Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1959, p. 1

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BARRIEAGNTARIO GANADA MONDAY NOVEMBER 30 l959 our murmurs 5sz PA unmhertoconfoctheBulral uwmmneptnraum LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy rrllh frequent period of new Ln tonight High Tacit For full learolethmthbhlulu No 279 Se par Gopyl 6Pagas CHAMPAGNE BATH Is Nownsrr ron BonBrBs Three Winnipeg players get both of champagne from Cll1W player as the Blue VSOéialism Be For west Bevan Save BLACKPOOL England Reut rs Aneurin Bevan declared Slroday that democratic social ism not capitalism is the Wests best hope inthe race with Rus sia Bevan deputy leader of the Labor party voiced his faithiu tbafuture of sooialrsm despite the partys tn straight defeat in anational cation last month He wound up weeijrendparly es ugfitza lssneawheuier boxl sin 50 mnoc Find Ill DAR SALAAM Tanganyika Reuters Ten persons from an Arab dhow which disappeared mysteriously six tlisrago have been found on tiny island off the coast of Somalia north East Africa where they were nursed back to health by the island com munity The 10 are the sole survivors oflhe 60 to 70 persons on board the dhow When it sailed on its fatal voyage They were badly battered and cut on sharp rocks when they struggled through high seas to reach the island The motor dhow modern ver on of the ancient Arab vessel nebroke down and theboat ed until it reached the tiny ad of Abdukuri but the rocky coastline prevented the skipper from beachi is badlyleaking sh oft unseh ntio to us ii fighnmtds Missing Nursed Tolilealth By Islanders Bombers celebrate their Grey Cupvietory in their dressing room halt to right are Gar pariy ohief Hugh Galtskell against angrycritics of his state ment Saturday that nationaliza tion of all the means of produc tion is out of date Bevan seemed to be striving to bring left and right together on the contentious Issue some amorous Prominont achthasmotoalgéna so onion ade wok Cousins tools issue $31 Oaftslrells stand or we mama do socialist rln pnbl ownership ut agree with ll BM that GO not bottom you thlc society rot months members Casi Some tried to swim ashore But they all failed to make it Shortly after the heavy seas dragged the dhuw from its makesth mooring and it was shattered against the rocks Sci March Date For DavisStuart TORONTO CHThe mother of dancer Joan Stuart said today hcr attractive blonde daughter Davis Jr next March Mrs John Stuart said her daughter called from Montreal Sunday to tell her the month had been picked but other details werestilibeing worked out Joan zlnmet the Negro singer when he visited Montreal tor brief engagement last summer Mr and Mrs Stuart have strongly opposed the marriage iDiplomaliclmmunit SaveBoy From Ilction Alter ittingGirl think acted the same as any Amerl can by would the l7yearuld Iranian said after slapping his gir end and firing two blanks from pistol ye been in this countryifor years the youth arb Adjoudani continu andlmquite familiar with your other boys while he was at col lcge in Youngstown Ohio Detective Howard Campbell of the city police said the boy had slappedsandra at the Adjoodani home while his parents were away Campbell saidthe boy then took pistol from in trunk and threatA ened to shoot himself He ran into another room and shot was heard it tvas blank Then he drove the girl home On the way Campbell the boyvhcld the pistol outside the car window and fired asecond blank The girl isthe daughter of Rev Glenn Boliek pastor of the Georgetown Lutheran Church IBoliek had beeanoing out with orb Vichaal grit and believe plans to wed entertainer Summyr since the couple announced their engagement at monthzago land Warren 44 Ernie litta 77 and Farrell Funslon 711 See story on sports page Hope with public ownership reachipg dovyn to every level Declaring himself against So viet communism Bevan contin ued that modern capitalisman eoonnmy based on privategreed lenge in the next 10 years will be msad by Russia he said not by United States modern intelligent com munity should or enize its coo noénlu int rotlogy dvi Leann or ers prion an no necessary to have iotatorsbip in order to do it woven reason pom Bevan said the congress should wind up with famessage ot hope to the people of Africa Asia Russia and Chlnavtbat the principles of demooratlo social ism have not been extinguished by temporary defeat at the hands otlthatltorles few weeks ago Police Seek Youth In Assault Tries TORONTO CF Detectives will search all York Township schools today in an attempt to locatcra frecklefaced youth of about 14 who has attempted to rape twogirls in the last month Police said his latest trywas Saturday when he called at home wherean loyearbld stu dent nurse was alonenllegot in side by posing as salesman grabbed her by the throat and dragged her into the living room where he attempted to tie her hns failed The economic chal Expand Coopsll To Check Costs Report Urges OTTAWA CP Farm co operatives have helped check the food price spread and should be encouragedtoexpand royal commision suggested today As means of doing this the commission which made avtwo yearstudy of the gap between farm and retail prices proposed federal law providing for in corporation of cooperatives as requested by Ithe cooperative movement Dr Andrew Stewart commisv slon chairman told press con ference that through patronage dividends ceops have brought greater returns to primary pro ducers without pushing up retail prices This rcduccdtncldicctive price spread He said they also claim they cunciiminnte some of the more costly