï¬rInt stroot to avoid contusion II ThIt Lb mad allowance bi lwoen lot 20 and II In tho 4th Concession oi tho Township of Vclpra commonly called Cundler sid RoId ho named cundioa Road to old contusion That thcroad allowanco hr lwaan iota Io Ind In tho lth concussion oi tho Tawnlhlp or verpra commonly caiiad cundiaa side Road ho named cundios Sid Road west to avoid confusion That the road commonly called Fonda Lana ho named Ferris Lulu to confirm it rlIma commonly sed not that port of tho road It iowonce between the lth nno Itth concession the Townshl or Innilfll lying West oI 400 Hil Ill bo domed Arvirirlh Road That that part or the road allowanoo hotwoon tho 1th and nth Concosstonl of tha ownship of InhlIlll to the East of 400 High wa ho nImcd Liltir Avenue That that port of tho mad Iliownnca bctwccn Lot and ii in the 1tthConccssion or this Townrhi oi Innialli lying in tho gitydot Earrio on mde patterson oa it That that part or the road allowance lIld our through the East hair of Lot 25 in the sth contusion of tho lownlhlp of Ves ra hotweon Brock atroot and ohn Streat be turned Lorena Street lo That the nnmo of Main street from Tilfin street to Adelaide at he chan Ell to Anne street void coniur on 111 tho mine of Marion Street from iliarion crescent to Wciung ton Strcut no chInled to hillion Crucent to avoid confusion DATED It Barrie thfl and shy of Decomhor Al lost APPROVED In illELAREN Judge quI szAGitAM at anx 13 Owen slrcrt Barrie ontxrio Solicitors tor The Corporation of the city or Barrie lsifludoud Notice ofVSale of Chaflel Under The Meehunics Lien Act The following truck will be sold under the Mechanics Lien Act at WILSONS GARAGE MINESING ONTARIO after Wednesday Jan 20 1360 urlless claimed and costs paid before said date lasn CHEVROLET ltan owned by Mathieson hilnesing lass uccnco slate 771550 pawd this lith day of JInuary WILSONS GARAGE MINESING um Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 larha above named herendants radon Its Wonderful the way ouie CHIMNEYIS ON FIIEE ti 1HAT vaIAT NEIGHBORS 21 Auction Solo AUCTION SALE of Purebred Shorthorii Callie lIrm implements Hay and Grlui In traitortram an moms Instrumen from Till Brenton Ch mile or use HOWARD MALCOM To ull by Fllbll Instion It Lb Punk ORO TOWNSHIP lurrrm East oi Shanty Bay on SATURDAY JAN iii It 100 pm sharp riu rouawmo thsmm CATTLE Stony Rayfl Rune lh Nd rain born SepL l9 pullout bred to Sand float Kanncbec hoaewood of Shaw ty Bay rod porn on mt red bull call on foot horn on Dec ill slooy Royo ClIrI no run with VB mllk horn on IS ll better call It tool born Nov stony Royd Rosewood no Id NIB barn JIIDI IV 195 CI foot RoIn Shorthoni Cow YIIH Iature bud Rid Sherman cow you call It loot Roll soonaorn litiler yenr ginor inl Rod DID Shoflhom Gill PIIIUN bred Rid Rom Shanhorn Heifer yam pmure hnd Ulhl Rona Ehn am if It oat puturl bred he shortth ycm coil of foot putun bred ed Shannon yum call It font nurture bred Roan Shoflborrl Heller on Red Holler Clll It foot Red ho horn Yurllnr uturo trod wax Stelr yur on Star llcd him your Red smi White aoiior Coll Red null CI immune IIIC 150 Dleul lrIetcr old Oliver Chlxll Plow our our IHC lltIrrnw lrIctor Flaw IIIC lpotrlt bitch Cultivator rly now use Sid Delivery nelrly now IIIeiur ml er BileGVIyor Lit Vlfor ll Dol nuIer net Rubber Lind Farm Wuon Set Sloop Siolhl Qfllnuly of Lumbar Secs um um Hanowl sin Pin Set or Barn Scales loco an hIrn rennin lulu it com Car um BoIvcr Grihdar heavy out no motor is Collars In HIrocu For all and Inan other In in too humorous to HAY AND GRAIN4 Dale of iulxod Hay 000 Bush Data All will he told without rIllrvI to ram tha utata mars CASH Cub Sproull Aucllonnr l0 SATURDAY JAN AUCTION SALE or Farm ram Stool Implements HIy GrIln Straw souln Poul try tor Mn CorIIhompIarl Lot 12 con Vespn Townshi on County Road muo ItrIlgb out or old Midaurn Vluaro Term cIIh nonolmy no ruorvo Owing to Mr nominal death to as at an to lestlnd cafe Irry hand sharp Auctioneer 0111 YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get In touch with you during those periods when your phone ssrvrcc is discontinued its the same with your adver tising People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED SEMION EVERY DAY PA 32414 THORNTON Mrs Fred Simpson has return ed from weeks visit with Mr and Mrs John Simpson at Waslt aga Beach John Stewart leit at the first of the New Year for Wawsnsso Man to spend the winter there Mrs Frank Hiodie matored over to Singhamptnn recently for celebration at her daught ers Mrs John Kuzylr IN HOSPITAL Mrs Gary Wilson and Scott Thorpe are both patients in the Stevenson Memorial Hospit ai Allistori Mr and Mrs Fred Arnold had their faillily homoyfrom Toronto and London for the recent holi day gt CONGREGAIIONAL MEETING The annual