NEW STULE Something new in stola is Jean in this one which almost selves coat effect It is of lus ftrous blackdyed Southwest SILHOUETTE noon Designed on pyramid line the beautiful fur features acapelookinbackandtlarcd front panels It has wide Alrican Persian lamb per matching belt and is pictured Meet choice for daytime or after with fez of the same fur SFarhily Feeling At Gov OTTAWA CPlA family feel 3ng pervades stately Government House where the bride of one tirnc aldedecamp has returned 13s Canadas first ladythe wife ref the governorgeneral Mme George Vanler the for nor Pauline Archer is the first chatelaina at Government House in more than seven years For mer Governor General Vincent Massey was widower Mme Vanler has said she re turned to Government House this fall with feeling of being at home although on years inter vened since she first came to Ot town as the bride of George Van ler one of the first two Canalt dian horn aides appointedto once traditionally British vice regal household KNOWS ROUTINE Mme Vanier has said herone year stay at Rideau Cottage large family house on Govern ment House groundsgave her an idea of how the viceregal resi dance is organized down to such details as which study the Queens representative uses and which sitting room is set aside him his wife soutbern France it is known that the tall dis tinguished soldier diplomat and his gracious silver haired wile regard their post as part of th duty to their country It is known too that Gen Vanier is quick to emphasize that he and his wife function as team As team and as parents of four grown sons and daughter the sense of family being at home although none of the children is hereis felt through out the large residence For the Vaniers moving from the retirement which came at the endof rich militaryand diplo rmatic career also has meant moving personal possessions here froma Montreal apartment Books from an extensive Ii hrary now fill Government House studies Around the couple are family pictures an extensive col lection of paintings and some of the works of their artist son Bernard ADOPTED SONS And to make up for ther hence of family Mme Vanier has been heard to refer to the staffs young aides as our adopted sons of their children only Michel 1a philosophy student at Laval University in Quebec City and Georges Trappist monk at Oka Que are in Canad Therese is doctor in London Jean is studying philosophy at the Institut Ca lique in Paris andSBernard is in Provence Like her husband Mme Van er is fluently bilingu She is the daughter of Charles Hector rArcherfa former Quebec Super or Court judge Tall and regal in appearance witha dancing light in dark blue eyes Mme Vanieris an accom pushed hostes charming teammate who has been at her gt ushands side in London in both warshatteredand postwar Francemnd in Canada She as described her duties as chatelaine as those of looking ter details which otherwisemay urden her husband As the wife GovernorGeneral Her Ex ellency rates bow from men curtsey from women who ish to show mark of respect when presented to her BENCH CHEF The details she must look afte in from specific arrangements er party to daily con sultation with Jean Zondo the ranch chef brought to Govern ent House by Mr Massey With she shares not only com Housé French cuisine to help in decid ing on menus But she has said Government House pretty well runs itsdf On another occasion her sense of mirth bubbled through with the remark that perhaps roller skates would be helpful in get ting around thelong corridors of the residence The woman who has known the life of an sides wife as well as the life of an ambassadors wife llis Excellency wasCanadas postwar ambassador to France until retirement in 1953 brings to the viceregal post an interest in travel within her own country and keen interest in welfare work When itcomcs to participating in organizations she likes to pile into groups grass roots WDl Pm 93035 3K She orkad with tb Red Cross after the war in liberated France dealing with prisoners of war and deported persons job she still speaks of as one of her greatest opportunities to see many facets of welfare service at work To her new demanding job which promises extensive travel as well as multitude of duties at home including keeping up with large correspondence Canndas first lady brings graciousdiguity and warmth that reaches out ingatherings large orsmall This warmth and sparkling sense of humorhwas illustrated early in the Vaniers term of of ficewhen the couple entertained at large press reception Many newspaper mens wives were re ceived without their husbands who were detained working on an important government reportls sued to the press in locked room For more thanrone wife the trepidation of the reception line was quickly overcome by the GovernorGeneral and his wifes warm