OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Wool Ads Tcle phone PA $2414 telephone number to all for the Business or Edlkflll Dept II PA £6531 96th YearNo BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JANUARY 1960 el WORKERS TIE BY SAFETY ROPES BREAK UP ICE FOE DRAGGING Drug For Boy drowned New Years Day hunting trip son 33 was found late Saturday Seach for the body of an eight yeamld Wasagn Bench boy in the Nottnwasaga River with his father while on continues today Searchers are dragging Oxbow Point in the river for Joseph William Atchcson The body of his father Earl William Atchc etternoon only 20 feet down stream from the point where hole in the ice indicated they had fallen through THIN ICE Wasaga and Oakvlew Beach Ontario provincial police say the twddrowned when they tried to cross the thin ice of the river at Oxbow Point at the western end of the resort community OPP Constable David Thomp son said they set off on the al texnoon of Jan and were first reported missing by the boys mother Mrs Helen Alchcson that night OPP and Wasaga In Nottawasagd Beach fire department began the search Saturday morning Constable Thompson said the major part ol the search was breaking the ice so the OPP boats could start dragging Alter eight hours ot ice breaking it took only few minutes to tind the fathers body FIND MIlIEN BOOT The search continued Sunday lor the son but only mitten and boot were recovered The third day of the search started at am today About 20 menare taking part Const Thompson said Mr Atcheson who worked for W3 sega Beach firm of contractors had only been living in the vill age since last May HAD BEEN WARNED He added that the lather had been warned that theicc was only two or tluee inches thick and was too thin to walk on The fastmoving NottawasagaL he selfilways took long time to freeze over Que Lawyer it Mar 39 QUEBEC ca The Union Nationals party called upon to name new leader for the sec ond time in lourth months is ex pected to choose Provincial Sec rotary Yves Prevost Mr Provost 51 year old Quebec City lawyerwho has ad been mayor and professor has been singled out by reliable sources who are influential in the government and the party to sue Premier ul Sauve who Saturday Kï¬elative newcomer to poli tics Mr Provost was elected to the legislature in 1948 as in her for Montmorency and was reelected in 1952 and 1956 He entered the ca net 1953 minister nd became pro or secretary 1956 As provincialsecretary he was concerned mainly with education TWO LOGICAL CHOICES Asserts No Nuclear Tests Sources here say legislature members and party functionaries Mr Provost and AttorneyGen crnl Antoine Rivard And it is regarded as likely that Mr Rivnrd will stEp aside in favor of Mr Provost as he did in favor of Mr Sauve in September Mr Rivard 61 was suggested as possible choice for premier when Mr Duplessis died Other party figures mentioned as possible choices for premier were Labor Minister Antonio Barrette 60 and Hydraulic Re sources Minister Duniel Johnson 44 One of the big decisions facing the new premier whoever is chosen will be whether to call general provincial election this year Mr Sauve was expected to call 1960 election probably in June although the government has another year to gponits fiveyear term DECISION THURSDAY The new leader will be chosen have narrowed theirthinking to at party caucus atszbo pm Thursday BESSTIME Flushes minnow or Premier Nikita Khrushchev of Russia has repeatedbis assertion that the Soviet Union will not resume nuclear weapons tests it the West does not He said he is ready tovsign an agreement banning tests for all time Afghan Ilrmy In Control moor111 Pakistan Reuters The Afghan Army was re ported today to be ncomplete control in the Kandahar area alter the suppres of disturbances which broke out there twovweeks ago in protest against the unveiling of women ZflNegroes Hurt In ClaShes yLULUABOURGWReulers More thnnztl Negroes were wounded in weekend clashes user this Belginn Congo city bwmflnlfllulibndliaiuba tribes The boy too had received vnmings in school as had all the pupils added Coast Thomp SOIL Mr Atchcson had had 22 calibre rifle with him He is survived by his wife and two daughters aged three de seven The twogirls havegnne to Oak Ridges 0nt to stay with relatives shaman satires MILKING cnonr ROCHESTER NY AP When the ice storm shut oil the electricity on his farm Elonard Lovell of suburban Brocknort kept his wits work ing also his windshield wiper The windshield wiper milked the cows Lavcll said he inserted into the vacuum tube thanmmEmflrmnnï¬ told with the wiper From the he ran tube to the vacuum tank that operates the milking machines The rwipcr hadenough power to operate three milkers at one eraJaM EDGAR Native 01 Illliston Is SudburyMayor SUDBURY CP William Edgar 54yearold city school principa Saturday was elected mayor of an enlarged city of Sudbury native of Alliston Ontoneai Barrierhe has