congregational meeting of Trinity United Church was held on Tuesday evening of this week with the REV Sanders presiding Dr Hortons ece at guests were Mr and Mrs John ny Eress with Paid and Attila Mr and Mrs Stewart and Bert Horton Peterbolough Mr and Mrs Douglas King and children Murray and Joan ne of Don Mills Mr and Mrs Winston Law Bill Darlene and Dianne of Harris Mr and Mrs Angus Campbell and Mr and Mrs Carr spent part of last weekend with Mr and Mrs Hill Lloyd Campbell who had been visiting his sister returned with them Mr and Mrs Vernon Jan uett and family David Jen hatt Ivy and Mr and Mrs Lorrie Eiggsof Brampton were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Jennctt and Sandra of Holly Mr and Mrs Ellis and family of Midhurst spent New Year here with Mr and Mrs VA Janaett During thalirst six months of 1959 the number of refugees fiee ing from Eastern Germany to the Free West worked out on an average of 700 ovary night ulM nor FRIEND Colorful Evangelist Is Dead Daddy Gracc L06 ANGELES AmCharles MIauel Grace 70 picturesque Nam evangelist and church founder revered by millions died Tuesday Daddy Grace ha was known to Idhermu halt suffered heart attack FridayInd astroko Sunday lie claimed that his church tho House of Prayer for All People had membership of 8000000 in more than 80 cities am all peoples man he told his flock Im the boy friend of the worldi The colorful religious leader painted his houses of worship and his fingernailsred white and blue He wort moustache and bright cutaway costl His fingers were jeweled and his hair flowed over his abouidorl Painted ils Relatives said Grace had built wmdprayerintbe last so years He also acquired may other properties in molar cities including 850000 tsvroom mall sion in Loo Angelcs Wiles be visited these cities bl oohunuulcantr slwwered him with doilIr bills scattered roses in his path Indxfoaned him with palm leaves In Charlotte NC this church cafeteria offers Grooo coffee from his own Brazilian plantation Ind eggs from his hatchery rlelsr Havana Cuba beauty parlor It the church mils Grace cold cream Daddy Grace born in Cape Vordo islands Portuguese pos session founded his church in Charlotte in 1926 baptizth new members in mudhale Atomic Missilés Bound For Korea WASIIINGTONJAP United States Niko Hercum antiaircraft missiles with nuclear warheads are destined for South Korea Official announcement of the program for adding atomic mis siles to the South Korean ddence system probably will be made within tho new few weeks in stailntlon is expected to start later this year The Nike rrlis siics hava an 00mlla range Officials of the 115 0th Army and the United Nations Corn mond in Korea have emphasized the need for missile defence against hundreds of jet planes believed based in Communist North Korea and adjacent Red China US forces in South Korea air ready have several typos of ar tillery and rodtats adapted for use of atomic ammunition Pre sumably nuclear warheads also are stored there REJECIED BY JAPAN Mlssilrs for both battlefield and air defence now are in position in most for east Allied areas except Japan Within recent months sumn honatomic Sidewinder missiles for launching from planes have been brought into Japan Nike Hercules missiles aro in position in Okinawa the US controlled island south of Japan On Formosa one Hercules batlt lailnh is manned by troops of the Chinese Nationalist Army Her cules weapons launched from Formosa could blast lied bomb on almost as soon as they rose BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN ill mscmlmrlan Most of Western Canada will have belownormal temperatur es invthc lungrange forecast of the United States weather office Eastern Canada is ex pected to have neatnormal from their bases along the main land Planes operating from carriers of the us 7th Fleet which roams along the Asian coast Illo capable of using both defensive and offensive atomic weapons The US Air Force also has ca mos wasle rsrcarc MONTE Haunt NOKHAI Iatcmia rm no Macrocs COLDEil 0N pllilihlss and abovenormal readings for the mouth at January Map also details expected precipi tation across the country Tables give normal readings for various centres during the period at least one Matador guided mis sllcunit in the Far East This planelike missile has range of several hundred miles TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Phone PA 824 AROUND SIM COE COUNTY GUTHRIE Guthrie Presbyterian Church will hold their annual matting at the church on Monday Jan 13 at ociorlt Dr and Mrs Milton and sons spent the weekend at An caster with Mr and Mn Nor man Graham ANGUS The annual meeting for Angus union cemetery plot holders and interested parties will be held in lIio Sfmcoe Street School on Fri day Jan 15 at pm All are