greetings and Mme Van ie understanding as sherasked your husband locked up gt cnovvn sin Mrraners Sinclair Mr and Mrs Sincla Brian and Jane Mr and Mrs SinclairKaren and Mrs Anne EllsnlereI spent Christina with Mr and Mrs Dell andfam fly lslinston Mr aners Norman Thompi and Billy Spent Christina with erand Mrs Alex Bishop and family at Maple Allan Rix is home from col lege for the holidays Mr and Mr Norval Caldwell spent Christmas with Mr and Mr Bartholomew and Nor at Minesing and Mrs Harry Muir and Robbie of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Rix on the weekend Mr and Mrs Scruton and familyof Oakviile spent Christ mas at Charles Robsons Robbie Scruton remained for holiday Mrs McCullough of Oct lia is on holiday with Mruand Mrs James Rix Mrand Young and Mrs Newton and family Stroud spent Christmas with the Hicklings Tr hie ofToronto spent Christmas and the week end at RobertAconleys Carol Rlx arrived home Wed nesday lrom Kapuskasing monlanguagcvbut knowledge of spend New Year with her fa family of Collingwood Mr GHLIGHTS OF THE HOLIDAYS Beverley Westnan daughter of Mr and Mrs lack Westman Barrie is holidaying with her parents Miss Westman is on the teach ing stall at Browname High School Broansdak Newfound land and will schtn there by air early in January Mr and arms HeathCod rington Street have returned after spmdinx the holiday with their sdoninraw sng daughter Mr an Mrs Joscp Rimming and family at DeLmlt Michignn Mr and Mrs Heath have as guests their daughterinlaw Mrs Edward tleath and form of Erin Mr and Mrs Bultle and daughter Shirley Avenue are visiting with their parents Mr and Mrs Charles McMartln and Mr and Mrs Joseph Rattle at Windsor over the New Year holl day Misses June Ayerst Gayle Antlerton Gerry Home and Heather McNabb students at Lakeshore Teachers College Tomato are spending the holl day season with their parents Mr and Mrs Harold Ayerst Shanty Bay Road Mr and Mrs Andcrton Owen Street Mr and Mrs Source Wel don Street and Mr and Mrs Howard Midhurst Mr and Mrs Terry Harris Holgate Street will entertain this evening prior to attending the New Years Eve Ball at the ECASC School Sergeants Mess at Camp Borden Guests will ins elude Mr and Mrs Mat thews Mr and Mrs Ross Pea cock Mr and Mrs Frank Toy lor Mr and Mrs Roy Ronald Mr and Mrs llm Sloan and guests Mr and Mrs Hal Robin son Toronto Mr and Mrs Ann old Clements Mr and Mrs lion Reid Staff Sergeant and Mrs Archie Coatss Mr and Mrs Osachuk Mr and Mrs Cliff Barnes Mr and Mrs Andy Ste vcns Bruce Dibble flew home from Montreal to spend the Yuletide season with his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Bentley Marcus Street He left for TorontoMon dayvto take up his new position as assistant credit manager with penoleum firm James Gardner Calgary and Keith Gardner Sudhury spent Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs Ross Gardner Donald Street Keith was accompanied by his wife and sonDavid Joyce and Laurie Zimmerman Gait are holidaying with their sister Mrs Don Street Misses Marian and Frances Fostcrstudent nucsesat Sold lers Memorial Hospital Orlllia are spending weeks holiday with their parents Magistrate and Mrs Gordon Foster Clap perton Street Mr and Mrs Clifford Ferg uson Castle Drive have their daughter Nancy as guest for the New Year holiday Miss Fer guson is attending the Ontario College of Education at Toronto Mr and Mrs 11 Hunter John Street motored to Belle ville to spend New Year with Mrs Hunters mother Mrs Al hart Harris Misses Heather and Elspeth Currie have been holidaying with their parents Mr and Mrs Gladstone Currie Kempenlelt Drive Miss Heather Currie in on staff at Donevan Collegiate 0sh awe and Miss Elspeth Currie is attending University of Western Ontario at London Hugh Currie meteorologist atDorval Quebec arrived today to spend New Year with his parents and sisters Miss Marnie Gigg daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Gigg Queen Street asbeen visiting with her parents Miss Gigg is student at Teachers College North Bay and willreturn there Saturday Frank Taylor Melrose Street has returned from Montreal aft er visiting with his mother Mrs Elizabeth Taylor Holiday guests with Mr and Mrs Nelson Napier Street were their sons daught ersinlaw and families Mr and Mrs Nelson Hillsdale Mr andlllrs Nelson st Thomas FS and Mrs Floyd Nelson Clinton Mr and Mrs Rosser Shanty Bay wereamong the guests at the Park Plaza this week while visiting Toronto NE FARMEE OF YEAR KEMPTVILLE CF East ern Ontarios farmeralvtheyear ls Ed Wallace of Bells Corners near Ottawa The Car diff brothers of Renlrew won the William Ewing pasture competi tion plaque for cultivating the best pasture in the area Near Penetang By Eileen Mrs Willoughby Mul cuter Street cnlertflned her over the holiday Guests inc this and Mn Hilkm and son Edward Toledo