been in Sudbury for 29 yearsllo has been teacher and principal at city public schools He has served three years nscontroller and two as alderman He delcated sitting Mayor 10 seph Fabbro 978 to 8191 0n Jan1 Sti ury hit close to the 80000 mark in population as the municipality of McKirn Township was amalgamated with the city and half oi nearby Neolon Township was annexed to the city roost wranmn and vii mwmv uniousterqu ac hometownmi nu windwhens 5c per Copyl ZlPages lt39ciPAYJ HIKE SEEN As Cldste Credits SUDBURY CPiJoc Smart veteran of the Rlol Rebellion who celebrated his 100th birthday on New Years Day says smoking and drinking are the ingredients for long llle smoke almost constantly sometimea in the middle of the night he said And drink any thing can get my hands on Joe who lives at nearby High Falls looks younger than most men ol 60 and his health accord ing to his doctor is excellent He has been sailor soldier logger prospector hunter fish erman and farmer retiring from the last occupation five years ago alter his second wife died He was wounded at Vimy Ridge in the First World War Now he looks forward to many more years of leisure and has some advice for todays young men Go west That countryls inst opening up Won Nobel Prize Dies In Car Crash SENSFranca AP Albert Camus 47yearold French novel ist who won the Nobel Prize for literature in was killedtog daydn an automobilecrasln Three other persons In the car were injured The accident took place at La Chapelle Champlgny about 100 miles south of Paris on the main ParisNice road CREDIT POOD OllAWA CPiCasadas con sumer price index at Dec eased fourtenthsrof point to 1279 ham1283 month earlier as result of lower food prices the bureau of statistics said for da IVhe bureau also reported that the indexbased on 1949 prices equalling 100 averaged 1285 throughout 1959 gain of 11 per cent over the 1959 average of 1262 The index fell atDec alter registering gains for four consec utive months and rising to rec ord of 12811 at Nov The Dec figure represented an increase of 17 points compared with 1252 on the corresponding date year ago The decline at Dec was due entirely to adrop of 11 per cent in food costsrthe subindex eas ing to 1224from 1288 drop of 14 points The clothing and other commodities subindexes both were unchanged and the shelter and household operation indexes moved up lrctionaliy EGG PRICES DROP Most of the decline in the food AntiJew Sign Alarms By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gt Anti Semitic outbursts under the banner of the swastika spread during the weekend from WestGermany around the world Snedk raiders striking in the night with paint brushes smeared synagoguespubllc buildings and homes of Jews with the Nazi symbol and slogans denouncing Jews Jewish and government lcs era showed growing alarm over the flareupnow in its thhday but were divided on whether it sign ed resurgence oi anllsm and ther forms of Fascismjor The amalgamation alsobroughlr in the municipality of Frood and its 90 citizens The mlningtown was justnurthniths itv limits was mainlythe or ohmhooligans Vodcrackpo aPricelgIndex hsinngowrr warn ron MAMA TEEI SIlPS Have been SapsEnough Would Put Apron 0n Husbands CHICAGO APiA group at women calling themselves SAPS think theyve been up too longthey wont to make Mothers Day full week Sans is short for Society lor the Appreciation and Preserva tion of Spouses feminist movement which got all to determined it unofficial start in Chicago Sunday In this cae spouserelers only to wives The SAPS are four square for national spouse weekseven lull days in February in which the wives tie the aprons on what thoy consider the already over appreciated over are served spouses the husbands Hequ Rain Wind Hits Maritimes By an CANADIAN Panes An unseasonable storm pack lng heavy rain and winds gusting to 55 miles an hour punched iLs way through the Msritlmes dur ing the weekend Residents in other parts at the country turned up coat collars against bitter Arctic winds Weather ollices in Quebec 0n tarlo and the Prairies said the Arctic alr whitdi produced sub oggmnorahquimNorihcm Ontario Sunday night will sweep through to Quebec today Temperatures dropped as low as 31 degrees below zero at Sask stoon Sunday Most points in Saskatchewan Alberta or Manl toba registered tcmperatures at 10 below or lower sharpest drop in prices in some years Grade urge eggs leil144cents ran it to 483 cents the lowest priceJor eggs since March 1850 andthe law est December price since 1944 Imported fruits orange juice pork and chicken also registered price decreases However fresh vegetable particularly tomatoes and cabbage were higher Howeverwh ole ale we moved up fractionally in late No vember and the first hall of De cember The lndexlor 30 industrial raw materials based on 193539 prices equalling 100 rose to 241 at Dec lnlrom 2409 at Nov 27 Price increases were recorded for eight commodities including