services that have con tributed to rising food costs The commission stepped into the controversy over compulsoryv marketing boards saying it docs not bellcva these boards would lend to any significant reduction in price sprends ed today in Toronto he had icon eluded an agreement withgthe prlfivineial gove ent imdei ch Barrie wil receive 523 some as settlement for the withdrawal earlier this year of Barries private bill in the On tario legislature The settlement will be rcceiv ed in value of workdonerby the Department of Highways The amount is equal to onermillon the city tax rate Mayor Kinzie withcity solici tor Rowe met Highways Minister ass and Deputy Min idssr rum at Queens Park to Theunegotiations have been protracted over several months Barrie agreedlto the withdrawal ofthebillon the assurance of QUEL Horror Bro rsrucn PARlS AP Watchdogs of the French languagehave set aside next April for new campaign to weed out English words The French prcsswill be ex amlncd line by line on that day by the French Vocabulary Ol licc The newspaper which dips least into English to inform lts readcrs will receive lovmg cup Despite repealed crlas oi alarm remonstratlon from French rlsts such heresy as this is frequently heard or seen along the ChampsElysees Je prends moro sandwich on bar avcc moo boy friend lcl Stars Night Club Strip tease show at sexy girls Drinks on her French co pics tend to flirt these days gt When old friends most they go through shake hand routine they in ay have glass at the neighborhood bistro Madame goes to beauty shop to buys peeling good face scrubbing th year due to achieving city status The On tario government withdrew ap proval of the bin on the grounds it created dangerous preced eat never doubted the settle ment would he made Mayor Kinzie told The Examiner today am happy in the amount oi the settlement We received TroOps¥lWillIStctYu In Hungary Kaer BUDAPEST Reuters Com munist party leader Janos Kadar declared that Russian troops will remain in Hungary as long as the international situation makes it necessary Russian troops are not in Hun gary for internal political reasons but as result of unsettled inter national questions he added in speech to the Congress of the Hungarian Socialist er Cdmmunist party its first since the 1956 uprising Sneaking in the presence of visiting Soviet Premier Khrush hands behind her back LONDON Al SirWinston Churchills doctor prtipouncedhlsv patient in excellent henlthtoday worlds most amazing men of die doctor Lord Moran at Sir Winstons London not faces until Lord Moran emerged smiling my congratulations on his birth day arid two bo ts of pneumonia1 amazes everyone except some of his closest friends People do not yet seamlo or course he didntsend for me said the doctor in reply to questions just called to offer clievKadar said that inconcur nccoonrs For HrALrn AT 785 Churchill my the 85th birthday atom of the The unannouncedappearance gloomy expressions on reporters amazes Evianxorvr Churchills robust healthde spite hls age two major strokes on his foe iéA YveSi7 SdYsifiLordoiISnlCly realize from ingredients the amount we felt we shouldI rencewith Russiaand the Wars saw pact countries Hungary felt that negotiations should be taken up on the simultaneous and mm tual withdrawal of troops in for eign countries ROBS US AND UN Kadsr criticized the Unltcd States for lits campaign to stir up feeling against Hungary and the UnitedNalions for putting the Hungarian question on its agenda again llc said Hungarywanted to re establish normal relations with the HS and was prepared to take the necessary steps to do so said Lord lsma that Winston is th man to live ins lust500 years Hesa trc spokesman at Church ome said the rmer primomlm ister would attend hirthday With giant internationally flavored cake featurefor3ahoul people at his home tonight he plans to ttend Par hament before that the spelt man added The fourtiered cak was tied greatest more then120c uptri ell overtha wor Avquiet as oi the elder otatesma Cub the world in the brought from OPOSA RoyalProbeUlges Dealers Reduce Price Tag Instead OiiAlVA CPI Food mer chants must substitute pricetog competition for contests give away no gimmicks ii food prices are to be held down the royal commission on price spreads said in Its report issued today lhe commlsslon pointed its finger at modern merchandis lngs high spending on promotion devices as one factorin rising food costs Promotion methods whichtake the place of price cuts are de trimental to the consumer it sold Dealing with one of these mcth odsthe trading stamptho rc port said shopping housewives should be able to get specified cashdiscount in chu of stamps Promotionol devices it argued are the most expendable of the many services offered by mod ern stores notably supermarkets to attract customers nurse cosrs These services had contributed to an dipercentvlucrcase in Ihe last decade in the total cost oil getting food from farm to market basket But the main theme in the find ngs of tho sevenmember com ssion was that persuasion and publicity not legislation should be used to cncourageprice ductions whcro posslbie Two of its recommendations were to that end Extension of combinesln Lavals Spewed 1700 Feet High H1143 HowailAPl Kilnuea lki volcano shot tremendous fountain ofgoldcn love to rec ord height of 1700th Sunday night and then stopped erupting forthe third time since Nov1i The third violent eruption on Hawaii island attracted throngs of aerial sightseerS during the weekend The lava flow is reported by seismologists at close to 50000 000 cubic yards It has formed lake of molten