Ohio Mr and Mrs Wil ioughhy and son George Shanty Bay and Mr and Mrs Wile loughby and son BiliieBarrie Ridlny St Vincent Street has returcm by air after spending the CluIstmas holiday wllh his parents Mr and Mrs EN Ridley at Vancouver 80 Enroute Mr illdey visited his brother llil ltldley ot Cab Elly Alberta MESS PARTIES Camp Bordcn will be caught in its usual whirl of social ac tivities this evening Each offi ccrs Mess will have an annual New Years Evc ball and most Sergeants Messrs will also on tertain members andguests at an annual partv BX DEPOT 13X Depot gt Angus willhold its annual New Years Eve dance at the combined lounge Guests from Barrie will include Mr and Mrs Hamid Forster Mr and Mrs Bruce French Mr and Mrs Don Magoo Mr and Mrs Karl JenneltMr and Mrs He hib Mr and Mrs Moran Mr and Mrs McFadden Mr Mr and M15 Douglas Stephens Mr and Mrs Harold Dumb and ions have returned from holiday with relatives in London Ont and Birmingham Michi gun Dr and Mrs Scott Cod rington Streethave returned from Picton where they spent the Christina season with their families Mr and Mranaclr Scott and family and Mr and Mrs David Young and family rat was Hall Collier Street is holding its annual New Years Eve dance New Years holiday guests HAS ONLY SNOW son snow CAKES TORONTO OP Theres something special about Can ada that Mrs Mary Henley likes lts the snowthe only now for snow cakes the housewifa trom Manchester England said Wednesday Its lighter and doesnt have as much water as the heavy English stuff she declared fAnd itmust fallen She started making snow cakes him when she found yellowed Canadian cook book pulling for snowinsteadof an egg in one of its recipes Eggs were as rare as pearls in Eri tain then tried it and made mi serable failure said Mrs Healey The English snow was just no good But with Canadian snow she reported success Wednesday gHere is the recipe cup sugar 3i cup butter 16 cup sweet milk teaspoons baking powder cups flour snowball little larger than an egg Stir quickly and put in Very hot oven before the snow melts Mrs Henley warns anyone who tries to make the cake that it is pretty tricky be cause the batter must be made llttlethicker than ordinary so $1an wont make it too befreshly susrrmrrr rLAN erstIthe Pakistani government Wednesday announced five year austerity plan to help re heve the crushing poverty of most ofits 30000000 people In radio broadcast Pakistans sol diebpresident field marshal Ayub Khan also stressed the need for birth control measure to ward national rosperity PloPLlDO nun mm YOli Asst 22 Dunlop St reviews for lovelier logs Fromyour Evangeline Shop Phone rs smo mwsnpmm Pakistan neut elm with Dr and Scott Codringtou sum will be their soolnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs an Port Credit 10 WELCOME NEW YBAB Annual New Years Eve perv ties will be held the Officers and SergeanLr lcsses oi Barrie Armoury with members social members and guests attending One hundred couples are ex pected at the Harrie branch of arrdlnn Legion hall Coll ier Street wneru semiformal is being halo Dr and Mrs Ross mourn Mrs Isabel Chiltick and Mrs iumuull willhc among those entertaining prior to the New Years Eve hall at the offi cers Mess of the Armoury this evening They will entertain at the home of Mrs EG Throbull Dunlop Street Em CURLING CLUB The Barrie Curling Club wil hold its annual New Years Eve party this evening One hundred and fifty members and outof town guests will attend Tips TO By IDA BAILEY ALLEN What question would you any is asked most often in the ques personal appearances Chef asked make perfect cupof collect is the Chef Ladies often add that their husbands like the coffee they get in good restaurants much better than coffee made at home and you they are tired of being criti cized the Chef continued Obviously to make everybody happy Madame every effort should be made tuhelp the ladies melts perfect coffee at home The problem is so sidespread Chef that it is receiving export attention The Coffee Brewing lnlt stituta in New York City non prolit research and educational organization has planned Hyde lightful CoffeeTime program for clubs and organizations that com plelcly covers the subject GIVEN TO ALASKA Recently the program was given in Seward coastal seaboard town of 1114 people for representatives of all local womens organiza tions Although first in the Stateof Alaska the CoffeeTime program has been given by 737 organizationsin states and understand it is being enthusias tically booked for this season Tips on making Perfect Collect Coffee pot must always be clean Thoroughly wash in clean but water with detergent follow by thorough rinse with clear hot water For coffeemaking always use freshdrawn cold water brought to rapid boil Measure ground coffeel level standard measure of allpurpose grind coffee to