beef hides sisal and bituminous coal Declines were reported for raw rubber steers linseed oil and oats The Canadian larrn index on 193535 base casedin the three Weeks to 2141 from 218 Lower prices were recorded for steers and eggs and for eastern milk subindex was cling by the for cheese iWorldV tered places across Westbrn rope in Britain NewYork Australia NEW YORK morphisms The Hitler symbol was painted on three synagogujesain New York Cityincluding the fasth Filth Motbers Dsy just isnt enough according to SAPS furs Margaret ionc Fink 31 wile five years and mother three Mothers Day is just one day year while men enjoy Fathers Day 52 weeks year said Mrs Fink Besides we have to cook on MothersDay WWW organized fewweeks ag SAPS already clnlm some 30 housewives and mothers in the Chicago area and Wisconsin Papa should be marooonce in awhile said Mrs Mavis Agerbelm 31 in what easily could be taken as the SPAS motto RCMP found Allen Roy Mo Kay 52 of Yorkton Sask plumber dead in his panel truck Sunday He is believed to have frozen to death in Melon weather In Winnipeg where it was 12 below an elderly man was taken to hospital with frozen hands and re In Alberta flood of mild air moderated temperatures for short period butcold air ex pected to again dominate the area Tuesday BritishCnlumbia had generally cloudy weather with tempera tures In the south in the Sits BITTER COLD TODAY Southern Ontario areas were expected to get snowflurries and bitter weather today The cold blast will hltlQuebec tonight carrying lsdegree temperatures to Montreal Halifax otlicials predict much colder air will spread across ths district following Sundays storm which moved up rapidly from New York other agamsther berth Heavy rains flushed out hundreds of rats from the dock nests malcon runs Withheld To For Ratification WASHINGTON APiThe steel in and its workers finally go logciher today on terms or amew labor contract reported to give the workers an increase of 39 cents an hour in wages and other beneï¬ts during mmonth period The agreement came out of 22hour negotiating session and was on terms recommended by VicePresident Richard Nixon and Labor Secretary James Mitchell Tho cndot the elghtmonths long dispute lifted the threat of new strike later this month Among the steel workers and in the financial community there was jubilation Stocks generally were higher on the New York Exchange US Steel bellwcther of the industry was up $436 share on its first sale of the day Mitchell announced the agree ment but withheld the precise terms pending ratification by each side The unions wage policy com mittee was called to meet at pm EST toconslder the agree ment Mitchell in elfect handed the palm to Nixon for the settlement Without the vicepresident we would not have had settle ment be said For Nixon it nppearednt first glance to bc major political coup scored in the year when he hopes to win electiontome prcsidcncy TRONDHEIM Norgay APlI it could too be an important milestone in Mitchells canon There has been talk ol thelabcr secretary as passiblechubv licon vicepresidential nominee Yet there still aromany un answered questions for one thing what willbe the overall impact as to the administrations ellorls to combat inflation ASK RE PRICE RISE It Conrad Cooper US Steel olllclal and chief negotiator for the industry was asked by re porters whcthcrdbe additional costs to the industry mm the settlement would result in steel price rise do not care to discuss that subject he replied On the matter of possible in flatlonnry etlects the steel indus try does not stand alone Thewage scales in this basic industry have long been bench marks lor others Adjustments keycd to steel may com tor thousands of work crs in dltion to the 500000 in steel The steel workers were uver aging $311 an hour under their old contract FAST CLOCKING Knut Johannesen of orway the European speed skating cham pion Sunday clocked the fastest time iii the worldthis season for 10000 metres 62 miles Lay 45c1iaioésv7 In Crime Spree TORONTO CmPolice laid 45 vestigstion becausevnone of the charges oi househrenklng against 25 year old Terrance Benallick Sunday at te detectives dis covered stolen goods in an east central rooming house where they were investigating an early morning stabbing Melvin Bees 30 suffered 12 inch knife slash across his stom ach stab wound in the back eatingJie was porte in poor condition in hos pital today Clarence Noseworthy 33 was charged with wounding Detectives intensified their in porsons at the party that ledup tothe stabbing would talk freely During the investigation detec tives Jack Phillips and Charlie Coles noticed three bottle of ex pensive scotch whislry which seemed out of place in the room ing house Two members at the break and enter squad were called in and number of stolen articles were recovered HeatW lengthy tour of the Metropolitan area with suspect who pointed out 45 homes that had been looted