requested to attend Mrs Raymond Gontier is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mrs Pater Fleming ls spendr ing couple ofweeks in Tomato with her daughter Mrs Donald Black Mr and Mrs Joe Rutherfor and Joan Baotou spent Christ mas day with Mr and Mrs And rew Miscampbell Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bush Holly spent Sunday Jan 10 with Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mr and Mrs While and Mrs Isner Camp harden spent Sunday Jan With MI and Mrs Fred Latimer and Mrs Dempster EVERETT Robert Whitley has been con fined to his house with sore throat Mr and Mrs Pat ODonnell and family oi Toronto were re csnt guests at the home of Mr and Mrs George Peacock Those visiting at the Robbins home over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Larry Do Wilde of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Reg Knux and baby of Toronto Tossurbatio council is holding its first meeting of the year at Ciougher on Monday Jan 11 when new members will be sworn into office shower is being held in the Everett Orange Hall on Friday Jan 22 for the nwelyweds Mr and Mrs McKenzie nee Sharon Kiemon Under the managementpf Mr Al Exeiby and the Boy Scouts nice skating rink has been built and skating libs been excellent Mr Exelby and his helpers are to bl congratulated on their fine was GILIORD Mrs Evelyn Bennett of Winni ng her sister Mrs Helen Nesbittwas home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Russell enter taiued the euchre club Saturday evening Prize winners were ladies Mrs Keith K91 Mrs Hughes Men Grenviiie Hughes and Jack Hughes Some of the Junior Farmers from this community namely Margaret Donnie Douglas Saw yer Allen Stewart attended the Junior FarmaraAnnuai Toronto Conferencc Saturday evening Jon at the King Edward Hot el Toronto lvllsslou BAND Tile first meeting of thsryaar was held iastWednesd with 34 children present The ngingofr the Mission Bdadllyma opened the meeting with the repeating of the purpose Roll call was an swerod by My New Years hcsA olution The offering was taken and dedicated Ruth Simpson Louise Neiiiy Art Slam George Simpson and Ronnie Russell had birthdays in January letter was read by Mrs Rus sell lrorn the Fred Victor Mis sion acknowledging the offering from the Christmas Carol Ser vico which was sent before Christmas hymn was sung followed by the Lords Prayer repeated in unison concluded this part of the meeting The children divided for the Study period Mrs Nesbitt tak ing the Juniors and Mrs Todd the Primary Refreshments were served and World Friends papers were distributed Friday evening Jan about 60 members of the Giiford United Church met in the hall for call Eregatioual supper and social evening Everyone sat down to wellladen tables of sliced ham hot supper dishes salads pies forts and coke After supper Mrs Keii told the children story while the ladies cleared the table There were some active games for young old which everyone took no in Two films were shown one on England One of the highlights of the evening was to he presentation to Mr and Mrs Ronnie Coutts from the Gilfard church Owing to weather conditions and roads the bridal couple didnt arrive Mt and Mrs ll Kell parents of MrsuCcutts were invited to come forward and receive the gift to pass on to their daughter and swirllaw An address was read by Mrs Russell and Mar jorie Todd and Margaret Sawyer presented mirror from the members and adherents of Gli ford church Mr and Mrs Kell fittineg tillfanked the members for the FARM FORUM There were nine at the forum meeting at Eben Sawyers Mon day evening Jon II good dis cussion on Adjustment Through Price Support Policies was enjoy ed Next meeting at Todds number of the forum memb ers are going to the Federation of Agriculturehanquet at Stay ner Thursday NEWTON ROBINSON BAPTISMAI SERVICE pleasant part of theSundoy church service was the boptisiag of the infant daughter at Mr and Mrs John Buttki Cherie Rose Sunday guests of Han and Mrs Earl Rowe were Mr and Mrs Watson Rowe of Barri Mrs Noble of Lefroy is yis Itiug Mr and Mia Chantie Mrs MfWest of barrio is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Stafford Mrs Paul West is visiting Mr and Mrs Lorna West in Toronto Mr and Mrs AllonSmith oi Ottawa are spending few days with Mrs Leeso Mr and Mrs Burch ofrliurora called on friends here on Saturl day before leaving for moliths holiday in Florida Mrs Helm tor visitedrel day TOTTENHAM Mr and Mrs Arthur Norton and Cam of Toronto and Miss Veda Campbell of Unlonville were Christmas gucsts wilhliir and Mrs William Campbell Mrs Ruth Loudensiagel of Can hington spent the past Christmas and New Year with her aunt Miss Olive Tottch Mrs James Henderson spent Christmas and New Year with ricilds in Cookstolvn and Toron