each measuring cup 021 boiling water Never boil coffee that fra grance you like to smell is lost flavor Measurements are level Holiday Coffee Buns From mixing to serving about hrs Prepare pkg yeast roll mix following pkg directions Cover with waxed paper at room temperature Set to rise un til doubled in size Meantime in warm skillet blend Vs soft butter or mar garine with packed not lumpy brown sugar Add tap amon or ground cardamon seed and chopped pecan or blanched Brazil out meats mm onto lightly floured eun face knead with 30 pressures Roll into oblong shape 12 by It inches Spread over of butter sugar mlxtur leaving 1of edge of dough clear or has someone you know just moved to new home Your Welcoma Wagon Hostess winoall with zifta and friendl was Mm mum on edges together Cut crosswise in would say that llowcan the mostasked question repilled rm ammeumn mussbnï¬bsc ii an Wins Meghan Meet For December Mrs Gordon Told the retiring grealdent was hasten to Churc ill WomenslTlssioonry Society for the Christmas meeting Dec l0 The meeting opened wiLh sing ing Little Town of Bethle hem followcdvby prayer for Christmas ideals The roll response was Bible verse using Abide Mrs Rus sel Stewart gave the prayer for our special missionary Miss Florence Taylor Mrs Kali on behalf of the nominating committee present ed her report Almost new slate of officers for 1960 past presi dent Mrs Todd president Miss Clair Tillmann first vice president Mrs Campbell second vicepresident Mr Lucas recording and press seclt retary Mrs Stewart treasur cr Mrs Todd correspondcn on secretary Mrs Jean Constab is Christian Stewardship Mrs Paterson literature Mrs Watson baby band Mrs Mc Make Perfect Coffee Dot with raisins small diced dried fig and mixed can died peel Roll up as for jelly roll Press slices with sharp thin knife Spread remaining sugar mix ture over bottom of skillet Place l2 rolls cutside down on this Put remaining roils in oiled muffin pans Cover with waxed Quarric Mission Band Mrs Spence Mrs Rleve Mrs Lucas Mrs Richards Mls lion Magazine secretary Mn Sturgeon community friend ship Christian citizenshlp and temperance Mrs Richard son Mrs Baldwin Candidate secretary Mrs Todd hale committee Mrs Sturgeon Mrs Culffll Mrs Perrier flower committee Mrs Saun tcr Mrs Todd Mission Band lunch Mrs Graham Mrs Stewart WMSlunch Mrs Modular Mrs Al lan organist Mrs Sinclair Mrs Allan auditors Mrs Tillman nominating committee Mrs Sinclair Mrs Richardson Mrs Kelly Mrs Toddconveyed Christmas message on behalf of the executive to all the ladies Mrs Gordon McDonald took the chair for the program Mrs Ed Hillock and Mrs McCIus kle read portions of scripture flom St Luke Isaiah and St Matthew Singing and our favor ite Christmas carols wage than enjoyed Miss Jean Spence sang lov ely solo Holy Night accom panied by Mrs Sinclair at the piano Rev Mr Lacey gave us fine address on WMS and WA amalgamation Thank you was expressed to our hostess and Rev Lacey closed the meet ing with prayer CHURCHILL WA Mrs Todd was also the hmtess to the Womens Associa tion lor the December meeting Mrs Wntson presiding chose for her theme Perfect Harmony and above all these Mrs McDonaldz clans Mrs McCiuskleglvlng the lesson thoughts and prayer During the business portion of the meeting Mrs Allan gave her report on the Shadow Box to be made to order Dec Ewes the date set for all Sunday school supper the WA pledging its suport if need ed The envelope system of giv inglstoneuscciorloso All officers of the WA were re turned for unothcryear The two societies enjoyed social hour over the ten cups SALLYS SAlllES class son an ceaseless mmmsm Item paper let rueuntil doubled lie Bake in min in mod oven 375 degrees or until silghtiyl brow19¢ put on love which binds every thing together to perfect har mooy Silent Night was sung and the scripture lesson read from Colos LENAS LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR Dunlap St PA earn Announcing Our Annual JANUARY FUR SALE We on overstocked due totha ProChristmas warm weather We must clear our stock of tremendous savings to you BARGAINS GALORE More luauy fashion and beauty more fur for your dollars are yourswnen youmake your investment in for during our amazing January sole Come see prime quality loss masterfully tailored an priced for remarkable savings lurercsn his selection as your min styles EXTRA lloa can pay cash budget or use FEAruaiss You can trade in your coat on lay our Layaway plan with little de posit and the balance pay as you wish until next fallrwilhout service away purchase and wear you old one until SpringI and then turn it in on the allowance made during or storage charges the sale now um mum ALLowmcss WIGGINS FURS Banfles local Exclusive Furrler Who Makes an SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BARBIE Id DUNLOP STWESI PAIN ITORONTO