rock to depth of 355 feet on the floor of the volcanos crater Seismologists pt lhevolcano observatory saidthe rising lava bed insitiéKilalIea Iki Little Kil auen crater does not pose threat to residents andproperty The eruption is confined inside the main craternbout 200 miles southeast of Honolulu Kilauea lki first erupted Nov crimson lava for week On Thursdaythe firev revived for 16 hours The neweruption began Satur Iday afternoon with low spurs The height of the single active fountain steadily grow until it shotabove the 1700foot mark Zilmericans race iihtiCaoslroTrialsc Militarytribunnis wept awaym uly after sendin more than 500 to firing squadsrduring Fret Cirstros first ix months in power swing lid oction to day Two er an and 37 ans goontrial ar del Rio on charges or being members of an armedcband that tried foovcr throw Castro The prosecution is asking the death penalty for one of the Americans Austin Frank Young of Miami and Cubanmember offormcr dictator Fulgencio Ba tistas army Fernando Prune Bertot The government seeks Vitoyear prison sentences for the other delt fendnlits includingPelcr John Lambton ot Nasséu Bahamas Brit hborn American lcl en ice pected move Gena 14 andvzbetehed forthorangeJ MORE REPORT ON PAGE FIVE proposal for code of advertising cihics is one of several stories linked with the royal commission rc port on food price spreads other articles including one on trading stamps an other on commodities ap pear on page live today qulry activities into the buying nd selling practices of large rooo omen OTTAWA CPJ Specific recommendations of the royal commission on in price spreads of food pro ucts Extend combines mvcstiga tions into food buying practices including contracts between buyers and primary producers snd into food selling prnc liens and publish the results permanent and independent council on prices productivity and incomes to review the food industrics and report yearly to the federol cabinet Require private companies to report financial operations to the federal government under the CompaniesAct as is re ouired or public companies thre retailers give trading Vstamps require them to offer the consumer asan alternative maciflcdlcash discount on purchases As protection to consumers draft code of ethics by the advertisers in cooperationwith the food industry to guide ad vertlscrs and reduce mislead ing advertising Continue efforts by govern umcnt in cooperatinn with the trade towards more informa tive labelling standardization HIGHLIGHTS orrawa cry Highlights of thereport of the royal com mlssion ton price spread food products Costs of sales we otion are factor in rising food Retail ch as cost are not low low p=rlce firms and chain supermarkets have tended to compete in services and promotion gimmicks in stead of in price reductions large lirmkefficiencies dont result in lower prieesh there is no good reason to en conraga further increases in size of firms already large The retai food price index rose 20 per cent in the 10 years 194959 The costof marketing to fromfarmer to consumer ro iii per cent in thesameperiod combines inquiry might well lead to the conclusion that thereshuuldyhe aviimit on pro motionalexpenditures by indiv dual ms or that some prol la de cesshoufidfie noted business organizations in the food industries it mentioned break fast food manufacturers and chain stores as examples of the kind of situation that should be scrutinized abnormally high profits in relation to capital ac companied by abnormally high promotional expenditures in re lation to sales Establishment of permu ncnt council on prices producliv ity and incomes to keep tabs on and publicize developments in the food industry especially situations in which increasing efficiency offers prospects of price reductions mm to page live please SUGGESTIONS of container sizes and simplifi cation of grading An office in the justice de partment to which snnsumers could make complaints and which would gather and publish informallonmn consumer pro tection legislation and on serv ices available to aid consum ers firm stand by government in defence of stable domestic prlco lcvcl and public support of policies aimed at this Develop an approach to stat istios designed to detect arcas of industry where eliiciency is increasing most rapidly requir ing closerlook at operation of firms in particular indus tries ederal fish marketing act tape the wanwhere prov inces ree for fish marketing arrangements similar to com pulsory ogricultural marketing boards As means ofincrcasing tho farm producers share of the iconsumer dollar federal incor poration of farm cooperatives More compieie information on operations of small cuter ses ated with high profit levels consideration might be given to higher tax rates on profits ex cceding defined lair nnd reasonable return on invest merit Tire 1968 level of farmprices wasthe same as in 1949 wagesin food industries have been below wages in compar ableindustries except in meat packing Priziits after taxes of the five leading chain stores inthe nine years 1949 57 averaged 171 per cent oilinvesfcd capital Profits ailer taxes of the three biggest breakfast food firms in the same period aver aged 292 per coat of invested capital increasingfarmf productivity forced down returns tofarm ersn yension of the séopebf cdcperatives could reL duc price spreads Cdmmissinn findings pro vide no reasonable grounds for condemning the whole food cuticle Avon polio in marketin ng an asarrested byhondon inconne in with the robber here We mauled hiya shark sent hgdreds tho

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