Stan Druffin and Dave Dryden of Toronto are student teachers this week at Sand Hooks School uudci Mrs Herman Fattorson Vernon Jennctt of Thornton made business trip to Tottcn ham Monday and called on friends Mrs Gertrude Manning of Toronto is visiting at the home of her sister Mr and Mrs Hans Deluny Rev and Mrs Burton uf Ket tleby culled Sunday on Fred Laird Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Shelring on their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Jan 12 Thelsss annual collection for the Strand branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society as report ed by fhe secretarytreasurer Gordon llixtntaled $395 an in crease of $45 over the previous year The officers wish to sincer ely thank the collécfois and all who made this splendid report possible Mrs Bart Smith who has been in Toronto is spending few days at her home here FAMILY SUPPER The annual Family Supper and social evening of the Strand We mens Institute villbe held in the United Church schoollaom on Jan 21 commencing at 530 Members wishing tickets please get them as soon as possible from Mrs Fred Mulhollzlhd or Mrs Martin Last Wednesday Junuti at the Canadian Mothercmit Hospital in Toronto Carley Smith and Shirley Jones from Stroud re ceived their caps after four months training in the course which will last until September Mrs Smith Mrs Jones and Mrs Waninss had the pleasure of attending this ceremony Con gratulations Carley and Shirley from your many Stroud friends BEREAVEMENI Mrs Mitchell Malhers passed away in the Ponetang hospital on Jan in her list year The former idu May Dollridge Mrs Mothers was well kn Wu in Stroud having lived here for many years The funeral service was held on Junie conducted by Rev LRowe in thcJenllat Fun eral Home Barrie with inter ment in St Pauls Anglican cem story GAE do CLUB The December meeting of the Gas 49 Club was held at th it home of Dorothy Lowery on Dec ember ill with 19 members and three visitors present The president Dorothy Poa cock opened the meeting with poem Roil cull wosansw ed by collection for the Salvation ArmyuvhichpmauntedtoSl Mrs Barnett spent last week in Toronto visiting her sis ters and brother The Tottcnhom and district Bible Society raisedsmfls in their 1959 canvass The annual meeting of the Mount Iagert Cemetery Board was held Monday afternoon in the council chambers The first of series of our cuchrcs was held on Friday ev ening last in the Town Hall The prizes were won as follows lad ies Mrs Mary Austin and Mrs Rhino Delany Gents Oral Mclt Chain and William Hammond Consolation Mrs Jackson and Harold Dormatt Draw Harold Sloan MrsK Keogh and Mrs Herb Kohl Door prizes Mrs Ede Palmer and Jim Gould special prize is offered for the series of lady and gent hav ing the greatest number of points Mrs Harvey Simpson enieh tained the members of the Even ing Auxiliary of the United Church Monday evening last NEWS or smou Christmas carols followed by an exchange of gifts delivered by Santa complete with bells The next meeting will be at the home of Helen Mulboliaad on January lath The members are asked to wear clothing suitable for working at cancer dressings delicious lunchwas served by Bernice Fox Mae Ferguson Marion Ferguson and Isobel Gib bons completing most enjoy able evening UNITED WA AND Wills The combined meeting of the United WA and WMS was held on Jan in the church school room with an attendance of 25 With Mrs Gondfeiiolv presiding the meeting opened with the theme song and Hymn 352 Rev Wanicss installed the 1960 offic ers of the two organizations can grotuiating them on their help and support with the church work Mrs Hughes was appoint ed secretary to take Mrs Go haens plocc who is now teach ing In the Stroud school Annual reports of the varioussecretar ies were received WA yearly receipts were $753 nine regular meetings held with an average attendance of 20 It was decided to continue the Birthday Box of ferings and plans were made to serve lunch at social gathering on Jan 12 and also at the church annual meeting on Jan to The combined devotional per lod for bath societies was taken by Mrs Fred Mulholiand read ing scripture passage and Mrs Fred Wright reading an article on The candle of understand ing Prayer offering and hymn completed the devotional period Mrs Cumming opened the WMS mcoting by reading poem Ono day at tithe Annual fees were paid and roll call answered by scripture ver so on ReturnSecretary re ported 26 members with 11 meet ings held and S29 sent to Presi bytcry it was decided to makea collection ofused Christ rnascards to be sent to child rens hospitals with Mrs Alex Black os convenes Rev Wanless then gave very suitable mos ago to both sodietlcs with deiicious Iunc Sometime was spent singingIMcLeau and Mrs Lucas